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Warframe Chat Moderation: Assessment and Renovation


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5 часов назад, (PS4)guzmantt1977 сказал:

And that's probably why it's not around anymore. Look, let's face it, there have been countless people who come on after being banned to argue about why they should be able to use slurs and not be punished. Those will never lead to anything useful. Some people come on complaining about things that weren't offensive but got picked up by the bot for a ban. Those may lead to a refined list, but if the bot is as simple as I think, that's not an easy thing to fix. 

This thread is a request for a different system, based on the ones we already have. One that is made in recognition that new people are being trolled, and that makes up the vast majority of bot interventions. One that recognises that not everyone uses the same obscure slurs and we can't realistically expect everyone to know what is on the list. One that recognises that repeat offenders and trolls deserve harsher penalties. One that recognises that sometimes people type in the wrong channel. One that recognises that you don't actually need to be out of the chat if you just can't send any messages, so there are multiple ways to skin a cat. One that ensures that we are told what we did wrong, so we can avoid doing that again in the future. 


If you can help us think about all of what's in the first post of the thread, find the flaws and strengths, then maybe we can get to something they can adopt for the benefit of all of us. 

Well, hard to argue with that. A more... what do they call it?... Transparent AND more sophisticated chat moderation would be way better than the current "just nuke it all to hell".
I do remember that i noticed this (main) thread and gave an upvote to the OP and went on my merry way to find more engaging topics. Yet i got sucked back in anyway...

I will still also argue that current chat moderation is also ridiculous and is triggered by things that are not even worth to be triggered by, but one step at a time i guess...

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41 minutes ago, Artek94 said:

Well, hard to argue with that. A more... what do they call it?... Transparent AND more sophisticated chat moderation would be way better than the current "just nuke it all to hell".
I do remember that i noticed this (main) thread and gave an upvote to the OP and went on my merry way to find more engaging topics. Yet i got sucked back in anyway...

I will still also argue that current chat moderation is also ridiculous and is triggered by things that are not even worth to be triggered by, but one step at a time i guess...

Yeah it's been around for a while, and minus a few posts it's gotten the green light to remain so long as it stays productive. I think that's why so much stuff is getting lumped in here. The players are generally keeping this one clean which means less work for them. 

And don't get us wrong. We all agree that the list has issues. It's just that this particular struggle has a different goal. 

I figure that if this gets adopted, then the  potential benefits should allow them to focus their efforts on the remaining issues. The time savings on just dealing with the people who come here to start all the threads that go "I got banned and didn't do nothing, just tried to write a bunch of words someone told me were slurs and not to write", should be enormous. 

Let's cross that bridge when we get there. 

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The new forum section arrangements forced me to do a little hunting to find this thread again.

This post is partly to help boost the thread's discoverability (for anyone who might be having difficulty locating it again), and to say that I've been thinking about exactly what it means to say that "this is DE's space and they can make/enforce the rules as they see fit."

As time goes on, I'm less and less sure that I want to cede even that much space without at least registering my thoughts. Here's how I'm thinking about it right now:

(warning: this is gonna get long again)

"What is" is not necessarily "what should be."

The world today is not the world we thought we knew 10 years ago. Large platforms are now using their influence and their money to deny visibility and profitability to those who espouse ideas the platform holders don't like.

Freedom to speak goes essentially hand in hand with the freedom to think. As moneyed interests ratchet up their denials of service to individuals and businesses based on ever more vague and capricious judgments (like the private speech of customers), the market for freedom to speak is shrinking. That means the market for freedom of thought is shrinking.


This is where I want to narrow the focus to DE and Warframe.

We know of at least one instance where a Guide of the Lotus was removed from that position merely because a trusted Warframe Partner leveled an accusation at them, based on behavior occurring outside DE's platforms. There was no initial attempt to verify or assess any of the information presented alongside this accusation; the Guide was simply removed without being given any opportunity to learn what was happening and why. For a period of days, this guy was given no ability to inquire or mount a defense for himself.

Because of that, he decided to make a video explaining his side of the situation and showing the public some of the inner workings of DE's volunteer programs. Meanwhile, some investigation appears to have been happening inside DE. He was eventually invited to return to the Guides program, but the offer was retracted after DE became aware of his video. The chronology of events and decisions of DE staffers in this particular case send a message that DE does not respond well to criticism, an particularly dislikes having its internal workings exposed to any degree. Let's be clear that I'm only speaking of appearances, and not claiming to state "reality."

We know of multiple instances where community members who have occupied both "Senior Guide" and "Chat Moderator" positions have passed on inaccurate information - regarding actions that could possibly have resulted in players having accounts banned (the Shards-for-endo incident) - have acted in explicit antagonism of players (the infamous "limp-d*** f***s" tweet), and otherwise exhibited various behaviors that many players found alarming.

Some of the behaviors in question occurred on platforms controlled by DE, and some on platforms not controlled by DE. We have far more evidence of malfeasance by these latter parties, and yet they remain (to my knowledge) in their positions. I think players are entirely justified in being frustrated at what appears to be a nasty set of multiple standards operating inside DE and on its platforms.

We have to be careful what borders we draw and where we draw them in cases like this, because Warframe has considerable cultural reach.

The attitudes, values and methods espoused by DE have begun to spread beyond these forums and in-game chat. They are now enshrined on the subreddit, and in the rules of various in-game Clans/Alliances. That means we need to take a hard look at how the system plays out in practice. In practice, I think it alienates and squashes too many people.

Politeness, civility and tolerance are all well and good until they start to bump against other things. I'm all for wanting to promote a compassionate and friendly community, but we need to be very careful how we carry out that wish. We should especially keep a close eye on the people who make the rules, and avoid being too quick to think they are ever "on our side." Reality is messy, and these people are balancing an enormous load of pressures that all clamor for top priority. Let's not forget that sometimes, the players' enjoyment will tumble down their priority list.


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A idea I had, what if whenever you typed a message before it was actually sent to chat it would be scanned/checked by a filter or system to check what you said, if in that message you said anything that would of triggered the kickbot it just completely blocks the message from being sent and tells you your msg was blocked from being sent for containing the word (whatever word it was) which would serve as a warning to what words/terms are and are not allowed and would also stop people from being baited or accidentally saying a term they did not know was punishable and IF someone gets around the filter and makes it into regular chat then its obvious they are purposefully doing it since they would of been warned if they had tried to type the word or phrase normally and a chat ban could be issued like normal.

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30 minutes ago, joewiibox said:

A idea I had, what if whenever you typed a message before it was actually sent to chat it would be scanned/checked by a filter or system to check what you said, if in that message you said anything that would of triggered the kickbot it just completely blocks the message from being sent and tells you your msg was blocked from being sent for containing the word (whatever word it was) which would serve as a warning to what words/terms are and are not allowed and would also stop people from being baited or accidentally saying a term they did not know was punishable and IF someone gets around the filter and makes it into regular chat then its obvious they are purposefully doing it since they would of been warned if they had tried to type the word or phrase normally and a chat ban could be issued like normal.

If you take a look at the first page thats almost exactly what i suggested in the OP.

It not only deletes your message but you get a pm from the bot stating that you got warned for using a prohibited word and why you should not do it.

For example:

Kickbot: Hello @joewiibox , you have been warned for slurs. You have typed in " you are all just a bunch of hanzos. ", these types of words were deemed disrespectul to the warframe community. This is your last warning before banning.

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Good day, 

To loosely quote Steven Fry in recent Munk debate: " I believe that one of the greatest human failings is to prefer to be right than to be effective." In this spirit I am wondering are the chatbot suspensions effective? Is the chat better now? Do you feel better/safer/accepted? 

Disclaimer: I am asking this in spirit of genuine inquiry, truly I do not know and am making an effort to see the sides of this.

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i got muted for week i guess, for using one word in region chat

and now i can't read chat and write here. sometimes i walk around and want to tell i'm mute, i can't say anything, but i have nothing to do this. 

i want an emotion "i'm mute!" which shows you're mute and you get this one only if you are muted


haha or just put "muted" prefix to the nickname it's gonna be easier

Edited by vadiks2003
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7 минут назад, Naftal сказал:

Maybe put muted people in solo instances of relays etc.

no with this thing i'd leave warframe, but while i can play with other people i still love playing warframe

P.S. sorry i didn't understand "instaces of relays" when i did read that first time

actually this wouldn't be so bad 

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12 hours ago, Pinegulf said:

Good day, 

To loosely quote Steven Fry in recent Munk debate: " I believe that one of the greatest human failings is to prefer to be right than to be effective." In this spirit I am wondering are the chatbot suspensions effective? Is the chat better now? Do you feel better/safer/accepted? 

Disclaimer: I am asking this in spirit of genuine inquiry, truly I do not know and am making an effort to see the sides of this.

Hello and welcome to the unified chat moderation thread.

Few rules before starting:

  1. Our goal it to make the chat moderation better for all parties involved by stating reasons, giving out information and making sure that punishments fit the crimes
  2. Please no discussion on what should be or should not be on the banlist
  3. Keep the discussion civil and goal oriented

Also heres a quote of the OP on the suggested moderation changes:

On 2018-07-20 at 9:30 PM, Fallen_Echo said:

Im pretty sure most people already know the problems of the region chats moderation but if not im happy to list them.

When kicks happen whenever the user feels they are justified or not theres no information given, the chat just goes silent and the user may only notice it because the lively chats suddenly became abadoned.

The same course happens for bans the offenders may or may not get a message (thought this might be fixed now), the offfenders after the initial message doesnt get any information what they done wrong, how long they are banned which causes further confusion.

This becomes infuriating if the offender fell for a trolls trick or accidentally typed in a word what is somewhere in a faraway place is considered as an insult, a slur.

My goal here is to improve the system in a way what creates an enviroment where someone can make a mistake and learn from it while also punishes repeat offenders harshly.

Here it goes:



1.) Instead of banning for minor mistakes like typing into the wrong chat the bot from now on posts your message in the proper chat and sends out a warning that these kind of messages should be posted in X chat window.

 You can make 3 errors per day and the bot warns you to use the proper chat before it bans you. The duration of the ban is 1 day.


2.) Instead of banning the bot now simply deletes your messages if it deemes it as spamYou will get a warning and can make 2 mistakes per day of joining in a spam line before you get banned. The duration of the ban is 1 day.


3.) When someone tries to use an insult or slur whats currently prohibited the bot simply deletes the message and warns the user that this kind of thing is not welcome here.

  • You get 1 warning and the next one is the ban.

  • One warning is universal in this case and its active for 240 hours, if the user uses another word whats prohibited the minimum ban is 2 days.

  • Each new warning from the initial increases the ban lenght by 2 days while also resets the hour counter on them.

  • If an user accumulates 10 warnings the bot sends a report to an avaible moderator who can decide if the user is worthy of having chat access, if the mod decides that the user is unworthy of it hes banned from the chat system completely for atleast half year.

  • For the whole duration of banning and warning cooldown the users who crossed the line are marked so everyone can decide whenever they want to talk with them.


4.) The bans only affect the main chats and never the squadchat and the clan chat. Those are private areas. The pm system usage is limited to friends only.

Clan chat gets its own chat filter system what can be edited by the leader and the highest ranking officers of the clan, they also can set the duration of the punishment they give out there.


5.) Thought the users while still can use the squad, clan and pm chats their names are marked with a small message next to their username [banned for X] for the duration of the ban.

Users can also see whats going on the other chats but cannot write in them.

Users while can only message their friends in the pm system they are kept open for those who want to communicate privately. The only limit in how to talk to someone who is not a friend in a ban period is that the other side must start the conversation.


6.) The warnings given by the bot or a moderator in all case have the following information:

  • What you typed in, soo you can see your error.

  • What warning is this. If you get warned for spamming the message will clearly says "You have been warned for spamming"

  • Incase of insults and slurs a message claiming why is this prohibited and what else similar is prohibited thought no clear examples are given

  • What will happen if you continue the prohibited behaviour, kick, 1 day ban, etc..



7.) The bans given by the bot or moderators in all cases have the following information and message:

  • A simply start what makes the message appear more personal."Hello anotherbannedone ......."

  • A copy of the text what has banned you " you have been banned for typing [you sausage people make me sick] "

  • A reason why that text is banned " ,this and the similar insults were deemed unrespectful and hurtful for the community "

  • Information on how long is the ban is " for this you have been banned and marked for 48 hours "

  • And finally a system message what tells you how much warnings or marks you accumulated for this "This is your 2nd warning in this period"


8.) The bot should have no downtime to avoid the mess what can be seen at early and late hours.

9.) The bot no longer has the ability to kick from the chat it only reacts in the above described ways and bans accordingly.


10.) A new report function is added named chat report. This report send a copy of the message X user posted to the bot who attaches any info on the users current warnings to it and forwards it to any active moderator to check if it tried to avoid a bot ban.

This function is avaible on all chats with the adddition that you can select "mute and report" in squad chat if you think someone crossed the lines too much.


11.) Additionally the chat suspension should be alwaly negotiable like when your message gets removed here.

When you get the warning and you dont agree with it you can forward it to another random moderator for overruling.

If that fails you stay in the ban/keep your warning or in some cases you get a longer ban depending on behaviour, IF its successfull you lose the warning or get out of the ban while you also get tagged as [justified] for mods what makes sure that the original banner/warning giver cant reban you as vengeance or pettyness.

Obviously a change like this needs big upgrades on the whole system such as additional capacity upgrade for keeping warnings and more server power to avoid downtimes, but i believe an update like this can go in great ways to reduce toxicity, trolling and overall unwanted behaviours.

@vadiks2003 The above text has a suggestion similar to what you say.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

Because this is by no means a priority for DE (nor should it be).

The mutes should be strict but the handling must be improved, the current situation in real life would be like putting you in jail for a crime what no one tells you what is and after a week of messaging the jurisdiction and law enforcments you get told that they have no power over the common police and just hope they let you go free at the end of the year.

Seriously it shouldnt be hard to apply these general rules, especially since moderators are officially requied to include this data already:


11 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

3.) When someone tries to use an insult or slur whats currently prohibited the bot simply deletes the message and warns the user that this kind of thing is not welcome here.

  • You get 1 warning and the next one is the ban.

  • One warning is universal in this case and its active for 240 hours, if the user uses another word whats prohibited the minimum ban is 2 days.

  • Each new warning from the initial increases the ban lenght by 2 days while also resets the hour counter on them.

  • If an user accumulates 10 warnings the bot sends a report to an avaible moderator who can decide if the user is worthy of having chat access, if the mod decides that the user is unworthy of it hes banned from the chat system completely for atleast half year.

  • For the whole duration of banning and warning cooldown the users who crossed the line are marked so everyone can decide whenever they want to talk with them.

11 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

6.) The warnings given by the bot or a moderator in all case have the following information:

  • What you typed in, soo you can see your error.

  • What warning is this. If you get warned for spamming the message will clearly says "You have been warned for spamming"

  • Incase of insults and slurs a message claiming why is this prohibited and what else similar is prohibited thought no clear examples are given

  • What will happen if you continue the prohibited behaviour, kick, 1 day ban, etc..



7.) The bans given by the bot or moderators in all cases have the following information and message:

  • A simply start what makes the message appear more personal."Hello anotherbannedone ......."

  • A copy of the text what has banned you " you have been banned for typing [you sausage people make me sick] "

  • A reason why that text is banned " ,this and the similar insults were deemed unrespectful and hurtful for the community "

  • Information on how long is the ban is " for this you have been banned and marked for 48 hours "

  • And finally a system message what tells you how much warnings or marks you accumulated for this "This is your 2nd warning in this period"


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11 hours ago, vadiks2003 said:

well why is this already almost 3 months old and mutes are still those strict

This thread managed to stay alive because we kept up a civil discussion on how to improve the moderation, but that sadly does not mean that DE is obligated to change anything.

We can only hope that someone in higher position reads the forums and decides to click on this thread.

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I hope everyone here understands that moderating according to obscure values is a slippery slope.


First they get the people you think would warrant it.

Then, they get the people that are just acting out of line.

Eventually, they will come for you too, and there would be no one left to speak out.


The reason people ask for clarification is so we have a clear standard that we know this will STOP at and not go further. When you're supposedly free to say what you think or feel, but are terrified of the consequences of expressing it, just how many ideas, thoughts and solutions are being suppressed by communication outside accepted norms being barred? When 40 people in a room cannot have a discussion because one of them may be a landmine, then no discussion can happen. Only frivolities.

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7 hours ago, DAttila said:

The reason people ask for clarification is so we have a clear standard that we know this will STOP at and not go further. When you're supposedly free to say what you think or feel, but are terrified of the consequences of expressing it, just how many ideas, thoughts and solutions are being suppressed by communication outside accepted norms being barred? When 40 people in a room cannot have a discussion because one of them may be a landmine, then no discussion can happen. Only frivolities.

One of the very reason as @(PS4)guzmantt1977 said in the above comment is to upgrade the system in a way we can learn from our mistakes.

Sitting in a room with an auto-turret what shoots when you say something prohibited is bad but with my suggestions the turret first will tell you to not say X again, the next time you will take minor damage and unless you are stupid enough to continue on with the prohibited words you can survive it.

I want to see a day when accidentally missing a letter from a word doesnt result in a ban but with a warning to be careful. A game where the actually problematic people get banned from the chat and not some newbie who got tricked or is in need of a dictionary.

I want to see a game where people dont tell you to turn off region chat but encourage you to join in the community.

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Warframe Moderation: Assessment and Renovation

As the thread title says, this is meant to be a place to assess and renovate moderation in Warframe. Here is my assessment, take it for what it is worth:

I have already stated in this thread that I do not think chat moderation needs to be changed at all.The core issue is, and has always been, purpose. What is the purpose of Region (and by extension, Relay) chat? Trade chat has a clear purpose, it is a place where players go to trade items. Recruitment chat also has a clear purpose, it is a place where players go to recruit others to run missions. Clan and Alliance chat are places where you can chat with your clan/alliance mates about anything under the sun, and is moderated by the appropriate individuals within the clan and/or alliance. Region and Relay chat have no clear purpose. By simply giving them one, you erase the need to moderate as intensely as is currently being implemented. If their purpose is for players to ask questions about the game, then it should be stated clearly as such. This will remove any and all comments deemed "inappropriate", which, some argue, is arbitrarily assigned. 

The simplest solution is to (as I've repeatedly said) re-purpose Region and Relay chat to be solely for the purpose of players talking about the game. Nothing else is permitted. There doesn't need to be a chat where people are given the ability to act like complete bell-ends. Why exercise all this time and effort to assess and renovate a system that can be, essentially, removed by simply defining a clear purpose to a chat channel?

Some may say, "But Cephy, I play Warframe to have fun and unwind and blow off steam, etc. etc." Great. Do so. Play the game. Run missions. Recruit other players. Trade with them. Chat with your clanmates. But, if your idea of "having fun", "unwinding" and "blowing off steam" while playing Warframe is to sit in chat and post asinine memes or "jokes", or discuss politics (gender or otherwise), or talk about religion, or insult other random players, or try to get other players suspended, then you're not playing Warframe. There are other places where you can have this sort of fun. It should not be in the game.

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24 minutes ago, (PS4)the-creeperman said:

If we could just treat the troll as a troll (meaning ignore it), then maybe this topic won't get shut down as many others have. There have been alot of great ideas here and it's wonderful that DE has kept it open because, apparently, they are open to these suggestions.


Please don't let this get hijacked...

I think you are right, its pointless to argue with him.

2 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

Warframe Moderation: Assessment and Renovation

As the thread title says, this is meant to be a place to assess and renovate moderation in Warframe. Here is my assessment, take it for what it is worth:

I have already stated in this thread that I do not think chat moderation needs to be changed at all.The core issue is, and has always been, purpose. What is the purpose of Region (and by extension, Relay) chat? Trade chat has a clear purpose, it is a place where players go to trade items. Recruitment chat also has a clear purpose, it is a place where players go to recruit others to run missions. Clan and Alliance chat are places where you can chat with your clan/alliance mates about anything under the sun, and is moderated by the appropriate individuals within the clan and/or alliance. Region and Relay chat have no clear purpose. By simply giving them one, you erase the need to moderate as intensely as is currently being implemented. If their purpose is for players to ask questions about the game, then it should be stated clearly as such. This will remove any and all comments deemed "inappropriate", which, some argue, is arbitrarily assigned. 

The simplest solution is to (as I've repeatedly said) re-purpose Region and Relay chat to be solely for the purpose of players talking about the game. Nothing else is permitted. There doesn't need to be a chat where people are given the ability to act like complete bell-ends. Why exercise all this time and effort to assess and renovate a system that can be, essentially, removed by simply defining a clear purpose to a chat channel?

Some may say, "But Cephy, I play Warframe to have fun and unwind and blow off steam, etc. etc." Great. Do so. Play the game. Run missions. Recruit other players. Trade with them. Chat with your clanmates. But, if your idea of "having fun", "unwinding" and "blowing off steam" while playing Warframe is to sit in chat and post asinine memes or "jokes", or discuss politics (gender or otherwise), or talk about religion, or insult other random players, or try to get other players suspended, then you're not playing Warframe. There are other places where you can have this sort of fun. It should not be in the game.

There are two problems with what you say. First, mostly the chat is filled with warframe related things. Even the asine jokes and memes are warframe based so assuming your rule is generally as useful as a lato with a negative damage riven.

Second, further decreasing on what you can talk about in the region chat and in the relay chat wont gonna fix the amount of problems its moderation has. The only difference would be that people come here making posts "I got banned for asking what video card is the best" on top of the current ones.

Literally this suggestion is only makes things worse. You might aswell say that just delete region chat altogether.


Also to further my point, even if we vote in your rule and reform the chats to work as you suggest that would still not fix the problems of moderation. This thread would still stay relevant even in an ingame related only chat because what i suggested here is an overall improvement to the system. Simply changing the base rule without changing how the moderation works doesnt do anything.

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7 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

There are two problems with what you say. First, mostly the chat is filled with warframe related things. Even the asine jokes and memes are warframe based so assuming your rule is generally as useful as a lato with a negative damage riven.

Second, further decreasing on what you can talk about in the region chat and in the relay chat wont gonna fix the amount of problems its moderation has. The only difference would be that people come here making posts "I got banned for asking what video card is the best" on top of the current ones.

Literally this suggestion is only makes things worse. You might aswell say that just delete region chat altogether.


Also to further my point, even if we vote in your rule and reform the chats to work as you suggest that would still not fix the problems of moderation. This thread would still stay relevant even in an ingame related only chat because what i suggested here is an overall improvement to the system. Simply changing the base rule without changing how the moderation works doesnt do anything.

I do not, for one second, believe you read a single word of what I posted (with, perhaps the exception of "memes" and "jokes"). Restricting what players can and cannot say in a specific chat tab does not make things worse. It provides focus. Are Trade chat and Recruitment chat "worse" because they have a clear purpose? Re-purposing Region and Relay chats to be strictly player-helping-player chat solves everything. You take away an immature player's ability to be immature, and threads about getting banned for being immature vanish.

The fact that you can't see that truly boggles the mind.

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I can't think of any automated way to do what you propose. I also don't think that it will actually work. 

The bot looks like a very basic system similar to what I used on the undernet back in the 90s. All mine did was read each line and search for phrases I put in a file. If the phrase was present then it kicked or banned the user from the channel for a specific time. It had no context sensitivity other than me sitting down and thinking about the different ways of saying the same thing. 

So your suggestion would require 24/7 monitoring by at least one human if it's meant to happen in real time. Worse they'll be required to continuously scan the chat and make snap decisions on whether the comment is close enough to the intended purpose. That's not really a good system. 


Don't get me wrong, I don't want/need to see the silly memes, and personally wonder what is wrong with the people who join the game just to sit in chat smearing lowbrow crap over hours of chat. But I'm thinking that if you take away the active trolls, the chat would begin to improve by leaps and bounds. 


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