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Chroma needs a rework


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Hello everyone, I have ideas for Chroma !

Chroma rework:


- Gets 25 armor for each status effect applied to enemies.
- + 15% chance to apply a status effect

1st ability: Elemental breath

- Press once to release an elemental breath

- Continue to change the elements (fire, ice, poison, electricity)

2nd ability: Mana area

- Chroma surrounds himself with an elemental aura that deals damage to nearby enemies and increases the chance for weapons to apply the status effect of that item.

- The simultaneous use of "Elemental Scream" increases its range.

3rd ability: Vex Armor

Taking damage on the shield increases armor, health, weapon power, and abilities.

4th ability: Dragon shape

- spreads its wings, steals and unleashes its elemental fury on the battlefield.

- Aim and shoot to release an elemental ball that exposes and creates a damage zone.

- Use "weapon change" to make a scream that stuns enemies.

- Use "melee weapon" to create a shock wave that repels enemies

- Use "reload the weapon" to leave the effigy, the chrominance becomes faster but loses some of the armor.

Edited by (PS4)xx-Suzanoo-xx
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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Linkgamer75 said:

Meh, I quite like the Chroma now. Sure, maybe rework Effigy, but I dunno. 

Spectral scream too ... his 2nd isn't the worst thing ... people only really hate the fact that you have to stick to Chroma like glue and the auras effect doesn't have a  lingering duration when out of range.

Edited by Errodin
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Huh, never knew about that. I don't see many Chromas on my team, especially since I have a metric truckload of homework to do on the weekdays so I can't really get on much. Even when I do see one, they only use Effigy. But still, I can see why they should rework Elemental Ward and I can kinda see why Spectral Scream needs to be reworked, too.

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1.  Make him able to switch between elements.  Holding the button will make him use 1 of 4 abilities.  Fire breath that has high status, ice shield which grants him armor and slows nearby enemies within range, electric shock that stuns enemies around Chroma and he spits a poison puddle in a cone shape on the floor that damages enemies and leaves a toxic cloud in the vicinity.  

2. Elemental ward is effected by his new first ability typing.  Fire increases health and provides health regen, ice increases armor, eletric raises shield capacity and recharge rate while poison creates a toxic aurs that damages enemies near Chroma.    Allies in range of Chroma get a 50% buff of what ever element he has going atm.  

3.  Vex armor gets added effects to what it has currently. It adds to the damage and range of his first abilities (In the case of his ice shield it will freeze instead of slow enemies). It increases the buff elemental ward gives for allies from 50%-75%

4.  Effigy now will react to what Chroma is doing. If he uses his first to switch elements effigy will imediately switch.  When he uses his first ability Effigy will let out an elemental AoE blast that inflicts which ever element is active.  If Elemental ward is active Effigy will do so as well but at a greater range while providing a 90% buff for allies. Chroma adds whichever element is active during elemental ward to his weapons instead of making an aura (Chroma would get the buff from Effigy).  Vex armor makes Effigy attack more aggressively and also summons Effigy to Chroma’s positon.  Effigy will attack on its own with whatever element is active being  quicker when vex armor is going.  While Effigy is up other abilities have reduced cost

Passive- immune to status effect of his active element and builds resistance when hit with the element.

How’s my idea?

Edited by (PS4)marcellusg90
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How to make Chroma fun:

Go to E-prime.* Laugh as bullets bounce off of your macho armor (no need for Vex, just laugh Dragon, laugh). Use Spectral Scream to burninate the villagers. Hit Elemental ward to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.

It's fun. Try it.

*Results may vary at locations other than E-prime. Laughter not guaranteed for enemy levels above 3.

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Just did a 90 minute Mot. Usability seemed fine except slash procs which start ticking for ridiculous damage at that point. Maybe add in a proc immunity to elemental ward.

Fire: bleed proc immunity

Toxin: toxic proc immunity

Electric: stun proc immunity

Ice: knockdown immunity

Make everlasting ward baseline to compensate for the low range and add this in as an augment or something.

Then make Vex deteriorate in nulli bubbles instead of instantly disappearing, based on ability duration. Recasting Vex stops deterioration.

Now I'm just being greedy but could make his 1 add elemental damage to all attacks for x seconds, based on chosen element.

Make his 4 reduce mapwide enemy damage, call it dragons presence or something.

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Chroma rework suggestion :

Swap the place of the first and fourth ability, second and third abilities from Chroma are unchanged. Effigy is remplaced by a new ability and Spectral Scream is reworked.

New first ability : Earthquake.

Chroma stomp violently the ground creating a crack in the selected area, dealing a mix of Physical and Elemental damage while staggering enemies affected by the ability at the same time.

New augment mod : Wrath of the Elements : Status effects from enemies affected by the ability are spread to nearby enemies.

Fourth ability ( reworked ) : Spectral Scream.

Would work like Excalibur/Ivara/Mesa/Titania/Valkyr/Wukong fourth ability so you can select Chroma's mouth as a moddable exalted beam weapon, using Rifle mods.

Suggested stats : approximately 15 to 20% Critical Chance, 2.0x to 2.5x Critical Multiplier and 25 to 40% Status Chance. I don't know for the base damage but make it high enough so it don't feel lackluster.

Afterburn augment : Unchanged.

What do you think ?

Edited by (PS4)Silenceform
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Some of my own thoughts on how to rework Chroma. A bit too ambitious but here goes nothing:

  1. Passive: Holding all his abilities now changes the respective element of the ability. (This would help players become more dynamic instead of just ice chroma.)
  2. Elemental Ward: Integrate the augment into the base ability. The range of the elemental effects should either be unaffected by range mods or should have a minimum threshold.
    Damage from the elements should be looked at, it would help greatly if the electric damage multiplier was increased and chained for more damage.
    New augment Explosive Ward: All damage taken during the duration of the ward is stored and explodes into the chosen element at the end of the duration with 100% proc. 
  3. Vex Armor: Instead of making it multiplicative, increase the base multipliers greatly. Vexing Retaliation: Taking health damage now causes a Slash proc.
  4. Swap Spectral Scream and Effigy:

    a)  Effigy (now his 1st ability): now does not reduce his health and armor, as well as removing his increased movement speed. The effigy is now duration based instead. The augment works l
    like Octavia's augment, recasting it will move the effigy to required location damaging everything in its path while costing extra energy, refreshing the duration.

    b) Spectral Scream (now his 4th ability): Completely reworked. Chroma unleashes a giant element scream into the air which spreads around him and causes an elemental effect to the surroundings. 

    Fire: burns the ground enemies coming in contact with it burn, causing them to run around(low dot, fear cc).
    Ice: does initial damage and freezes mobs for a low duration.
    Electric: stuns all mobs in the effect for a short time, while taking low, arcing damage for the duration.
    Toxin: Summons Toxic clouds in the area of effect. Enemies affected by toxin will also be blinded/have lower fire rate. 

The way I imagine his new 4th is, him screaming with his mouth facing upwards, the chosen element color effect shooting up, causing the various effects either around him or in a wide cone in front of him(like oberon).

Edited by primatus-prime
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33 minutes ago, LAWD said:

So i think similar to Nidus, Chroma should receive a stat boost at max rank, whereby he gets 15% bonus strength and or duration.

I don't think that would bring any significant change 

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honestly i hate elemental swapping or elemental rotation with a passion ever since tactical potato ridiculed me for wanted to find a build were i could use spectral scream when i was on one of his twitch streams. which ironically he have stopped playing chroma do to vex armor receiving that debuff and is playing nezha more. i respect tactical potato and everything except his opinions on chroma for now on. and i take dragons seriously.

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It's fun reading some of these posts.

My take is that if his one was an instant AOE, his two a damage buff, his three also had resistance to status and knockdowns while his fourth was perhaps like Titania's fourth he'd be a bit more fun.

That and reduce the energy cost of all his abilities across the board. Right now all you do is stack power strength, duration and press 3 over and over.


Edited by hooperinius
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1 hour ago, (XB1)Young Boy HT said:

The more chroma threads we have, the faster DE is going to realize he's on the communities priority list. #makechromagreatagain

Nice logic you have there, unfortunately it’s also wrong 


  DE already put him on a list, and he’s not gonna jump the line....you know why? Because he’s doing better than the frames in front of him. He’s getting looked at, he’s in the list, drop your speacilty act and move on, if you’re not offering feedback then your job is done, he’s not special and neither are his fans 

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1 hour ago, GinKenshin said:

Nice logic you have there, unfortunately it’s also wrong 


  DE already put him on a list, and he’s not gonna jump the line....you know why? Because he’s doing better than the frames in front of him. He’s getting looked at, he’s in the list, drop your speacilty act and move on, if you’re not offering feedback then your job is done, he’s not special and neither are his fans 

Does being aware of the fanbases desire for a chroma rework translate to having him on the rework list? Cause if I recall they said they had no plans for chroma rework or did that change?

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1 hour ago, GinKenshin said:

Nice logic you have there, unfortunately it’s also wrong 


  DE already put him on a list, and he’s not gonna jump the line....you know why? Because he’s doing better than the frames in front of him. He’s getting looked at, he’s in the list, drop your speacilty act and move on, if you’re not offering feedback then your job is done, he’s not special and neither are his fans 

Just out of curiosity who are they working on now?

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Reading through this entire megathread, I'm finding myself wondering more and more why people think that saying anything along the lines of.. "other frames need it more" or "be patient they'll get to him after ____ frame" is contributing to this discussion ..and further.. contributing to Warframe at all.  It's not helpful and I see it more as either trolling or ignorance and the reason being: if DE doesn't get feedback and understand what the playerbase wants or where attention is needed then that's our fault as a community.  That is what the forums are for... that is what feedback is.  Feedback is not jumping into threads attempting to halt something potentially good for any frame period. 

If* it's a matter of "well I just secretly want my favorite weapons or frame to be buffed first so ehhh >:P"  .. that's actually hurting the overall intended process of what we're doing here.  I'm sincerely not trying to be rude about it, but I feel the need to say something because I care about this game and something/anything that's hindering progress or positive changes needs to stop.

Chroma needs attention, DE has stated it in the past.  So it needs to be pushed by the playerbase when it's not happening or etc.  Period.

If another frame of your choice also needs attention, awesome...be passionate about it and push for it in the appropriate place and encourage others there to not hinder progress for that frame.  #OneCommunityOneFight

Edited by Conflux59
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