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Analysis: The heavy inflation of rivens due to platinum economy and lack of disposition monitoring - leading to unsustainable prices and possible countermeasures


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Who cares?  Inflated plat allows for actually essential items (slots and taters) to be bought reasonably by f2p players.  That a non essential end game item that takes a lot of grind or luck to get is expensive won't change regardless of how plat is valued.  Only a very small portion of the player population cares at all that they can't just spend a reasonable amount of cash to get a decent riven quickly.

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19 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I mean... What's wrong with DE getting massive amounts of money from rivens anyway? Why is this seen as a bad thing? 

I'm not against the riven system per se, I actually had quite a bit of fun farming kuva and rolling rivens, I enjoy using rivens to make off meta weapons more viable (yea, that does happen). However, the issue is that the disposition system is poorly designed, archaic, not maintained at all and showing its age. The fact DE has been consistently releasing really strong variants of weapons that already had a riven dispo 5 isn't helping matters much. (Tiberon, Pyrana, Twin Gremlins, Gram, etc)

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On 2018-09-23 at 12:19 PM, Omega said:

"WTF that riven is worth over $300 USD"
"is this a joke?"

i made a game out this if you wanna play here is how

  1. Look in trade chat or the forums and pick a riven price tag now pull up a tab with all the plat bundles (the ones you buy from DE)  
  2. take the amounts of the plat bundles and try to get as close as you can to the rivens price once you got as close as possible
  3. add up the price on all the bundles that will give a rough estimate of how much Real money it costs
  4. if it something you can find with doing one pack over and over do that and you will be surprised that the direct way most of the time costs more then buying different packs like here ill do a example lets say the op's price 5k 

the quick way would be the 50 USD 1000 pack 5 times so 50x5= 250 USD 

now if you did say 4300 + 370 + 370 = 5040 

then the price 200 + 20 + 20 = 240 not much a different but it saves money 

if you ever wondering about buying a riven from market or sometimes selling one if your feeling like it do this little game and ask do i need to buy this or is this an ok price to sell for i cant make those choices for you due to my bias against rivens but now you have a tool i use. 

The riven market is a sphere container of nitroglycerin next to a ramp 

for those who dont know or done want to look it up nitroglycerin is a chemical that gets very explosive when outside force is applied to it 

any tweak good or bad (mostly marked as bad for me idc) is the ball being nudged off the ramp the resulting fallout is people "concerned" about what they bought or there way of income and for those people i say this "Rivens have no sense of object permanence they in a constant state of temporary numbers that can change at the drop of a hat sell and buy at your own risk always bear in mind that it will change some times for better or worse but it will ALWAYS change"

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It would be interesting to see if DE could publish statistics on riven sales.  Hard to know for sure if what people are asking is what they are getting in trade chat.  There are third party sites but would be nice if it came from DE.  Also, don't think the riven market will implode on itself.  People can try and sell a 50k plat riven but in the end if no buyer wants it its not worth 50k.  Fair market value is what a willing buyer and willing seller both agree to on the price.  Just being able to use this phrase for a video game speaks multitudes of how well DE  has created an in game economy.  Is it the best i dont know..... I have no other comparisons to draw a conclusion but it is still going after a number of years.  

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loo at this, LOOOK AT IT ! 



how the hell is this acceptable ? what do you say to this ? nothing ? well i have plenty on my head right now but i'll replay by this 

this is not conspiracy theory anymore , DE is Shamefully profiting out of those (crutches) they created themselves ,

they refused to regulate the riven disposition weekly and now we know why 

to take advantage of this current riven disaster so they can use it for they're Primes Accesses Weapons

they have figured a way to make us Cough Up money be it the Prime Access buyers , or the Riven Monopolists

this is the most outrages Ecosystem i have ever seen in a game.

Edited by Yatazanami
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I think a trade cap would fix alot of this. 1000p is already $50 usd. theres no reason a mod for a videogame weapon you'll probably use for a while then replace with something new should cause you $50 actual money or more.  theres no reason anything traded from play to player should cost you what basically amounts to $50 cold cash. i don't care if its the only one that will never exist.

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19 minutes ago, Hohstadt said:

I think a trade cap would fix alot of this. 1000p is already $50 usd. theres no reason a mod for a videogame weapon you'll probably use for a while then replace with something new should cause you $50 actual money or more.  theres no reason anything traded from play to player should cost you what basically amounts to $50 cold cash. i don't care if its the only one that will never exist.

Interfearing with in-game economy never ends well in online games. We are players, we decide what we want and what it is worth. Also the likelyhood for replacing items in warframe is nowhere near what it is in regular rpgs and arpgs. There is no leveling or progression curve like other games. Worst case scenario is if you pick a strong disposition weapon that is already strong as a basis (Tiberon Prime for instance) and the dispo later changes to a weaker one. The weapon will still be a good choice with that riven and even without.

But it shouldnt fall on DE to tell you what common sense is and how you should handle the plat.

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1 minute ago, SneakyErvin said:

Interfearing with in-game economy never ends well in online games. We are players, we decide what we want and what it is worth. Also the likelyhood for replacing items in warframe is nowhere near what it is in regular rpgs and arpgs. There is no leveling or progression curve like other games. Worst case scenario is if you pick a strong disposition weapon that is already strong as a basis (Tiberon Prime for instance) and the dispo later changes to a weaker one. The weapon will still be a good choice with that riven and even without.

But it shouldnt fall on DE to tell you what common sense is and how you should handle the plat.

that is not a response to ANYTHING i said.

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2 minutes ago, Hohstadt said:

that is not a response to ANYTHING i said.

Actually it is about everything you said. Placing a cap is interfearing with in-game economy. And we dont replace gear like in other games which covers that part. It is simply up to the players in each individual trade case if it is worth it or not to spend the equivelant of $50 on an item.

But please point out which part wasnt about what you suggested.

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Just now, SneakyErvin said:

Actually it is about everything you said. Placing a cap is interfearing with in-game economy. And we dont replace gear like in other games which covers that part. It is simply up to the players in each individual trade case if it is worth it or not to spend the equivelant of $50 on an item.

But please point out which part wasnt about what you suggested.

name one other thing besides some dumb ass riven that costs 1,000p. go on i'll wait.


also you're an idiot. they damn well should interfere IF ITS LITTERALLY CHAOS.

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1 minute ago, Hohstadt said:

name one other thing besides some dumb ass riven that costs 1,000p. go on i'll wait.


also you're an idiot. they damn well should interfere IF ITS LITTERALLY CHAOS.

It isnt literally chaos. There is no one forcing people to spend that much on rivens. I dont and I'm doing just fine in the game.

And it isnt about what other things cost 1000p, it is about having a free market with certain items having that value (if players demand it). If there is no demand it wont sell as seen in the screenshots posted earlier from the market, where things have been sitting for months unsold. It is all about supply and demand.

It would be one thing if the riven market heavily impacted the regular market, which it doesnt. Things cost the same as before and several things even drop in price. If there was such an ulflux of plat due to riven trades, regular items would not lower in price, they'd rise because there is more plat in circulation. So there are several indications that this things is simply a massive exaggeration coming from a few me-me-me people that want a specific riven.

It is even more hilarious that the screenshots posted were of total trash rivens. That just shows how much attention (or knowledge) the poster had when he decided to include those screens here. All he saw was a big sum of plat and never bothered to notice that it was a complete fool trying to sell those S#&$ mods based on a single statline that is #*!%ed up by the rest of the rolls.

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32 minutes ago, Hohstadt said:

name one other thing besides some dumb ass riven that costs 1,000p. go on i'll wait.


also you're an idiot (c'mon man). they damn well should interfere IF ITS LITTERALLY CHAOS.

please change ''you're an idio*'' to something else , flaming and disrespecting other people will get you nowhere and certainly will not help our case 

Edited by Yatazanami
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I'd like to add one thing for you to think about regarding the whole "putting a cap" or "regulating" the market idea.

You think plat is inflated now? Well putting a cap on it wont solve anything regarding that, it will actually inflate the plat even more because the value of things is far lower so a plat gets you that much more. What used to be a stash of 20k plat can suddenly turn into the value of 60k plat or more. It would only keep its value in relation to the DE driven market i.e vanity items, forma, potatos etc. The player trade as a whole would very likely get #*!%ed over by such a change while currently the riven market only really effects the riven market itself because other items already have their expected values and adjust themselves just fine.

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46 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I'd like to add one thing for you to think about regarding the whole "putting a cap" or "regulating" the market idea.

You think plat is inflated now? Well putting a cap on it wont solve anything regarding that, it will actually inflate the plat even more because the value of things is far lower so a plat gets you that much more. What used to be a stash of 20k plat can suddenly turn into the value of 60k plat or more. It would only keep its value in relation to the DE driven market i.e vanity items, forma, potatos etc. The player trade as a whole would very likely get #*!%ed over by such a change while currently the riven market only really effects the riven market itself because other items already have their expected values and adjust themselves just fine.

seems like you dont know about  the Monopolists  (look that up in the dictionary , nasty bunch of people) 

they can stack that plat like no tomorrow and they will not be satisfied until they get all the money on the world and they have no remorse when they screw someone over

now imagine when the new scrub join this game and start looking for the (META) riven his friends been talking about 

he will have to choose between

A - buy real plat and ascend to god-hod with your new found riven you bought for 2k ( after the monopolist screw him over)

B - actually do some research then start working his ass off to collect plat and buy that god-tier riven his friends been brainwashing him about 

C - get lucky on sortie and bypass all the hellish layers of the rng ( he will still get a warm hug from the rolling system) 

D - get lucky on every level of rng imaginable and sell that riven for 💩load of money and start stacking em plat son and eventually join the big boys ( the cursed monopolists)

and now its your chance to start ripping people blind just like they did to you (sweet revenge) and its time you start looking sexy will doing it so buy yourself some 

cosmetics and deluxes from the dozens list we have prepared for you in market (we gotta have a bite from that pie too [DE]) 

a new scrub join and start repeating the cycle of insanity all over again .

sad sad picture when you look at it from afar man 😣 and even more sad when you realize .....

both of them been dancing in DE palm all this time .😖

Edited by Yatazanami
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.......This who thread is dumb =_=.   It's filled with uneducated guesses and rants, which also ignore all of the VERY logical, and quite accurate, info that helpful replies have offered....all just to say "Waaah! I'm mad that I can't afford what rich people can afford! We should all get governm- DE assistance!"

Stop.  Just stop!

If I put a $1000000 price tag on my car RIGHT NOW, it does NOT mean the government needs to step in and "regulate" me.  It just means I'm going to have an expensive lawn ornament sitting out front for awhile.   I mean, sure, I might get lucky (if only! lol) but realistically, noone is going to pay what it isn't worth, and no car manufacturer, nor other people selling their own cars, are going to be hurt by my posting such a price.  If anything, it makes their -slightly- elevated prices seem REASONABLE by comparison!

Supply and Demand rule ALL free markets, and DE has resolved to let that hold true in Warframe's Trade Market.  It has allowed people like myself who don't have alot of cash to toss at the game (though I try to when I can, because they deserve it-  but that's another reply for another topic) to afford things such as slots, potatoes, and cosmetics. 

I have a few rivens, and some are -probably- worth something.  I don't care, because I'm using them, not selling them, but point is...their existance doesn't affect anyone else.  Know how I know?  Because my rivens have existed for almost a year now, and you didn't even know about them....and yet the world hasn't gone down in flames because of them.

I mean, I have a kick-butt riven for my Galatine Prime, and it slaughters higher-level enemies...but guess what? ...so do my other melee weapons with appropriate NON-Riven mods!  

Maiming Strike was a highly priced mod, too!  Not a Riven!   Does this mean DE needs to restrict ALL sales/trades?  Why would they?  

FFS, this is a FREE game!  You can farm -everything- in it.  EVERY. THING. 

If someone wants to save some time and stress, and skip to the goal with some plat or even cash, who the hell are ANY of you to tell them not to?

Do you skip in line at Walmart to yell at the lady buying a blender, telling her "Oi!  Why do you need that $100 blender?  It's overpriced!  Buy a knife and cut stuff up like the rest of us!"

Of course not!  That'd be asinine!  To each their own.  

I don't yell at people with sports cars, I don't complain about people with mansions, and I certainly don't give two flying condracs about anyone else's Rivens!! 

............ This is just stupid.   It's the same as people complaining because "HOW DARE RICH PEOPLE HAVE MONEY!"   Stop acting entitled.  Educate yourself -PROPERLY- and LEARN about economics and free trade.

If you want something, go do the work and get it.  If you don't want/need it, leave it be.

You can make excuses, or you can make progress.  

As a side note, there is -zero- wrong with DE "making a buck" off anything as a result of you playing their (FREE) game.  It's the entire POINT of running a business.  

They don't charge you to download, install, and run the game.
They don't charge you to play new content/characters/weapons.
They don't charge you to access pre-released info (DevStreams)...in fact, they GIVE you things for FREE just for watching those!
They don't charge you to even TRADE.

They literally let you access most ANYTHING in game for FREE.

Heaven for-F*#$*%#-bid they make a friggin' dollar off of something they put together, for Clem's sake!

............. kk, I'm out.   I just can't even...ugh..

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

.......This who thread is dumb =_=.   It's filled with uneducated guesses and rants, which also ignore all of the VERY logical, and quite accurate, info that helpful replies have offered....all just to say "Waaah! I'm mad that I can't afford what rich people can afford! We should all get governm- DE assistance!"

Stop.  Just stop!

If I put a $1000000 price tag on my car RIGHT NOW, it does NOT mean the government needs to step in and "regulate" me.  It just means I'm going to have an expensive lawn ornament sitting out front for awhile.   I mean, sure, I might get lucky (if only! lol) but realistically, noone is going to pay what it isn't worth, and no car manufacturer, nor other people selling their own cars, are going to be hurt by my posting such a price.  If anything, it makes their -slightly- elevated prices seem REASONABLE by comparison!

Supply and Demand rule ALL free markets, and DE has resolved to let that hold true in Warframe's Trade Market.  It has allowed people like myself who don't have alot of cash to toss at the game (though I try to when I can, because they deserve it-  but that's another reply for another topic) to afford things such as slots, potatoes, and cosmetics. 

I have a few rivens, and some are -probably- worth something.  I don't care, because I'm using them, not selling them, but point is...their existance doesn't affect anyone else.  Know how I know?  Because my rivens have existed for almost a year now, and you didn't even know about them....and yet the world hasn't gone down in flames because of them.

I mean, I have a kick-butt riven for my Galatine Prime, and it slaughters higher-level enemies...but guess what? ...so do my other melee weapons with appropriate NON-Riven mods!  

Maiming Strike was a highly priced mod, too!  Not a Riven!   Does this mean DE needs to restrict ALL sales/trades?  Why would they?  

FFS, this is a FREE game!  You can farm -everything- in it.  EVERY. THING. 

If someone wants to save some time and stress, and skip to the goal with some plat or even cash, who the hell are ANY of you to tell them not to?

Do you skip in line at Walmart to yell at the lady buying a blender, telling her "Oi!  Why do you need that $100 blender?  It's overpriced!  Buy a knife and cut stuff up like the rest of us!"

Of course not!  That'd be asinine!  To each their own.  

I don't yell at people with sports cars, I don't complain about people with mansions, and I certainly don't give two flying condracs about anyone else's Rivens!! 

............ This is just stupid.   It's the same as people complaining because "HOW DARE RICH PEOPLE HAVE MONEY!"   Stop acting entitled.  Educate yourself -PROPERLY- and LEARN about economics and free trade.

If you want something, go do the work and get it.  If you don't want/need it, leave it be.

You can make excuses, or you can make progress.  

As a side note, there is -zero- wrong with DE "making a buck" off anything as a result of you playing their (FREE) game.  It's the entire POINT of running a business.  

They don't charge you to download, install, and run the game.
They don't charge you to play new content/characters/weapons.
They don't charge you to access pre-released info (DevStreams)...in fact, they GIVE you things for FREE just for watching those!
They don't charge you to even TRADE.

They literally let you access most ANYTHING in game for FREE.

Heaven for-F*#$*%#-bid they make a friggin' dollar off of something they put together, for Clem's sake!

............. kk, I'm out.   I just can't even...ugh..

that is a giant pile of strawmans you get there baby 🤪 it would be a shame if i debunk every single one of them with valid points and hard facts (i am coming to you keep tight) 

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2 hours ago, Yatazanami said:

seems like you dont know about  the Monopolists  (look that up in the dictionary , nasty bunch of people) 

they can stack that plat like no tomorrow and they will not be satisfied until they get all the money on the world and they have no remorse when they screw someone over

now imagine when the new scrub join this game and start looking for the (META) riven his friends been talking about 

he will have to choose between

A - buy real plat and ascend to god-hod with your new found riven you bought for 2k ( after the monopolist screw him over)

B - actually do some research then start working his ass off to collect plat and buy that god-tier riven his friends been brainwashing him about 

C - get lucky on sortie and bypass all the hellish layers of the rng ( he will still get a warm hug from the rolling system) 

D - get lucky on every level of rng imaginable and sell that riven for 💩load of money and start stacking em plat son and eventually join the big boys ( the cursed monopolists)

and now its your chance to start ripping people blind just like they did to you (sweet revenge) and its time you start looking sexy will doing it so buy yourself some 

cosmetics and deluxes from the dozens list we have prepared for you in market (we gotta have a bite from that pie too [DE]) 

a new scrub join and start repeating the cycle of insanity all over again .

sad sad picture when you look at it from afar man 😣 and even more sad when you realize .....

both of them been dancing in DE palm all this time .😖

But you talk as if it was forced onto the player to use the riven market, which it isnt. Any normal person would opt in for option C or option E which you havent included which means buying a trash or unrolled riven for said weapon and roll it yourself.

You are also of the impression that you must have a "god" (silliest #*!%ing term this milennia) riven. Something you've shown isnt even what people are actually selling. You've looked through and posted a list of idiots trying to sell litteral trash rivens for absurd amounts. 

You are just painting up extreme scenarios that happens very rarely. Your idea of DE stepping in to regulate wouldnt solve this. The same people would just sell the same rivens at the highest price with an even easier time pushing them. When an idiot post something for 50k you stop and think, take a moment to look at the item before buying it. If it is just another riven being sold for 200 (or whatever max price) people wont stop and take a look and consider it in the same way. There is also a risk that the Monopolist will buy the actual good mods he sees (since he will swim in inflated plat due to regulations) and then procceed selling the less than optimal ones for the highest price allowed.

So stop painting up extremes that rarely actually see the light of day.

You are also completely neglecting that putting a cap on the price would not be fair in another way. Imagine two players finding a riven for the same popular weapon. DE has placed a max cap on how much you can ask for it. Player A rerolls two times and sells it for max price, player B rerolls it 46 times and cant get more than player A did. That is not a free or fair market. On guy gets nothing in return for what he spent in resources and time on the riven. In this case they'd have to add a system based on rerolls, well #*!%, that wont work because you can keep your old roll if you like. So now suddenly people can circumvent the cap by rerolling for nothing.

There is no good outcome with a market controlled by the devs. Never has been and never will be, no matter the game. I've seen it destroy economies in other games in the past, no need for it here.

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54 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

.......This who thread is dumb =_=.   It's filled with uneducated guesses and rants, which also ignore all of the VERY logical, and quite accurate, info that helpful replies have offered....all just to say "Waaah! I'm mad that I can't afford what rich people can afford! We should all get governm- DE assistance!"

Stop.  Just stop!

If I put a $1000000 price tag on my car RIGHT NOW, it does NOT mean the government needs to step in and "regulate" me.  It just means I'm going to have an expensive lawn ornament sitting out front for awhile.   I mean, sure, I might get lucky (if only! lol) but realistically, noone is going to pay what it isn't worth, and no car manufacturer, nor other people selling their own cars, are going to be hurt by my posting such a price.  If anything, it makes their -slightly- elevated prices seem REASONABLE by comparison!

Supply and Demand rule ALL free markets, and DE has resolved to let that hold true in Warframe's Trade Market.  It has allowed people like myself who don't have alot of cash to toss at the game (though I try to when I can, because they deserve it-  but that's another reply for another topic) to afford things such as slots, potatoes, and cosmetics. 

I have a few rivens, and some are -probably- worth something.  I don't care, because I'm using them, not selling them, but point is...their existance doesn't affect anyone else.  Know how I know?  Because my rivens have existed for almost a year now, and you didn't even know about them....and yet the world hasn't gone down in flames because of them.

I mean, I have a kick-butt riven for my Galatine Prime, and it slaughters higher-level enemies...but guess what? ...so do my other melee weapons with appropriate NON-Riven mods!  

Maiming Strike was a highly priced mod, too!  Not a Riven!   Does this mean DE needs to restrict ALL sales/trades?  Why would they?  

FFS, this is a FREE game!  You can farm -everything- in it.  EVERY. THING. 

If someone wants to save some time and stress, and skip to the goal with some plat or even cash, who the hell are ANY of you to tell them not to?

Do you skip in line at Walmart to yell at the lady buying a blender, telling her "Oi!  Why do you need that $100 blender?  It's overpriced!  Buy a knife and cut stuff up like the rest of us!"

Of course not!  That'd be asinine!  To each their own.  

I don't yell at people with sports cars, I don't complain about people with mansions, and I certainly don't give two flying condracs about anyone else's Rivens!! 

............ This is just stupid.   It's the same as people complaining because "HOW DARE RICH PEOPLE HAVE MONEY!"   Stop acting entitled.  Educate yourself -PROPERLY- and LEARN about economics and free trade.

If you want something, go do the work and get it.  If you don't want/need it, leave it be.

You can make excuses, or you can make progress.  

As a side note, there is -zero- wrong with DE "making a buck" off anything as a result of you playing their (FREE) game.  It's the entire POINT of running a business.  

They don't charge you to download, install, and run the game.
They don't charge you to play new content/characters/weapons.
They don't charge you to access pre-released info (DevStreams)...in fact, they GIVE you things for FREE just for watching those!
They don't charge you to even TRADE.

They literally let you access most ANYTHING in game for FREE.

Heaven for-F*#$*%#-bid they make a friggin' dollar off of something they put together, for Clem's sake!

............. kk, I'm out.   I just can't even...ugh..


And how exactly are all these related to OP's post?

OP's talking how the skyrocketing market will ruin the trade chat and in-game economy and how DE's not regulating the riven deposition as they should and you're complaining...things

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9 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

Of course, once the median of those prices hits the thousands we are in Frankenstein's Monster territory...The prices have now hit a point where DE won't make (as much) money from plat purchases because most players won't purchase plat in the amounts needed to afford these inflated rivens...Even the garbage ones.

Now it's just constantly circulating old plat.  

But hey, you and the OP can keep worrying about dispositions, plat discounts, simulated cancers, tragedies, random hyperbole, and cry emojis if that's what floats your boat. 

...Who am I to judge?

Have a great day.

If platinum buyers aren't buying these rivens though then who is? Either no one is buying them in which case riven are inert as far as economy is concerned or high roller traders are buying them. That would mean that rich traders are funneling plat in smaller amounts from platinum buyers and then circulating that plat between themselves with rivens or hoarding it. So that would make rich traders themselves a platinum sink of the non-riven market. The platinum you pay has to come from somewhere, someone had to buy it. And if they didn't buy it in 5k amount just to buy a riven then a trader had to funnel smaller purchase amounts to afford those high prices.

Either some platinum buyers are indeed sinking their plat into rivens or rich traders are juggling that plat between themselves and hence removing it from the non-riven market anyway. The scenario where absurd riven prices cripple plat sales just doesn't make much sense to me.

It's not like either of us have data to prove anything but just logically how does people not being able to afford rivens affect plat sales? Are they discouraged by seeing those prices? Presumably people will still buy plat in amounts to buy conveniences, prime parts, mods and cosmetics and rivens change absolutely nothing about that.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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Market forces determine prices.

You must remember that warframe is on an massive upward tend with more new players and more platinum purchases.

These new players provide a market for on low/mid range items that veterans have excess of. I'm referring to items such as acolyte mods, vaulted primes and arcanes.

That accumulates vast sums of platinum into the hands of veterans who then have the resources to bid up the riven market.

However prices will not go up forever because the number of new players buying platinum will not go up forever. Once the rate of rivens entering the market is exceeds the rate of platinum, it has to come down.

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I've read the thread. This discussion is going nowhere to me.

Radical solution from DE to solve the riven dispo balancing issue: remove rivens from the game. That would be awesome imo 😄 (just joking eh, nothing serious.......or not?)


Edited by (PS4)nating51
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Why would you pay over 2k for a riven when you can buy the stuff you get with that riven for that price? Lanka and Kohm mainly. For other weapons, I don't even know why you'd pay for over 1k for anything. Because that's the price you can get a good riven for good weapon, in trade chat or maroo's or haggling the forum prices.

Endo farm can be done with Tigris or other slash weapons, I've seen even Dragkoon used. Eidolons can be done with other snipers and Opticor. For the min-maxers I have just one question: why? Endo farms and eidolons aren't that much fun to begin with.

Edit: this leads me to believe people who pay over 2k for any riven do not have much knowledge of the game, which means a new player. Which they must be since the platinum has to come from somewhere and old players would have enough stuff to sell to make that platinum so it's not likely them.

I bet the new players would just buy something else then with that money since apparently they can spend a lot of money on uneducated purchases. Anything expensive, because expensive is good. Arcanes and max ranked primed mods and other mods. That why DE should change riven dispositions asap and much more often. It would be no money off their pockets since new players are apparently rich and stupid, in fact they'd make more money off it because more people would be attracted to the game.

Edited by BoarWarrior
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12 hours ago, Hohstadt said:

name one other thing besides some dumb ass riven that costs 1,000p. go on i'll wait.


also you're an idiot. they damn well should interfere IF ITS LITTERALLY CHAOS.

Arcane Energize max rank, 3000p. It's quite inconvenient to buy them individually since most sellers don't respond or have a 5-15min wait time. Experience of a little whale here.

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The fun bit is, rivens don't really give you anything. Maybe your internet friends will ooo and ahhh at your mighty stats, as you all swing your little swords so impressively.. but, end of the day, all you MIGHT get is yellow numbers at the end of any old normal mission. Good job, well worth hundreds of dollars Im sure.

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1 hour ago, Zanchak said:

The fun bit is, rivens don't really give you anything. Maybe your internet friends will ooo and ahhh at your mighty stats, as you all swing your little swords so impressively.. but, end of the day, all you MIGHT get is yellow numbers at the end of any old normal mission. Good job, well worth hundreds of dollars Im sure.

^ This is the raw truth of things to me.

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