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Is Oberon a good Waframe?



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vor einer Stunde schrieb (PS4)Solid_Snake_151:

He is easily my favorite all around Warframe. With a proper hunter adrenaline + quick thinking build, he can face tank quite alot of damage, and have your energy topped up at the same time!

Oh boy you will love Adaptation when its coming to consoles 😄

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Oberon is a great frame!  I've been running around on my second account for the past few months and he's my go to frame for nightmare and events.  You don't know how many random players I've saved because of Oberon.  He's extremely versatile and plays very well in teams or solo. I highly recommend you get Hunter Adrenaline from Plains of Eidolon (Ghoul bounties) and your energy problem will be solved. 

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You can beat most of starchart with Oberon playing solo by just spamming his 2nd ability and waiting till mobs kill each oher - energy won't be problem even without mods unless you're a person that spams abilities left and right against single mobs.

One of the few frames for whom all 4 abilities are actually useful.

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To echo everyone else, he's a good frame. All of his abilities are useful one way or another, especially in a party setting where he is supposed to be supporting. With Hunter Adrenaline you can have his #3 ability active all the time, providing significant health regen to everyone. There was an elite alert a couple of days ago where I got a +300% power bonus on him and it was just ridiculous how well this worked.

I use him on Eidolon hunts too.

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As an Oberon 'main', I wholeheartedly agree that he is a great frame. The key with Oberon is his versatility. 

Adding to what others have said, I would also recommend that you try working with his 1: it's a guaranteed knockdown, and has a high chance for proccing. Moreover (though by no means unique), it doesn't interrupt reloads or other animation, so it can really save your life if you run with weapons that reload a lot (e.g. Tigris) or have long reload times (e.g. Torid). 

Finally, I think it's good to emhasise that his abilities aren't meant to do a lot of damage, especially at higher levels. Rather they provide nice cc or buffs/debuffs. If you want, I'm sure we can go into modding or weapon/companion synergies. 


Good luck out there Tenno ^^

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vor 10 Stunden schrieb (PS4)SteveOMatic:

.  His toolkit has a bit of everything, but he's not the best at anything.  

Not quite sure if that's really that accurate. I mean his smite is one of the very few sources of scaling damage in the game and becomes more reliable the more difficult the content gets due to the higher rate eximus spawn (becomes some pretty messed up AOE used on these). He's able to set multiple types of status, what's excellent for melee too and his soft Cc together with his healing support builds the base for easy survival. Add that there's now this percentuall damage reduction mod and he's able to be one of THE tanks while beein the one tank with the best aoe damage.

Damage is what he's absolutely amazing at. That he's the whole package too isn't really a disadvantage.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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Oberon is by far my favorite Warframe. First frame I crafted, ever. That was 3 years ago, way before his rework (and I'm still using the same ol'Oberon ever since, even if I could easely get the Prime). He was pretty bad back in the days, and pretty hard to use effectively, but I loved his theme and the fact that he's a decent CC/Support. 

Nowadays, Oberon is a lot easier to manage. Unlike Trinity's Blessing and other heals, Oberon's Renewal stays active as long as you want/have energy, even if allies get to the other side of the map after getting the heal. It's also the only heal that can give armor to teammates, if used with Hallowed Ground. 

He's also very good for CC since his 1 deals a Radiation proc+ragdoll to the initial target as well as Puncture procs (reduced damage) with the additionnal orbs. His 2 deals significant damage over time (for Starchart content) as well as very reliable chances of Rad procs. His 4 has many slight CC, such as lifting the enemies in the air and knocking them down, Rad procs and Blind (for enemies that were not affected by the initial ability but close to the ones who were). 

In terms of damage, the orbs created by his 1 scales with the total hp of the initial target, which means strong foes create strong orbs (also, the Augment makes it able to be casted on allies to give them 100% Radiation Damage for 40 sec, affected by mods). His 2 has decent DoT on a wide area and the Augment can turn it into a decent nuke if modded right. His 4 has medium damage and kinda below average range, but Radiation deals additionnal damage to Alloy Armor and Robotics (iirc 75% and 25% respectively) and with the Augment it creates small patches of Hallowed Ground to deal additionnal damage (dunno if they can be used for the HG augment tho, never tried). 

In terms of utility, Oberon has multiple buffs and debuffs in his kit. First, the most commonly used is the Renewal+HG for constant heal and fix armor buff, very usefull for protecting allies with squishy frames. On top of that, Renewal can slow down the Bleedout Timer when an ally is down, giving you and your teammates more time to clear out the area for a safe res. With the Augment, it can also protect you and allies from a shot that should have killed you once every 90sec. The other most used synergy is the Armor Debuff when casting Reckoning while Hallowed Ground is active. Enemies that land on HG after getting lifted in the air will permanently lose a bunch of armor, which you can repeat as much as you want until they don't have any armor left. 


Sorry for the long text ^^'. In short, he's extremely versatile and can do many things at the same time, while soe other frames usualy focus on 1-2 things. Not Meta, but still very good. And besides, who cares about Meta anyway? It's not like if the game was only made for that. 

Edited by Blade_Wolf_16
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Love Oberon, one of my few go-to frames! You got to have energy, duration, stretch, and efficiency though, I also typically run with health mods as well. He’s hard to kill in most situations, watch out for energy drainers though, without energy, Oberon doesn’t have the greatest survivability.

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Honestly I ignored oberon cus i thought it was ugly.. LOL but i also didn't understand the frame much.

tho i do know that an oberon is often valued in pretty much all content (to an extent) 

regardless you should build it for the MR at least. try to also get his augment mods.

I feel like its silly to make a frame and not play around with all of its options even if its not great because why not?

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Il y a 6 heures, Makunogo a dit :

I feel like its silly to make a frame and not play around with all of its options even if its not great because why not?

Hold on, let me get you a cookie for that.

*Goes on a 8h Nightmare+Sortie Mot run with all 4 Dragon Keys for the legendary Prime Cookie. Hand over the Prime Cookie* There ya go.

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LOL this sounds fun 

12 minutes ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

Hold on, let me get you a cookie for that.

*Goes on a 8h Nightmare+Sortie Mot run with all 4 Dragon Keys for the legendary Prime Cookie. Hand over the Prime Cookie* There ya go.


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its missing additional traits and powerups to give the player better control interface, as well as proper traction and combat boosters, the abilities should have decanting energy used in sprinting and jumping that protect oberon from bullets temporarily and guard teamates nearby after hollowed ground and linear attacks some traces should be recoverable or useful ammonition speedup reload and grant bonus speed, call it might.

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