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4 minutes ago, VPrime96 said:

I know and this Forum, so far, is attracting that.

I feel like, seeing a frame's abilities and learning about the mechanics is pretty much enough to judge whether a frame is good or bad. Her kit doesn't have enough to it. It's kinda lacking. The way I see it is this:

Three levels of Warframe:

Nidus Tier - Has survivability, Damage, Scaling, Team play abilities, Can play solo, and is fun visually

Mag Tier - Can fight most things, can survive enough, can help out team, can look cool with skins, unique enough visually

Zephyr Tier - Has a single good ability, can do some things, but needs more cohesiveness and team play overall tweaked into his/her kit. Lackluster visuals.


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I kind of like the idea of her hp doubling as her energy pool. I think I saw someone else suggest that in this discussion somewhere. I know her kit would need to be changed to accommodate such a change, but she's a gore frame, so it just kind of matches her theme. It would be an interesting new way of balancing a frame's gameplay. Blood and guts........, i.e. gore. Just seems like EVERYTHING being tied to her health aka "blood" would make sense. Always nice to have a mechanic on a frame that sets it apart.

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6 minutes ago, Liquidushime said:

I feel like, seeing a frame's abilities and learning about the mechanics is pretty much enough to judge whether a frame is good or bad. Her kit doesn't have enough to it. It's kinda lacking. 

Devstreams, to me, is not enough since DE do changes to a Frame’s abilities before launching it into the game and that’s where DE would listen to the Player’s feedback to buff/nerf the Frame’s abilities (just like how Gara, Khora, Revenant got the abilities they have right now). So far, DE reworked her 4 and add changes to her other abilities after they showed it off a month ago so getting exact feedback of her abilities without playing is not going to work.

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3 minutes ago, Liquidushime said:

I feel like, seeing a frame's abilities and learning about the mechanics is pretty much enough to judge whether a frame is good or bad. Her kit doesn't have enough to it. It's kinda lacking. The way I see it is this:

Three levels of Warframe:

Nidus Tier - Has survivability, Damage, Scaling, Team play abilities, Can play solo, and is fun visually

Mag Tier - Can fight most things, can survive enough, can help out team, can look cool with skins, unique enough visually

Zephyr Tier - Has a single good ability, can do some things, but needs more cohesiveness and team play overall tweaked into his/her kit. Lackluster visuals.


garudas 1 scales based on damage her shield takes, which basically makes it infinite scaling, and seems to have a large explosion radius. as well as getting a big buff to damage as her passive.

her shield blocks all damage it takes, as well as her 3 healing her and allies.

and she looks beautiful to me anyways.

That seems to tick all the boxes for "nidus tier"


Also the only gameplay we have seen of her is mostly unmodded. When reb was showing her off on the last devstream it looked like she only had survivability mods on. for all we know a max range build will give her a huge shield, and make the blood orb nuke entire rooms and make her 3d ability heal everything in a 30m radius. or max strength could make her blood orb thing 1 shot anything, and make her invincible because of all the health she will get from her 3.

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8 hours ago, ShadowExodus said:

And Garuda can have an inherently mobile shield just from using her 1.

I honestly don't see how you can say one shield is better than the other when they do the exact same thing, blocking bullets. How is Volt's shield better than Garuda's shield? or vice versa when they have the same core function but their mechanics are different. 

And what are those two ability slots? The only thing similar to Garuda from volt is the shield, I have no idea what you're trying to reference by saying that. And that last bit sounds a bit like how synergy works don't it? Nidus' 3/4 obligates him to use his 1(&2 for efficiency), Atlas rubble passive requires his 3 and 1 boosts the amount gained. then there's Harrow, Saryn etc etc. 

And herein lies the problem. Not every frame will have abilities that would be fun to you but will be in the strike zone for others.


We already have that answer, don't we?


Let's look at it this way. The "gameplay issues" you keep trying to make it as aren't issues at all but gameplay that conflicts with your preferred style of play. I mean just because you have a problem/dislike them but that doesn't mean it's a gameplay issue. You've acknowledged that multiple frames have abilities like that, so you're gonna have to acknowledge that future frames might have the same style of abilities that conflicts with your preference. 

Garuda has to first do a slow kill animation on an enemy to get a shield, if she is able to kill it. It is two features that really don't belong on the same move, given they inhibit one another.  Meanwhile Volt can make shields faster and does not need a body to do so.

Block bullets....exact same thing.....

No, Volt gets damage from his shields and simply put, can be more versatile with them, which is why his are better. He doesn't lose his sheild when he wants to use his boosted damage from them to kill.

If you want the stationary feature of Garuda's  2, which you compared to Volt's sheilds, coupled with her 1 to shield her from the front while her 2 covers any damage directed at her back or sides, Volt will offer that, and not lose damage due to healing.

Though if you are going to heal and be stationary, the 2 is barely even better than a health pad, which you don't need an enemy to activate either.

"herein lies the problem"

No, what you consider the "problem", I consider the topic of discussion and feedback. Thankfully what I like tends to not simply pertain to merely the visuals of an ability but also more heavily swings toward a concern for inputs and the activity from said inputs. The distinction that draws a person to choose a videogame over a non interactive form of media at a specific point in time. 

Everyone not agreeing goes without saying, and I don't subscribe to nirvana fallacy.  At best there can be heavy consensus of opinions such as what led to Garuda's 4 being changed, and general improvements to abilities, regardless of not particularly liking them from the outset. Or for a more extreme example and also current example of heavy consensus, what happened with the Diablo Immortal announcement, lol.

I also must highlight that not eveyone will agree that the abilities are fun either. So what is your point? You don't appear to internalize this phenomena.

You also seem to have not really processed what i said in my prior post very well and still presume that i have to like everything about frames that already exist or frames that could have those same issues that i have with them. 

Edited by UrielColtan
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18 hours ago, Greystrun said:

Why does she have those claws for, anyway? Just for throwing it around? On the other hand, that shield feels way more out of place...

Her 3 is useless, why are they insisting on it? The "hidden synergy" behind it is: lose hp to gain energy, which seems to have no other way to get energy in the game, and benefit from the passive, only to regain health and lose her passive with her 2, and get one-shot by a bombard or even a corrupted crewman while doing marry-go-round in that area... Everything works fine and nice against level 30 enemies, but what about high level content?

Seems like they took away the fun part, now all her habilities looks boring. At least Revenant's ult was somewhat enjoyable to use...

It’s called subverting expectations. Instead of doing the obvious (making all he abilities revolve around he attacking with claws) they used them in different ways.

1. Rip an enemy apart for addition mechanics

2. Fire off one claw to impale an enemy into the ground

3. Rend her own flesh with them.


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44 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

It’s called subverting expectations. Instead of doing the obvious (making all he abilities revolve around he attacking with claws) they used them in different ways.

1. Rip an enemy apart for addition mechanics

2. Fire off one claw to impale an enemy into the ground

3. Rend her own flesh with them.


And if the expectations were to have a sick awesome melee focused frame?

I get that it'd be Valkyr 2.0

But honestly pump up the blood mage factor rather than the talons, if they're not really gonna be used.

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Just now, WarBaby2 said:

Meaning: Exalted weapon... and not an ability dependant one, it seams!

...kinda feel bad for Valkyr now.

Same here. Feeling like switching to Garuda as my main even though i love the Berserker Waifu a lot. When i watched the Video again, her 1st is definitely more like Ash's Teleport while her 4 is very different from his 4th.

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9 hours ago, LupisV0lk said:

So i take it now all of you are satisfied? Though will the youtuber arbiters still consign her as mr fodder?

I'd say no.

Her visuals are pretty cool, no argument there. I don't really like the shield visual, but that's just me.

Yet she's slow. Super slow. That's awful in many, many ways. When you take that long to stab someone with her 1, you are vulnerable. When you charge up your 4, you're vulnerable. When you use your gimmicky excuse for a 3, you're vulnerable AND make it easier to kill you. When you use your 2, you're vulnerable. Even if they make a few of them give you invulnerability during the cast, you're still using a really slow Warframe. In a game where speed is everything, that's a huge downside. It also makes her feel boring and cumbersome.

She's using her claws now, which is cool, but very odd in how it functions. I can't say I'll ever use them over another Melee weapon, despite the stats, because, again, they're slow. 

Granted, we don't know exactly what we'll get when she comes out, all of my issues with her at current could be something that's already been fixed. Yet that's what I'm seeing, and I don't like it.

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4 minutes ago, VPrime96 said:

I looked at Rebecca’s post in Twitter and her Talons is a Exclusive Melee Weapon that you can use when you have no Melee Weapon Equipped. So it’s a hidden Passive for her.

They are still moddable, though, right? That kinda makes them an exalted weapon too...

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