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Who's the worst warframe


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On 2018-10-29 at 5:30 PM, VPrime96 said:

Nyx and MAYBE Titania are just as bad or better than Vauban IMO (One Trick Ponies with three useless abilities.) 

Atleast you have the Exalted Staff and a Death Defying ability.

Titania is not useless but she needs some tweaks and changes to be more useful.

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I really can't get on with Limbo. I know I'm probably playing him wrong but can't seem to find a way I'm comfortable with, plus always having that nagging feeling that your annoying somebody else.

I really want to like Hydroid and he's OK, there just always seems to be a better option.

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IMO there are no 'worst frames' because they all do things completely different from each other, even if their role is the same. They do well in one area but fall back in another.

Though, in terms of my least favorite frames to play, I genuinely dislike Chroma and Mirage. Chroma's kit is overall too selfish for my tastes and he's more of an eidolon otp who can still be easily replaced. As for Mirage her kit isn't coherent, very finicky with the whole light/dark mechanic, and the eclipse light buff is just flat out broken in terms of math.

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Wukong Iron Jab and Jat Kitty, slam them to death :clem:


For me the worst is Ember, cause her design is still meh and way to passive for my tastes. She have nothing fun or unique and now Saryn got buffed 529 times, she's just a meh fire type Saryn. I found use for most frames though

After that I would say Gara cause she feels like a patchwork of things other frames have and still lacks of unique things (maybe with augments soonTM)

And Revenant for the same reason, and because I feel like he should be a female frame, while Garuda should be a male... (I'm ok with similar frames if they have the opposite gender somehow. Rev is like Nekros merged with Nyx, and Garuda is like Valkyr with a birdy theme like Zephyr)

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10 hours ago, Melancholia101 said:

I really can't get on with Limbo. I know I'm probably playing him wrong but can't seem to find a way I'm comfortable with, plus always having that nagging feeling that your annoying somebody else.

I really want to like Hydroid and he's OK, there just always seems to be a better option.

Limbo is one of the 3 most omnipotent frames in the game (alongside Octavia and Ivara) 

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I like Vauban. I think Bastille builds give him a bad name, but high range/duration Vortex builds are actually pretty useful in a variety of situations. Unfortunately, the rest of his kit isn't that useful if you build this way.


As for useless frames...

Wukong, Nyx, Atlas, Valkyr, Titania, Mag (mostly)

Probably a couple others, but most frames have at least one decent niche.

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First of all, check this video from Life of Rio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_iSXYnx9Bo

Nezha is of course in a good spot thanks to its rework. As for Nyx and Vauban, they need more than CC. They need scaling damage instead of useless abilities : pressing 1 or 2 with those frames is totally USELESS. There is also Zephyr who needs a better 2 and a rework for its 4th ability (it has great damage but the tornadoes go randomly around).

And also Mag is not a bad frame, she has great CC with her 3 (with augment) and the damage from the 2 is crazy. Though her 1 should not move the enemies which are in the bubble and her 4th ability is just a worse 3rd ability.

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On October 29, 2018 at 6:48 AM, DeMonkey said:

Yeah, my Umbral Wukong with Grace + Guardian can take Sorties just fine. There's really no need to go beyond that, as the only content at a higher level is ESO which he's completely unsuited for anyway. :thinking:

There's Mot ofc, but that's another story.

Arbitrations? Doesn't it feel good to go endless rotations while everyone else around you keeps dying? Wukong was my main for a long time when I played under ps4 before switching to PC. With hunter adrenaline + rage, continuity + efficiency mods, and hirundo I can run defy for ever and never run out of energy and self replenish heals in between. With that setup he's a beast and can tank like crazy. I'm toying with testing reflex guard with guardian derision to see if I can help squad members Redirect damage to me seemlessly without holding block down. I'm very happy with wukongs awesomeness. Ok sure he doesn't have aoe like Saryn or volt. But he's an immortal tank that can push beyond valkry if played right.

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1 hour ago, LegacyDM said:


There's absolutely no reason to take Wukong into arbitrations, especially when you can't use his staff. If you want to tank, take a tank that'll benefit the team.

Yeah sure, he can be immortal, but it isn't interactive, it isn't required and frankly it isn't helpful.


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Nothing can save Wukong from its eternal  misery. Even the remaking touch of Vay Hek’s ghouls. I’d rather marry Kela’s roller than squirming into Wukong for one millisecond.

It has every flaw that ever existed on a warframe while lacking every single advantage over any enemy. Even a paper made warframe with no ability could do much better than Wukong.

Wukong is dead before it’s born, and will remain dead until warframe 2.

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44 minutes ago, ramowhite said:

Nothing can save Wukong from its eternal  misery. Even the remaking touch of Vay Hek’s ghouls. I’d rather marry Kela’s roller than squirming into Wukong for one millisecond.

It has every flaw that ever existed on a warframe while lacking every single advantage over any enemy. Even a paper made warframe with no ability could do much better than Wukong.

Wukong is dead before it’s born, and will remain dead until warframe 2.

I can only think of a single appropriate response to that.




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8 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

There's absolutely no reason to take Wukong into arbitrations, especially when you can't use his staff. If you want to tank, take a tank that'll benefit the team.

Yeah sure, he can be immortal, but it isn't interactive, it isn't required and frankly it isn't helpful.


Wukong could certainly do with a makeover similarly to what Nezha got recently, but so do a lot of other frames. I just think your under selling him and really just feeling, quite frankly bored versus him being weak or useless. You are right that there isn't really a lot of causal content that he can take advantage of with his immortality. And when I mean casual im talking about a 30 min pug arbitration, sortie, or up to round 12 eso. But where he shines is for the hardcore clans/squads that want to spend several hours on a mission and take it to level 300-400 mobs with a melee frame, of all things! That's impressive. But yeah if your not into that sort of thing I can see how he is boring at casual endgame. But he's diffently not the worst frame or most useless. He's good at interception arbitration and survival. Easy mode while others die in round A.

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15 minutes ago, LegacyDM said:

I just think your under selling him and really just feeling, quite frankly bored versus him being weak or useless.

Not bored of him in the slightest, he is and always will be my favourite frame, just not for Defy.

15 minutes ago, LegacyDM said:

casual endgame

There is no difference between the two when it comes to frame design and balancing, or rather, there is no "hardcore endgame". The game isn't designed around it, frames aren't balanced around it, actual content doesn't exist for it.

I stand by my statement that he's useless in Arbitration. Given the Staffs unusability there for no reason, you're just playing him for Defy. If your teammates are dying on Rotation A whilst you run about in boring immortality, imagine what you could have done if you'd played a better frame. Trinity can Tank as well as fuel teammates both with energy, health and DR. Chroma can buff damage and grant extra health/armour. Nidus can create little healing zones whilst CC'ing enemies for teammates and buffing their Power Strength. Rhino can CC as well as buff damage and tank.

The list goes on, Wukong is objectively not a good pick because he has a single ability in that mode that is technically nothing more than a self heal.

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Currently in my opinion... Ember.

DE made her 4's damage even more powerful (which was the source of her complaints) but culled her range, which made Fire Quake CC builds nearly extinct overnight.
And still have not addressed her squishiness yet.


Old Ember could use Overheat which grant up to 93% damage reduction, when that was removed she got hurt very badly.
But then Fire Quake aug changed that because she can at least CC enemies within her power range, thus making Power range build CC embers popular, since she has a very reliable source of knock downs.

By then Ember had a very bad reputation for being an "unfun" frame to be with at low levels.
Since she can literally run into rooms and blow everything up before you get a shot off.

Then they nerf her 4's power range but greatly upped her damage, which killed her CC but made her an even stronger nuker that extends into mid levels instead of just low.....

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Worst is subjective, mostly, as what others have pointed out; There's always someone that can make a Warframe work.

To me, I don't define a "bad" Warframe purely from its power (or even usefulness), but from its kit design.

How versatile is the base kit? Are the various abilities evenly distributed in power and use (rather than being a 1-button wonder)? Can you use all ability modifiers (mainly strength/range/duration) in various ways to make different styles? Is there some (innate and natural, preferably) synergy in the kit? Is this Warframe useable in most contents? How well does this Warframe work in a team-setting?

And with that in mind, I find the following frames the worst;

Chroma, Vauban, Wukong, Limbo, Atlas, Titania, Banshee, Ember, Hydroid

  • Chroma - Only really used for Eidolon hunting, and is focused almost entirely on his Vex Armor. If I -had- to pick a frame as the worst one, I'd most likely say Chroma. Imo, his kit needs a lot of rethinking / rebalancing.
  • Vauban - He's got 7 abilities. 6 of them (all but Tesla) are CC-oriented, with no synergy going on or anything... Bafflingly bad design, to say the least. This fella needs a total rework (not just buffs to what he has) so it has more versatility and cohesiveness. If it weren't for his CC to actually be kinda potent (mainly his Bastille/Vortex), he'd be my pick for worst Warframe.
  • Wukong - Similar to Chroma, but for Defy (at least his staff is workable, albeit still underwhelming) and I personally just use him to cheese Sorties. At least his kit could be saved with (heavy) tweaking.
  • Limbo - For still being legendarily disruptive (intentionally or not), even if an otherwise immensly powerful 'frame. Could possibly need a rethinking in how he works, if nothing else to make him further less disruptive for the team.
  • Atlas - Built basicly just for punching with Landslide. Despite buffs to his other abilities, they are still mostly not worthwhile to use, sadly. At least they all could work with a few tweaks, so he has a promising base kit at least.
  • Titania - She has Razorwing and 3 meh CC-skills that don't mesh too well all in all, along with TONS of crippling QoL-issues. Needs buffs and synergies, but has a kit that could otherwise potentially work.
  • Banshee - Banshee's weird. Sonic Boom is panic CC, but it's SO clunky and slow to use (onehanded cast please?). Sonar rewards good shot placement, but is generally total overkill (at least when you build her with strength). Silence is a clunky mess, even if ok when used right. So, basicly, her 3 first skills require a skilled, observant and mobile player to use well, especially since she is made of paper. Then there's Soundquake; The noob nuke/CC that makes her completely stationary. What is it doing in her kit?? Overall, she could need a good look over so she makes more... sense, as a whole?
  • Ember - Workable kit, but only Accelerant really has ties to her other abilities. The other 3 are just varied forms of nukes, with little to no interaction between one another whatsoever. Needs a SMART lookover (with new mechanics and such to tie the kit together), not just number-tweaks.
  • Hydroid - While he has a kit where you use all four abilities, he basicly NEEDS an augment (or 3) to feel more complete. And his main survivability and damage resides inside a pool in which he has to stay inside, with absolutely crippled mobility (which Tidal Surge barely helps make faster)... well, it doesn't really fit the whole fast-paced style of Warframe, imo. But I guess in this case, it's probably more about me not really liking his style, than him actually having a bad kit?

To be fair though, MOST Warframes have issues in one form or another (moreso the older ones). I just find these ones the most obviously flawed ones. But if you asked me about any Warframe, I could find a bone to pick on it (even if tiny); I promise!

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12 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

Not bored of him in the slightest, he is and always will be my favourite frame, just not for Defy.

There is no difference between the two when it comes to frame design and balancing, or rather, there is no "hardcore endgame". The game isn't designed around it, frames aren't balanced around it, actual content doesn't exist for it.

I stand by my statement that he's useless in Arbitration. Given the Staffs unusability there for no reason, you're just playing him for Defy. If your teammates are dying on Rotation A whilst you run about in boring immortality, imagine what you could have done if you'd played a better frame. Trinity can Tank as well as fuel teammates both with energy, health and DR. Chroma can buff damage and grant extra health/armour. Nidus can create little healing zones whilst CC'ing enemies for teammates and buffing their Power Strength. Rhino can CC as well as buff damage and tank.

The list goes on, Wukong is objectively not a good pick because he has a single ability in that mode that is technically nothing more than a self heal.

I agree that other frames have better utility and interesting skills. Wukong could do with qol improvements for sure. Even given a boost to utility to bring something more to the table to help the group. 

Your right, I do play him for the defy because that's what I enjoy. I love running sound eso, arbitrations, endless kuva, and survival missions punching mobs to death with sparring weapons and testing his limits to see how high I can go. Can I make it past round 12 with a solid group? Can I go for an hour in arbitration? I'm always curious to see how a frame with immortality rack and stacks against others testing those limits. But I get it, what's fun for me isn't necessarily fun for you and may irritate you. I think he was made for a purpose to be a tank support frame for hardcore players wanting to reach lvl 300 mobs. Those willing to grind it out for hours on end in endless missions. Who knows with al the outcry on how lackluster arbitration difficulty is maybe de has something planned for harder end game content and wukong will shine.

With that said, he is far from being the worst frame. In my opinion. But I guess we will just agree to disagree.

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1 hour ago, LegacyDM said:

With that said, he is far from being the worst frame. In my opinion. But I guess we will just agree to disagree.

I guess so.

Out of curiosity though, when you say he's not "bad", are you talking from a subjective enjoyment perspective, or a rational perspective? 

Because subjectively Wukong and his Staff is the single most fun thing in the game for me, I'm just looking beyond that at what the game is built around, and what the abilities actually do for the game.

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