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IMPROVE FORTUNA UPDATE! Destiny 2 is free. Need to deploy Server.


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Hi DE, don't you know Destiny 2 is currently free until 18-Nov-2018 in PC. Im not comparing warframe to destiny. I Love warframe, but to me there is an interesting mechanic that i like in Destiny, and can be implement for Warframe improvement.

1. They have server!! no host migration issue. I like it compare to warframe Peer 2 Peer system. I really hate host migration. 
2, They have daily achievement task. Warframe can implement this (eg: Kill 100 lv.100 or higher Bombard). Not just damn alert.
3. The open world alert (public event) is cool. Enter the zone to participate. Leave the zone for quit. You can join more than 4 people to kill the alert boss (well, DE need to have their own server)
4. Cool bounty system. On the go bounty is very cool. You can take bounty in open world. Oh yeah and they had High Value Target.
5. Put every progress in a progress window. In warframe, You need to wait to see Riven challenge progress. Not consistent status progress.
6. Good safe point placement. I hate going to POE from cetus and return back to cetus mechanic. Need to have a seamless integration with map.
7. Has a High level zone. Warframe can have a multi high level zone (eg: lv 10-20 zone, lv. 100-120 zone). Maybe inside a cave. And if you survive inside the zone, you get a reward. 
If DE put this on Fortuna or maybe on the Railjack update. It will be very cool and make warfrane more addictive game. Im playing games since 1988, and warframe can keep me play more than a full year. No other games is. But just like warframe community said, more longer you play, the more need in-game content. I will bored playing warframe in the next 5 month and will uninstall it if DE not added more content or gameplay improvement.
Now Im playing Destiny 2, waiting for Fortuna update. I hope it exceed my expectations.
Edited by Jenggo_Kalem
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Saying Destiny 2 is free is like saying that plain pasta is a meal. All you get is the base which lacks flavor and gives you little reason go come back for more.

Warframe on the other hand gives you a eight course meal when you probably only asked for three.


On topic though,

  1. You underestimate the cost of hosting games on a sever. Peer to peer works for Warframes, although the netcode that decides who becomes host after a migration and what does the migration itself could stand to use some tweaks.
  2. But... why? There is plenty to do in Warframe, and I personally hate arbitrary check lists of insignificant tasks.
  3. How would that add to Warframe? Sure, Destiny's open worlds are deigned in this way, but Warframe is mission based for better and for worse. I personally like setting a goal for a mission, working towards it, then extracting. I don't see a need to have seamless events in that way.
  4. Bounties seem to have been tweaked quite a bit with Fortuna, we'll see how that goes.
  5. Ummm, sure, I guess. Not having to wait ten seconds to see your Riven challenge would be nice. But to call that a small nit-pick is an overstatement.
  6. Is it really that bad to have to go through a door to do non-combat things? Keep in mind bounty boards will not be bound to the hub zone with Fortuna, you can take Bounties from the open landscape. I actually quite like the seperation of combat areas and a relaxed hub. And having the loading door is as seemless as you are going to get, and is honestly a lot more seamless than how Destiny makes you go back to The Tower.
  7. In order to have a high level zone you need to have rewards fitting said zone. I'd love to hear your ideas for rewards that are not a new degree of power-creep but are still saought after. Also, just increasing enemy levels is boring artificial difficulty.
Edited by DrBorris
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Hi Jenggo, I am not sure that you realize this but Destiny 2 is made by a Triple A developer, which means they are a super big mainstream developer that just pumps out games every year. They have thousands of people working for them and they can afford to have things like their own server. They also have multiple locations all over the world. Digital Extremes, on the other hand, is a small 'indie' developer based out of London, Ontario, Canada. They have a couple hundred people working for them, they only are working on one game at a time, and they don't have the resources nor the constant player base to maintain their own server. Also, Destiny 2 wasn't always free so stop talking your BS. There is also a bounty system being implemented in fortuna where you can recieve bounties out in the field.

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30 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

Saying Destiny 2 is free is like saying that plain pasta is a meal. All you get is the base which lacks flavor and gives you little reason go come back for more.


Yes I agree.I just killing time playing the campaign. I better spend my money to buy plat rather than buy 40 bucks DLC.

31 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

You underestimate the cost of hosting games on a sever. Peer to peer works for Warframes, although the netcode that decides who becomes host after a migration and what does the migration itself could stand to use some tweaks.

I know. But DE try to make open world game. Why not? Maybe its time DE consider this just for POE and Fortuna.

33 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

But... why? There is plenty to do in Warframe, and I personally hate arbitrary check lists of insignificant tasks.

Yeah right. Sortie for 15min and Spam-and-Watching trade chat 15min per day. Playing survival for 1 hours, Defense for 50 waves, Interception for 10 rounds.

36 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

How would that add to Warframe? Sure, Destiny's open worlds are deigned in this way, but Warframe is mission based for better and for worse. I personally like setting a goal for a mission, working towards it, then extracting. I don't see a need to have seamless events in that way.

Warframe has POE and Fortuna. Can be tweaked like that. Incursion has a same mechanic.

38 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

Ummm, sure, I guess. Not having to wait ten seconds to see your Riven challenge would be nice. But to call that a small nit-pick is an overstatement

Lol. Sorry, I just hate my self for forgetting the riven challenge status.

50 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

Is it really that bad to have to go through a door to do non-combat things? Keep in mind bounty boards will not be bound to the hub zone with Fortuna, you can take Bounties from the open landscape. I actually quite like the seperation of combat areas and a relaxed hub. And having the loading door is as seemless as you are going to get, and is honestly a lot more seamless than how Destiny makes you go back to The Tower.

I just hope its not like POE and cetus.


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27 minutes ago, Jenggo_Kalem said:

Yeah right. Sortie for 15min and Spam-and-Watching trade chat 15min per day. Playing survival for 1 hours, Defense for 50 waves, Interception for 10 rounds.

You must've barely played Warframe when you think we only do that.

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3 hours ago, Jenggo_Kalem said:

Cool bounty system. On the go bounty is very cool. You can take bounty in open world.

Already being done. Might want to check out the devstreams when you can.


3 hours ago, Jenggo_Kalem said:

They have server!! no host migration issue. I like it compare to warframe Peer 2 Peer system. I really hate host migration. 

Last I checked, Destiny 2 is also P2P.

Edited by UrielColtan
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The base game is only free for 2 weeks. Even then their DLCs which have been the meat of the product are $40 a pop. So they are still banking on people buying the latest expansion.

Its a false benevolence claiming it as a anniversary gift when its not even for the people who play it but to draw in more numbers.

DE is trying to draw in more people but it is for everyone.

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1 hour ago, TigerStormYT said:

Hi Jenggo, I am not sure that you realize this but Destiny 2 is made by a Triple A developer, which means they are a super big mainstream developer that just pumps out games every year. They have thousands of people working for them and they can afford to have things like their own server. They also have multiple locations all over the world. Digital Extremes, on the other hand, is a small 'indie' developer based out of London, Ontario, Canada. They have a couple hundred people working for them, they only are working on one game at a time, and they don't have the resources nor the constant player base to maintain their own server. Also, Destiny 2 wasn't always free so stop talking your BS. There is also a bounty system being implemented in fortuna where you can recieve bounties out in the field.

I would love to see how much money switching to dedicated servers would cost DE on a monthly basis, and what that would mean for the game in terms of content they couldn't spend that money making.

I bet it wouldnt be worth it.

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These sound like honest suggestions. 

However, I personally like the way things are now. I don't do well with change, and if you change too much, it becomes a different game entirely. 

P2P works, avoids clutter, and is in some ways better than a server. 

I can't wait to run around the Orb Vallis and collect bounties. It's a nice QoL addition that I hope to see return - even when I do like hubs like Cetus. 

As for the rest, I find them to be...what's the word...I don't notice them. I have yet to scratch the surface of rivens, sorties, survivals - I'm sure my ignorance is hindering my response - but I just don't see a need for those at the moment.

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9 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

I would love to see how much money switching to dedicated servers would cost DE on a monthly basis, and what that would mean for the game in terms of content they couldn't spend that money making.

I bet it wouldnt be worth it.

Even Destiny doesn't have entirely dedicated servers. Last I checked they had some weird combination of peer to peer and dedicated servers.

Here is a quote about it...


Activities such as mission logic and script logic are handled by their servers, while player activities such as aiming and shooting are broadcast through peer-to-peer.

Something like this is probably extremely complicated to implement, and even though DE has the benefit of Evolution Engine being in-house it would still be a full rework of the core netcode of the game.


So yeah, probably not worth it.

Edited by DrBorris
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The only thing I actually enjoy about Destiny 2 is the relatively seem-less player streaming when nearby. But they are owned by a huge company who can easily afford the server cost, DE would likely go in the red if they had to constantly host multiple sessions of just Fortuna 24/7 for a year or two. 

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4 hours ago, Jenggo_Kalem said:

 Im not comparing warframe to destiny.

And yet you go and do JUST that.


On top of that, everything you're listing is just you trying to say it should be more like destiny rather than finding their own thing or tweaking what they already have.

1. They may have servers for you to connect to, but the amount of disconnect is unreal when so many people are popping in when a dlc drops, and it screws everyone. When doc drops for Warframe I get disconnected maybe once or twice the first day, not every 30 minutes then sit there in a log in queue waiting to play.

2. (Not saying sorties are perfect, because 9/10 times I just get the sculpture, and I now call the  riven mod a bronze gold tier reward) you complain about alerts and sorties which are actual engaging missions, you want to remove the challenging missions just to go and kill one enemy? What do you want as a reward? A rank 3 arcane energize? They're not going to give you anything good for something so easy and destiny doesn't either, they give you a piece of gear, which is practically cosmetic, because it's not at max light level, so you have to power that gear up. 2 different game styles, and I prefer warframes in this instance.

3. While incursions may not be as engaging as Destiny's public events, the public events in destiny are hardly rewarding and have mostly been used for quests.

4. That's in the game now, and not many like the constant loading, which is why they said they're allowing you to start new bounties without returning to the non-combat zone, which was announced on like the first fortuna preview, how can you miss this?

5. Boils down to screen clutter, and that's not what they want. If I recall correctly destiny doesn't have this as well, you have to go to your inventory and go over to a certain tab. The only thing Warframe would need to do is add each progress bar in the start menu rather than having it cycle between your affinity challenge and riven progress.

6. Destiny isn't even as seamless as you want to think it is, yeah there's a building you can walk into that enemies don't bother to take over for whatever reason and you don't have to worry about combat, but free roam in destiny for these areas is boring to start with and the only reason you find yourself there is when the game says you need to be.

7. While I don personally enjoy having to go an hour before I start engaging challenging enemies, but you're suggesting that they add in...something....like....TACTICAL ALERTS?? so what? They have to add it into the open environment for you to care about it? If you're unhappy with the game stop playing it, but if they ever turn Warframe into an open world and get rid of what Warframe started as, not only will it be a while, but it probably won't happen. Not unless the game is on the brink of death and they've no other option.


I honestly feel like you've not played destiny 1 or 2 as much as you supposedly have played Warframe, I mean for starters both destiny games lacked on launch and through majority of their dlcs, playing 5 hours a day and I'd be done with content almost as soon as it was released, but maybe the difference is, I didn't get distracted running around doing unrewarding content, while thinking "it's fun to sit here and not progress"

If you wanna uninstall it, then by all means, go ahead. I highly doubt DE is going to worry about someone who seems like they don't care for their game in the first place and have posted in their forums promoting someone else's game. Warframe isn't perfect, but I'll play it over the BS that Bungie has dropped on me for a straight 4 years.

Edit: how come every post asking for new content starts with "I love Warframe" and then just goes on to list that you basically hate it? And you want it turned into another game like destiny or fortnite? It's funny though because you're here, playing this game, because the other game that you seem to really love more than warframe, is failing to keep you interested. If you have actual constructive criticism, then provide it, but if all you can do is say "become this game" then you don't actually love the game, and you're wasting the time of DE to make them sit here and read what they already know about other games. Warframe doesn't charge you a dime to play their game, and anything that actually matters in the game can be earned, if you choose to buy platinum or access packs, it's on you. I have and will continue to buy prime access packs every now and again to support the game, but I'm not going to sit here expecting Warframe to excel past AAA devs that not only charge you for their game, but charge you for a full game and provide 50-75% of a game, or charge you $40+ for minimal content and constant walls to slow you down while they half ass it to release new content that's glitched, and more than likely won't be revisited, or even of it is revisited, it will still be glitched.

Edited by (XB1)BKRS Veeco
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4 hours ago, Jenggo_Kalem said:

Hi DE, don't you know Destiny 2 is currently free until 18-Nov-2018 in PC. Im not comparing warframe to destiny. I Love warframe, but to me there is an interesting mechanic that i like in Destiny, and can be implement for Warframe improvement.

1. They have server!! no host migration issue. I like it compare to warframe Peer 2 Peer system. I really hate host migration. 
2, They have daily achievement task. Warframe can implement this (eg: Kill 100 lv.100 or higher Bombard). Not just damn alert.
3. The open world alert (public event) is cool. Enter the zone to participate. Leave the zone for quit. You can join more than 4 people to kill the alert boss (well, DE need to have their own server)
4. Cool bounty system. On the go bounty is very cool. You can take bounty in open world. Oh yeah and they had High Value Target.
5. Put every progress in a progress window. In warframe, You need to wait to see Riven challenge progress. Not consistent status progress.
6. Good safe point placement. I hate going to POE from cetus and return back to cetus mechanic. Need to have a seamless integration with map.
7. Has a High level zone. Warframe can have a multi high level zone (eg: lv 10-20 zone, lv. 100-120 zone). Maybe inside a cave. And if you survive inside the zone, you get a reward. 
If DE put this on Fortuna or maybe on the Railjack update. It will be very cool and make warfrane more addictive game. Im playing games since 1988, and warframe can keep me play more than a full year. No other games is. But just like warframe community said, more longer you play, the more need in-game content. I will bored playing warframe in the next 5 month and will uninstall it if DE not added more content or gameplay improvement.
Now Im playing Destiny 2, waiting for Fortuna update. I hope it exceed my expectations.

To clarify - destiny 2 is free, and also limited. (You're limited to level 20, and don't get the newest content unless you pay for it)

I've been trying it, since its free.. and have started wondering why on earth it's compared at all to warframe by some people. It's nowhere near on the same level.

Clunky to get around. Clunkier to understand. It by no means is seamless, not even at all. Inviting friends is a clunky multi-click effort. Going anywhere is a clunky effort. Finding anything is a clunky effort. You finish a quest and it just ends.. bam.. black loading screen.

DE need to keep doing what DE do, and not take any lessons from games like that one.

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27 minutes ago, (XB1)BKRS Veeco said:

And yet you go and do JUST that.


On top of that, everything you're listing is just you trying to say it should be more like destiny rather than finding their own thing or tweaking what they already have.

1. They may have servers for you to connect to, but the amount of disconnect is unreal when so many people are popping in when a dlc drops, and it screws everyone. When doc drops for Warframe I get disconnected maybe once or twice the first day, not every 30 minutes then sit there in a log in queue waiting to play.

2. (Not saying sorties are perfect, because 9/10 times I just get the sculpture, and I now call the  riven mod a bronze gold tier reward) you complain about alerts and sorties which are actual engaging missions, you want to remove the challenging missions just to go and kill one enemy? What do you want as a reward? A rank 3 arcane energize? They're not going to give you anything good for something so easy and destiny doesn't either, they give you a piece of gear, which is practically cosmetic, because it's not at max light level, so you have to power that gear up. 2 different game styles, and I prefer warframes in this instance.

3. While incursions may not be as engaging as Destiny's public events, the public events in destiny are hardly rewarding and have mostly been used for quests.

4. That's in the game now, and not many like the constant loading, which is why they said they're allowing you to start new bounties without returning to the non-combat zone, which was announced on like the first fortuna preview, how can you miss this?

5. Boils down to screen clutter, and that's not what they want. If I recall correctly destiny doesn't have this as well, you have to go to your inventory and go over to a certain tab. The only thing Warframe would need to do is add each progress bar in the start menu rather than having it cycle between your affinity challenge and riven progress.

6. Destiny isn't even as seamless as you want to think it is, yeah there's a building you can walk into that enemies don't bother to take over for whatever reason and you don't have to worry about combat, but free roam in destiny for these areas is boring to start with and the only reason you find yourself there is when the game says you need to be.

7. While I don personally enjoy having to go an hour before I start engaging challenging enemies, but you're suggesting that they add in...something....like....TACTICAL ALERTS?? so what? They have to add it into the open environment for you to care about it? If you're unhappy with the game stop playing it, but if they ever turn Warframe into an open world and get rid of what Warframe started as, not only will it be a while, but it probably won't happen. Not unless the game is on the brink of death and they've no other option.


I honestly feel like you've not played destiny 1 or 2 as much as you supposedly have played Warframe, I mean for starters both destiny games lacked on launch and through majority of their dlcs, playing 5 hours a day and I'd be done with content almost as soon as it was released, but maybe the difference is, I didn't get distracted running around doing unrewarding content, while thinking "it's fun to sit here and not progress"

 If you wanna uninstall it, then by all means, go ahead. I highly doubt DE is going to worry about someone who seems like they don't care for their game in the first place and have posted in their forums promoting someone else's game. Warframe isn't perfect, but I'll play it over the BS that Bungie has dropped on me for a straight 4 years.

Edit: how come every post asking for new content starts with "I love Warframe" and then just goes on to list that you basically hate it? And you want it turned into another game like destiny or fortnite? It's funny though because you're here, playing this game, because the other game that you seem to really love more than warframe, is failing to keep you interested. If you have actual constructive criticism, then provide it, but if all you can do is say "become this game" then you don't actually love the game, and you're wasting the time of DE to make them sit here and read what they already know about other games. Warframe doesn't charge you a dime to play their game, and anything that actually matters in the game can be earned, if you choose to buy platinum or access packs, it's on you. I have and will continue to buy prime access packs every now and again to support the game, but I'm not going to sit here expecting Warframe to excel past AAA devs that not only charge you for their game, but charge you for a full game and provide 50-75% of a game, or charge you $40+ for minimal content and constant walls to slow you down while they half ass it to release new content that's glitched, and more than likely won't be revisited, or even of it is revisited, it will still be glitched.

Well, i do love warframe. Maybe you right, that list is what i hate about warframe. Maybe im just asking DE for fix the dam problem. And by the way, that is my honest opinion, maybe there is thousand other player with a same vision with me.

Im not saying warframe should be change to something else. Just an idea maybe can make things added to existing gameplay. 

As for Destiny, I dont care if the game has a level cap or the game has a locked content. Im just sayin' "Hey Thats look cool if warframe has it" and this is the place where i can speak of it. Just a popup bubbles from my head. Please go easy on me. Dont hate me for saying an idea.

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Just now, Lordmotav said:

As someone who already has Destiny 2, I wouldn't reinstall that game if Activision sent people to my house to torture me until I gave in.

Same, though i'll give it props. The base story lasted longer than D1 and i played it longer than D1.

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