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Fortuna weapons


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Some of the corpus weapons on the Fortuna page have me really interested. The Kreska looks odd but might be cool, but really has me is the Ocucor and Battacor. The Ocucor has an interesting effect and I'm hoping its kinda like a shotgun as it looks like someone took a corpus pistol and shoved the shwak into it. The Battacor just looks and sounds like its going to behave like a rail cannon; I want its stats to be at least usable so I can justify the potato beyond it looks cool though I'm already committing a potato to it.

Anyone wanting or getting particularly interested in one of the new weapons?

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The Kreska is probably going to be another scythe, and as much as I like the idea of scythe weapons the stances for them aren't good enough and they don't have enough range to be useful.

The Ocucor looks like a Sentient/Corpus hybrid (which is a terrifying concept lore-wise), but without seeing its stats I have no real opinion, beyond thinking that its gimmick likely won't be very useful.

The Battacor, if it is an actual sniper instead of a DMR (I'm looking at you, Veldt), has the potential to overtake the Lanka if it has the stats to back up its mechanics.

And while I know it isn't a part of the OP, I think the Nagantaka could be useful as long as it can reach 100% crit chance or 100% pre-multishot status chance, but otherwise it will join the Latron/Grinlok/Veldt as yet another weapon that can't handle higher-level content due to being slower than auto/burst but dealing less damage than snipers.

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Gangs do things like mug citzens and do drive bys. I think DE didn’t think this one through.

Now if the corpus units dropped the weapons they used, maybe with random stats and buffs on them that might be fun. 😉 Make them a challenge to kill b/c that weapon is being aimed at us.

Maybe resources, the broken remnants of a weapon, can drop from them, be salvaged and then used to improve rivens.... This would give DE a reason to make combat a challenge.

On statues:

  • While an amber star bp is welcome, the rate of statue drop to stars won’t cut it. The statues will simply pile up and the method to fill them is tedious and visually straining with all the glossy heavy transition effects.
  • Finding unfilled and partially filled statues at the bottom of a page with nearly 50 sculptures is also a drag.
  • The glut of statues will destroy the now marginal market for non anasa sculptures.
  • Please make like filled sculptures stack in inventory.

Also, Garuda from myth is male. DE looks like they blithely grabbed a name.

Edited by (PS4)teacup775
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10 minutes ago, (PS4)teacup775 said:

Gangs do things like mug citzens and do drive bys. I think DE didn’t think this one through.


10 minutes ago, (PS4)teacup775 said:

Also, Garuda from myth is male. DE looks like they blithely grabbed a name.

This isn't the first time DE has done this. Ivar the Boneless, Ivara's namesake, was male. They don't import concepts wholesale; they change them to fit the Warframe universe, drawing inspiration from multiple sources. They don't need to match the genders of names they use.

12 minutes ago, (PS4)teacup775 said:

Please make like filled sculptures stack in inventory.

I can definitely agree with this.

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12 minutes ago, Senketsu_ said:

Those new Corpus weapons look like they are a Corpus and Sentient hybrid

Well, that might be because they are.

Battacor is a battalyst arm with some extra corpus bling.
Ocucor is a shwaak with extras.

You can also find dead sentients in the labs on orb vallis.

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3 minutes ago, Nesodos said:

Well, that might be because they are.

Battacor is a battalyst arm with some extra corpus bling.
Ocucor is a shwaak with extras.

You can also find dead sentients in the labs on orb vallis.

...so, expect a Corpus invasion of PoE in the future?


Eidolon/Moa hybrid...a weapon to surpass Metal Gear...

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2 hours ago, GrayArchon said:


K drive standing from a gang as they call it. Not sure if that term was thought out.

2 hours ago, GrayArchon said:

This isn't the first time DE has done this. Ivar the Boneless, Ivara's namesake, was male. They don't import concepts wholesale; they change them to fit the Warframe universe, drawing inspiration from multiple sources. They don't need to match the genders of names they use.

Sure but it will be dissonant for some part of the population. It may come across as artless.

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they all look alright, Battacor is my favourite, thoguh i can't tell if it's a sniper Rifle or just a really long charge weapon that will use rifle ammo, sort of like The Opticor. I hope it's a Sniper because then it can benefit from the combo system (and maybe provide an alternative to the Lanka for Eidolon hunts)

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6 hours ago, (PS4)teacup775 said:

Sure but it will be dissonant for some part of the population. It may come across as artless.

>games are a form of art

>game studio makes artful takes on inspiration for in-game things

>"the gender does't match the name, that's artless!"

What they're doing is textbook definition artful, taking inspiration from a plethora of influences from around the world to craft into a sci-fi fantasy looter shooter with one of the best models for moneymaking without making a hot mess all over your fanbase on the market.


Like, seriously. They could be doing a LOT worse, and I play Destiny 2*.




I use this in the context that I do enjoy Destiny 2 but they have a pay-system that is a fine example of what plagues the gaming community as a whole: rampant micro transactions.


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55 minutes ago, ChargeBeam said:

> "the gender does't match the name, that's artless!"

What they're doing is textbook definition artful, taking inspiration from a plethora of influences from around the world to craft into a sci-fi fantasy looter shooter with one of the best models for moneymaking without making a hot mess all over your fanbase on the market.

The way they are taking the frame and the myth itself? Eh, I don’t see it as an artful use. Just very crude and on the order of a taking as a name Vishnu or Kali but put in Lakota dress, then calling the result artful refrence to “Indian”.

this is what the balinese do

or this

or the thai

Wander into Pinterest and there’s even more.

Take a name of Garuda but is it evocative of him? Ember Vermillion is closer in appearence. Zephyr in theme and appearence.

The last three frames are Goth flavor frames, with Kohra being S&M... with Canadian characteristics. They couldn't quite pull of edge and had to go silly with a playground fixture as a visual for her 4. Enemies dangle annoyingly like Zephyr. Ash and Nidus do menace. Korah, Rev and now Garuda border on silly with their 4s’ aesthetic. Why can’t they close the loop (anymore)?

DE does a good job, yet they’ve created so many loose ends lore wise that could be woven back to add some new story. Right now, story wise they are veering more towards D1.. there are a lot of gaps and at best a veneer of story. Every once in a while they drip out the suggestion of lore (Sacrifice and Chimera were exceedingly short and cliff hangers, if revealing, but more single serving story). I have this nifty frame and two swords from the lot, but meaning? Advancement? Not to the daily grind.

Fortuna may yet suprise, but at the moment the k drive, again the odd gesture of modified “humans” without human heads or expression don’t bolster my confidence. The tax man stuff feels contrived. Nef is just going to be a silly egotist. Why do tenno even care about robots with human arms plastered on? Where is the man in the wall or mother?

We’ll blow up a couple bases (for great power fantasy), get a couple shock scenes, grind some resources, kill a big spider, get some more vague hints about story (instead of living it, we hear about it), then farm the spider for a while. Maybe after that we’ll have rail jack, but woopie now we’re space pirates, filling our pockets with loot and boozing it up in our landing craft.

I gave up on Bungie after Taken King.

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43 minutes ago, (PS4)teacup775 said:

Fortuna may yet suprise, but at the moment the k drive, again the odd gesture of modified “humans” without human heads or expression don’t bolster my confidence. The tax man stuff feels contrived. Nef is just going to be a silly egotist. Why do tenno even care about robots with human arms plastered on? Where is the man in the wall or mother?

I find that the story is a pretty good one. If they reach Tennos and try to get help it's there choice to help or not. People like you are a good example for that. "I dont care about the people. If you pay me and give me things that I want I will help you. Nothing more nothing less."


And others like me just want to see Nef suffer. I also find Fortuna more friendly that the Cetus people and have more interesting things to do.

Edited by DerGreif2
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8 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

I find that the story is a pretty good one. If they reach Tennos and try to get help it's there choice to help or not. People like you are a good example for that. "I dont care about the people. If you pay me and give me things that I want I will help you. Nothing more nothing less."

No and you’ve missed the point. The story isn't even revealed and is a standard opening: save the down trodden..bots, who are being repressed by “taxmen” who perform acts that sound like a death squad. Gee let’s just repossses that head, kidney, liver, heart or brain and get back to work, slave! Doesn’t seem like essential vital organs are needed by these people.

Poking Nef in the nose for kidnapping a little girl was a good quest. You had a compelling quest giver in Glast, whom I still like as one of the best NPC along with Teshin.

But Fortuna’s “people” look terribly contrived. They look like bots. They sound like bots. They are animated with all the care of bots. 

Biz asks for our help with animation that’s primitive as heck. Boing bob bob. Boing bob bob. Worse it looks recycled from some standard loop we’ll see lots of.

Lastly, the story isn't even revealed and is about as standard as cane be made: save the down trodden..bots.


8 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

And others like me just want to see Nef suffer. I also find Fortuna more friendly that the Cetus people and have more interesting things to do.

Right, so the pay is more to your liking. Gotcha.

Edited by (PS4)teacup775
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)teacup775 said:

No and you’ve missed the point. The story isn't even revealed and is a standard opening: save the down trodden..bots, who are being repressed by “taxmen” who perform acts that sound like a death squad. Gee let’s just repossses that head, kidney, liver, heart or brain and get back to work, slave! Doesn’t seem like essential vital organs are needed by these people.

Poking Nef in the nose for kidnapping a little girl was a good quest. You had a compelling quest giver in Glast, whom I still like as one of the best NPC along with Teshin.

But Fortuna’s “people” look terribly contrived. They look like bots. They sound like bots. They are animated with all the care of bots. 

Biz asks for our help with animation that’s primitive as heck. Boing bob bob. Boing bob bob. Worse it looks recycled from some standard loop we’ll see lots of.


Warframe's done a lot of standard openings and produced good stories from them, remember.

Let's see, a Shadowy figure receives a great and dark power from an evil monster that's a dark reflection to the hero's mentor and guide.

Two evil rulers talking of the growing power of their enemies and how they will bend that to their advantage.

Or a colony of farmers has their old relic and their children stolen by a corrupt religious figure for that figure's own gain.

All of these are, frankly, very standard openings, so don't count your chickens before they've hatched.

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)teacup775 said:

But Fortuna’s “people” look terribly contrived. They look like bots. They sound like bots. They are animated with all the care of bots

You know that we talk about a game where a living spaceship is a boss and that we fight vs the corpus since the  beginning? Also if you know other scifi games or films it is not so far fetched that they replace almost the complete body with cybernetics. They are cyborgs and not just for fun they have a reason. You can say all you want: Fortuna fits perfectly in Warfarme. And I am hyped for it.

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2 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

Warframe's done a lot of standard openings and produced good stories from them, remember.


Sure but as an opening its nothing to write home about. We also had POE which was mostly a bunch of talk and no action. Cetus at no time is under threat. The Unum has it all in hand. Nothing changes doing the quests other than getting a two frame stories and both of whose parts are in POE.. um no, one is farmed in sanctuary onslaught, an area completely unrelated to planes.

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4 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

You know that we talk about a game where a living spaceship is a boss and that we fight vs the corpus since the  beginning? Also if you know other scifi games or films it is not so far fetched that they replace almost the complete body with cybernetics. They are cyborgs and not just for fun they have a reason. You can say all you want: Fortuna fits perfectly in Warfarme. And I am hyped for it.

Aesthetically DE made uncompelling Fortuna faces by choice. Seriously the G3 have more engaging faces.

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All of Warframe is a homage to the devs love of everything campy to pop that inspired them to do what they do.

Be it retro robot heads, bird robots, children of the corn, golden fallen civilizations. Not so alien, alien menace. The zerg, I mean the tyranid, I mean the flood, I mean the Infested. Way to pick out the tree from the forest 


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24 minutes ago, Tsaiorchis said:

I’m more confused about how this thread went from commenting on cool new weapons to issues with plot and character naming...

True nuf. Cool new weapons to what end tho? There’s this moutain of weapons. You can get those in a lot of games. At this rate farming a perfect Interfacer is looking more engaging again. NPC commentary never gets old.


7 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

All of Warframe is a homage to the devs love of everything campy to pop that inspired them to do what they do.

Be it retro robot heads, bird robots, children of the corn, golden fallen civilizations. Not so alien, alien menace. The zerg, I mean the tyranid, I mean the flood, I mean the Infested. Way to pick out the tree from the forest 


Sigh. Gearbox does a superior job. POE, the last three frames, and “end game” has not been so well pulled off.

Edited by (PS4)teacup775
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