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Warframe on Nintendo Switch: ACCOUNT MIGRATION!


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On 2018-11-16 at 8:41 AM, XAJM said:

if i get a Switch eventually lets say in a year, will the Account Migration be available or is it for a limited time?

I would like to know this as well. I can't afford to get a switch right now, but I would like to migrate a copy of my PC account to it so I'm not starting over from the bottom rung.

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19 minutes ago, Kromatia said:

I would like to know this as well. I can't afford to get a switch right now, but I would like to migrate a copy of my PC account to it so I'm not starting over from the bottom rung.

It is time limited.
The migration is there so the new version of the game gets populated quicker. People like to play populated games more than empty games.

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Switch should be cross play with PC like Fortnite. Nintendo has shown that they are the most open when it comes to this. I am sure the PC folk (like myself) would be ok with content updates not coming out as fast if it meant PC and Switch get them at the same time. That way DE would have the complete home and mobile experience for WF.

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36 minutes ago, Loli_BN said:

 I am sure the PC folk (like myself) would be ok with content updates not coming out as fast if it meant PC and Switch get them at the same time.

Only talk for yourself.
Sorry, but I couldn't care less for crossplay. No, I want my updates often. I don't want to wait for the Switch.
Switch-Updates are even more time-consuming than PS4/XBOne.
DE makes the updates for PS4 and XBOne and Sony/Microsoft just need to certify the updates. The Switch-Updates are made by another company and Nintendo needs to certify all the stuff aswell.
So just from parties involved alone this is almost impossible. You don't just need Nintendo to work faster for the updates: Also the company making the Switch-Ports need to work faster.

And a second thing are the bugs.
Right now, we on PC test updates for all the other platforms. We have to live with some bugs for a week at maximum.
If we had updates at the same time as consoles, we would have to live with some bugs for a month.
Nobody wants that just so a minority can be happy about crossplay.

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I had to work through loss aversion/the sunk cost fallacy before deciding to trade in my PS4 Pro and finally be done with Sony's awful customer service.

I had to accept all the losses associated with that. I had to accept that I'd be losing my game library. My DLC. That I wouldn't be recouping the cost of the console, or any of the accessories. I even knew I'd have to accept that all the time and money I invested into Warframe and other games were all for naught.

I knew this was coming. I knew it, and I'd accepted it. No doubt there's some needlessly complex/arguably stupid legal reasons that console to console migration isn't being allowed, but would it hurt you to grant us a few small concessions? Let us take a few things with us?

The colors, the sound packs for Octavia, the skins, the Syandanas, Helmets and Attachments, not to mention all those mods I had maxed out. I don't even wanna think about going back to a time before I had the Stalker's Acolytes exclusive event mods. What am I going to do without Blood Rush and Body Count? Without my Hirudo, or Nidus?

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28 minutes ago, (PS4)Carnatus said:

I knew this was coming. I knew it, and I'd accepted it. No doubt there's some needlessly complex/arguably stupid legal reasons that console to console migration isn't being allowed, but would it hurt you to grant us a few small concessions? Let us take a few things with us?

Just go and ask Sony, if you can take your stuff from PS4 to Nintendo Switch. They are the once you have to ask.

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On 2018-11-16 at 3:57 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

Everything you need to know:



On 2018-11-16 at 3:57 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:


(A full list of items that won’t transfer will be available with the launch of the migration program.)


Then it's not everything

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On 2018-11-16 at 3:27 PM, jxtichi012 said:

I have a Switch discuss group which have around 100 player in there, there is someone who sneak in and tell us.

"Hey, if you are new to Warframe and want to play the Switch version develop quicker, why not get the account copy who is veteran player?“

Now the new business has being created, the seller who claim will never touch the switch version, can sell their account copy to these one who want to open the new world with the seller's resource(like rare mod,riven mod, prime parts etc) or the buyer just collect these account to sell these trade-able items to new players on switch version.

So I wonder how DE deal such kind of problems, just group into another RMT problem? Or restrict the trade in some way?

They will do nothing.

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On 2018-11-16 at 9:27 PM, jxtichi012 said:

I have a Switch discuss group which have around 100 player in there, there is someone who sneak in and tell us.

"Hey, if you are new to Warframe and want to play the Switch version develop quicker, why not get the account copy who is veteran player?“

Now the new business has being created, the seller who claim will never touch the switch version, can sell their account copy to these one who want to open the new world with the seller's resource(like rare mod,riven mod, prime parts etc) or the buyer just collect these account to sell these trade-able items to new players on switch version.

So I wonder how DE deal such kind of problems, just group into another RMT problem? Or restrict the trade in some way?

Funny how you bring this up even though Rebecca is talking about account sharing in the opening post.
If you were to buy a migrated account, chances are you will be fine. But you have to remember that what you did was against the rules. So DE could ban you whenever they feel like it.
Or to say it differently: You can't expect support to help you if something happened to the account you bought.

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I am super stoked about the upcoming Switch version release tomorrow! Glad to know that the account migration is essentially a copy of my current account. 

Although I am still debating on whether I will be making a new account or going through the migration. Originally a friend and I wanted to see how far we could go with spending no money on the game aside from the $20 starter bundle for the game, but knowing this information now I'll need to talk to my friend to see what we want to do. As we wanted to start mainly wanted to start over for making our own dojo, but since those don't carry over I'm sitting pretty.

I'll probably wind up farming all night on PC to make sure when I do the transfer I've got even more formas and resources ready at hand!

Q: If we could get a rough estimate on how long the migration offer will last for that would be splendid! Also, one other question since rumors have it fortuna may not be released till early 2019 on the Switch shall we assume that our standings in fortuna if not all syndicates and other things will be reset all well?


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20 minutes ago, Hematocritz said:

so why are people complaining about shared progress? have they not already established that with the xbox/ps4 versions? Are you guys really this thick headed or just simply oblivious?

Dude why are you asking idiotic questions? If you can't understand why people want shared progress between PC and Switch, can't you ask nicely instead of being an a$$?

Switch is a little different than xbox/ps4. Switch is mobile, portable. Xbox/PS4 are not. A PC gamer wouldn't play the game on both PC and xbox/ps4 at the same time (at least the majority). But it is easy to see said gamers play on PC, and when they go out somewhere, they can also play on a mobile Switch, without having to carry their PC with them. That's a very nice option, considering many people are getting older and have jobs/families to worry about and can't sit on PC at home all day.

But without shared progress, all this "migration" is pointless. You have to give up one platform entirely, or have to grind twice for stuff.


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Just now, PliskinJr said:

Dude why are you asking idiotic questions? If you can't understand why people want shared progress between PC and Switch, can't you ask nicely instead of being an a$$?

Switch is a little different than xbox/ps4. Switch is mobile, portable. Xbox/PS4 are not. A PC gamer wouldn't play the game on both PC and xbox/ps4 at the same time (at least the majority). While it's easily to see said gamers play on PC, and when they go out somewhere, they can also play on a mobile Switch, without having to carry their PC with them. That's a very nice option, considering many people are getting older and have jobs/families to worry about and can't sit on PC at home all day.

But without shared progress, all this "migration" is pointless. You have to give up one platform entirely, or have to grind twice for stuff.


It's pointless asking the same questions knowing the answer already. And, if you watch and pay attention to devstreams/interviews, they mention that cross-play (which will most likely incorporate account sharing between platforms) in the future is not out of the question. I'm not going to repeat the same thing people already have answered "nicely" multiple times. No one said it's not a nice option buddy,  but to see people repeating the same questions over and over, being answered by the same thing over and over, can you guys give the devs a break? No one attacked your stance on whether account sharing is good or not, I simply asked, why do people keep complaining? As if they already don't have the answer WHICH IS NOT ATM, but NOT OUT OF THE QUESTION. 

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32 minutes ago, Hematocritz said:

It's pointless asking the same questions knowing the answer already. And, if you watch and pay attention to devstreams/interviews, they mention that cross-play (which will most likely incorporate account sharing between platforms) in the future is not out of the question. I'm not going to repeat the same thing people already have answered "nicely" multiple times. No one said it's not a nice option buddy,  but to see people repeating the same questions over and over, being answered by the same thing over and over, can you guys give the devs a break? No one attacked your stance on whether account sharing is good or not, I simply asked, why do people keep complaining? As if they already don't have the answer WHICH IS NOT ATM, but NOT OUT OF THE QUESTION. 

Give the devs what break? This is an open forum for people to voice their concern for the devs to know. The more people voicing their concern and questions, the bigger the problems are and the devs will know better what to do or what to focus on.

I'm 100% sure devs will not be "tired" of listening to people's questions, discussions and concerns, only a few people like you do. Therefore, if you don't like their posts, you should concentrate your effort elsewhere, instead of being an a$$ to people in here.

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Still not hearing anything about content post-fortuna that we've unlocked being accessed when it comes out on Switch. I know obviously Fortuna won't be available, what update is going to be available when it's out?

I wouldn't care so much if it wasn't time-gated and if content we've unlocked on PC (like the 950 plat Garuda package) unlocked on Switch as it was released. If not, then I'm not sure it's worth it considering even the plat won't transfer. At least for me.

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22 minutes ago, MrHanBrolo said:

Still not hearing anything about content post-fortuna that we've unlocked being accessed when it comes out on Switch. I know obviously Fortuna won't be available, what update is going to be available when it's out?

I wouldn't care so much if it wasn't time-gated and if content we've unlocked on PC (like the 950 plat Garuda package) unlocked on Switch as it was released. If not, then I'm not sure it's worth it considering even the plat won't transfer. At least for me.

During DK's interview they talked about transferring future content and hiding it, but wheren't positive it will work.  I don't think we will know for sure until the migration actually starts.

As for what version, it will be Mask of the Revenant.  This is from the switch FAQ:


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