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The Garbage Fire that is the profit taker and how to fix it


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So as we know the orb fight is a garbage fire, its tedious, unrewarding and nigh impossible. Lets go over Why that is and what changes we can make.

1. The trash mobs, there are so many of them that you just end up being put into a stun lock, resulting in you being instakilled, my 6khp Inaros was constantly being knocked down by the trash mobs then killed by the rockets, giving me no way to fight back. A solution to this could be to reduce the enemy spawn rate by 60% while the bounty is active and have enemies be less likely to throw down beacons.

2. Delays, Have the intro be skippable simple as that. Also have the time it takes you to whip out and recharge your arch gun by 50% also make it so that we can move while its happening.

3. Arch Guns. As said reduce those certain stats but also dont shove them down our gullets, have it so that the item we put on the guns can be put on any weapon and it simply means we can now kill the profit taker with it

4. Rewards. For such a difficult fight you would think you'd get something good, but no. Just standing for LD. give us something good like a Potato, Kuva, Eidolon shards ANYTHING. An idea would be Moduals that we could install in a gear wheel that would emulate the orbs abilities in our favour.

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2 minutes ago, Waterbeacon said:

So as we know the orb fight is a garbage fire, its tedious, unrewarding and nigh impossible. Lets go over Why that is and what changes we can make.

1. The trash mobs, there are so many of them that you just end up being put into a stun lock, resulting in you being instakilled, my 6khp Inaros was constantly being knocked down by the trash mobs then killed by the rockets, giving me no way to fight back. A solution to this could be to reduce the enemy spawn rate by 60% while the bounty is active and have enemies be less likely to throw down beacons.

2. Delays, Have the intro be skippable simple as that. Also have the time it takes you to whip out and recharge your arch gun by 50% also make it so that we can move while its happening.

3. Arch Guns. As said reduce those certain stats but also dont shove them down our gullets, have it so that the item we put on the guns can be put on any weapon and it simply means we can now kill the profit taker with it

4. Rewards. For such a difficult fight you would think you'd get something good, but no. Just standing for LD. give us something good like a Potato, Kuva, Eidolon shards ANYTHING. An idea would be Moduals that we could install in a gear wheel that would emulate the orbs abilities in our favour.

1. That's what they're designed to do. They're supposed to distract you away from the fight. Might else well just remove knockdowns as a mechanic because it's not fair and you can't build against it right? If you reduce the number of mobs to the point where they are virtually no longer a threat, you might else well not have them in the first place and just give a Jackal stage where ammo just falls from the sky.

2. Only thing I'll agree with you is skipping all the story portions. Having a delay while calling down the Archgun isn't so much of a flaw that needs to be addressed, just be more careful with it rather than expecting the entire game to go at your pace.

3. If you scale the boss down to a barely modded Archgun, the fight is now ridiculous skewed towards people with properly built ones. The Eidolons' health weren't scaled down be to let a 0 Forma Lanka kill it with a single hit, this doesn't need to be done for the Orbs.

4. The fight is not particularly difficult, it's just different and people need time to learn and adapt. It will be treated like a Teralyst fight after a week or two when people realize how to fight and take some time off to actually work on building up their Archguns.

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The fight is ridiculously easy if you use your brains a bit and take a proper loadout. 

You dieing constantly with a 6k hp Inaros tells all. I'm using inaros as well. Guess what, my Hp never even goes below 7500hp and I am immune to status effects and knockbacks.

First time we have a slightly challenging boss fight and all the lazy players not putting any thought into their loadouts cry for the boss to be nerfed...  Not garbage fights,  but garbage players. Smh... 

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3 hours ago, Waterbeacon said:

So as we know the orb fight is a garbage fire, its tedious, unrewarding and nigh impossible. Lets go over Why that is and what changes we can make.

1. The trash mobs, there are so many of them that you just end up being put into a stun lock, resulting in you being instakilled, my 6khp Inaros was constantly being knocked down by the trash mobs then killed by the rockets, giving me no way to fight back. A solution to this could be to reduce the enemy spawn rate by 60% while the bounty is active and have enemies be less likely to throw down beacons.

2. Delays, Have the intro be skippable simple as that. Also have the time it takes you to whip out and recharge your arch gun by 50% also make it so that we can move while its happening.

3. Arch Guns. As said reduce those certain stats but also dont shove them down our gullets, have it so that the item we put on the guns can be put on any weapon and it simply means we can now kill the profit taker with it 

4. Rewards. For such a difficult fight you would think you'd get something good, but no. Just standing for LD. give us something good like a Potato, Kuva, Eidolon shards ANYTHING. An idea would be Moduals that we could install in a gear wheel that would emulate the orbs abilities in our favour.

1. No. People want a challenge, we finally have one that may last the week before it gets trivial. We don't need it any easier. Don't tunnel vision, mind your surroundings and you should be fine. I do it with Garuda.

2. Yes please, these intros are working my nerves. As for the AW equip, I'm feeling neutral and the recharge CD vanishes the moment you pick up ammo, so there's that.

3. No, the fight would be worse if all we have to do is jump around holing LMB. The only thing I'd improve is the acquisition method for AW mods.

4. Here I'd have to agree, getting a radiant relic is extremely underwhelming. At least make them one of the new ones.


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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Mr.SpookSpook:

The fight is ridiculously easy if you use your brains...

Thats the problem i guess, i just waited for topics like this and i think many more will follow 😛

vor 15 Minuten schrieb Athnamos:

1. Trash mob problem can be solved by having someone whose job is to kill them and knock down pylons. Additionally killing mob that wield heavy weapon for archgun case drop that reduces cd and replenish archgun ammo.

Indeed, if you coordinate your team a bit it should be fairly doable.

I managed to take the Orb down first try with my clanmates although we went in knowing anything about the fight, had the "wrong" loadouts, no real coordination because we still had to figure out what is even going on, what will work good in the fight and what wont work. I dont wanna say "look how great my clanmates and i are", i just wanna say that if you can even take it down in a scenario like that, with a little thinking, coordination and the right loadouts this fight wont be too hard.


I just hope that DE doesnt instantly listen to the guys that cry after their first try that the fight is too hard and make it trivial after a week.


There are 2 ways of approaching this fight:

1st: Try once, have some problems, go to the forums and complain.

2nd: Try once, have some problems, try to figure out which of the 30+ frames, 100+ weapons, dozens of additional equipment like arcanes and so on might be good to use.

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6 hours ago, Waterbeacon said:

Delays, Have the intro be skippable simple as that.

No. Intros should never ever be replayable every time you want to hunt the boss. They should be played once and ONLY once. This is some pretty intern level of F-up, to say the least.

6 hours ago, RX-3DR said:

If you scale the boss down to a barely modded Archgun, the fight is now ridiculous skewed towards people with properly built ones. The Eidolons' health weren't scaled down be to let a 0 Forma Lanka kill it with a single hit, this doesn't need to be done for the Orbs.

Wrong. In Eidolons case those twigs have so much resistances and armors that ANYTHING that isn't powerfull like sniper rifles cannot do the job. It's a design flaw. Lanka/Rubico excel at killing him because of how well they scale with crit damage and bullet efficiency. No other gun is even close to be compared.


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25 minutes ago, deothor said:

Wrong. In Eidolons case those twigs have so much resistances and armors that ANYTHING that isn't powerfull like sniper rifles cannot do the job. It's a design flaw. Lanka/Rubico excel at killing him because of how well they scale with crit damage and bullet efficiency. No other gun is even close to be compared.

First of all, there are ways around it. During the first few weeks, I used a Tigris Prime and Euphona Prime on a Harrow and it wasn't particularly difficult to solo the Teralyst fights.

Secondly, you weren't promised 5 minute Eidolon captures. Stop trying to force the meta to be the standard, the design document for the Eidolons didn't specifically write down that the TTK goal is 5 minutes.

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4 часа назад, DreisterDino сказал:

1st: Try once, have some problems, go to the forums and complain.

2nd: Try once, have some problems, try to figure out which of the 30+ frames, 100+ weapons, dozens of additional equipment like arcanes and so on might be good to use.

Why I can like it only one time?

Orbs have been out for one day. We have no idea if we even kill it properly or if it have a hidden mechanic that will need more moves for a better loot (like with Eidolon), how to kill the other 2, how new Archgun mods will trivialize the fight then everyone will farm them (I wounder if that immunity to knockdown mod will need some nerfing). There is no meta for Orbs yet...

Elevator dialog? Yes, this needs fixing. It is annoying as the loot falling though the map with Eidolon.

Archgun running out of ammo? Kill. The. Mobs.

I will wait for a little while to see if killing the Orb by sending someone to reflector control tower and pushing some buttons or performing a Narta under its nose and reciting some poetry will get us better rewards before starting to complain about that one.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2018-12-19 at 2:37 AM, Mr.SpookSpook said:

The fight is ridiculously easy if you use your brains a bit and take a proper loadout. 

You dieing constantly with a 6k hp Inaros tells all. I'm using inaros as well. Guess what, my Hp never even goes below 7500hp and I am immune to status effects and knockbacks.

First time we have a slightly challenging boss fight and all the lazy players not putting any thought into their loadouts cry for the boss to be nerfed...  Not garbage fights,  but garbage players. Smh... 

When content is only for a few select frames, it's a good indication of bad design. And if u want to prove me wrong, solo on every warframe and record it.

On 2018-12-19 at 10:08 AM, Salenstormwing said:

First, fix everything listed in this video.

Secondly, get rid of the arbitrary count down timer, because it sucks all the fun out of the fight.

Profit-Taker, more like Patience-Taker, because I have none left.

This video is 100% correct, minus the bugs that were fixed. What an awful fight. I'm mostly sick of invulnerable phases in fights and taking away warframe abilities so that only a select number of warframes can fight effectively here. 

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On 2018-12-19 at 12:59 AM, Waterbeacon said:

So as we know the orb fight is a garbage fire, its tedious, unrewarding and nigh impossible. Lets go over Why that is and what changes we can make.

1. The trash mobs, there are so many of them that you just end up being put into a stun lock, resulting in you being instakilled, my 6khp Inaros was constantly being knocked down by the trash mobs then killed by the rockets, giving me no way to fight back. A solution to this could be to reduce the enemy spawn rate by 60% while the bounty is active and have enemies be less likely to throw down beacons.

2. Delays, Have the intro be skippable simple as that. Also have the time it takes you to whip out and recharge your arch gun by 50% also make it so that we can move while its happening.

3. Arch Guns. As said reduce those certain stats but also dont shove them down our gullets, have it so that the item we put on the guns can be put on any weapon and it simply means we can now kill the profit taker with it

4. Rewards. For such a difficult fight you would think you'd get something good, but no. Just standing for LD. give us something good like a Potato, Kuva, Eidolon shards ANYTHING. An idea would be Moduals that we could install in a gear wheel that would emulate the orbs abilities in our favour.

#1 Regulate one person to take care of the flotsam. When it's my turn, I use the Inaros with an acra plasmor and a sonicor.

#2 See #1. If you dont have to worry about the trash, the time it takes to whip out your archgun is just a blip. However, I do agree that this takes WAY too long and that being a sitting duck sucks

#3 No.

#4 Agreed. Im getting tired of getting the same garbage mod. But on the counter of it... you dont get squat from the Eidolons.

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