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Nightwave concept is shafting new and casual players


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I pretty much prefer the old alerts 

Nightwave is too Grindy for casual players

things that have been doing fine like the old corpus cupboards, why does DE always have to screw it up and make it worse?

Can we have both systems to coexist please? So that those players who are not interested in or too busy to grind Nightwave have alternative to the old alerts?

Why removed it completely and force everyone to do so? 

It makes the game a lot less fun

fyi, we, the working adults are those with very little time but have money to spare.



Edited by Im_a_fat_boy2
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3 minutes ago, Im_a_fat_boy2 said:

I pretty much prefer the old alerts 

Nightwave is too Grindy for casual players

things that have been doing fine like the old corpus cupboards, why does DE always have to screw it up and make it worse?

Can we have both systems to coexist? So that those players who are not interested in or too busy to grind Nightwave have alternative to the old alerts?

Why removed it completely and force everyone to do so? 

It makes the game a lot less fun

fyi, we, the working adults are those with very little time but have money to spare.



FYI I as a working adult aslo have little time and don't like being forced to fix my hours around random RNG timed alerts. and would much rather spend a single non work day grind up stuff which takes a most two hours  then i would to have  or missing RNG alerts content because i was asleep or busy.


speak for yourself not for others.

Edited by hazerddex
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4 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

I love how people are posting these big feedback threads in general discussion where DE doesn’t look.

Not a lot of feedback going on really, more whine than anything else in a lot of the threads

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2) All Nightwave offerings drawing from the same resource pool (currently wolf cred) is excessively punishing for new players.

I strongly agree with this. I'm at MR13, so not very new player, but still need Orokin reactors/catalysts as many as I can get. That means, I will never waste my "credit" on cosmetics or weapons and will try to avoid making things which costs precious Nitains. So Nightwaves basically just took these "free stuff" away from me.

Of cource, I really appriciate they gave us the way to obtain more potatos (and slots!), but maybe the rarer rewards should be separated from common rewards. Something like Gold and Silver Wolf Creds?

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45 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

no i could just login and log off in like 2 seconds. that's not playing the game. oh god how dareDE have incentive for you to actually play there game GASP

also as some one with a job and sleeps. this is much better then timed alert rng cancer.

also i finished basicly all the weekly missions and daily ones in a single day didn't even take all day.


What's funny is that I 100% agree with you, yet DE decided to screw veteran players that have thousands of hours played and very few logins. They even shifted the amount of the login reward to disregard MR and only count total logins. So they don't want dedication, they want daily user counts.

Back on topic, since wolf credits are attached to Nightwave tiers the system is hugely flawed against new players. Sure, as a veteran player I can finish them in a day or two depending on what is required but new players will struggle to do all of them. And since they are directly connected to gaining wolf credits this means getting any Nitain Extract or a low MR weapon blueprint could take them weeks as they need to get to tier 3 to get any credits at all.

This is made worse by the fact that the easier daily challenges are the minority and only account for 7k each week while weekly challenges and elite weekly challenges each account for over double that amount every week. At the very least, the number of elite weekly challenges needs to be reduced and the amount of daily challenges needs to increase to 2 or 3 every day. This would at least make it similar to the random alerts that they replaced.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

What's funny is that I 100% agree with you, yet DE decided to screw veteran players that have thousands of hours played and very few logins. They even shifted the amount of the login reward to disregard MR and only count total logins. So they don't want dedication, they want daily user counts.

Back on topic, since wolf credits are attached to Nightwave tiers the system is hugely flawed against new players. Sure, as a veteran player I can finish them in a day or two depending on what is required but new players will struggle to do all of them and since they are directly connected to gaining wolf credits this means getting any Nitain Extract or a low MR weapon blueprint could take them weeks as they need to get to tier 3 to get any credits at all.

This is made worse by the fact that the easier daily challenges are the minority and only account for 7k each week while weekly challenges and elite weekly challenges account for over double that amount every week. At the very least elite weekly challenges needs to be reduced and the amount of daily challenges needs to increase to 2 or 3 every day. This would at least make it similar to the random alerts that they replaced.

well thats one thing we can agree on.

we need more weekly.

ideally we should have a weekly every week for every game type. i.e resuce, capture, exterminate.

its laughable that  some one like myself who does have limited time can blow through every single one of these  on a single day off when they should be weekly.

but maybe add requirements like on x node

I find this system to be better, but no where did i say it was perfect. i just said it was better then the old RNG timed Cancer.

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You couldnt be more wrong. Work, School, kids, whatever.... puts people in a position of constantly missing alerts. With Nightwave, the alerts are ALWAYS there. I think they may have made it a little bit too grindy, but it's a GREAT system. On the higher tier items like the Umbra Forma... Newbies dont need it and dont have the resources to use it in most cases. This is the best thing to happen to WF since the release. This combined with the *kill X NPC for a free booster weekend* is the best thing the devs have ever done for this game. While other games are using mandatory funneling thru content no one wants to do to brethe life back into their 6yr old games, WF puts it out there with things we want to do and choices of where to farm X NPC.

Look at the big picture.

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5 minutes ago, ThumpumGood said:

You couldnt be more wrong. Work, School, kids, whatever.... puts people in a position of constantly missing alerts. With Nightwave, the alerts are ALWAYS there. I think they may have made it a little bit too grindy, but it's a GREAT system. On the higher tier items like the Umbra Forma... Newbies dont need it and dont have the resources to use it in most cases. This is the best thing to happen to WF since the release. This combined with the *kill X NPC for a free booster weekend* is the best thing the devs have ever done for this game. While other games are using mandatory funneling thru content no one wants to do to brethe life back into their 6yr old games, WF puts it out there with things we want to do and choices of where to farm X NPC.

Look at the big picture.

^ this i find it odd. that some of these people are saying this is bad!

but then forget half the rewards are items you are normally NEVER offered.

or almost never get with Timed RNG alerts.

the only time you can relyable get potatos. is from gift of the lotus. in the old system, but now you can actually work towards it.

OH and BTW gift of the lotus alerts are still going to stay so people can calm yourselves about the reactors and catalysts.



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I like the idea, but the implementation is awful   The rewards are currently too stingy.  I like the idea of earning points towards rewards that you want, instead of completely random alerts with random rewards.    It's still pretty useless to veteran players.    For those, It would be easier and quicker to sell prime parts for most of the what is offered.   Low level players will have difficulty completing the higher level rewards, which are at most 5000 points.  

However , this is typical of the initial roll out.   DE always does some balancing after rolling out something new.  More daily rewards would be welcome.  I am sure it will improve over time.

What about the low points for new refugee captures?   Only 50 points each for each refugee?  It's not even worth the time and trouble.   It should be at least 500 each, otherwise, I will knock them down if they get in the way and just leave them.

What I don't understand is why did DE used this new tier reward system.  The old tiered reward system seems to work fine for most everything else (Plains, Fortuna, Syndicate, Ostron, etc..).  Why not use  that reward system?  The rewards could switch up weekly.    Low level players can pick and choose between the lower tier rewards.   Higher level players could more quickly get to the higher tiers, just like they do now for most everything else.  Low to mid level players can get to the higher levels only by working really hard and by sacrificing spending points on the lower level rewards in order to get to those higher level rewards more quickly.

The idea of having to start over from the beginning every week is just self defeating.





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17 minutes ago, Chad1661 said:

I like the idea, but the implementation is awful   The rewards are currently too stingy.  I like the idea of earning points towards rewards that you want, instead of completely random alerts with random rewards.    It's still pretty useless to veteran players.    For those, It would be easier and quicker to sell prime parts for most of the what is offered.   Low level players will have difficulty completing the higher level rewards, which are at most 5000 points.  

However , this is typical of the initial roll out.   DE always does some balancing after rolling out something new.  More daily rewards would be welcome.  I am sure it will improve over time.

What about the low points for new refugee captures?   Only 50 points each for each refugee?  It's not even worth the time and trouble.   It should be at least 500 each, otherwise, I will knock them down if they get in the way and just leave them.

What I don't understand is why did DE used this new tier reward system.  The old tiered reward system seems to work fine for most everything else (Plains, Fortuna, Syndicate, Ostron, etc..).  Why not use  that reward system?  The rewards could switch up weekly.    Low level players can pick and choose between the lower tier rewards.   Higher level players could more quickly get to the higher tiers, just like they do now for most everything else.  Low to mid level players can get to the higher levels only by working really hard and by sacrificing spending points on the lower level rewards in order to get to those higher level rewards more quickly.

The idea of having to start over from the beginning every week is just self defeating.





Ranks are not resetting every week just the shop rotates every week. Who told you ranks were forced reset every week?

Edited by hazerddex
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2 hours ago, ThumpumGood said:

You couldnt be more wrong. Work, School, kids, whatever.... puts people in a position of constantly missing alerts. With Nightwave, the alerts are ALWAYS there. I think they may have made it a little bit too grindy, but it's a GREAT system. On the higher tier items like the Umbra Forma... Newbies dont need it and dont have the resources to use it in most cases. This is the best thing to happen to WF since the release. This combined with the *kill X NPC for a free booster weekend* is the best thing the devs have ever done for this game. While other games are using mandatory funneling thru content no one wants to do to brethe life back into their 6yr old games, WF puts it out there with things we want to do and choices of where to farm X NPC.

Look at the big picture.

 This new system is a good system once it gets the kinks worked out of it. It currently isn’t very friendly for new players and is a little grind heavy and needs some balancing. I think it’s important to look at the bigger picture and realize the system has a lot of potential for all of us. It simply needs more work and refinement. 

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for me the thing is that for some players the new system is to much and for others it will be to little. just look at all the people that have already done everything in like a day. one day of "changeless" and done. not much of a challenge now is it. 

it took me like 4 ish hours to finish most of it. i haven't done the plains missions since i'm not a big fan of the plains. and i still need 1 more target for simaris and that is just a waiting game until the next daily comes up. the sortie is impossible since i have neither clan members nor friends as a solo player. and hydrolyst again not a fan of the plains. meaning the only way to move forward is doing stuff i don't like or miss out on the rewards. and with alerts gone they have also removed most of my credit income. the only way to make money now is again missions i don't like.


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in short

1. They should not have removed the old alert system but rather integrate both systems into one

2. Umbra forma should be obtainable in other way and not locked behind 29 Nightwave ranks

3. Right now, i'm being forced to do content that i don't wanna do, not fun.

when i look at some of the requirements, like bounties... NO i dont wanna run it 8 times!!

if not, let us buy umbra forma with plats?

Edited by Im_a_fat_boy2
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2 minutes ago, Im_a_fat_boy2 said:

in short

1. They should not have removed the old alert system but rather integrate both systems into one

2. Umbra forma should be obtainable in other way and not locked behind 29 Nightwave ranks

3. Right now, i'm being forced to do content that i don't wanna do, not fun.

when i look at some of the requirements, like bounties... NO i dont wanna run it 9 times!!

if not, let us buy umbra forma with plats?

.No timed rng alerts is cancer.

Umbra forma is not a nessecity its a lluxery


third complaint is a straw man.

You would be doing those missions a way with timed rng. Alerts

But now you dont have to get up at ungodly hours. Or miss out because of work.

God forbid game devs make you play there game.

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2 hours ago, hazerddex said:

Umbra forma is not a nessecity its a lluxery

so many times this...

"low ranked or casual players won't be able to get to the higher tiers"

this argument makes me sick. Maybe that the highest tiers are NOT FOR NEWBIE. did someone thought about this? the highest tiers are for higher ranked players and veteran. And...if you want want an umbra forma, something that wasn't even suppose to come, my dear @Im_a_fat_boy2 , you're gonna work for it. that's a high end reward, it's not gonna be given on a silver spoon.

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Positive for DE.... I'll probably start having to buy catalyst now. Its fine by me though, I earn enough plat through trading. 

I know people complain about the unreliability of rng, yet I was still able to reliably catch a few catalyst a month, more if I actually tried to follow it. 

Knowing that I wont be get lucky with a random catalyst means I'll probably just buy one without second thought when I need it. Not really saying this is a negative, but there is a mentality shift.

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Imho, Nightwave “affects” relatively new “crossover” players which are able to compare both systems. Longtime players are focused on Reward Tiers. Casuals should understand that their are casuals and, tbh, Nightwave is more casual friendly. New players firstly Logged after Nightwave update have no idea that there was some kind of old Alert system.

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What I dislike about this system is that the endgame challenges take too much of the total amount of points we can gain. I could go hunt an eidolon with randoms but I feel I'd be just slowing them down since I have no idea about what to do. And I probably wouldn't even survive the first stage of sortie.

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34 minutes ago, Merkitty said:

What I dislike about this system is that the endgame challenges take too much of the total amount of points we can gain. I could go hunt an eidolon with randoms but I feel I'd be just slowing them down since I have no idea about what to do. And I probably wouldn't even survive the first stage of sortie. 

you would honestly be extremely surprised with this community. pretty often i saw people asking for NOOB to join them on a tridolon. like, these peoples are litterally using themselves as a taxi for those with no experiences. and even then, if you were just to ask in the chat, you can trust me there is persons who are strong enough in this place to invite you, and just let you relax while they do the job. just ask something like "noob need carry for tridolon - Nightwave challenge" and honestly, you should get something after a few tries. don't give up!

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I don't get it how anyone can see the new events as a grind.
I'm not a total newbie, got MR14 recently, but I have only like 1.5 hours a day to play. Got 15k rep in two evenings at my pace without any problems while continuing with my goals - getting last part of Sybaris Prime and upping rep with fortuna.

The one thing I would agree on is that the variety is lackluster and emphasis on elites and weeklies probably should go away.
I already wrote a few times (including feedback forum), that it would be much better to have a bigger variety of missions available, but have them be capped in the amount you can finish in a day\week

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3 minutes ago, lighthoof said:

I already wrote a few times (including feedback forum), that it would be much better to have a bigger variety of missions available, but have them be capped in the amount you can finish in a day\week

bad idea. that's exactly why the system of rep with the syndicates is hated a lot. because you can't afford to miss a day. if you do, then all the rep you could have gained that day is going to waste. that's a really S#&$ty system that i'm GLAD there isn't, with Nightwave.

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Just now, mikakor said:

bad idea. that's exactly why the system of rep with the syndicates is hated a lot. because you can't afford to miss a day. if you do, then all the rep you could have gained that day is going to waste. that's a really S#&$ty system that i'm GLAD there isn't, with Nightwave.

I'm not speaking about the rep cap, I'm speaking about the cap on amount of task that you can complete in a given time period. You are capped anyway at the moment by the sheer amount of tasks available to you. Keep the cap the same, just give a grater variety of tasks to the people

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