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How am I supposed to play according to DE?


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35 minutes ago, Lucian_Adrion said:

Actually just get good. You can see the rocket coming plus rolling with give you evasion and dr so use that. Or you can I dunno use rhe parkour system. I heard pressing crtl-space does wonders for you mobility and evasion. Smh

What is up with the sarcastic and unpleasant tone? Where did I mention that I was having difficulties handling the rockets? I was trying to keep a nice and casual discussions and perhaps a possible solution regarding a minor problem that is not even RELATED to the main discussion but then freaks like you come up ruining the chill vibe with your negative approach to all things and responding in a sarcastic and obnoxious way. I am completely aware of all the features you've mentioned, no need to remind me of that. Also fix up your spelling - Were you so furious while typing this hence the spelling errors?

I was merely stating that while possible, it is very hard to dodge the bombards' homing rockets because of how strong their weapon is. Not to mention they also shoot 4-5 rockets consecutively and the don't come up alone, in most cases they spawn in pairs and a bunch of other units accompanying them, making dodging their rockets even more difficult. Sure I know you're the best Warframe player there is and you felt the urge to give me some advice but try a more casual and friendly approach next time.

Edited by AzureScion
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This is what happens when people who fail at real life decide to compensate with gaming. People abused the system and wouldnt govern themselves so DE had to take the kids' toys away. People brought their meta frames in to regular missions and would destroy every thing and people who were leveling or having fun couldnt get a kill or do any thing but watch and wait. So im glad DE did this. 

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I tried to understand if there was a common theme to all the things you complain about, but it is still not clear to me. It seems you just list a number of different design choices you are unhappy with, whereas many other people would think those same choices are perfectly fine. In a game as complex as this, no one is going to like every decision. (Though personally I agree it was a good thing to make archwing launcher infinite.) If you want to build a case, or prepare for a feedback thread to DE, try arguing in what way they should do things differently, or identify something that all your examples have in common.

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It's a catch 22 at this point.

Enemies are totally screwed. Abilities are spammed relentlessly even when they won't achieve anything, challenge is relegated entirely to numbers and even when something that works better is implemented, it gets screwed over by the broken systems - OV would be a lot more fun if enemies were smarter. Players are ludicrously overpowered, with abilities that are both immensely powerful and very easy to use, with nothing that counters them.

Balance players, and the huge enemy damage and defence numbers designed to deal with that power overkill.

Balance enemies and players will disregard them as they do now.


Fortunately, Steve has said that he's going to trial a damage and modding calculation rework with railjack. So maybe something that hits both players and enemies can set us up for rebalancing.

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14 hours ago, (XB1)XlOoftheGoof Xl said:

Just play how you want to play.For me I usually only use Excalibur and mr fodder the other frames.i am MR6 I m not into the grind as much like others are and I like playing the star chart rather then just doing it for the rewards. My goal is to basically fully mod my Excalibur to the fullest.Thats just my play sytle though.At the end of it all their is no right way its how you want to play.

Except for the way DE nerfs ever single warframe power a certain person claims to be "broken" or "cheap" to the point that you're down to a meager 30 energy pool on every amp you own

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3 hours ago, Lucian_Adrion said:

You're right. DE should side with us and give us no challenge so we can run through missions without thinking. Definitely. We need to play the game as brain dead as possible. Not nuance. Just pew pew boom boom. Did you get that? I used your language I hope i translated correctly. Yes I know Im being condescending tired of seeing you complaining.

I know it's hard to accept this fact after space mom left us but it's the truth. She even called us Losers and laugh about it. They has been plotting against us since we discovered that Tenno exist. It's a secret that has been protected for hundreds/thousands of years and they have to shut us up. They're already been manipulating us to be brain dead, it's not something new.

You thought Octavia's song and rhythm is soothing and bad ass? Yea right, they're actually imbued with a brainwash wave. Ever wonder why everyone constantly couches when there's Octavia around? You'd think it was for the buff but no, they're actually brain dead.

Orokin isn't dead yet. They're just hiding in the shadows and waiting for the right opportunity to strike. A lone tenno that's been around for years has finally spoken up for the first time and guess what they said? They asked about an orokin symbol located on a Warframe. This may seem normal at first glance but it's not. They're actually a hint that the orokin is coming to get us.

They're coming to exterminate all Tenno before they grow up. Everyone knows that Tenno is feared across the solar system. A grown up Tenno would be outright terrifying.

Also, It's not beyond the realm of possibility that the orokin could be hiding in plain sight since they're an advanced race, just like how Natah disguise as Rebecca. It's not far fetched to think that the rest of DE's employee could be orokin or sentient in disguise.

I mean, have you looked at his eyes? It only happened for a split second but people managed to capture it. That's a look of pure evil. Only orokin have that look. 


Wake up Tenno, The New War is coming. No amount of pew pew boom boom pow bish bash bosh is enough for them.

Edited by -AiLuoLi-
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First off I feel like people forget that this game came out in 2013.  Since then they have been doing their best to expand this game with content, rewards, and aesthetic appeal.  I started in 2015 and have since then changed from PlayStation to PC, experienced a many changes which I didn't like (void, fusion cores, MY VALKYR, and more). But I adapted and got used to how to play the game in a different way (still trying to get over the whole VALKYR ordeal though ;0;, but let's be honest being invincible all the time was getting pretty boring).  I am also in love with Baruuk and Titania and have a few secret builds that I found and I'm sure others have but are keeping it on the down low just to make sure they don't get ****Error****.

But it is truly sad seeing so many people complain about (...homing missiles?), And how archwings can get one shotted, Warframe cheese nerfs, I mean like seriously these types of things just sound like problems with the player and their mod setup, did you know we have archwings mods? I didn't until I was on my 10th weekly mod cleanup and I was like "oh look at that...free Endo" and I still use the normal odanata on lvl 60+ POE bounties.

Ppl complain about the power of their Warframe skills, yet I bet you half of the population complaint don't know about 1 of these mods, which include Blind Rage, Transient Fortitude, Power Drift, Augur Secrets, Energy Conversion, Growing Power, and Umbral Intensify.  Yet ppl also want the OP aspect or what I call the Greedy Builds.  To have max power you will have to sacrifice mod capacity, efficiency, and duration, which can affect your survivability, and maximization for efficiency, duration, and range will come at a cost as well.  I personally play as a glass cannon for almost all of my Warframes, all I use is an adaptation, this is a great combo for frames that also have defensive skills (or just skills that increase your dmg resistance or armor) and then BOOM you have survivability.

Last thing I want to race about is the very fact that NOT ALL WARFRAME ARE EQUAL, each one is meant to be special in its own way, thus making it more of a viable meta for certain scenarios and/or synergies with teams of other frames!  If every frame could nuke hydron, then what would be the point of having so many frames to begin with????? Not to mention, WE HAVE WEAPONS, Frames that don't have nuke abilities generally have decent skills that help with their survivability.  This combined with a good (I'm a melee weapon only user #meleemasterrace) MELEE weapon with an ACTUAL mod setup will have you decimating enemies before they touch you.  Also don't complain about the META, I mean like who da **** complains about having a healer/support in their squad, yet also complains about NOT HAVING SURVIVABILITY! Like I don't understand, maybe all of these posts are blending and no one may have done it but at the moment, that is what I am getting xD.

P.S. If you don't like how the game was made, try making it yourself, then you will truly appreciate just how much work it takes for such a small team to do something this great!

P.S.S Hopefully my fast in school text English language can at least be understood lol, would have been better to type on a keyboard.

Edited by Helios_91
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4 hours ago, Lucian_Adrion said:

This is hilarous. Now I can not take you seriously at all. As a min maxer I am besides myself in amusement.  Some frames are not ment for everything. Accept that and you will be happy. I swear you are one of those weridos who bring Zephyr to the Orb fight and then get carried by my and my friends using a team of Chroma, Nezha, and Trinity. Not gonna bother and explain why that works not worth my time. You should know why it works. Seriously, I swear. Why do use high end players need to deal with players like you alk who do not know how to build or strategize or even bring a frame that actually makes sense for the content you are doing. No. You rather come to the forums and cry about. Put yourself together man. Adapt. Overcome. Learn. Achieve. It is simple.

Because you are playing a public match? The answer is as simple as that. If you play pugs, then you deal with what you get. If you end up with someone who doesn't bring the meta to the mission and you can't deal with that, well tough luck, that's on you for playing a public match. But no, instead of dealing with it you'd rather come to the forums and cry about it. Put yourself together man. Adapt. Overcome. Learn. Achieve. It is indeed simple.

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7 hours ago, Palagi said:

If you have the itzal you should use your first ability to dodge projectiles. You can hear the lock on

The elytron can use it's ability to confuse the missiles and not get shot down.

Amesha (the best archwing) it's first ability just absorbed attacks and will keep you from being shot down. Also the bubble absorbes attacks drop it between you and the enemy.

It sounds like you don't know how to play the archwing.

Now I am MR26 and a founder so I have alot of experience, but I was running poe missions when they came out in the amesha and staying in one archwing for the full bounty, lvl60+.

Just practice and learn the abilities. If you are relying on itzal invisibility you are just on the wrong track.

There is always someone who wants to be sanctimonious and say Git Gud and who thinks the problem just has to be the incompetence of the person making the complaint rather than a flaw in their favorite toy.

I OWN the Itzal and am aware of what 1,2,3, and 4 do. Yes, you can dodge a missile, you cannot dodge 3 or 4 of them.
I OWN the Amesha and FACT. YOU STILL GET SHOT DOWN even if you are using ALL of its abilities. I have been shot down while using Vengeful Rush to be immune to damage, while Warding Grace was active to make me immune to status effets, while using Watchful Swarm as an additional shield AND WHILE INSIDE the protection of Benevolent Decoys outer bubble.
I built the damn Amesha to protect me from Open World BS like this and it doesn't work.


Edited by Rovaeden
cuz i can
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6 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

I wanted guns when I played God of War.

But I played the way the Devs wanted. The tennodity!

Sony didn't just patch the games the moment someone found different ways of playing the GoW, no developer said "no, you are not supposed to use this animation cancelling" or whatever crazy stuff you can do in that game, fun fact, I think the 3rd game got a bow so nice analogy.

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15 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

I can't, they don't like me using Archwing on free roaming so they made archwing nullifier projectiles, I liked to work around situations by performing environmental kills and they are no longer there (Trials are also absent so there is no "you just want to cheese trials" excuse), I want to take on certain bosses without having to use one of 3-4 frames, I HAVE to use Zenurik focus because half the things in this game either take energy away or delete your abilities, I HAVE to put on Vitality, Quick Thinking or both on frames that don't have any kind of tanking potential will die to a sneeze and lately just thinking about sharing my experience with the EO with Zephyr made me afraid of DE noticing her ability to dodge enemy attacks and nerfing turbulence or even all other alternatives, they hate pragmatism and they have yet to tell us how exactly does the game is meant to be played.

The thing is, you dont have to use certain frames, and the archwing "nullifier" projectiles can be dodged easily, you dont have to use zenurik, you dont have to use vitality, or quick thinking. You just need to git gud and adapt, casul.

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21 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

I wanted to make this thread for a while now but some stuff has been "piling up" which has given me a few more material.

Long ago before I took a long break people complained about certain nuke frames like Nova, and "mandatory" ones like Trinity when it came to the highest level content which was T3 Void back then, Nova got some nerfs and her MP became an expanding bubble, Trinity's Blessing took away the invincibility period and added a cap to 95% damage reduction if I remember correctly, you know, because having around 1k HP total and reducing 95% of a single 100k enemy shot really made sense, that is, damage reduction is worthless at higher levels, OK I guess.

But there were certain small things like environmental kills, like using Mag's pull to shove enemies into bottomless pits, then apparently they were removed and currently enemies who fall into a pit only respawn out of a player's sight, why?

Fast Forward to PoE and you get Archwings for free roaming, you had limited launcher units and suddenly the devs decided to add an instant takedown mechanic for enemies, why? too powerful? how? enemies still get pinpoint accuracy when "difficulty" goes up which means no amount of evasion and player skill would matter in the long run.

Here comes the Profit Taker which like Eidolons is completely immune to warframe abilities (a recurring theme for the so called end-game content), requiring a wide variety of elemental damage loadouts (fair) but then pumping up more numbers and their own brand of CC, not to mention once people decide to make it easier by using Shattering Impact the devs decide to make an exception and then PT is no longer affected by Shattering Impact, why?

Currently the irony comes with the Exploiter Orb, immune to abilities as usual, minions immune to CC, the only positive aspect of it was the puzzle mechanics on it but in the end it becomes a timed battle, something worth mentioning is the fact that going blind on it I assumed I thermia canisters were meant to build up heat instead of increasing heat rate, you can imagine my frustration when I kept throwing canisters only to see the EO instantly lower her heat gauge, what did I think at first? "damn DE, I am supposed to be faster than the raknids but even with none of those around you still arbitrarily prolong the battle!", then I read on the wiki and see how it is supposed to work, without knowing if there was a "meta" to the fight I experimented until I began using Zephyr for going solo and  the first thing I thought after succeeding was "should I keep quiet about Zephyr?" because once we seem to find a way to overcome the challenge with the mechanics provided in the game here comes DE and makes changes.

There may be a ton of things I didn't mention but there are other small ones like a lot of AoE abilities being way less powerful than I remember 2 years ago, Sound Quake, Reckoning, World on Fire, Hysteria (consuming more energy as time goes on), etc., so how are we supposed to play the game and avoid making a dev mad which would result in more crippling changes?

Learn. Adapt. Move On.


And don't expect the game to remain static. The devs will continue to tweak and change stuff as they see fit, based on their own data and some of the more coherent and sensible feedback from the player base.

You remind me of a lot of World of Tanks players who threw hissy fits whenever Wargaming nerfed their favourite tanks.

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6 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

Learn. Adapt. Move On.


And don't expect the game to remain static. The devs will continue to tweak and change stuff as they see fit, based on their own data and some of the more coherent and sensible feedback from the player base.

You remind me of a lot of World of Tanks players who threw hissy fits whenever Wargaming nerfed their favourite tanks.

Is not just about nerfs but changes that go against principle, like the aforementioned Shattering Impact exception on the profit taker or the removal of environmental deaths for enemies, the thing is, people say we shouldn't play by the same rules as enemies, so if we can't die by falling into a pit then they shouldn't either, then why aren't we permanently debuffed when they apply puncture or corrosive on us? that's just an example, my real complaint is how the devs tend to change something when people find a creative way of playing the game which ironically enough just leads to a stale "meta" in most cases including the supposed end-game content, let's just say said content is optional, does that mean Hildrin is optional? because to get her you have to partake in the Profit Taker missions, unless you mean the player is supposed to get her with platinum if they don't want to play said missions, so is platinum optional or not? you can trade for it, so you are meant to participate in the platinum trading always or is it an option? is power leveling bad or not? I heard Hydron used to be way different, not sure in what regard, the greedy pull thing that benefited a certain other frame setup was bad because they had to move and get energy by themselves? why? cheesing through content is bad because? if someone wants a challenge why don't they just equip all dragon keys? are we meant to only be able to kill enemies by shooting with the largest guns available and no other ways? are abilities meant to be a mix of bad ones with a useful one and so on? is CC supposed to be a viable tactic or not? are bosses meant to be bullet sponges or have timings and patterns? ironically some people learn and adapt (old Tonkor anyone) but if the new way doesn't please the developer they will change it, the issue here is how the devs want the game to be played, this isn't even about patching exploits like Exploiter Orb vs God Mode, this is about a developer's vision that is never clear to players.

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6 minutes ago, ZephyrZone said:

Oh, another thing, dont play the game if you dont like it. And dont complain about something if you dont want to at least try to get better.

Typical response, maybe I like the game, what constitutes being better? because when you find a clever way to play the game and then said way is patched up then was it not being good? I keep saying it, the problem is, the developers never say if we are meant to play the game one specific way and the rest is considered sacrilege to their vision until we commit the crime of playing differently.

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1 hour ago, ZephyrZone said:

The thing is, you dont have to use certain frames, and the archwing "nullifier" projectiles can be dodged easily, you dont have to use zenurik, you dont have to use vitality, or quick thinking. You just need to git gud and adapt, casul.

I've tried and never have been able to properly dodge them as I can't see the projectiles, both the homing ones in space, and the anti archwing projectiles from open world. I have no idea what direction they come from and when looking around can't spot them properly. I have seen it before, but it's too difficult to see to be of much use for dodging consistently while firing at enemies, even if you are skilled at dodging.

You don't "have" to use zenurik, but it's many times better than all the other schools. I'd say the next ones down are vazarin, with healing and quick rez, and naramon because of melee affinity gain. But affinity gain is just faster grinding and doesn't change the gameplay. Vazarin's healing can be replaced with arcanes, with the quick rez just being a bit convenient. They don't compare to zenurik's energy restore, as abilities are immensely useful. I would like other schools to be more viable to have interesting choices on what school to choose, but they just aren't powerful enough. At one point naramon was there with its invisibility, but it's not much of a choice anymore.

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9 hours ago, AzureScion said:

What is up with the sarcastic and unpleasant tone? Where did I mention that I was having difficulties handling the rockets? I was trying to keep a nice and casual discussions and perhaps a possible solution regarding a minor problem that is not even RELATED to the main discussion but then freaks like you come up ruining the chill vibe with your negative approach to all things and responding in a sarcastic and obnoxious way. I am completely aware of all the features you've mentioned, no need to remind me of that. Also fix up your spelling - Were you so furious while typing this hence the spelling errors?

I was merely stating that while possible, it is very hard to dodge the bombards' homing rockets because of how strong their weapon is. Not to mention they also shoot 4-5 rockets consecutively and the don't come up alone, in most cases they spawn in pairs and a bunch of other units accompanying them, making dodging their rockets even more difficult. Sure I know you're the best Warframe player there is and you felt the urge to give me some advice but try a more casual and friendly approach next time.

My apologies. I am just sick and tired of seeing people complain. Sure the game has issues but most people are not complaining about the important things to actually fix the game. You know like how no one uses conclave or the bugs and crashes. It was out of line to act so condescending but from my perspective. These small thing will not help the games larger issues especially when there are solutions in place to fix it already.

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1 hour ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

Typical response, maybe I like the game, what constitutes being better? because when you find a clever way to play the game and then said way is patched up then was it not being good? I keep saying it, the problem is, the developers never say if we are meant to play the game one specific way and the rest is considered sacrilege to their vision until we commit the crime of playing differently.

You dont have to play differently though, simple as that. you can be any frame, with any build, and still do decent.

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32 minutes ago, ZephyrZone said:

You dont have to play differently though, simple as that. you can be any frame, with any build, and still do decent.

What if I want to? again, my only problem is not knowing when playing different and pragmatic is an offense to the developer's vision of the game until is too late, again Shattering Impact comes to mind.

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Buried Debts: Hotfix 24.5.2

Exploiter Orb Fixes:

  • Fixed ability to destroy the Exploiter Orb’s vents simultaneously. One vent at a time! 


This is what I am talking about, is minor and no exactly something I would complain per se, but again, people found a way to destroy all vents simultaneously, turns out we shouldn't do it, note that it doesn't say "unintended" which you can see in a different paragraph on the hotfix notes so there is a difference between "this wasn't meant to be done" and "we don't want you to play this way."

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1 hour ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

This is what I am talking about, is minor and no exactly something I would complain per se, but again, people found a way to destroy all vents simultaneously, turns out we shouldn't do it, note that it doesn't say "unintended" which you can see in a different paragraph on the hotfix notes so there is a difference between "this wasn't meant to be done" and "we don't want you to play this way."

No, this is pretty much clearly "This isn't how it's meant to be done", I was in a group that destroyed every vent at once and it was funny how awkward the Exploiter Orb was. It was obviously not meant to work like that because it would progress through each section of the first stage without any fluidity or anything, the breaks where we were supposed to attack it were reduced to nothing.

Generally, stuff like this isn't meant to be done, it's an exploit or a bug and not an intended feature. When it seems like it's literally not how it was intended to be(like with the Orb and how it still went through each part of the phase for no reason, just delaying the second phase) then it likely wasn't meant to be done like that. If there's no polish on it at all then it's either very rushed from DE or just not something they meant, and skipping an entire part of a boss fight doesn't seem to be something they'd do on purpose.

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4 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

Is not just about nerfs but changes that go against principle, like the aforementioned Shattering Impact exception on the profit taker or the removal of environmental deaths for enemies, the thing is, people say we shouldn't play by the same rules as enemies, so if we can't die by falling into a pit then they shouldn't either, then why aren't we permanently debuffed when they apply puncture or corrosive on us? that's just an example, my real complaint is how the devs tend to change something when people find a creative way of playing the game which ironically enough just leads to a stale "meta" in most cases including the supposed end-game content, let's just say said content is optional, does that mean Hildrin is optional? because to get her you have to partake in the Profit Taker missions, unless you mean the player is supposed to get her with platinum if they don't want to play said missions, so is platinum optional or not? you can trade for it, so you are meant to participate in the platinum trading always or is it an option? is power leveling bad or not? I heard Hydron used to be way different, not sure in what regard, the greedy pull thing that benefited a certain other frame setup was bad because they had to move and get energy by themselves? why? cheesing through content is bad because? if someone wants a challenge why don't they just equip all dragon keys? are we meant to only be able to kill enemies by shooting with the largest guns available and no other ways? are abilities meant to be a mix of bad ones with a useful one and so on? is CC supposed to be a viable tactic or not? are bosses meant to be bullet sponges or have timings and patterns? ironically some people learn and adapt (old Tonkor anyone) but if the new way doesn't please the developer they will change it, the issue here is how the devs want the game to be played, this isn't even about patching exploits like Exploiter Orb vs God Mode, this is about a developer's vision that is never clear to players.

Sounds like you haven't played Warframe, a massive multiplayer online game where you grind and kill stuff, wanna be OP, go to level 13-50 defense missions.  Cheeses are cheeses for a reason, they cheese ya through, it's not supposed to be that way.  Also, you VERY WELL do not need BAF guns to kill lvl 100+ enemies, ever heard of melee weapons, or maybe a bow, crossbow, again...MELEE WEAPONS.  I'm going to be one of those ppl that says, all frames and I mean AAAALLL can be end game Liable, with certain mod builds, that's how it is, I know because there are very powerful builds that can be found for each warframe, sure some are way better than others, but then again to get them, you have to grind certain end game content (what I mean is newer frames tend to be rewards for end gameish content) and even in the story line lotus states that chroma is a very powerful warframe, INDICATING that Warframes in themselves are of different tiers.  It's like asking for a buff of the Mozambique in Apex legends when the Mozambique is supposed to be a STARTER weapon.  I end my case to take a shower for now lel

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26 minutes ago, Helios_91 said:

Sounds like you haven't played Warframe, a massive multiplayer online game where you grind and kill stuff, wanna be OP, go to level 13-50 defense missions.  Cheeses are cheeses for a reason, they cheese ya through, it's not supposed to be that way.  Also, you VERY WELL do not need BAF guns to kill lvl 100+ enemies, ever heard of melee weapons, or maybe a bow, crossbow, again...MELEE WEAPONS.  I'm going to be one of those ppl that says, all frames and I mean AAAALLL can be end game Liable, with certain mod builds, that's how it is, I know because there are very powerful builds that can be found for each warframe, sure some are way better than others, but then again to get them, you have to grind certain end game content (what I mean is newer frames tend to be rewards for end gameish content) and even in the story line lotus states that chroma is a very powerful warframe, INDICATING that Warframes in themselves are of different tiers.  It's like asking for a buff of the Mozambique in Apex legends when the Mozambique is supposed to be a STARTER weapon.  I end my case to take a shower for now lel

Well, melee weapons are always meta and cheesy, cuz co/br/ms.

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