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why NightWave its not fair for the new players?



I started to play like 2 months ago  and now i find out that i can't go on any more , since every one know there is no alerts and no Aura mods or 

Nitain extract , we need to but them by wold cred but do you think we get enough cred ? "no we don't" 

same thing with some tasks! we can't do many of them like "Profit taker"

DE pls ! you should understand between make the game hard and fun , Or make  make the players suffer and boring!

most the players getting hard time in OV since its laggy , they just play there because they have to farm some stuff not because they enjoying  ..

and in my opinion the big problem in this game is the "Host migration" that really some times make me feel that i don't want to play again when it happened and you lose every thing in that mission.

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4 minutes ago, Heretic-Prime said:

you dont have to complete 100% of the challenges you do about 60% of it you can reach rank 30 dont try to change things it will make people hate casual players even more

i dunno what are you talking about!

first: im talking about things we need and we can't get like Aura mods and Nitain extract that we don't enough wold cred to buy what we need !

and im not trying to change anything  -.-

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well you are asking DE to change the challenges to suit casual players who cant take any challenge if you do some of the challenges and skip the few that you think are "hard" you should be able to get the aura mods you want im at rank 19 already and the challenges some are annoying but its not impossible 


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2 minutes ago, Lojien said:

first: im talking about things we need and we can't get like Aura mods and Nitain extract that we don't enough wold cred to buy what we need !

You get 50 wolf creds in tier 3 of nightwave, which is more or less a week of play. Maybe 2 if you really don't rush.

For 50 wolf creds you can buy either:
- 2 aura mods
- 1 aura mod an 10x Nitain
- 15x Nitain

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5 minutes ago, Genitive said:

You get 50 wolf creds in tier 3 of nightwave, which is more or less a week of play. Maybe 2 if you really don't rush.

For 50 wolf creds you can buy either:
- 2 aura mods
- 1 aura mod an 10x Nitain
- 15x Nitain

Aura mod = 20 cred (you need at least 5 good Aura mods to start with) 

Nitain 15 cred 

thats cool, but you know that many weapons need at least 3-5 nitain per build , for example : im trying to build saryn prime and its 

need 6 nitain  and btw i got like 150 cred  im doing the tasks much i can but still not enough!  the old players got many of them already from alerts from before and you not really care or worry about it!

but try to make new player and see how its not fair !

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2 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

You don't even need a single one.
You can play the game without any issues without an aura.

You WANT 5 auras. But this doesn't mean you need them. And why 5?

then you can play without mods! why you need them!? 

comn guys what the matter with you ? be reasonable pls

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5 minutes ago, Lojien said:

Aura mod = 20 cred (you need at least 5 good Aura mods to start with) 

Nitain 15 cred 

thats cool, but you know that many weapons need at least 3-5 nitain per build , for example : im trying to build saryn prime and its 

need 6 nitain  and btw i got like 150 cred  im doing the tasks much i can but still not enough!  the old players got many of them already from alerts from before and you not really care or worry about it!

but try to make new player and see how its not fair !

No you don’t. Just get an aura for each polarity at least 


  If you’re really new, you’d build something else and focus on other stuff besides building items. We were all new once, and culltering the foundry with stuff you can’t build yet is totally fine


  They got a lot because it’s been years since nitain dropped from alerts, ofc people would have a lot, Nightwave just started out and we can’t say how easy it is to get it just yet 


  You’re new, it’s not suppose to be fair, that’s why you have to climb up the ladder and get more loot. You can’t gave everything when you’re new 


2 minutes ago, Lojien said:

then you can play without mods! why you need them!? 

comn guys what the matter with you ? be reasonable pls

People can be reasonable just fine even if they don’t agree with you. 

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4 minutes ago, Lojien said:

then you can play without mods! why you need them!? 

comn guys what the matter with you ? be reasonable pls

Yes, I can play without mods. But I WANT to play with them.
As I said, you WANT the auras. But you are fine without them. So you can take your time to get to all the auras. No need to rush.

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Do I have a small stockpile of Nitain (20+ or so) because of the alerts in the past? Yes of course I do.

Why did I keep running for ever Nitain alert when I saw one? Because you only got 1 nitain per alert. Which meant if you had to build something that needed 5 Nitain you either ran for it (stockpile) before you needed it or you would have to wait until enough of the nitain alerts showed up to acquire them.

Now with the nightwave, as a new player or a veteran you run for a week, perhaps 2 and you'll be able to get 15 nitain, guaranteed.

The same applies for reactors, catalysts, mods etc.... The difference being that now you'll have to make the choice what you want most where as with the alerts your only choice was run for something if and when it was up or not.


It used to be that you had to have luck catching an alert that was active during the time you were playing. Now it's not about being on at the right time but just about playing the game. If anything, the nightwave system is more new player/ casual player friendly then the alerts were.

It used to be that if you played the game lots and lots you have automatically access to lots of alerts which meant lots of helmets, auras, mods, etc....

Now if you play lots the only advantage you have is that you'll have more possible run ins with the Wolf or the 3 escaped convicts. So better change of getting Wolf sledge pieces and more frequent 150 standing points.

However, seeing that the Wolf creds only drop on 30k, 60k, 120k,160k,200k and 240k doesn't mean that those that ran much more then the occasional player have a significant advantage and can buy lots more nitain any given week. True in the end those that play often will be able to get more things compared to those that play once or twice a week or those that are new to the game. Then again, if you play COD once in awhile do you really expect to have the same weapons, skins, etc then those that play it 24/7 ?

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I thought I was the only person who had a feeling that the system was unbalanced.

I remember when I started out, I missed out on a bunch of alerts that would've helped me, if I had a full star chart.

Then came all the problems with not having good enough gear to handle those alerts. Gear locked behind MR, which is an okay limiter.

But the new system gives the impression of going faster to veterans as they get only what they want when they want.

New accounts get less.. Much less. I remember getting 2 nitain a day and anything else that showed up as an alert. Now, its either 10 nitain in a week or a vauban part, or a mod, or any of the cosmetics. But not all of them.


With that said, maybe an MR based cred multiplier should be added, starting out at 3 or 4 for MR0 and works its way down to 0 by the time you get to MR14.

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1 hour ago, Lojien said:

Aura mod = 20 cred (you need at least 5 good Aura mods to start with) 

Nitain 15 cred 

thats cool, but you know that many weapons need at least 3-5 nitain per build , for example : im trying to build saryn prime and its 

need 6 nitain  and btw i got like 150 cred  im doing the tasks much i can but still not enough!  the old players got many of them already from alerts from before and you not really care or worry about it!

but try to make new player and see how its not fair !

NW is actully far faster to obtain these. To get 5x different auras using the alerts system would have taken you literally months. 5 Nitain would have taken you 2-3 days assuming you did nothing but play the game but more likely 5-7 days assuming you logged in every single day and probably did a few mission types you hated. Now you can log in when you want, pick and choose your missions and get those 5x Nitain in 3 days or so without playing the game to death.

Yes vets have most of these already but we had to be extremely patient and you have no idea how many times I saw an alert for an aura I needed when I was at work and had to wait weeks for it to reappear... when I was also at work. Many of us bought auras with plat because of the painful wait.

This week's challenges are all very easy other than the profit taker and guilding.

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1 hour ago, Lojien said:

Nitain 15 cred 

thats cool, but you know that many weapons need at least 3-5 nitain per build , for example : im trying to build saryn prime and its 

need 6 nitain  and btw i got like 150 cred  im doing the tasks much i can but still not enough!  the old players got many of them already from alerts from before and you not really care or worry about it!

Could you explain this part?

You get 5 Nitain per 15 Cred. You can get 50 Nitain with your 150 Cred.

So please, explain to us why you still need Nitain, if you are sitting on such an amount of Cred?

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Older players have a lot of resources,

I do not have the same resources, 

I do not want nightwave. 

Older playerz:

Boi you don't know how much better you got it, we had to wait weeks, weeks! To even see a aura alert. 


In brief:

Older alerts were not easier to get the auras



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On 2019-02-28, GentlePuppet said:
In 1 week with the old system, if you did all alerts when they came out, you could get up to 24 nitain (IIRC it was 4 daily) AND the random other rewards like endo, random materials, mods, and blueprints/helmets.

In 1 week with the new system, if you do all the challenges but ignore the capturing the fugatives, you can get 45k standing, because the wolf creds are spread out so weirdly you might get 50 one week, you might get none the next, so if you get one cache of credits in a week then you can buy 15 nitain and you'll have 5 credits left, that you can't get anything else with. You won't be able to afford any of the blueprints/helmets or mods that use to appear in the old system. New Players get significantly fewer rewards for significantly more work and over a much longer period of time.

Do ya'll see the problem. It's not the rank rewards that are the issue, its the replacement of alerts. If this was a new system that didn't replace the alerts I'm sure most everyone would be all good with it. But it replaces an existing system with much higher required amount of time/work commitment. That is why people are upset, looking at the numbers its a straight downgrade, just with a fancy coat of paint to distract you.
Keep in mind the only reason the game is so good now is because DE listens to their players if everyone just accepted it and didn't complain the game would be terrible and no-one would play it.

On 2019-03-02, GentlePuppet Said: 
I went back and did some more math. I made a list of all the alerts from a single day (Feb 21st) then added up mostly all the rewards.
Check it out here if yer curious: https://pastebin.com/raw/BrAVctzP

After 1 day, if you did every single alert, you could get the following. (I was going to do 1 week for alerts as well but there was just too much stuff)
1,079,700 Credits
17 Blueprints
6 Mods
2,200 Endo
4 Nitain
60 Void Traces
MISC Resources

After 1 week in the new system, if you do all the weekly challenges, including the dailies, you'll get 45k, and if yer starting at rank 0 as a new player would be, you will get to rank 4 and you can get the following.
1 Sigil, 2 Glyphs, 50 Wolf Creds, and 2 Weapon Slots.
With those 50 credits, you can buy:
2 Mods OR
1 Helmet and 5 Nitain OR
2 Vauban Parts OR
1 Weapon Blueprint OR
15 Nitain OR
1 Weapon Skin
That's it, Nothing else...

Take this how you will.


Edited by GentlePuppet
fixed some weird formatting issues with quotes
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1 hour ago, Shalath said:

This week's challenges are all very easy other than the profit taker and guilding. 

The mote amp counts as a modular. So, if lucky in your search for whisps at night, and have friends willing to carry, you can do the gild part with little to no effort.

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8 minutes ago, GentlePuppet said:

On 2019-02-28, GentlePuppet said:

Yeah, and that's if you stay available 24\7, I assume. Nightwave puts a bit of a wall in regards of overgrinding things.
There is no doubt NW in its current state should be rebalanced (moving cred rewards into the first tiers or just slapping them as an additional reward to every tier), but this system at least does not push you to stay logged in forever to get those alerts you need

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Just now, Sunai_Moonswing said:

The mote amp counts as a modular. So, if lucky in your search for whisps at night, and have friends willing to carry, you can do the gild part with little to no effort.

From my point of view that challenge isn't really hard as I guiilded my Mote long ago, I can just chuck together a Zaw, Kitgun or Amp and level it fairly quickly but many newer players won't be far enough in to get their Mote amp or have enough standing to do the profit taker. Those two aside I think this week is the easiest set of challenges and most newb friendly.

I agree with lighthoof that more creds should be available early on to cut down the grind a bit but I still think NW is a decent improvement over the randomness of the old system. I think it took me over 6 months to get the Vauban neuroptics as it always showed up whenh I was sleeping or unable to log on. I actually bought the Vauban Prime set and farmed all of the materials before I finally got the vanilla neuroptics...

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Point is fanbois.


With the old system a new player could get a handful of weapons, build Vauban, grab a few mods, get a few helmets n skins and up to 28 Nitain at 4 per day if they became so dedicated they ran every alert possible.



I know when I returned last year alerts and junctions were a staple part of me getting on my feet.


Now a player grinds a week to get a fraction of what alerts could reward in a day? Well I play less now, im sure others do, but its no problem as its more than compensated by the players grinding more than ever within mission nodes they usually avoided.


I dont agree with the time limit, but I work 12h 5 days straight n have kids who now dont play as they are low MR and not enjoying the Warframe grind.


DE could have simply kept alerts with alert fodder and added the new content and ability to get alert items via Nightwave too in addition.


Hek skin was the only thing Wolfcreds was usefull for, sitting on around 50 Nitain and not sure how many I will need to complete every build in game. But at level 9 so far wasting what free time I have on Nightwave, I doubt I will get to Umbra forma or wolf armour before they rotate out.


And its not about skill. It is purely obnoxious grinding with some tasks locked away from low MR players.


Wasted yesterday. Got everything but fishing n proffit taker done. 1st free day I had wasted on a game. 

And no one to do proffit taker with, so waiting the rest of the week for new missions.



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Hey you can hire a "Fake friend" for 1 run

Not even that there are people all over recruitment chat just looking to do this kind of stuff and even some groups who offer to show newer players the ropes, while there aren't as many as say the normal ones there are still a lot of groups doin em.

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