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End of Nightwave - Life back in Warframe


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36 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

Your personal life situation doesn't change the facts of the situation. If you started late or didn't have as much time to play then that's on you. They're addressing that by implementing a catch-up mechanic for Season 2.

And we get to the crux of the problem of arguments of your kind!
Why does in your demented logic real life invalidates us of ingame content? Not an event mind you, BUT A WHOLE DAMN THING MEANT TO REPLACE ALERTS AS A PERMANENT GAME ADDITION THAT IS MONTHS OF GRIND FOR POTENTIALY NOTHING.

I will commend for at least adding the catch-up mechanic instead of giving players a weekly quota. That's a fkton of stress off our shoulders. Still hate the idea of grinding for days, weeks and months to get your simple reward that used to take 5 minutes on an ALERT. And the damn exclusivity of items tied to "seasons"... that's most of all what people are afraid of. In a game where fashion is endgame, cosmetics are mighty important. Hell, even a weapon is important as a cosmetic.

1 minute ago, (PS4)thefallenloser said:

 If you're too busy worrying about "real-life situations", (snip) or stop stressing out about a video game and handle what's happening in your real-life.

I could've gotten to rank 30 too, if I actually cared enough lol. But eh... it's the last week and at least I'll make it to rank 27 until it comes back haha.

I could have but lol.... mate.... seriously don't be a $&*^ -.-

As for the "real life" stuff, IT'S CALLED REAL LIFE. It's called being with people, friends, family. It doesn't mean someone lost their leg and now you can't make it and have to "handle what happens in real life". Dude... REAL... LIFE. Like... is there something here that people don't understand and think "real life" absolutely means rush, stress, deadlines and threatening situations?

Edited by Acersecomic
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1 minute ago, Acersecomic said:

Why does in your demented logic real life invalidates us of ingame content? Not an event mind you, BUT A WHOLE DAMN THING MEANT TO REPLACE ALERTS AS A PERMANENT GAME ADDITION THAT IS MONTHS OF GRIND FOR POTENTIALY NOTHING.

Alerts were no more respectful of your real life obligations than Nightwave is. It's a non-argument to bring up your real life situation. DE doesn't decide what you do and don't do outside of the game. That's on you.

It amazes me how people can pretend that alerts were any better. I sure did like having to run a phone app to check for Vauban parts and then wake up at 3am in order to log in and get it.

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1 minute ago, Acersecomic said:

And we get to the crux of the problem of arguments of your kind!
Why does in your demented logic real life invalidates us of ingame content? Not an event mind you, BUT A WHOLE DAMN THING MEANT TO REPLACE ALERTS AS A PERMANENT GAME ADDITION THAT IS MONTHS OF GRIND FOR POTENTIALY NOTHING.

I will commend for at least adding the catch-up mechanic instead of giving players a weekly quota. That's a fkton of stress off our shoulders. Still hate the idea of grinding for days, weeks and months to get your simple reward that used to take 5 minutes on an ALERT. And the damn exclusivity of items tied to "seasons"... that's most of all what people are afraid of. In a game where fashion is endgame, cosmetics are mighty important. Hell, even a weapon is important as a cosmetic.

Umbral Forma and Armor sets are obviously much more valuable than what we used to get in alerts, such as tiny amounts of credits and resources. Most of that, including the most complained about one (Nitain) has been moved to being obtained with Wolf Cred, which are easy as hell to get. You complain about the thing meant to replace alerts, but the rewards that were in alerts were moved and are easy to get, as well as getting extra rewards along the way.


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4 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

Alerts were no more respectful of your real life obligations than Nightwave is. It's a non-argument to bring up your real life situation. DE doesn't decide what you do and don't do outside of the game. That's on you.

It amazes me how people can pretend that alerts were any better. I sure did like having to run a phone app to check for Vauban parts and then wake up at 3am in order to log in and get it.

Let's see... alerts would run for an hour or so, if you missed it you either didn't know or you missed it. Never felt stressed about missing something in an alert, we knew it would come back. It never forced you to grind for weeks, it took like a few minutes to complete, at worst 10 minutes.

It amazes me how you people completely miss the point just for your arguments of "if I can hurr durr". We don't have to pretend anything, some of us liked Alerts better over a stressful quota system.

2 minutes ago, (PS4)thefallenloser said:

Umbral Forma and Armor sets are obviously much more valuable than what we used to get in alerts, such as tiny amounts of credits and resources. Most of that, including the most complained about one (Nitain) has been moved to being obtained with Wolf Cred, which are easy as hell to get. You complain about the thing meant to replace alerts, but the rewards that were in alerts were moved and are easy to get, as well as getting extra rewards along the way.


Rewards from alerts now cost "insert Credits" and are obtained on a weekly basis. Means instead of 5 minutes + 12 hours to build, you now have 7 days of waiting and 12 hours to build.
Cosmetics and such should be added to the store at the end of the Season. Season = Free Chance, after that it's Platinum on the market. I wouldn't have anything against a system as that. That's my compromise.

Edited by Acersecomic
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8 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

I could have but lol.... mate.... seriously don't be a $&*^ -.-

As for the "real life" stuff, IT'S CALLED REAL LIFE. It's called being with people, friends, family. It doesn't mean someone lost their leg and now you can't make it and have to "handle what happens in real life". Dude... REAL... LIFE. Like... is there something here that people don't understand and think "real life" absolutely means rush, stress, deadlines and threatening situations?

I think it's kinda funny you cut out the part about wasting time on the forums when you could be playing the game and getting your rewards, lmao.

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Just now, Acersecomic said:

Let's see... alerts would run for an hour or so, if you missed it you either didn't know or you missed it. Never felt stressed about missing something in an alert, we knew it would come back. It never forced you to grind for weeks, it took like a few minutes to complete, at worst 10 minutes.

So your argument boils down to, "blissful ignorance."

In other words, you're a victim of FOMO and nothing else which was obvious because you pulled out the, "but muh real life obligations are taking me away from a video game and I can't get the shiny pixels."

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1 minute ago, (PS4)thefallenloser said:

I think it's kinda funny you cut out the part about wasting time on the forums when you could be playing the game and getting your rewards, lmao.

And you cut out on school aparently when you can't read straight.


Just now, Chipputer said:

So your argument boils down to, "blissful ignorance."

In other words, you're a victim of FOMO and nothing else which was obvious because you pulled out the, "but muh real life obligations are taking me away from a video game and I can't get the shiny pixels."

Yes it fkin bothers me! I like this game! I like its design and what we can do in the game with our frames. Yes it bothers me to miss out on amaizing cosmetics and utilities because of a broken system originaly designed to milk players by other companies.

I don't pull out anything, I state facts. I'd leave it up to you to understand what is said but so far your kind has repeatedly failed at that and so we have to interpret everything for you, sadty that too doesn't work because you find a way to argue against it for the sake of argument. I'm done with you. Next reply you can post on a wall it will be the same. You people can't be argued with, a change wouldn't hurt you in the least but would greatly benefit a lot of players who are suffering to this system. But god forbid...

This post, and thread, are hopefuly something more DE can draw from and make changes to this horrifying "battle pass".

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2 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

And you cut out on school aparently when you can't read straight.

but im at school right now--


5 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

You people can't be argued with, a change wouldn't hurt you in the least but would greatly benefit a lot of players who are suffering to this system. But god forbid...

The reason that there even is an argument is because your reasoning for a change is invalid. And since changes are being implemented that will accommodate for people with "real-life situations" (including me apparently, yay?), there's no reason to argue at all. 

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26 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

Alerts were no more respectful of your real life obligations than Nightwave is. It's a non-argument to bring up your real life situation. DE doesn't decide what you do and don't do outside of the game. That's on you. 

It amazes me how people can pretend that alerts were any better. I sure did like having to run a phone app to check for Vauban parts and then wake up at 3am in order to log in and get it.

2 things:

While you may have missed a few alerts you'd like to get because of work/sleep, Alerts were constantly repeating. I even skipped some alerts that had stuff I wanted, because I'd rather not bother with the mission type, because I KNEW that reward would pop up again at some future time in a more fun mission type. Over a year, I got essentially everything Alerts were sought after for (Vauban x3 sets, over 160 Nitain, All the Alt Helmets, All the weapon blueprints, and a stockpile of 30 reactors and catalysts) I worked one part-time job for 7 of those months, and 2 jobs for the rest of the time. I was NOT setting an alarm, so RNG must have really really favored me, I guess.

In my situation (the situation Nightwave was supposed to be designed to be better for, than Alerts), Alerts were 100 better than Nightwave. (I still managed to get rank 36, but it wasn't exactly "fun" - I don't ascribe to the thought that games should make you "work" for things... they're to be played for fun. "Earning" stuff can stick to non-game-life, thanks.)

Alerts were one-and-done immediately rewarded missions that repeated on a fairly fast schedule, meaning there was little to any stress about missing out at any point. (Sure I was disappointed when I couldn't get to an alert that I saw running while I was at work... but that's life. I was never in a rush to get that stuff anyway. This may have been helped by my having no Plat to spend on warframe slots or weapon slots, so nothing to use reactors and catalysts on, and no need to build Vauban...)

Alerts gave useful rewards at times too, like Kavat DNA, Kubrow Eggs, rare resources like Oxium and Tellurium, that I miss greatly.


Nightwave, as an EVENT, was better than Alerts for its ranking rewards alone, but as a game system to replace Alerts? Miserable failure. The whole 2+ month duration and weekly locked progression with the only really unique sought-after rewards being at the highest 3 tiers expected of people to reach before going above and beyond what is expected in Prestige ranks, made it a burn-out inducing stressful nightmare for many. Sure, if you could do all the acts, you could finish early or pick and choose between whatever 60% you wanted to do for the entire event's duration... but if you couldn't even DO all the acts, you HAD to do the ones you COULD do, and if you couldn't play each week? You had to do even more of each week's acts than this fabled "60%" ... the proposed catchup mechanic does not sufficiently address this issue. (I've posted why already in a previous post)


DE's design decisions:
DE Doesn't have to design around people with real lives and jobs and stuff... but those are the people with money. It doesn't take much effort to design around those situations either (as I've posted several fixes that resolve every single issue, in the official feedback thread for season 1). Even the flaws with alerts could be fixed very easily simply by extending their duration, while slowing them down (so the list doesn't fill up with 6-24hr alerts), and make each alert more valuable in regards to credits or resources when those are offered, so they're worth running. (A couple more QoL additions would make them even better, as per my other posts, so I won't get into all that here.)



21 minutes ago, (PS4)thefallenloser said:

I think it's kinda funny you cut out the part about wasting time on the forums when you could be playing the game and getting your rewards, lmao.

(Some people can post from work or from their phones, like I can, but cannot play at work, thus, one does not replace the other.)

Just thought I'd throw that out there.

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21 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

And you cut out on school aparently when you can't read straight.


Yes it fkin bothers me! I like this game! I like its design and what we can do in the game with our frames. Yes it bothers me to miss out on amaizing cosmetics and utilities because of a broken system originaly designed to milk players by other companies.

I don't pull out anything, I state facts. I'd leave it up to you to understand what is said but so far your kind has repeatedly failed at that and so we have to interpret everything for you, sadty that too doesn't work because you find a way to argue against it for the sake of argument. I'm done with you. Next reply you can post on a wall it will be the same. You people can't be argued with, a change wouldn't hurt you in the least but would greatly benefit a lot of players who are suffering to this system. But god forbid...

This post, and thread, are hopefuly something more DE can draw from and make changes to this horrifying "battle pass".


You clearly have NO idea what a Battle Pass is...much less a "horrifying" one.

I do...I've actually played battle pass events...horrifyingly grindy ones that make Nightwave seem a walk in the park.

That alone invalidates your complaints and "arguments" - such as they are...


Edited by FlusteredFerret
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1 hour ago, Acersecomic said:

You haven't taken any "read with understanding" in elementary school, huh...

Says the person that thought that I was talking about using NW credits from season 1 after is was over based on misreading a single word that made sense in the way that I used it?  I think we're done here if all you have is insults.

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28 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:


You clearly have NO idea what a Battle Pass is...much less a "horrifying" one.

I do...I've actually played battle pass events...horrifyingly grindy ones that make Nightwave seem a walk in the park.

That alone invalidates your complaints and "arguments" - such as they are...


One bad doesn't invalidate the other.

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35 minutes ago, (PS4)AyinDygra said:

While you may have missed a few alerts you'd like to get because of work/sleep, Alerts were constantly repeating

So is Nightwave. The rewards rotate back in. However, you conveniently forget that we've had numerous instances of specific items not showing up in alerts for months at a time. I believe one alt helmet didn't show up for over a year, even. Even then you would have had to be online when it finally did show up and you had no indication of when it would show up again, if ever.

38 minutes ago, (PS4)AyinDygra said:

DE Doesn't have to design around people with real lives and jobs and stuff... but those are the people with money.

Normal people with jobs work anywhere from 20 to 40 hours, depending on their situation. This leaves you plenty of time to play the game. If you have any further obligations, beyond that, then you are choosing to put your time into those rather than a video game. It's that simple.

Most of these complaints and feedback that mention, "I have a job," remind me of those people that whined about the log in system because they refused to take 5 minutes, right before bed, to boot up the game, get their reward, and log out.

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1 hour ago, Acersecomic said:

As for the "real life" stuff, IT'S CALLED REAL LIFE. It's called being with people, friends, family. It doesn't mean someone lost their leg and now you can't make it and have to "handle what happens in real life". Dude... REAL... LIFE. Like... is there something here that people don't understand and think "real life" absolutely means rush, stress, deadlines and threatening situations?

But DE cannot design a system that considers every single player out of millions. The current NW already consumes very little time. You are looking at 2-3 hours per week or around 20-25 minutes per day. And that is if you do it all every week. It all comes down to prioritizing real life, your hobby and what you do with your hobby when you have the time.

Not much different than collecting and painting miniatures for a tabletop game. You simply make the most of your time so that everytime you sit down you know what you got the time for. For instance when I was heavily into Games Workshop products I planned ahead. If I had little time to get anything productive done on my already base painted models I simply decided to base a new batch so I could finish up more without a wait the next time I had hours to spend on a lengthy painting session. Same deal with NW, if you have little time, do those tasks that requires the least attention at any given time, so you get as many done as possible within the time frame you have.

In 25 minutes you can easily knock out most of your weeklies along with your daily (or dailies if you have them stacked later in the week). There have only been few tasts that have actually been time consuming. The Grove, 60m survival and such. But since you can skip up towards 40% those are very much optional.

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2 minutes ago, sleepychewbacca said:

Therefore, if I keep on adding dirt to the conversation, I have endless dirt, and thus lose no ground. 


Have to get the dirt from somewhere.

Also, does it bother you that Palpy is only saying "Limited Pow!" in the gif?

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1 minute ago, sleepychewbacca said:

The best kind of Pow. 

That's how he comes back in the new Star Wars movie. 

The Limited Power of Pow. 

I mean... if you have too much Pow, you'd start to take it for granted, eh?

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20 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

One bad doesn't invalidate the other.

Say what now?

Look, firstly a real battle pass event can only be entered if you win or buy said pass. NW is free to enter.

Furthermore, every other battle pass event I've played in has required 100% completion of all tasks in order to get the top prizes. NW requires 60-70% completion.

Finally, every other battle pass event has given you the option of spending a fair chunk of money to skip the stuff you can't / don't want to do...and the events are heavily weighted to ensure that only the most dedicated, or top players can finish without spending anything. No such option with NW (which you can view as good or bad).


Exactly how easy do you want it to be? Plenty of people on here have jobs and real life commitments (me included) but still managed to complete NW with a minimum of effort.

Well - not me as I've been REALLY lazy and not tried very much. But even I made it as far as Rank 26.


Its just a fact of life that time-limited events tend to get more people playing, more often (and in other games, spending more money)...which is just good business for the developers. If you can't see that, then there's really no helping you.

At the end of the day, all you're missing out on are some cosmetics that you probably wouldn't even bother with after a couple of weeks. All the way through you can unlock credits to buy the more useful stuff.


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On 2019-05-15 at 1:49 AM, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

You know you can do 3 Mobile Defenses over the -course of the week-, you don't have to do all 3 at once, AND you can do them whilst grinding for Prime Parts (Relics have MD missions) or in Sorties, looking for resources, etc.

As for the mods, you can setup different loadouts, 3 per frame, and different loadouts from there, too.  So no reason you can't just have one you can switch back and forth with.

ALSO, the "silly" challenges are just as "easy" to complete as any of the other old "alerts".  Y'all complain they're too "hard" or "complex", but then there's the easy stuff, and peeps wanna complain about that, too!

What SPACE have you given DE to operate in, then?

What I'm saying is with all the other things I need to do in game, I dont have the time or desire to complete most of the challenges. Nightwave can keep going on, thats fine if thats the case. I just can't see myself prioritizing the weekly challeneges


Not to bash on DE. I understand they're constantly coming out with new challenges. From what this game was, they've taken it farther than most would have imagined and handled changes much better than say... the makers of the original Destiny. There's a LOT they've done which I like and havent given them credit for in this post. So take it with a grain of salt when I say I'm just not the biggest fan of nightwave. Nobody is expected to please everyone on every update. To DE I would just say keep doing what you've been doing.

Edited by OminousVortex
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