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Tales of the Veiled Rivens


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So I recently got my first veiled riven from the War Within Quest. The challenge: Kill 36 enemies with headshots without getting damaged.

Oh Boy, did that take some effort to unveil! After countless instances of amassing 5-10 headshots only for some stray shot to hit me and reset the counter I finally realized that Rhino's Iron Skin allowed me to get hit and NOT reset my progress on the challenge. Problem: At some level enemies also hit that down pretty fast. So, my solution was to go to Phobos Survival (Infested enemies, so almost exclusively melee) and cast 2 immediately upon mission start. Then I'd look for a long and straight pathway and position myself on one end. Enemies enter the path and run straight into my trusty Braton Prime. Upon reload I'd switch to the other end of to kill whatever came up behind me in the meantime. Repat an estimated million times, until an inevitable host migration strips me of my invincible shield lands me in the midst of enemies. Bam, progress reset to 0. I don't know how many hours I spent on Phobos, but I think I have enough Plastids to last me for a lifetime now. To this day I still retain the habit of pressing 2 immediately upon entering a mission. Anyway, at some point I finally managed to get those 36 headshot kills without getting hit in the health, and now I'm working my way towards MR15 to be able to use it on (incidentally) my recently discovered favorite weapon - the Baza!

Veterans of Warframe, what were your most ridiculous riven challenges, and to what lengths did you go to finish them?

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For those an exterminate would work too, If it's not written, you have no problems on running more missions.

Never had big problems with them, there's always a way to cheese them, from the simaris target with no traps/abilities without taking damage with an hobbled dragon key (ivara), to solo defense no damage to target alone (saryn) to headshots in a single aim glide (once upon a time limbo, now kitgun with pax seeker).

I think the one that takes me more time is the dargyn with bow because I usually don't cheese it

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41 minutes ago, Exterminansss said:

After countless instances of amassing 5-10 headshots only for some stray shot to hit me and reset the counter I finally realized that Rhino's Iron Skin allowed me to get hit and NOT reset my progress on the challenge

Hmmm... and why not going with an Equinox Sleep build or an Ivara perma-invisibility build on a low-level Exterminate? Both sound to me like much, much easier ways of doing it.


The one I really hate is the kill-one-enemy-fish-a-fish-mine-a-gem-within-30-seconds challenge on the Plains. I'd rather throw away the Riven than trying those.

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27 minutes ago, (NSW)Fiftycentis said:

headshots in a single aim glide (once upon a time limbo, now kitgun with pax seeker).

Alternatively, max range Loki in a defense. Radial disarm causes enemies to switch to melee weapons and bunch up on the objective. Just spray your automatic weapon into the group at head height, challenge done.

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Once upon a time I looked in horror at "kill x targets with headshot in a single aim glide".

Now...Catchamoon headshots anything if you're aiming from the waste up, bolt helps and a Zephyr with all the aim glide mods and Aero Vantage is like you're just a floor up.

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11 minutes ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

The hardest ones I've had were "Kill X Dargyn Pilots before they hit the ground while aimgliding / sliding." Cheesable, but the setup is the tricky part.

I had an kill dargyn pilots while aim gliding one.

My tale is the game wouldn't let me transmute an unveiled riven so I just deleted the god forsaken thing 🙂

Just killing them before they hit the ground without the extra modifiers winds me up cos half of them don't seem to count.

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1 hour ago, SordidDreams said:

Alternatively, max range Loki in a defense. Radial disarm causes enemies to switch to melee weapons and bunch up on the objective. Just spray your automatic weapon into the group at head height, challenge done.

Or Scourge alt fire that attracts bullets to enemy heads with a quick fire secondary.  That's how I do this challenge.

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One amusing moment which happened while I was playing, but not to me directly, was when I was in a public group doing a sortie. I can't remember if it was the second or third mission, but it was definitely a defense on Europa (the crashed ship map) with infested as enemies. At some point halfway through, one of my teammates said that he had an unveiled riven with him with the usual challenge of the defense target not taking damage, and that it was still on after several waves. Eventually, he failed the objective at the 10th wave (d'oh) for some reason. I bet the whole thing was just bugged as the moving (not to mention stupid) defense target must have taken damage long before that point.

I did the challenge on a similar situation where I swear the (stationary this time) defense target got hit several times by enemy corpus units. That was on a Pluto map with the objective on top of a landing pad of sorts; there was a Frost snow globe protecting it, but there were lots of enemies that made it inside. I just don't know how it worked. I quickly chose to extract after 5 waves and smirked after it. I usually do these alone of course, got a Brakk riven yesterday (meh) from a defense challenge that required not using energy consumables.

It's easy to miss the way of cheesing the challenges. I got lots of "kill X enemies while latching on a wall..." challenges that were annoying to complete... and then one day I notice the passive on Loki... oh... Rhino of course is the way to go for many other challenges that require not taking damage or getting a status effect on.

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2 hours ago, Ver1dian said:

Once upon a time I looked in horror at "kill x targets with headshot in a single aim glide".

Now...Catchamoon headshots anything if you're aiming from the waste up, bolt helps and a Zephyr with all the aim glide mods and Aero Vantage is like you're just a floor up.

Pax Soar also keeps you in the air up to 30 seconds on Zephyr. It's amazing. I love that arcane on infested maps.

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The hardest ones I've had were "Kill X Dargyn Pilots before they hit the ground while aimgliding / sliding." Cheesable, but the setup is the tricky part.

Nova with max range (maybe with a lower friction mod) and Amprex or Ignis with Sinister Reach ? Just guessing.


The one I really hate is the kill-one-enemy-fish-a-fish-mine-a-gem-within-30-seconds challenge on the Plains. I'd rather throw away the Riven than trying those

Interesting, never think of it as a problem but a friend of mine hates it  and I still don't know why.

  • Look for a mine near a lake. There are always some mining spots near the middle lake.
  • Take the Oxylus sentinel or throw a Luminous Dye before mining. (In fact it works without this)
  • Then mine the spot,
  • Go fishing right after mining
  • and then go the nearest grineer encampment (Zephyr or Archwing to speed up). You just have to know the camps near the great lake.

Always done in 1 minute from start to the end.

Edited by Solostaran
Too man maybes
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4 hours ago, (NSW)Fiftycentis said:

For those an exterminate would work too, If it's not written, you have no problems on running more missions.

Never had big problems with them, there's always a way to cheese them, from the simaris target with no traps/abilities without taking damage with an hobbled dragon key (ivara), to solo defense no damage to target alone (saryn) to headshots in a single aim glide (once upon a time limbo, now kitgun with pax seeker).

I think the one that takes me more time is the dargyn with bow because I usually don't cheese it

No cheese just go to the assault mission on kuva fortress..think its toro..the bottom node..on the bridge after u initiate the door 6 dargyn spawn there..shoot em down with dread, cernos etc..if its more than 6 just repeat mission as needed.

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Easiest spot is pond to the left of where u enter(the first pond there with the geiser in the center) Look for an ore to mine by the pond, catch the fish then mine the ore, then shoot one of the grineer in the center of the pond by the geiser. Riven done. The one without being detected is a little trickier but definitely doable. Just use loki, have a silent weapon and do the same thing while invisible. You kinda gotta scout for the ore first and mark it. Go back over the hill and recast invis. Then go to spot with the ore( the silenced plasma drill widget from smokefinger on fortuna helps cuz for some reason the drill is classified as "alarming"). Catch a fish, mine the ore and then shoot an enemy. Oh and u gotta do it on the outer rim of the pond because when u throw bait for sone stupid reason u alert enemies lol.

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Yeah, for the 30-second fish-mine-kill riven I go to the lake immediately left from the doors. Using a frame with invisibility (usually Ivara), I mark an ore, kill all but one grineer, and then its Fish, Kill the last grineer, run to the ore and Mine.

Helps to have hotkeys for your gear items. Also, if you fail it, it doesn't say "failed." So I wait at least a minute to make sure I'm not still waiting for a countdown.

Edited by Ham_Grenabe
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Think the first riven I even said nope to was a kill 5 sentants with melee without taking damage. I traded it to someone for a decent unveild riven. My least favorites though are the mine, kill, fish ones and the aim glide headshots. Mine, kill, fish because you have to set it up and the aim glide ones because its kill X amount in a single glide. Zephyr helps with the glide part but I can never find enough enemies in an area on open world and on reg missions I just don't use aim glide very often so they get traded pretty often.

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13 hours ago, (NSW)Fiftycentis said:

I think the one that takes me more time is the dargyn with bow because I usually don't cheese it

Those are the fun ones though.  It probably helps that I regularly use a bow, but I like to make those hard for myself by either a) shooting them as they fly away or b) only allow myself to swing and shoot them.

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8 hours ago, Littlemike137 said:

Those are the fun ones though.  It probably helps that I regularly use a bow, but I like to make those hard for myself by either a) shooting them as they fly away or b) only allow myself to swing and shoot them.

I just suck at aiming on switch, but I have fun with them (excluding my hate for their targeting on invisible targets)

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