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Are leechers in ESO and hydron actually that bad?


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13 minutes ago, (PS4)Zuzu_with_a_Z said:

Honestly when I hear about leeches and AFK it is almost exclusively from PC players (don't get me wrong I hear it from consoles too, but the complaints come predominantly from one faction of the playerbase.)  This has been true my entire 5 years around here.  It's not that we don't get AFK, it's just hardly ever that it happens and it doesn't happen enough to warrant complaints from our end.

I can only speak for PS4 - but leeching and AFK is near nonexistant.  I see people leech maybe 1 in 40 Hydron runs, and that's not an exaggeration.  Even if one guy is nuking the map, usually everybody else is scrambling around still.

I always hear how frames like Ember have to be nerfed for AFK reasons, or how reactant exists as a mechanic to prevent AFK - and those times I sit back and wonder what a hellscape PC Warframe must really be if these things are true.

they dont say nerf they say rewwork,lol reactant shouldnt never happend ,make ppl rush to 10 and forget what is the primary goal

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I am someone who really hate leech and afk behavior in a multiplayer environment BUT the problem with ESO leeching is that leecher get rewarded more than the nuker and so leeching is something actually supported by game here. 

Don't get me wrong, I don't want that all the exp go to the nuker but the nuker should level weapons as the same pace as the others, because right now playing a nuker in ESO is not worth if you want to level. 

I play Saryn a lot for ESO but i always play it solo since I am not leveling anyway and I am just doing it for the daily focus and some free radiant relics(already got ephemera). So is not really worth to experience lag, host migration from people that leave 1 wave in. 


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1 hour ago, Aldain said:

Every time I've gone to Hydron there has been at least one person using Warframe abilities to wipe the entire tileset in seconds.

Kinda hard to contribute when everything is already dead.

This. Besides bounties I don't see why would anyone care about leechers in Warframe.

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5 hours ago, moostar95 said:

Eso is a joke of a game mode. Filled to the bone with nukers leaving other players not much to do. When you have a frame like saryn who can carry teams. You damn right I'll  gladly use my mag while spamming her 3 to armor strip. While camping in the corner watching YouTube. Not a single report. 😆

At least you're contributing towards effectiveness of the kills. Some leechers do nothing.

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A nuker like Saryn can easily get to wave 8 without having efficiency dropping from 100%. And I know because I farm I do ESO daily as a Saryn. 

Having someone stealing(and I say stealing cause they die from aoe anyway)  50 mobs while you kill 4k in 8 waves change nothing. 

People care about leecher in ESO only because 1 do the work and other gets the exp. But if leecher trigger you so much, don't join as a nuker or do like me and go solo. 

Leeching is the result of an horrible exp system, if a Saryn was able to level weapon as fast as the others 3 more people would play nuker there and less leecher would show up. 

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I can get behind some of the leeches in bounties, when for instance I complete 2/5 in 30 sec and proceed to blow up ships, do your thing.
I can even handle the Hydron babies, more kills for me, more Xp for the frame.
Couldn't care less about leeches in regular missions/fissures, don't even notice those.
Don't even mind most of the weapon levelers in ESO, doing moderate damage or going Trinity.

But there's a certain group I wish all the worst to, this is the scum of the gaming community, the freeloader in every game, the usual beggar, the retard getting carried in your PvP games, yet screaming at you that his team sucks, even though he's already 0-10 down.

All of those, lacking common courtesy in gaming are the same that use Loki,Limbo,Rhino and Inaros with only one unleveled weapon equipped.

To you lot, I hope that every piece of electronics you touch gets a short circuit.


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The only "leecher" that make me angry are the ones showing up with unleveled weapons but with a level 30 defense frame and get in the way of things and slow everything down... mostly Limbo 4 or Frost 3, Gara can be annoying, too ..unless you are leveling the frame itself I do not want to see you there. Like ever.


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5 minutes ago, DoTengri said:

The only "leecher" that make me angry are the ones showing up with unleveled weapons but with a level 30 defense frame and get in the way of things and slow everything down... mostly Limbo 4 or Frost 3, Gara can be annoying, too ..unless you are leveling the frame itself I do not want to see you there. Like ever.


You would rather risk the Defense ojective not having any Protection ?

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If you're leveling a weapon you don't want to kill with your warframe, as the experience goes to the warframe and not the gun. Thus making it better to let others kill for you when you're lvling a weapon, that can't kill by itself.
Now, if you know that you'll at least bring a support frame like speedva or trin to help your team kill faster. What I'd call a leech is someone that brings both unranked weapons and useless frames (lvl 0, Limbo, Inaros, Rhino), hides and let's you do all the work.

I certainly have a problem with that, but does the whole community? Well, I dont know and neither do you, so how about we find out.

Give us a kickvote that can only be started by the host once per game and needs 3/4 players agreeing with it and we'll find out if people truely have an issue with leeches. To prevent abuse, DE should also make it so when the kickvote gets accepted the kicked player host transfers into their own session and has the opportunity to complete it by themselves.

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9 hours ago, Argeoyn said:

With these mechanics isn't it actually better if you get all the kills (while farming with leechers) and get your focus lens-installed warframe the maximum exp/focus possible (100%), compared to when your teammates are also killing the enemies (25% exp/focus to your warframe per teammate kill)?

Yes, it's actually better that way. People whining about leechers and how they don't help have no idea how the game works and are in severe need to git gud. Saryn doesn't need any help.

2 hours ago, zoffmode said:

leeching only bothers me if I was planning on leeching myself but now I can't 🤔

Oh yeah. Go into ESO as a rhino, end up in a team with three other rhinos. Annoying as hell. 🤣 Then there's that awkward moment when everyone's just standing around and waiting for one of the other guys to quit so a Saryn can join.

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Leechers? I only see players entering and boosting enemy numbers, while levelling from the Saryn that kills all. Isn't our hypothetical Saryn a leecher as well, for focus or whatever? Besides many players might not kill, but help. Such is the case of Roar Rhino or EV Trin.

All I see is symbiosis using the game's mechanics for the benefit of everyone in different ways, not leeching.

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It's not about who gets what, it's about the principle of people joining games which they don't intend to participate. Just take them out of your few specific cases where you can carry and put them into every other context. 2 people start leeching during halfway through the Gantulyst fight? Your 15 minute estimation is now 30 or you quit and lose 7 minutes of the night. People leeching in Arbitrations? Now the objective might be in jeopardy and you have to pray the whoever is left doesn't die. 

If you're going to let it slide now because you can, what makes you think they're going to think twice in the future regardless of what cost it has on you? They have nothing to lose from extending a 40 minute game because their time is not being expended on the game.

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2 hours ago, Lutesque said:

You would rather risk the Defense ojective not having any Protection ?

The objective has protection: the squad. It doesn't need a bubble from some asshat who is going toss it out there and then hide and do nothing else. Get out there and die! It's not like we have armor damage to worry about. 

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56 minutes ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

Besides many players might not kill, but help. Such is the case of Roar Rhino or EV Trin. 

This is nothing but a nice excuse to leech. Do you think an umbral Saryn with 280 range, 160 strength, 1400 hp, 900 armor, Hunter Adrenaline and 2xRepair needs any of them in practice?


1 hour ago, SordidDreams said:

waiting for one of the other guys to quit so a Saryn can join.

Inb4 some forum warrior explains how Saryn ruins the game because their mother's uncle's cousin's son knows a guy that wasn't perfectly fine with getting carried.

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Unfortunately at least for ESO the way it works pretty much dictates that you either bring a nuke frame, or you're a leech.  That's it, there's basically no middle ground.  Try as hard as you want, but if someone brought a nuker and you didn't, expect the killcount at the end to be extremely lopsided.  Usually 1500+ to your 200.

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