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If you could fuse any other game with Warframe, what would it be and why?


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A good space trading and combat simulator, like Freelancer. Fly around in space, doing trade missions or dogfighting (and all the other good stuff a game like Freelancer has, like exploration), land on a space station or planet, or board a ship and do the Warframe massacre. And no, I don't expect Railjack to be anywhere near as good as Freelancer (or even close to that crap called Elite: Dangerous).

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I'd like to fuse old Warframe into Warframe.

By that I mean I prefer Sci-fi that's more grounded.

More Blade Runner & Altered Carbon. Less A Wrinkle in Time. I like my Fantasy and Sci-fi separate for the most part.

Warframe has been getting increasingly more high fantasy Sci-fi which is something I try to ignore but it's there and not interesting to me. The game felt more gritty and real when Warframe were suits of armor. Not mutated people being controlled by space magic kids across space time.

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Hmm tough decision.

PSO2 would be a nice choice as the TC listed, but I think it is a bit too different to mesh well.

As a place holder I'm just gonna say Super Mario Brothers because I want to jump on Grineer like Goombas, but I'll get back to the thread once I think on it more.

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Eve Online.  Not because it's a great fit other than the wacked out scifi, and not because it would necessarily improve either game for me personally, but because I'd enjoy seeing just about any "standard" game mixed with  aspects that make Eve so interesting.  Player-driven economy, unscripted competition, destructible assets, no opt-in PvP, etcetera.

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Some kind of visual novel.

Which Warframe will you choose to be the Operator for?

"Y-you think I'm c-c-c..." You can't help but smile as she turns her sightless visage this way and that, obviously flustered. You're sure that beneath her expressionless mask, what flesh she possesses is flushed and writhing.

"Even though I have... that I'm so..." Nova-chan hugs herself tightly and you notice her small hands subconsciously trying to cover the pitted scars in her porcelain armor, carved here and there by matter-antimatter annihilation. For such a powerful frame, she looks so fragile, like a china doll. You resist the urge to step in and hug her, given that the energies now sparking from the aforementioned pockmarks would no doubt cause some form of enormous explosion on contact.

Edited by KokoroWish
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21 minutes ago, KokoroWish said:

Some kind of visual novel.

Which Warframe will you choose to be the Operator for?

"Y-you think I'm c-c-c..." You can't help but smile as she turns her sightless visage this way and that, obviously flustered. You're sure that beneath her expressionless mask, what flesh she possesses is flushed and writhing.

"Even though I have... that I'm so..." Nova-chan hugs herself tightly and you notice her small hands subconsciously trying to cover the pitted scars in her porcelain armor, carved here and there by matter-antimatter annihilation. For such a powerful frame, she looks so fragile, like a china doll. You resist the urge to step in and hug her, given that the energies now sparking from the aforementioned pockmarks would no doubt cause some form of enormous explosion on contact.



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