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HEMA....I can't, I can't do it anymore, I just can't.

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honestly, if you're only doing it for your own Hema, then you'd probably be better off just trading things and buying yours with plat. clearly the clan doesn't care, and if they aren't pulling their weight, then why should they expect you to do all the work? maybe consider finding another clan.

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There's your problem, you're too fixed on the hema cost and playing with that in mind so you feel burned out. Simply enjoy the gameplay and mutagen will pile up before you realize, I just enjoy the gameplay and I did the hema research by myself as a ghost clan

You can do it

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16 minutes ago, 844448 said:

There's your problem, you're too fixed on the hema cost and playing with that in mind so you feel burned out. Simply enjoy the gameplay and mutagen will pile up before you realize, I just enjoy the gameplay and I did the hema research by myself as a ghost clan

You can do it

While I have no problem with Derelict, it's only true for players who like and actively play Derelict... Because, you're not getting Mutagen Samples practically anywhere except Derelict (in Eris, they are rare resources, not uncommon like Derelict).

If they would just add Derelict to relic missions, you'd be correct. Otherwise, no... Unless someone deliberately plays Derelict because they like it, they won't amass a pile of Mutagen Samples. By contrast, Detonite Samples and Fieldron Samples drop in Grineer relic missions and Corpus relic missions as well as Plains of Eidolon and Orb Vallis... all missions most players play. Eris has relic missions, but ... again, mutagen samples are rare resources on Eris. You will almost certainly not get anything most of the time... see the 27 I got in 1 hour and 43 minutes of Derelict Survival? That's uncommon in Derelict, imagine the count when they are rare resources like on Eris, the only other place they drop!

Mutagen samples you must actively and deliberately farm. They will not fall in your lap as you say.

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15 minutes ago, nslay said:

While I have no problem with Derelict, it's only true for players who like and actively play Derelict... Because, you're not getting Mutagen Samples practically anywhere except Derelict (in Eris, they are rare resources, not uncommon like Derelict).

If they would just add Derelict to relic missions, you'd be correct. Otherwise, no... Unless someone deliberately plays Derelict because they like it, they won't amass a pile of Mutagen Samples. By contrast, Detonite Samples and Fieldron Samples drop in Grineer relic missions and Corpus relic missions as well as Plains of Eidolon and Orb Vallis... all missions most players play. Eris has relic missions, but ... again, mutagen samples are rare resources on Eris. You will almost certainly not get anything most of the time... see the 27 I got in 1 hour and 43 minutes of Derelict Survival? That's uncommon in Derelict, imagine the count when they are rare resources like on Eris, the only other place they drop!

Mutagen samples you must actively and deliberately farm. They will not fall in your lap as you say.

There's the another problem, a you problem because people don't visit derelict if there's no rewards. Are people this fixed to getting rewards nowadays? Or it's just me being way too relaxed or too old in taste because I visit derelict occasionally just to take a walk and enjoy the place?

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1 minute ago, 844448 said:

There's the another problem, a you problem because people don't visit derelict if there's no rewards. Are people this fixed to getting rewards nowadays? Or it's just me being way too relaxed or too old in taste because I visit derelict occasionally just to take a walk and enjoy the place?

It also doesn't help that you can't do Derelict in a random pug at all. That would also encourage players to play Derelict more!

I would definitely enjoy random players being able to join my Derelict game. The spawns for solo Survival are painful! And containers/lockers don't drop life support modules like all other Survivals which doesn't help!

They should toss the Derelict keys requirement for all but Lephantis, make Derelict a spot for relic missions, and enable random pugs for Derelict missions.

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I only did this when I got boosters from Sorties or log-in. It's a waste of time any other way. I also did it very often with my friend and only other member of my clan. We got an extra 2 people to fill out the last 2 slots to bump up the spawns and did Derelict Defense(superior to survival in my opinion). Make sure that you advertise drop chance boosters if you have them. I usually tried to get a speed Nova and we did Nekros+Hydroid(when that was still possible) and the mutagen rained. Also, take a smeeta kavat for obvious reasons.

Granted, this still took a while. However, if you don't obsess over it and do it sporadically when you have boosters, it's not that bad. Doing it without loot boosters is just unnecessary masochism and I don't recommend it. Does it suck? Ya, but you can get some forma blueprints at least.

It's not going anywhere so don't worry about it. It's done when it's done.

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Uhhhh if you go in with a squad of JUST clanmates to ODS with farm frames you can complete hema research in under a day.  My clan, a former storm clan when hema came out, finished researching it 6 hours after the hema was released.  You yourself don't need to farm all 5K samples.  Others should contribute, if they don't, kick them out.  People treat hema like some giant monumental task, but when you're a ghost clan/you should know every individual in your clan, communicate what needs to be done, do it, and then move up to shadow.  500 samples per member is not a hard task when it's getting 10 people to do it, it's only hard when you have to get 100, 300, or a 1000 people to do it.  

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16 hours ago, (PS4)DoctorWho_90250 said:

and the worst part is I'm doing this alone when I have people in my Ghost clan who mostly don't communicate.

If you're the Warlord... Kick them out...

In my clan  you can do whatever you want... you don't have to be activate or contribute... but being a Silent Betty will not be tolerated.

As for The Hema...



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It took my clan of ~250 people almost 6 months of on/off farming to get the hema research, and the weapon isn't even that good

there was a 100+ page thread on the forums calling out the absurd resource requirement for the hema research (something like 10x the amount of resources needed for every other clan tech item combined), when DE did finally respond, they stated that, it wasn't a mistake, it's raining resources in the derelict, and that ,we should stop complaining and go back to farming because some people already acquired it so they weren't going to change the resource requirement

the hema isn't worth the time or resources needed to get it, buy it or don't bother

Edited by Etan-gK
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@(PS4)DoctorWho_90250 i can only give you a few pointers that helped me go through the madness.

I jad around 2.5k samples myself and had to grind another 2.5k for the hema specifically. 


Buy both boosters together (drop chance and drop amount). 

Try to recruit in the recruit channel so you have people to talk with and more mobs to farm off. 

Try to set some random goals (ie i wanted to beat my all time solo survival record at that point, took a resonance banshee and went for nearly 3hrs).

Don't do it all at once. Purchase some 3day boosters and do a few runs in those three days, then do something else for a while, then go at it again. 


My most heartfelt well wishes and good luck. You'll get there eventually. Wish i could help but, you know, platform :S

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You still haven't really answered (unless I missed it) the most obvious point people have made here and what I also thought, why are you doing all the legwork for others who aren't even doing the same? 

Doesn't make sense and that's one problem, minus the cost itself. You may be a small clan but you're a clan nonetheless which is meant to mean teamwork when it matters. Can't see much teamwork here. 

Edited by Valiant
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