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My quick take on Atlas ( the buffs released with his prime didn't do him any favors )


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Apparently , Atlas just needed some explosive rumblers. Here what I would have done instead and my reasoning.

To be fair, Atlas got some of the biggest prime stat buffs ( + 75 health , + 50 shield , + 25 armor , + 25 energy and + 0.1 sprint speed ). But I can't help myself but think these are last minute changes after atlas being mocked with the 25 armor and neck. It also sets a bad precedent for isane stat buff for primes. But ultimately these stats don't realy change his state or make his kit better.


Quite good,

Just made it easier to stack, if Atlas did not take damage in the last 7 seconds , rumbble will stop decaying

Smart health conversion ( for example if Atlas lost 35 HP the next rubble heals 35 and gives 15 armor)


1. Land slide

Its actually good but could use a better scaling.

Give it either an innate shattering impact or increase its status chance


2. Tectonics

Useful sometimes but the recast  function is unnecessary (the press again to send a bolder that deal no damage)

Now tectonics only produces walls, recasting it produces more wall. Up to four walls can be placed.

Now you can use lands slide to punch the wall, the wall becomes a bolder and deals landslide damage to all enemies on its path.

Now Atlas can press X to interact with the wall turning it into rumble and absorbing that rumble.

Highlights enemies behind the wall.

If You want a total rework in this one.


[PH] Titan steps-(self-buff, duration based) whenever atlas steps emit a tremor, these tremors will knock all enemies on 7.5 meters from Atlas of balance (fancy way to say they receive an impact proc). If the player presses 2 while the skill is ongoing, Atlas will stomp int the ground causing a massive earthquake knocking down all enemies on 15 meters radius. This earthquake will spawn a mountain (fancy way of saying wall in front of atlas). Casting landslide in these mountains will send them rolling like a bolder (deal damage equals to landslide)


3. Petrify

Decent cc,

Just reduce the cost to 50


4. Rumblers

Really weak 4 , wuclone is way better

Rumblers no longer have duration

There is a 10% chance of dropping rubble whenever Rumblers take damage.

Now Rumblers will cast their own skill whenever atlas casts one of his.

Whenever Ataks cast Landslide, the Rumblers will cast landslide as well

Whenever Atlas cast tectonics, the Rumblers will stomp into the ground knocking down nearby enemies.

Whenever Atlas cast petrify, the Rumblers will cast petrify as well.

Whenever Atlas cast Rumblers, the Rumblers will taunt all nearby enemies and gain maximum HP equal to the damage they received.

Edited by keikogi
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40 minutes ago, keikogi said:

(the press again to send a bolder that deal no damage)

What if the boulder did more damage, the more rumble atlas collected, with no cap? Like a more focused equinox ult, just dealing impact and puncture damage instead of slash

40 minutes ago, keikogi said:

Now Rumblers will cast their own skill whenever atlas casts one of his.


Whenever Ataks cast Landslide, the Rumblers will cast landslide as well


Whenever Atlas cast tectonics, the Rumblers will stomp into the ground knocking down nearby enemies.


Whenever Atlas cast petrify, the Rumblers will cast petrify as well.


Whenever Atlas cast Rumblers, the Rumblers will taunt all nearby enemies and gain maximum HP equal to the damage they received.

This is cool, but im okay with way rumblers attack at the moment though. My only problem is the damage. You have two giant rock golems that tickles enemies makes the ability feel so lame. 


With his landslide ability, what if the rumblers took some fraction of the damage atlas dealt for a short period of time. Basically what im thinking is having his landslide combo duration extended, and each time he attacks within that comb duration, his rumbler have a fraction of that damage added on to them and it keeps stacking as atlas attacks just as long as the combo counter hasnt reset

So say you dealt 50k damage in 3 attacks with landslide and your combo counter is still up, rumblers will start dealing 1/2 of that damage (25k) per hit. The damage will slowly go down after each attacks because the rumblers fist start to get worn out or something, so atlas will either need to do more damage during landslide's combo duration or recast his rumblers


40 minutes ago, keikogi said:

Atlas did not take damage in the last 7 second

Mmm lets do 2 or 3 seconds, 7 seconds is a lonnng time and typically players are always under heavy fire to the point where i doubt the 7 seconds would be noticed. 

Or maybe as he goes from 0 to 7 seconds without taking damage, he loses less rumble


Edited by (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII
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13 minutes ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

What if the boulder did more damage, the more rumble atlas collected, with no cap? Like a more focused equinox ult, just dealing impact and puncture damage instead of slash

It is a good idea, but it would need to make adjustment on the passive and IU really wanted this to be as short is possible. The ouch sending a rock dealing the same damage as the punch just works.

15 minutes ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

This is cool, but im okay with way rumblers attack at the moment though. My only problem is the damage. You have two giant rock golems that tickles enemies makes the ability feel so lame. 


With his landslide ability, what if the rumblers took some fraction of the damage atlas dealt for a short period of time. Basically what im thinking is having his landslide combo duration extended, and each time he attacks within that comb duration, his rumbler have a fraction of that damage added on to them and it keeps stacking as atlas attacks just as long as the combo counter hasnt reset

So say you dealt 50k damage in 3 attacks with landslide and your combo counter is still up, rumblers will start dealing 1/2 of that damage (25k) per hit. The damage will slowly go down after each attacks because the rumblers fist start to get worn out or something, so atlas will either need to do more damage during landslide's combo duration or recast his rumblers

That solution gives the rumblers more DPS than mine, but the landslide bros probably is just going to feel good. If the rumblers just take part on your punching montage it makes them feel like Atlas little brothers, look at them they are 5 seconds old and they already know how to punch someone in the astrosphere.

19 minutes ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

Mmm lets do 2 or 3 seconds, 7 seconds is a lonnng time and typically players are always under heavy fire to the point where i doubt the 7 seconds would be noticed. 

Or maybe as he goes from 0 to 7 seconds without taking damage, he loses less rumble

I was originally thinking of 3 or 5 but I thought that was to lenient because Atlas is health damage Immune while land sliding, and he can chain landslides for quite a while. Also, my biggest concern wasn’t in combat stacking, it was the inevitable loss of stacks during waves transitions and map traversal. But I should change the wording for hasn’t take health damage for 7 seconds, so his shield can protect a bit and landslide can be bastion.  

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16 minutes ago, taiiat said:

everything here looks pretty solid - though Landslide really doesn't need anything. between having a good sized AoE and being able to deal Damage that competes with Sniper Rifles, it does fine currently.

I just threw it in for good measure, did not thought it was necessary at all.

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I am all for rumblers casting landslide and petrify when the Atlas does. It should be easy to implement given DE's time constraints and give his kit some really good synergy and incentivize an active play style and positioning to spread his cc and damage over the battlefield.

Although the base duration could also be be improved a bit or they should live until killed like wukongs clone.

More importantly it would make the upcoming Prime Access actually exciting and not feel like a dud for me because his Primed look feels very underwhelming imo.

Edited by Zharun
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5 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Tectonics should just be replaced.

I agree that tectonics should be repaced but I was trying to make the rework as easy as possible to implement. So I just ajusted tectonics so it is somewhat usefull ( good aoe damage with landslide and you can build wall with out the argument)

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41 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

Tectonics could also be made into a circular wall style ability like Gara's 4, but instead of expanding outwards it grows in vertical length by holding it down.

Tectonics walls block line of sight. A circular version of it with increses high could easily annoy your squad more than it helps. That circulat wall would allow perfect herding of defense operatives but I don't think it is a good change overall.

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I like the overall direction of the proposed changes, as it stands Khora can do everything Atlas can, except she does it better.

For his passive I think either decreasing the rate at which his rubble decays or increasing the about of rubble he gets from petrified enemies would be enough to make the passive more worthwhile.

The aoe on landslide should increased in the slightest. A better aoe would increase its effectiveness and decrease finger fatigue caused by spamming in extended missions.

His bulwark is very situational as it is, I think a good change would be holding the button now creates the boulder x meters ahead of Atlas that rolls toward him pulling and dragging any petrified enemies along its path priming them for a good punch.

 I also think the biggest issue with petrify is the energy cost. It would also be nice if the augment affected all enemies regardless of how they were petrified.

As far as the rumblers are concerned their damage is lacking, if the used landslide in unison with Atlas and dropped more rubble upon death they would be more worthwhile. 

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10 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Use Venka prime. His 1 will scale significantly better.

I'm currently using War modded for high impact as I was under the impression that was the way to go (for some reason).

I have a good build on my Venka Prime that I use for Ash, do you think that would be sufficient? Or is it purely for the combo counter multiplier?

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

I'm currently using War modded for high impact as I was under the impression that was the way to go (for some reason).

I have a good build on my Venka Prime that I use for Ash, do you think that would be sufficient? Or is it purely for the combo counter multiplier?

Pretty much just for the damage multiplier. Just put the right mods on it and you’ll be demolishing level 100s in seconds.

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I'd love being able to mod Landslide seperately, so you have free choice for your "actual" Melee weapon / Mods (yes I'm a dirty Meme Striker).

Have Rumblers' attacks then also use these Mods (give them Crit / Status / whatnow values similar to Landslide so the same Mods work just fine).

Plus not least, make Rubble not a visual aspect on the Frame itself (maybe an option), it hurts Fashionframe, have we learned nothing from Iron Skin?

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17 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

I'd love being able to mod Landslide seperately, so you have free choice for your "actual" Melee weapon / Mods (yes I'm a dirty Meme Striker).

Have Rumblers' attacks then also use these Mods (give them Crit / Status / whatnow values similar to Landslide so the same Mods work just fine).

That's a can of worms I don't want to open. Making landslide its own weapon would kill synergies with weapons like the venka Prime . 


19 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

Plus not least, make Rubble not a visual aspect on the Frame itself (maybe an option), it hurts Fashionframe, have we learned nothing from Iron Skin?

I was doing a quick take on the kit , not making a in deep analysis to fix every single one of atlas small problems. I just wanted to suggest a few easy changes to make his kit solid.

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2 hours ago, keikogi said:

Making landslide its own weapon would kill synergies with weapons like the venka Prime . 

Yes. It would. That's ... kind of my point, it'd make this one single weapon,
or whatever garbage Melee you have a "God Riven" for, not the clearly superior choice,
but instead would give you the freedom to run with whatever.

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2 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

Yes. It would. That's ... kind of my point, it'd make this one single weapon,
or whatever garbage Melee you have a "God Riven" for, not the clearly superior choice,
but instead would give you the freedom to run with whatever.

You know if I suggested that the thread would be derailed. It would just become a discussion of landslide should or should not be a weapon on its own. That's not the point of this thread and thats why I said that's a can of worms I don't want to open. There are solid arguments for both sides

On one side


In the other side

consistency ( gara , excalibur use the same system as atlas ) 

Tradition ( it works like this , people  invested on this system ) 

Depth (weapons combo can be quite interesting)

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15 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Tectonics should just be replaced.

OMG yes Petrify needs it’s cost reduced. Seriously, who thought 75 energy for a freaking cone CC was a good idea.


My question is why Tectonics, a move that would normally inspire LITERAL EARTHQUAKES, is just a small pile of rocks.

Also totally agree that petrify is absurdly overcosted, especially with how much Atlas needs to use it for rubble.

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1 hour ago, Aldain said:


My question is why Tectonics, a move that would normally inspire LITERAL EARTHQUAKES, is just a small pile of rocks.

Also totally agree that petrify is absurdly overcosted, especially with how much Atlas needs to use it for rubble.


17 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Tectonics should just be replaced.


5 hours ago, BlueSabre said:

His bulwark is very situational as it is, I think a good change would be holding the button now creates the boulder x meters ahead of Atlas that rolls toward him pulling and dragging any petrified enemies along its path priming them for a good punch.


7 hours ago, Madway7 said:

Tectonics could also be made into a circular wall style ability like Gara's 4, but instead of expanding outwards it grows in vertical length by holding it down.

When I was drafting this rework I had originally overhauled tectonics. But then I realizes the changes where so drastic that there is no way they could be implemented in time so I've settled just with the bolder doing some real damage. But eveyone here seens to want bigger changes to it .  So I will show my original design.

[PH] Titan steps-(self buff, duration based) whenever atlas steps emit a tremors , these tremos will knock all enemies on a 7.5 meters from Atlas of balance ( fancy way to say they receive a impact proc) , recasting this skill ends its duration but causes a massive earth quake knocking down all enemies on a 15 meters radius. This earthquake also spaws a montain(fancy way to say wall ) right at the front of Atlas.You Atlas target the montain with landslide , doing so will turn the montain into bolder and the bolder will move foward trampling all enemies on it's path ( deals the same damage as the landslide used to push it foward ).

But I tought of keeping stuff simple and easy to implement. So I had discarded the whole titan steps deal.


Edited by keikogi
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Quick, but good rework.

Some small things I'd like to add:


  • No longer has a duration; They die when they lose all their health, or when the Rumblers ability is holdcast (same for augmented version)
  • When Rumblers take damage, they drop a piece of rubble (2 pieces for augmented version). This has X second cooldown, which scales with duration (more duration = shorter cooldown).

EDIT: Forgot to mention; This gives a good reason for Petrify to heal your Rumbler buddies, something that is currently rather pointless when they run on duration as well.

Edited by Azamagon
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1 hour ago, keikogi said:

This earthquake also spaws a montain(fancy way to say wall ) right at the front of Atlas.

Took me a while to picture how this would be possible, but i then thought that as atlas is stomping, he could be causing rocks to be available to him from creating cracks the ground. The rocks will build a wall when atlas decast the ability

1 hour ago, keikogi said:

whenver atlas steps emit a tremors , these tremos will knock all enemies on a 7.5 meters from Atlas of balance ( fancy way to say they receive a impact proc) , recasting this skill imeditialt ends its duration but causes a massive earth quake knocking down all enemies on a 15 meters radius.

This sounds quite fun! Going to be doing a lot of ground finishers 🤔 but its nice crowd control

Id definitely want an augment that staggers enemies during instead, then knocks them down at the end.

But yea that sounds more fun

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12 minutes ago, Azamagon said:
  • No longer has a duration; They die when they lose all their health, or when the Rumblers ability is holdcast (same for augmented version)
  • When Rumblers take damage, they drop a piece of rubble (2 pieces for augmented version). This has X second cooldown, which scales with duration (more duration = shorter cooldown

This just made me drool, 10/10 idea like yes please! More rubble, that was a golden idea!

Mm combine the last two ideas with this post, this atlas rework would be really "Solid" wink wink

The last 2 excluding mines that is. Idc if mine are added or not


Yea im upvoting the post now, i am pleased

Edited by (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII
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12 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

Quick, but good rework.

Some small things I'd like to add:


  • No longer has a duration; They die when they lose all their health, or when the Rumblers ability is holdcast (same for augmented version)
  • When Rumblers take damage, they drop a piece of rubble (2 pieces for augmented version). This has X second cooldown, which scales with duration (more duration = shorter cooldown).

I will add those as soon as I get to my PC.

9 minutes ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

Took me a while to picture how this would be possible, but i then thought that as atlas is stomping, he could be causing rocks to be available to him from creating cracks the ground. The rocks will build a wall when atlas decast the ability

Atlas stomps hard enought to cause a tectonic shift. Here is how this works


9 minutes ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

This sounds quite fun! Going to be doing a lot of ground finishers 🤔 but its nice crowd control

Id definitely want an augment that staggers enemies during instead, then knocks them down at the end.

But yea that sounds more fun


Edited by keikogi
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