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Conclave is not a friendly environment.


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PvP by its nature can never really be casual. Theres always gonna be expert vets and new people. I've been in top groups past and present and it's always about competition and pushing the limit. I did my time getting my butt kicked, then I went to never remembering the last time I lost.

There's a saying that essentially you'll never really have the best reflexes and muscle memory for PvE unless you do a games PvP.

You move so fast and have to make so many split decision moves in real time.....that going back and doing pve after a 2hour pvp tournament will always be boring.

PvE AI and mechanics will never beat fighting a real person. So once you get to that level, everything after that is super easy.


Either way I'm rambling, sorry.


To be great at pvp, you need reflexes, muscle memory, and a very intricate and in depth understanding of game/combat mechanics, and a good team that can communicate and understand synergy.

And most people cant do that. Cause "fashion frame" is fun to some of you guys lol.

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Online pvp communitties are always full of scumbags i find.  Nothing wrong with what you did.

We are talking the internet.  Ignore, block, mute etc.  People overreact when someone is mean to them on the interwebs. Gasp! OH NOOOOO.

If someone physically walks up to you and attempts to cause you harm.  Well beat the stuffing out of them.  Problem solved.

Remember the human body has plenty of soft targets.  Maybe train and arm yourself if need be.

Edited by (PS4)Kakurine2
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11 hours ago, MystMan said:
12 hours ago, kengxiaoju said:

u and u friends choose eastern european and russia region. so u can join together without those toxic players

Do that at your own risk. It's not allowed and displaying it on the forums that you do this is ill-advised if you get caught / reported by others with proof

whats wrong with it? its just matching region

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On 2019-11-07 at 7:18 PM, (XB1)Wham A Hand said:

I mean, I don't expect the nature of the game to change. It's about versus. But I am concerned with the way people are herding up to kill new comers because they may have used a weapon that wasn't liked. 

Seriously? 😂 

Conclavers complain about the low number of players and then chase the incoming players away. And I don't mean by playing the game and just defeated them. Because afterwards several of these people have messaged me directly over xbox. 

I fully expect to struggle in a game mode I'm new to, who wouldn't. My gripe is that afterwards...why go to the extreme of starting turf-like wars in all v all?

Isn't that what team matches and ceph cap are for?

Anyways, I can see I'm of a differing opinion on this than some. So I digress. 


If you reported them on xbox they probably got a communication ban for 48 hours assuming it was their 1st offense.

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On 2019-11-11 at 7:16 AM, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

I was gonna say something but then remembered op was on Xbox no wonder. it's toxic over there you still have ppl slanging round Hard Rs while ps4 warframe players are literally going to the void in real life for bordems sake

Please dont be a sony pony and pretend that on PS4 everyone is a saint. Xbox is actually pretty damn strict on stuff you can send in messages. Calling someone a pu**y would get you a 48 hour ban.

Edited by (XB1)Demon Intellect
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On 2019-11-03 at 3:05 PM, 3rdpig said:

Never played PvP in Warframe, but I've played it in a bunch of other games. After a while it always seems to turn into a clique of veterans who don't like new players, don't like certain loadouts and gang up on anyone they feel are breaking their personal rules. With no developer oversight it seems to turn into a "hive of scum and villainy". And unfortunately, there are too many of them who feel free to carry their in game insanity into the real world. After dealing with a couple of these nutcases over the years I've decided that it's just not worth it.

I see you have met some of the lot I speak of then. As a new player to conclave I apologize on behalf of the mode itself. Personal rules enforcement by players is toxic in general. 



As for the commenter who said they dislike, I'm sorry you feel this way. I do indeed play on Xbox. I'm also glad to hear you've not experienced this. 


For the one asking if this is my first Pvp game, no. I was big in halo 2-3 back in the day. I also played plenty of l4d and modern warfare and call of duty. I was less than effective at the latter two. But I also never had anything other than good laughs and fun competition. 

This however, has taken on a far darker tone. As you watch the people that dedicate themselves to conclave, you can almost see a jihadi like fervance within its confines. 

There is no honor in pressing another player to follow a code of honor never created. 


Hypothetically speaking let's say you decide for whatever reason you wanna partake in conclave. You walk in after ages of match waiting, to be utterly annihilated. Not just due to lack of skill, (but that is also present.) But also that players have access to conclave only mods. So to find a way of winning that tastey standing, you decide to use a rocket launcher or likewise, another weapon that augments your ability to perform against the ruthless crowd of constant PvP players. Now because you did that, you are spammed with invites, messaged about how you're a coward and sometimes even have your party chat invaded by people whom insult and threaten you. Now you're forced to do matches with just people in clan and alliance, or those you personally know. (Which by the way defeats the purpose of global versus) And before someone says just do clan/alliance only. We tried that. But you can't get challenges or weekly rewards doing that, thus...further slowing the crawl. 

So that now, when we do public modes, these 8 players chase us off and will even follow us if we leave a populated match to play by ourselves. I have spent much time attempting to hone my skill. And I feel like ive done just that. But I'm still far from holding a candle to these 8 that chase us. 



We can't play versus because the community within xbox have labeled us. 



Edited by (XB1)Wham A Hand
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On 2019-11-09 at 10:51 AM, Fallen77 said:

Death threats (if that's more than a "kys" in game chat) is definitly a big no no. Nothing can justify this.


Now : you want to engage in a PvP game, where the progression is (as far as I know) at least in part based on your skill compared to other players. 

Only, you get outclassed at some point, and try to cheese the system to get rewards you clearly don't have the level for. And in the process, if I understand correctly, you leave and join sessions until you can play against your buddy that is gonna let you have a fair fight. And you're stoping a ton of player from starting their game, and invalidate the skill they had to develop to get to that level... And you're surprised that people are mad at you ?

Your account would be immediatly DELETED if you ever did that in any game like overwatch and family. You are litteraly like a scrub trying to get a grandmaster emblem by cheesing the matchmaking. Do you not realise what you're doing ?

You're outclassed... So what ? That is the entire point of a PvP game, someone has to be better than someone else. If you can't be bothered to grow your skills, you have no place getting the same reward as those that did bother. 

You are 100% in the wrong for doing such a scummy thing.

Complaining that you can't bypass skill requirement in PVP warframe is like complaining you can't bypass the grind requirement in PVE warframe : go play candy crush, you'll get a lot of instant gratification from the game, leave warframe to those that actually want that kind of game.


Of course : conclave has never been that big, but that's no reason ruining the game for others. Again, it doesn't justify death threats, we're fine with that. But death threats don't justify your scummy behavior.

I honestly don't know exactly conclave, but here's the thing :

If your standing can go down, stoping you from progressing beyond a certain point because of general skill level : then you just don't deserve to get higher level rewards until you get better, and you should probably get banned from conclave for trying to exploit the system.

If your standing gain can't go down, that it just slows down a lot when you can't guarantee good scores : then you still would need to be banned from conclave for exploiting the system and ruining other's gameplay, for no reason at that.



Do you need a hug? Because it seems like you are exactly the type newcomers avoid. You've offered nothing in the lines of help. Whilst I'll admit, I am of lower skill level than the elitists. I've never claimed to be better. And I did indeed grind to become better. But its not going to matter how much you improve if you have a group of several people that just stalk you. 

Have you never played a game in which the challenge was far greater than you enjoy on a casual level?  Have you never met try hards that ruin the game in the same way that you accuse me of? 

You're basically saying that if a person has more skill, they deserve to act how they want. Which is a blatant abuse of the skill they cultivate. 

Why not offer to help? Or explain why there is an issue. Creating this post was a thing I debated in the first place. As I had some worry that toxicity may spill into this area outside the game as well. 

I'd down vote if I knew how purely for the elitist tones you give off. 


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On 2019-11-09 at 12:53 PM, Nezha_Rose said:

Even if you only play for the rewards you get frowned upon. (Happened to me in the past, a year ago even) It wasn't the discord tho, it was a random fellow I believe.

Now tho I play to try to have fun, or try to get good atleast, even joined the conclave discord.

> If I see someone pub stomping me and I feel my nerves telling me, "Use de Ignis, do it, join the dark side", I just quit the match, shot a grineer in the head with a sniper and remind myself the false fantasy of having good aim. 

> If a clearly more skilled player wants to pitty me, even saying "want me to slow down or..." I give him my thanks but humbly refuse. I find that demoralizing even if its not his bad intentions. Happened many times, but I prefer finding approval from badasses by me telling them to evaporate my Frame than pulling training wheels on my mouse. If I can atleast get one kill, even if it was by WF abilities, I feel enlightenment. 


Then regret everything when I get destroyed. 

You Sir/Ma'am, are to be commended. a splendid idea indeed. I respect your tenacity and drive. I did recently find the conclave discord. And I think I'll take a note from your player attitude.

Edited by (XB1)Wham A Hand
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On 2019-11-09 at 1:27 PM, (XB1)TheWayOfWisdom said:

I mean, nidus + boltace is definitely gonna get you flak. This is definitely an excessive response from other players of course, but using stuff like that is putting a bit of a target on your head. If you wanna play with friends, you can set to invite only. You won’t get standing of course, but it will allow practice. At the end of the day though, if you want to get standing, you have to get good. 

Wisdom, I know you're exceedingly skilled, we've batled a few times. I'm also sure you've bumped into some of the players I speak of, as we've all been in games together. 

So you also strongly believe that its okay to target players who use certain loadouts? Or am I mistaken in my understanding of your comment? 

I'd also be intensely surprised if you hadn't heard of the "Bounty" on me. 

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9 hours ago, (XB1)Wham A Hand said:

You Sir/Ma'am, are to be commended. a splendid idea indeed. I respect your tenacity and drive. I did recently find the conclave discord. And I think I'll take a note from your player attitude.

Come to PC. We treat our brothers with whiskey.



Most of us atleast.

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18 hours ago, (XB1)Wham A Hand said:

So you also strongly believe that its okay to target players who use certain loadouts?

If you are using cheap combos, you can be sure I'm gonna go after you in a match. Telos Boltace is one of the cheapest weapons (maybe second to staticor). You've elevated your threat level artificially and declared that this is a no fun zone not because the difference in skill is too high, but because certain weapons are a middle finger to everyone playing. So TL;DR yes, I do. Obviously this doesn't extend to placing bounties, teaming or sending death threats.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)TheWayOfWisdom said:

If you are using cheap combos, you can be sure I'm gonna go after you in a match. Telos Boltace is one of the cheapest weapons (maybe second to staticor). You've elevated your threat level artificially and declared that this is a no fun zone not because the difference in skill is too high, but because certain weapons are a middle finger to everyone playing. So TL;DR yes, I do. Obviously this doesn't extend to placing bounties, teaming or sending death threats.

Clue me in on how a sniper rifle with one shot kills is better than a nidus/boltace in the hands of a new player? Or the Ninkondi/Shaku most players use?

What about players that play Atlas/Ember and use certain one shot abilities that are AOE/"NoFunZone?"

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Wham A Hand said:

Clue me in on how a sniper rifle with one shot kills is better than a nidus/boltace in the hands of a new player? Or the Ninkondi/Shaku most players use?

What about players that play Atlas/Ember and use certain one shot abilities that are AOE/"NoFunZone?"

Snipetron is kinda busted yes, Ninkondi is annoying but is counterable by frost/atlas prime and using a bit of movement. Shaku is the same but to a lesser degree. Altlas's 4 is bugged, Ember's 3 is painful at times. Those frame abilities can't be spammed as much as weapons though.

Also the nidus/boltace in the hands of a new player is bad because it means you're learning to rely on crutches

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Wish they just took conclave out and let people buy the conclave skins.  They don't even put real work into conclave anymore, but now they just flatout don't add new frames to the mode because why bother when finding a match takes an eternity and then when you find a match you get your ass beat by the handful of people who play conclave exclusively and have played it for years when you yourself haven't played any/you're going to get your ass handed to you.  

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The design of conclave's progression is backwards. You should start off with advantages (basically a handicap) and slowly remove them as you improve. Or you could keep them and be matched against higher rated opponents (though I'm not sure enough people play Conclave for that to work). Different loadouts would have different handicap ratings. Instead it's the other way around, you get access to more equipment the better you are.


Now that I think about it, is that what conclave ratings were? I think they were manually assigned though and to individual pieces of equipment, when there really should be a machine learning thing going on that applies ratings to combinations of equipment.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)TheWayOfWisdom said:

Snipetron is kinda busted yes, Ninkondi is annoying but is counterable by frost/atlas prime and using a bit of movement. Shaku is the same but to a lesser degree. Altlas's 4 is bugged, Ember's 3 is painful at times. Those frame abilities can't be spammed as much as weapons though.

Also the nidus/boltace in the hands of a new player is bad because it means you're learning to rely on crutches

This a fair explanation. Also one I hadn't thought of. But snipers and bows are what I see the vets using most. 

But under your logic, isnt atlas/ember also using a crutch? They are AOE after all. Just like boltace and staticor. 


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Le 16/11/2019 à 06:13, (XB1)Wham A Hand a dit :

Do you need a hug? Because it seems like you are exactly the type newcomers avoid. You've offered nothing in the lines of help. Whilst I'll admit, I am of lower skill level than the elitists. I've never claimed to be better. And I did indeed grind to become better. But its not going to matter how much you improve if you have a group of several people that just stalk you. 

Have you never played a game in which the challenge was far greater than you enjoy on a casual level?  Have you never met try hards that ruin the game in the same way that you accuse me of? 

You're basically saying that if a person has more skill, they deserve to act how they want. Which is a blatant abuse of the skill they cultivate. 

Why not offer to help? Or explain why there is an issue. Creating this post was a thing I debated in the first place. As I had some worry that toxicity may spill into this area outside the game as well. 

I'd down vote if I knew how purely for the elitist tones you give off. 


Hilarious. As I said several times, I don't agree with sending death threats, nothing can justify that. So don't flag me with stuff I didn't say.

Now, your behavior is incredibly scummy still. By actively avoiding any form of challenge, you are putting people back in queue over and over again, you are ruining the game for those that are actually trying to play the actual game. Do you not realise what you are doing ? People are ashamed to do such things, but you are completely oblivious to it. 

What if any sport's team were to cancel any event they're not sure of winning ? That would be weak, cowardly, pathetic, and that's exactly what you're doing. (Not as much consequences I know, but I don't know how to phrase it by this point. This is a very low blow and you don't even understand)

So yeah, stop acting as if you were not doing anything wrong, you were actively trying to abuse matchmaking and ruining other people's game. NOTHING can justify acting like a jerk in response, but that doesn't change the fact that you DESERVED such flak.

You want an advice for getting better at PvP games, here's one : stop running away at the slightest inconvenience. Just stay in that game, even if you end up at 0 25, you'll have learned the ways you were getting hit in the mouth, and next match you won't get hit as much. Also you'll be respected for your sportsmanship, as opposed to be despised for your pathetic scumminess.

"Have you ever met tryhards that ruin the game in the same way that you accuse me of ?" In my long carrier in PvP games, no. Tryhards play the actual game, they will kick my teeth in until I become one of them or move on. And I would respect the skill they developped, try to learn from them, not fudge matchmaking at the first sign of opposition. Tryhards don't do what you do. Scummy leeches do what you do.


Downvote ? There is none, but here's the thing : according to context, the orange laughing emote is considered a good mark of rot (unless it's a joke), you know, the one emote plastered on your OP.

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I gave up on its right after release...

I wish we could opt to put NPC enemies instead of players...this way even me as someone who sucks at PvP can get these cosmetics...

not everyone is good at all things, not all people have zero disabilities...Conclave excludes these people.. locking content for them...

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