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Goodbye, Warframe. I will miss you.


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So after a bit of inactivity due to stuff in real life, and other things. I come back to every single little thing I enjoyed about warframe over my 950 hours was gone. This might be a bit lengthy, but I feel  I owe the game an explanation of why I feel I have to leave for good. 


So I started warframe at the request of an off and on again friend of mine. We played together for a bit, it was quite fun. And over this time I took a heavy focus on melee, finding that it's not only my favorite part of the game, but allowed some pretty dang awesome builds. Well mine was a mix of Blood Rush, Body Count, Berserker, pressure point, spoiled strike, and two elements depending on the mission. This gave me the ability to use any weapon and if I swapped out like heavy impact or rending strike, I could sub in "life strike" allowing me to use any and all frames, especially once I got my hands on rage. This was some of the best stuff for me. I enjoyed solo play, especially survivals on Eris, pluto, and other areas that often broke 60 minutes. I could just unwind, enjoy the game, and swap out frames or weapons and still always have an effective set up that allowed me to play the game.


This however, has come to an end. And with it, all my enjoyment of the game. With the new changes to combo, replacing channel for "strong attack", the latter being the one that actually ruined the game for me. It limits what frames I can use, I can't bring say ember prime, because while in the short term it would be deadly, in the long term attrition from toxins and a lack of healing would make dying over and over the only option. These changes I find are a strict and heavy downgrade from what was before. It limits what frames I can use, what builds for weapons, and even hurts my selection of weapons. While the build itself works still, it's greatly weakened, but the lack of ability to heal on frames that really needed life strike on the weapons to do survivals well, especially in solo play. 


I spent so many hours, and so much money on warframe that the decision to leave and completely uninstall, something I haven't done in my history of playing. Even when I wasn't active, I still had the game installed and patched. This wasn't an easy choice, but I feel that I can't and won't support a game that has decided that my enjoyment of the game, just wasn't important enough to warrant them not completely ruining a lot of the freedom in terms of frames, builds, and weapons. Warframe helped me through some dark times, such as dealing with my spinal injury after a tornado back in 2015 around the time I first tried warframe. (give or take some months, memory is a bit foggy due to the pain fog and heavy painkillers.) I was never shy finding excuses to spend money on the game, even if it was just to give the company and dev moneys for what I built was an amazing game. The build system was and is the absolute best part of warframe. It saddens me they would either knowingly or unknowingly destroy a lot of builds that people stumble upon, refine, and personalize in some quest to appeal to more people. I will miss warframe, and while I can't say the game is bad, as most of it is the same. But it does feel almost like a personal attack on me that a systematic destruction of elements I enjoyed of the game, such as my build I refined and mastered over the course of my nearly 1,000 hours in the game. 


This post isn't to spark change, demand it, or anything to that effect. But rather my final goodbye to a game that meant so much to me, but clearly no longer wishes for me to play the game. It meant the world to me, and I hope people continue to support and play warframe. I still will recommend it to people I know would enjoy it. But I just can't go on. Channel attack was a good system not just because it was effective, and could with a lot of different builds be excellent on keeping frames alive that wouldn't normally. It didn't slow you down, lock you into a weaker damage hit, and also eat all combo. To fix this you , I've been told, need to use a mod to reduce that. But that's crazy, you never needed a mod to make channel attack work, it just did. And while you could buff it, and make it heal, it never was intrusive. And a lot of melee players I knew, used it like no other. Because with so many frames life strike channel would be the difference of life or death in attrition situation. 


Another small side note is the chat bot. That thing chat banned me for a "WTB joke", because it can't tell the difference between a joke and an actual selling post. The strict censorship has always been something I was annoyed at, but because the game was great, and discord/voice chat in game was a thing, I for the most part could over look it. But, when your bot is punishing people for a "WTB a soul" joke, then you probably should manually review it. Especially when you don't give a person the ability to appeal the choice for a human to review it. It was never more then an inconvenience, But it is something I feel is worth mentioning. With most of the rest of my enjoyment removed, I can't help but feel bitter towards the bot censoring me for a stupid joke, one that wasn't offensive, or even had a swear word to it.


Like I said, I just felt obligated to say one final goodbye, and explain why I'm leaving. I really and genuinely hope people enjoy this game, and that it continues to operate for a long time. I think it'd be a massive loss to gaming as a whole to lose this game and all the things it does so well. But my personal taste no longer line up with the direction the game goes in. It's not a path I want to walk this time. I'd rather leave while  I have good memories of the time in warframe, then risk those memories. I've walked that path with too many mmos, and feel burnt enough by them, one going as far as to actively scam me for 60 bucks. So I think, this is goodbye. Goodbye to a game I once loved, and I wish it , and all of you lovely people well in your future with warframe. This isn't easy , but I think it's better I don't force myself to play a game I don't enjoy anymore and ruin all good will and good memories I once had. Thank you all for the memories. It's been a great ride. I am now just rambling. I don't want to finish this, because once I hit post, that's it. I might respond if anyone cares (I doubt anyone will being honest, I'm just some guy.) to some questions, but I don't think I'll respond much after the first short while. Have a wonderful day/life people. 

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To which is understandable. I hope you find positive enjoyment in your future endeavors!

Just remember, no reason to quit completely. Take a break, try to rekindle that love for the game. ^^ Changes may seem bleak at first but, who knows! A new build, something fun, or anything you find enjoyable may find it's way back again! 😄

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Healing return is a great alternative to life strike in the current status favouring meta of melee. It costs 16 capacity instead of 7, and is far less healing than lifestrike, but at least its passive?

Having to hit a heavy attack to heal in an "oh crap" moment is far from ideal, as chances are you wind up for the attack and die. Warframe has done this before though, changes happen. A lot of people felt alienated when zorencoptering was removed. In fact i have a friend who said he hasnt tried melee since they removed it, and now he may revisit it. Nothing is permanent. Sorry to see you go!

Edited by Skaleek
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6 minutes ago, Neiasaurus said:

Another small side note is the chat bot.

There is no difference between your joke and someone else clogging up the screen in the wrong channel. Ironically breaking the rules is the same as actually breaking them.

9 minutes ago, Neiasaurus said:

But it does feel almost like a personal attack on me

This is literally insane.

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Never understood the need for these kind of threads, especially if one was never active on the forums anyway with this being the very first post.

If you want to leave feedback, great but there is a section for that.

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I'd keep an eye on updates.

For one, I think the experience of players who used to use Life Strike predominantely, and their feedback being greatly negative, will produce a change of some sort. That change may not be final, more of  a stopgap while they're producing something new... something they seem to be playing close to the chest regarding the replacement for channeling, since they LIKELY want it to be the big reveal of the Duviri Paradox release, similar to the focus trees, they briefly mentioned "skill trees", and while not conclusive evidence, it may see a return of something similar to old channeling+life strike.


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33 minutes ago, Neiasaurus said:

So after a bit of inactivity due to stuff in real life, and other things. I come back to every single little thing I enjoyed about warframe over my 950 hours was gone. This might be a bit lengthy, but I feel  I owe the game an explanation of why I feel I have to leave for good. 


So I started warframe at the request of an off and on again friend of mine. We played together for a bit, it was quite fun. And over this time I took a heavy focus on melee, finding that it's not only my favorite part of the game, but allowed some pretty dang awesome builds. Well mine was a mix of Blood Rush, Body Count, Berserker, pressure point, spoiled strike, and two elements depending on the mission. This gave me the ability to use any weapon and if I swapped out like heavy impact or rending strike, I could sub in "life strike" allowing me to use any and all frames, especially once I got my hands on rage. This was some of the best stuff for me. I enjoyed solo play, especially survivals on Eris, pluto, and other areas that often broke 60 minutes. I could just unwind, enjoy the game, and swap out frames or weapons and still always have an effective set up that allowed me to play the game.


This however, has come to an end. And with it, all my enjoyment of the game. With the new changes to combo, replacing channel for "strong attack", the latter being the one that actually ruined the game for me. It limits what frames I can use, I can't bring say ember prime, because while in the short term it would be deadly, in the long term attrition from toxins and a lack of healing would make dying over and over the only option. These changes I find are a strict and heavy downgrade from what was before. It limits what frames I can use, what builds for weapons, and even hurts my selection of weapons. While the build itself works still, it's greatly weakened, but the lack of ability to heal on frames that really needed life strike on the weapons to do survivals well, especially in solo play. 


I spent so many hours, and so much money on warframe that the decision to leave and completely uninstall, something I haven't done in my history of playing. Even when I wasn't active, I still had the game installed and patched. This wasn't an easy choice, but I feel that I can't and won't support a game that has decided that my enjoyment of the game, just wasn't important enough to warrant them not completely ruining a lot of the freedom in terms of frames, builds, and weapons. Warframe helped me through some dark times, such as dealing with my spinal injury after a tornado back in 2015 around the time I first tried warframe. (give or take some months, memory is a bit foggy due to the pain fog and heavy painkillers.) I was never shy finding excuses to spend money on the game, even if it was just to give the company and dev moneys for what I built was an amazing game. The build system was and is the absolute best part of warframe. It saddens me they would either knowingly or unknowingly destroy a lot of builds that people stumble upon, refine, and personalize in some quest to appeal to more people. I will miss warframe, and while I can't say the game is bad, as most of it is the same. But it does feel almost like a personal attack on me that a systematic destruction of elements I enjoyed of the game, such as my build I refined and mastered over the course of my nearly 1,000 hours in the game. 


This post isn't to spark change, demand it, or anything to that effect. But rather my final goodbye to a game that meant so much to me, but clearly no longer wishes for me to play the game. It meant the world to me, and I hope people continue to support and play warframe. I still will recommend it to people I know would enjoy it. But I just can't go on. Channel attack was a good system not just because it was effective, and could with a lot of different builds be excellent on keeping frames alive that wouldn't normally. It didn't slow you down, lock you into a weaker damage hit, and also eat all combo. To fix this you , I've been told, need to use a mod to reduce that. But that's crazy, you never needed a mod to make channel attack work, it just did. And while you could buff it, and make it heal, it never was intrusive. And a lot of melee players I knew, used it like no other. Because with so many frames life strike channel would be the difference of life or death in attrition situation. 


Another small side note is the chat bot. That thing chat banned me for a "WTB joke", because it can't tell the difference between a joke and an actual selling post. The strict censorship has always been something I was annoyed at, but because the game was great, and discord/voice chat in game was a thing, I for the most part could over look it. But, when your bot is punishing people for a "WTB a soul" joke, then you probably should manually review it. Especially when you don't give a person the ability to appeal the choice for a human to review it. It was never more then an inconvenience, But it is something I feel is worth mentioning. With most of the rest of my enjoyment removed, I can't help but feel bitter towards the bot censoring me for a stupid joke, one that wasn't offensive, or even had a swear word to it.


Like I said, I just felt obligated to say one final goodbye, and explain why I'm leaving. I really and genuinely hope people enjoy this game, and that it continues to operate for a long time. I think it'd be a massive loss to gaming as a whole to lose this game and all the things it does so well. But my personal taste no longer line up with the direction the game goes in. It's not a path I want to walk this time. I'd rather leave while  I have good memories of the time in warframe, then risk those memories. I've walked that path with too many mmos, and feel burnt enough by them, one going as far as to actively scam me for 60 bucks. So I think, this is goodbye. Goodbye to a game I once loved, and I wish it , and all of you lovely people well in your future with warframe. This isn't easy , but I think it's better I don't force myself to play a game I don't enjoy anymore and ruin all good will and good memories I once had. Thank you all for the memories. It's been a great ride. I am now just rambling. I don't want to finish this, because once I hit post, that's it. I might respond if anyone cares (I doubt anyone will being honest, I'm just some guy.) to some questions, but I don't think I'll respond much after the first short while. Have a wonderful day/life people. 

I get where you are coming from. If you've invested on one aspect of the game so much and it is completely changed to the extend that it is unrecognizable(which melee in it's current state is) then I guess it is pretty normal to feel the way you do. 

I, even though melee is my favorite, am not as taken back with the recent changes, because as far as the gameplay is concerned, melee still works for me. I rarely used channeling(back in the day I used it alot though for life strike) so it is not something I'm looking forward to have back in the game. But heavy attacks and combo counter definitely needs a rework. As of now it seems as if they haven't put much thought behind it, mechanically. 

I completely agree with the censorship bit. The things people get banned for are ridiculous and it is pretty ironic that most private firms who are on the progressive left side use the power of autocracy to execute their ideals these days. 

Anyways, goodbye to you to, I hope you find enjoyment whatever you play or where ever you go(but still keep an eye on the forums, I feel like the melee 3.0 will be tinkered with further down the road). 

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29 minutes ago, Kalec said:

Never understood the need for these kind of threads, especially if one was never active on the forums anyway with this being the very first post.

If you want to leave feedback, great but there is a section for that.

Well I kinda answered why I felt the need, investing time and money into the game itself. Being quite emotionally invested. It was more for venting and a goodbye to the game then anything.

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4 minutes ago, Neiasaurus said:

Well I kinda answered why I felt the need, investing time and money into the game itself. Being quite emotionally invested. It was more for venting and a goodbye to the game then anything.

If you where really invested, you would not kick the bucket. As people have said, there is a new meta to melee cos of the changes. Sure, your build no longer works as well as it did, but there are builds out there now that work way better. Your whole post can be competed in to 'I don't like change'...

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34 minutes ago, Scandroid said:

not the games problem if you cant adapt to the changes

Change for the sake of change isn't always a good thing. I can think of dozens upon dozen examples of changes in games alone that were for the worse. This change was not only not needed, but a complete downgrade in terms of what existed in my opinion. None of what I said was objective, it was my perspective, and I gave quite a few reasons why I felt this change set warframe on a path I can't support. It's kinda sad that you didn't even bother to hear me out, but I suppose some people are going to be upset I said something negative about warframe. That's fine I suppose. Wish you the best. 

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Just now, Berserkerkitten said:

Well, one could adapt, build differently, change strategies. Oooor give up, uninstall and post a long rant, I guess. See ya!

I understand your perspective, but not all changes are good. And when a change strips away a lot of the core mechanics you enjoyed, in favor of new ones that actually work worse then before,  I feel no reason to continue to invest time or money into a game I no longer enjoyed. As for the rant, yes, people rant when they vent. It's a pretty normal thing when a game makes changes that destroy good features in favor of bad ones. You're welcome to like the changes, but I personally do not. Most of them are fine, but two are so bad that it made the game a lot less enjoyable for ME. And I see almost no upsides to this, it limits my options of what I can do, what frames I can play, what builds I can use, ruins the effectiveness of a mod, and I just don't want to continue to play. This isn't a case of the game being bad, or anything like that, it's just my taste no longer line up with the direction the game is headed. And after spending an hour or two on my return in the game, I simply didn't find it fun. I have a lot of other games I enjoy, and would rather give those games my time and money. I wish you the best in warframe, and hope you continue to enjoy and support it. 

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8 minutes ago, TheJagji said:

If you where really invested, you would not kick the bucket. As people have said, there is a new meta to melee cos of the changes. Sure, your build no longer works as well as it did, but there are builds out there now that work way better. Your whole post can be competed in to 'I don't like change'...

not every change is good. does that ever cross your mind? or are you the type to just take everything from behind and never complain? if this change was so great, the forums would not be so divisive and people who's invested years in the game would not be thinking about quitting.

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How many people gonna post quitting threads now? Cause I'll say this every single time

It's not an airport, you don't have to announce your departure.

You know how easy it is to quit playing a game without grasping for attention? It's this simple:

1. Uninstall the game

2. Go about your life

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Just now, jojokaizer said:

not every change is good. does that ever cross your mind? or are you the type to just take everything from behind and never complain? if this change was so great, the forums would not be so divisive and people who's invested years in the game would not be thinking about quitting.

I think it just didn't effect them to the degree it did me. I came back and instantly saw just how massively it negatively impacted me, and decided that instead of making myself and everyone else miserable sticking around in a game I don't enjoy, that I'd just not do that. We've seen those type that scream "X GAME IS DEAD" and spend their time in gen chat of mmos making other people upset. It's why I made a forum post, and uninstalled the game. I figured no one would benefit by forcing myself to play a game that went in a direction I simply don't enjoy. I really hope things get better for warframe. 

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Neiasaurus:

I understand your perspective, but not all changes are good. And when a change strips away a lot of the core mechanics you enjoyed, in favor of new ones that actually work worse then before,  I feel no reason to continue to invest time or money into a game I no longer enjoyed. As for the rant, yes, people rant when they vent. It's a pretty normal thing when a game makes changes that destroy good features in favor of bad ones. You're welcome to like the changes, but I personally do not. Most of them are fine, but two are so bad that it made the game a lot less enjoyable for ME. And I see almost no upsides to this, it limits my options of what I can do, what frames I can play, what builds I can use, ruins the effectiveness of a mod, and I just don't want to continue to play. This isn't a case of the game being bad, or anything like that, it's just my taste no longer line up with the direction the game is headed. And after spending an hour or two on my return in the game, I simply didn't find it fun. I have a lot of other games I enjoy, and would rather give those games my time and money. I wish you the best in warframe, and hope you continue to enjoy and support it. 

I don't like DE's change for the sake of changes approach, never did, but at the same time I'm not gonna freak out over life strike being less useful now or how melee is no longer vastly superior to absolutely everything else in the game, thanks to stupidly easy red crits. Plenty of other ways to gain survivability, other ways to kill stuff. But to each their own. Warframe is constantly changing, always has been. I don't always agree with their changes, but yeah, I guess in this case I do. Oh well. Bye.

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2 minutes ago, Sajochi said:

How many people gonna post quitting threads now? Cause I'll say this every single time

It's not an airport, you don't have to announce your departure.

You know how easy it is to quit playing a game without grasping for attention? It's this simple:

1. Uninstall the game

2. Go about your life

Well maybe people do it as a final note to the community or devs, mine was mostly venting. You're welcome to not like it, but I think forums are kinda the place for things like this, better then ingame chat, especially in warframe with it's bot. 

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1 hour ago, Neiasaurus said:

Wall of text, crying for attention.....

You admit you don't play often. Return and now everything is ruined, in your opinion. Then declare you're quitting........ Why can't people bow out gracefully? The vlogs are pointless. Just leave already. No one cares about your life, just like no one cares about mine or any other's lives. 

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