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Returned player.... but Confused. p2w, WHAT ?


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First of all, Warframe for me is one the games that I always play for fun, I don't really take it srsly.... I don't really care if you call me casual 🙂 it is the way I enjoy video games so hear me out first.

Dear DE.

We know you have been working so hard 🙂 for 2 years.... releasing cosmetics and stuff, Yes we got it, somebody needs to pay their bills, but srsly guys look at the game right-now, Its Soo pretty, even Liches look like DE puts a lot of efforts texturing their faces 😛, my Old ass GPU died trying to run this game last week and I had to replace it costing me 300$... I told myself its okey since its gonna be worth it playing warframe..

However, when I heard about the controversy surrounding the relics and requiem mods being some sort of P2W, I started having concerns for the game, it started reminding me of archeage, and how P2W ruined one of the best F2P mmorpgs just bcs they refused to balance the game.. 

And don't get me started with melee 3.0, I left the game for 2 months and now its complete chaos, I don't understand how melee works anymore, to me its a broken system right now....

So dear DE, I'm saying this cause I am a hobbyist programmer and I can make better melee system in Unity 3D projects 🙂 if only DE tried copying other games (like they always do) in making a good balanced melee system nobody will need to complain about it. Come on guys, Balance the game bcs nobody will enjoy killing the Lotus if the game is broken. and P2W, kind of..


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That may be true that you could make a better melee system, but you do not have to contend with fixing the plethora of issues Warframe currently has. As a fellow programmer, you are probably aware that it is sometimes easier to start from scratch than it is to fix something that is broken.

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There is no pay2win. It's pay to skip like always. You can grind for the requiem relics just like everything else. As for the melee system? Honestly it never felt better to me and that's because I was never part of that "spin to win" with a polearm and stupid maxed out range meta. 

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6 minutes ago, MouadSaqui said:

However, when I heard about the controversy surrounding the relics and requiem mods being some sort of P2W, I started having concerns for the game, it started reminding me of archeage, and how P2W ruined one of the best F2P mmorpgs just bcs they refused to balance the game.. 

People were overreacting, it was pay-2-skip as it always have been. People have been fearmongering 'Warframe is becoming pay 2 win' for ages now.

7 minutes ago, MouadSaqui said:

And don't get me started with melee 3.0, I left the game for 2 months and now its complete chaos, I don't understand how melee works anymore, to me its a broken system right now....

It's not broken, just take some time to understand it. It's working just fine, you just need to update your builds, and possibly how you approach. Honestly, even then in terms of builds very little has actually changed, many powerful mods are still powerful. Many of the old playstyles are too, save spin2win. Scaling's still in the game, it's just neither infinite nor baked in required since Melee is at base pretty strong now.

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Spin to win is no longer instant win. RRREEEE melee is broken!

A bug that makes a relic not 100% on kuva flood. REEEE  its made that way to force purchases its p2w!

Same old song and dance after every update and after a month or two there will be some other game ending controversy people will be going on about while in fact never quitting.

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13 minutes ago, MouadSaqui said:

So dear DE, I'm saying this cause I am a hobbyist programmer and I can make better melee system in Unity 3D projects 🙂 if only DE tried copying other games (like they always do) in making a good balanced melee system nobody will need to complain about it. Come on guys, Balance the game bcs nobody will enjoy killing the Lotus if the game is broken. and P2W, kind of..

Yeah sure. Why don't you make your own game with a "better melee system" and "no p2w" then?

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12 minutes ago, Goodwill said:

That may be true that you could make a better melee system, but you do not have to contend with fixing the plethora of issues Warframe currently has. As a fellow programmer, you are probably aware that it is sometimes easier to start from scratch than it is to fix something that is broken.

I totally agree, But they could've at least took their time to figure out the issues and fix the damn game, to me it make no sense that DE released melee 3.0 this fast

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3 minutes ago, MouadSaqui said:

[...] to me it make no sense that DE released melee 3.0 this fast

They have been talking about melee 3.0 for a looooooong time, I was starting to think they'd never actually get around to it. 'Fast' isn't the word I'd use 🙂

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8 minutes ago, MouadSaqui said:

I totally agree, But they could've at least took their time to figure out the issues and fix the damn game, to me it make no sense that DE released melee 3.0 this fast

Melee 2.99 was release months ago, and they're not even done with it yet, they've yet to implement Rage Mode and most likely some further stance updates.

'Fast' is very much not the word I'd use.

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13 minutes ago, MouadSaqui said:

I totally agree, But they could've at least took their time to figure out the issues and fix the damn game, to me it make no sense that DE released melee 3.0 this fast

Dude , we are on Phase 2 which is still WIP and they are gathering feedback. We don't have whole Melee 3.0 and they are not done with it yet.

Not to mention they were working on it for ages, I wouldn't call it " fast " if I were you.

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42 minutes ago, tyreens said:


Huh? I'm not against criticizing the game. I do it myself. It's just that "pfffft, even I can make it better" sounds annoying to me. And there's no real feedback in the post. OP doesn't know what p2w means and says the new melee is bad because he doesn't understand it.

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9 minutes ago, MouadSaqui said:

I totally agree, But they could've at least took their time to figure out the issues and fix the damn game, to me it make no sense that DE released melee 3.0 this fast

Oh boy, if you think that Melee 3.0 release has been fast then I would hate to see what you consider a slow release.

I mean melee 2.999999 was released back near february...thats 9 months to go from 2.999999 to "3.0" and we aren't even really finished with implementing 3.0.

So if 9 months is "fast" then what is "slow" for you?

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vor 5 Minuten schrieb Xaero:

Huh? I'm not against criticizing the game. I do it myself. It's just that "pfffft, even I can make it better" sounds annoying to me. And there's no real feedback in the post. OP doesn't know what p2w means and says the new melee is bad because he doesn't understand it.

Than just write that insead of "make your own game" 🙂

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8 minutes ago, Xaero said:

Did you read the original post? OP states he can do a better job than DE.

Dude, DE is a company ... not some holly figure that we supposed to worship, I'm not claiming I can make a "Game" better than DE, if you read my post with common sense you will understand what i was talking about, Making a melee system isn't that hard with current technology, I suggest you go educate yourself instead of blind defending a company that is supposed to satisfy its costumers.

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1 hour ago, MouadSaqui said:

First of all, Warframe for me is one the games that I always play for fun, I don't really take it srsly.... I don't really care if you call me casual 🙂 it is the way I enjoy video games so hear me out first.

Dear DE.

We know you have been working so hard 🙂 for 2 years.... releasing cosmetics and stuff, Yes we got it, somebody needs to pay their bills, but srsly guys look at the game right-now, Its Soo pretty, even Liches look like DE puts a lot of efforts texturing their faces 😛, my Old ass GPU died trying to run this game last week and I had to replace it costing me 300$... I told myself its okey since its gonna be worth it playing warframe..

However, when I heard about the controversy surrounding the relics and requiem mods being some sort of P2W, I started having concerns for the game, it started reminding me of archeage, and how P2W ruined one of the best F2P mmorpgs just bcs they refused to balance the game.. 

And don't get me started with melee 3.0, I left the game for 2 months and now its complete chaos, I don't understand how melee works anymore, to me its a broken system right now....

So dear DE, I'm saying this cause I am a hobbyist programmer and I can make better melee system in Unity 3D projects 🙂 if only DE tried copying other games (like they always do) in making a good balanced melee system nobody will need to complain about it. Come on guys, Balance the game bcs nobody will enjoy killing the Lotus if the game is broken. and P2W, kind of..


Lol warframe has p2w elements but dont expect the whiteknights on this forum to actually tell you as I see they've plagued this thread already 

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A broken system, yet you yourself said you don't take the game seriously and have barely even given it a chance? How can you say it's broken if you've not even tried it? Get the hell outta here OP 😂

"I'm saying this cause I am a hobbyist programmer and I can make better melee system in Unity 3D projects"

Put your money where your mouth is then. Do it. Please, show us.

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5 minutes ago, (NSW)Lobosandia said:

What exactly are you paying to win? Is there some competitive aspect of Warframe that I don't know about? 

here is what I suggest,

1 - You go run 10miles daily for 1 week, after you bench press 200 pounds a day, then come back next Saturday so that I give you the Candy. 

2 - Or you can just pay for it and take it right here right now.

what will you choose ? 

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2 minutes ago, MouadSaqui said:

here is what I suggest,

1 - You go run 10miles daily for 1 week, after you bench press 200 pounds a day, then come back next Saturday so that I give you the Candy. 

2 - Or you can just pay for it and take it right here right now.

what will you choose ? 

Does the candy make me better than the person who has yet ran the 10 miles?

Edited by Firetempest
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2 minutes ago, MouadSaqui said:

here is what I suggest,

1 - You go run 10miles daily for 1 week, after you bench press 200 pounds a day, then come back next Saturday so that I give you the Candy. 

2 - Or you can just pay for it and take it right here right now.

what will you choose ? 

That's easy.

I don't like running so if I could pay to get all the health benefits instead of doing the running, I would.

However, I like actually playing Warframe so I don't really feel the need to skip the content by paying to skip ahead.

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