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railjack time gate is a joke


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17 hours ago, (PS4)Kamil-the-KamiKa said:


what were DE thinking?

i watched someone live streaming the new quest and it took him a hour just to farm for the 100 cubic diodes with a nekros and a hydroid, but before even that he had to farm 5 mutagen mass, fieldrone and injectors from invasions and then wait additional 6 hours to build railjack cephalon (he rushed it for the stream obvsiously) and now there is a 12 hour wait time to build the actual railjack part which is NOT rushable.

i feel deeply sorry for him. He spent plat to rush, time to farm and now he is blocked by a 12 hour time gate and he had to end the stream. Imagine streaming to get new lore and the new ship built just to grind to be able to wait to grind again.

DE, seriously? this is a HUGE time gate and probally the most grindy and tedious quest up to date

EDIT: i know even after we build it we cannot use it, i am aware of that. Its just seems it is meant to barely support interest until something useful from it actual comes about.

EDIT part 2: my bad, looking back at old dev streams and comments i now realise that DE did actually say this will happen.


that was the whole point of there being a preparation phase there is 0 reason to rush something because even if finish it all in 30 seconds it is nothing but a big pretty paper weight right now as the missions for it are not live

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Cargan2016 said:

that was the whole point of there being a preparation phase there is 0 reason to rush something because even if finish it all in 30 seconds it is nothing but a big pretty paper weight right now as the missions for it are not live

Well, there is the possibility they may let us board it to have a look around, even if it's not going anywhere.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Cargan2016 said:

that was the whole point of there being a preparation phase there is 0 reason to rush something because even if finish it all in 30 seconds it is nothing but a big pretty paper weight right now as the missions for it are not live

still doesn't justify the shameless padding of a single quest and minimal content. there is no real reason to have time gate so mind numbingly arbitrary and stupid. it's like being given a movie with 6 scenes and each scene has a 12 hour commercial in between. it just wrecks the flow of the story and quest.

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5 minutes ago, Rivyn said:

If you don't want to grind for it, don't do it. Simple as that.

that's not an argument, as someone who has invested money in this game to support these devs, I think I have the right to raise my grievances with DE's arbitrary and foot shooting decisions. this arbitrary 12 hour wait not only ruins the flow of the story the quest is telling you, but needlessly irritates players for no damn good reason. the little sliver of content we get from this ONE quest (on top of how damn expensive it was to make this dry dock AND the parts) in no way justifies the 12 hour time gate. Also, the game forcefully idling your progress is NOT grind. farming for resources and parts is grind. killing stuff because space mom told you to is grinding. An unskippable wait of 1/2 a day is not grind. try again.

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34 minutes ago, MetalicSharpShooter said:

that's not an argument, as someone who has invested money in this game to support these devs, I think I have the right to raise my grievances with DE's arbitrary and foot shooting decisions. this arbitrary 12 hour wait not only ruins the flow of the story the quest is telling you, but needlessly irritates players for no damn good reason. the little sliver of content we get from this ONE quest (on top of how damn expensive it was to make this dry dock AND the parts) in no way justifies the 12 hour time gate. Also, the game forcefully idling your progress is NOT grind. farming for resources and parts is grind. killing stuff because space mom told you to is grinding. An unskippable wait of 1/2 a day is not grind. try again.

Sorry but that's really silly. You're the same person who would be complaining there's no way to access railjack yet if we actually could rush the research lol. 

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2 hours ago, Kerberos-3 said:

Well, there is the possibility they may let us board it to have a look around, even if it's not going anywhere.

I think Potato confirmed this in his video about the update, we can board it and check out / customize the interior once it’s done

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1 hour ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:

Sorry but that's really silly. You're the same person who would be complaining there's no way to access railjack yet if we actually could rush the research lol. 

And you know this how? do you know me? Have you ever talked to me before this very moment? No? You're pulling a projection of my character out of your ass based on no factual evidence of your claims. Not only is that faulty logic, it's just straight up rude.

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6 minutes ago, MetalicSharpShooter said:

And you know this how? do you know me? Have you ever talked to me before this very moment? No? You're pulling a projection of my character out of your ass based on no factual evidence of your claims. Not only is that faulty logic, it's just straight up rude.

From your comment. I'm pulling it from that. It's an asinine complaint, what would you do if you could rush it that you can't do now? Stare at a pretty paper weight hanging in the dock? The content doesn't exist yet, get that through your head. And instead of dumping it on us all at once like they previously have, they actually gave us time to casually complete the research as opposed to fortuna where we had all available content but were still time gated. This is a much smarter approach.

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14 minutes ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:

From your comment. I'm pulling that. It's an asinine complaint, what would youdo if you could rush it that you can't do now? Stare at a pretty paper weight hanging in the dock? The content doesn't exist yet, get that through our head. And instead of dumping it on us all at once like they previously have, they actually gave us time to casually complete the research as opposed to fortuna where we had all available content but were still time gated. This is a much smarter approach.

I understand that this is the preparation stage and that I still have to wait a month before I can actually use it, I'm cool with that, I would like to just get the building over with. This is just arbitrary padding for something that shouldn't be padded out so much. The time gate as it stands is absolute cancer I would be cool with 2 or even 4 hours, but 12? Forget that! especially with how much it asks you to invest not only in the drydock, but the jack itself. Mutagen Masses, Detonite, Feildron, Forma, Polymer Bundles, 6,000,000 credits for all parts, and Plat if you wanna rush the dry dock. and a quest that amounts to about maybe 2-4 hours of farming. Only to be given a giant middle finger in the form of a giant time gate you can't rush. For what reason? They don't tell us. They just do it because reasons. You're trying to defend horrible game design, and frankly dude, you're embarrassing yourself. Stop licking DE's boot and think for yourself.


Edit: Did I forget to mention 16 Argon Crystals (good luck getting that much in mot with the X4 damage multiplier), plus new components added to the game solely  to send the player on a farming goose chase?

Edited by MetalicSharpShooter
Additional information about bullcrap farming.
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16 minutes ago, MetalicSharpShooter said:

I understand that this is the preparation stage and that I still have to wait a month before I can actually use it, I'm cool with that, I would like to just get the building over with. This is just arbitrary padding for something that shouldn't be padded out so much. The time gate as it stands is absolute cancer I would be cool with 2 or even 4 hours, but 12? Forget that! especially with how much it asks you to invest not only in the drydock, but the jack itself. Mutagen Masses, Detonite, Feildron, Forma, Polymer Bundles, 6,000,000 credits for all parts, and Plat if you wanna rush the dry dock. and a quest that amounts to about maybe 2-4 hours of farming. Only to be given a giant middle finger in the form of a giant time gate you can't rush. For what reason? They don't tell us. They just do it because reasons. You're trying to defend horrible game design, and frankly dude, you're embarrassing yourself. Stop licking DE's boot and think for yourself.

Again I'm gonna ask you because you didn't answer before - what would you be doing differently if you could rush it? What would it change? The answer is nothing. 

If you check some of my other threads you'll see how little I support the devs and their direction for the game. But when they finally do something right I'm not gonna come on the forums and berate them. So answer my question above if you can and stop complaining for the sake of complaining.

Edit: just realised you're complaining about the resource requirements as well 😄 You must be new, pretty sure most of us who have been here a while have enough to research all that and not notice the loss.

Edited by -CdG-Zilchy
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Why on earth would you want to rush any of this? It's just some preparation for the actual Railjack launch, and you would want it to be over in what? An hour? Minutes? With each update I'm starting to understand the whole "Content drought" memes better. You ravish any content as fast as possible, and as if that wasn't fast enough, you immediately jump back into the forums to demand more content XD 

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4 minutes ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:

Again I'm gonna ask you because you didn't answer before - what would you be doing differently if you could rush it? What would it change? The answer is nothing. 

If you check some of my other threada you'll see how little I support the devs and their direction for the game. But when they finally do something right I'm not gonna come on the forums and berate them. So answer my question above if you can and stop complaining for the sake of complaining.

Unlike you, I can't spend 24/7 on warframe, because I have this thing called a life. And what the F!@# would you call right about a f!@#ing time gate you can't skip? You're seriously trying to justify a f!@#ing time gate with the only reason being "it won't make a difference" it makes a HUGE f!@#ing difference, I won't have to constantly waste time checking when I can do the next 12 seconds of god damned game play, only to be tossed back into this f!@#ing waiting game. and when you factor in that you'll likely have to go to bed by the time the part is done, then if you're someone that actually has a life and a job (I.E. me) that 12 hours turns into possibly 24 god damned hours + I have to wait doing 1 god damned part.  12 hours of wait is not real content, it's f!@#ing lazy, arbitrary. I would rather have small bite sized quality content than a f!@#ing over padded mess that has no reason to be a mess. This is bad game design. PERIOD. END OF F!@#ING SENTENCE.

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11 minutes ago, Salenzar said:

Why on earth would you want to rush any of this? It's just some preparation for the actual Railjack launch, and you would want it to be over in what? An hour? Minutes? With each update I'm starting to understand the whole "Content drought" memes better. You ravish any content as fast as possible, and as if that wasn't fast enough, you immediately jump back into the forums to demand more content XD 

a 12 hour waiting game is not real content.

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I am also not getting this mindset. Finally we have something to work towards. Gathering a few materials, salvaging parts, getting a bit of lore during each phase. But the mentality of wanting everything now, handed on a platter and when they have it the same people post memes about content drought. I don't get it, I really can't understand this.

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Just now, Prexades said:

I am also not getting this mindset. Finally we have something to work towards. Gathering a few materials, salvaging parts, getting a bit of lore during each phase. But the mentality of wanting everything now, handed on a platter and when they have it the same people post memes about content drought. I don't get it, I really can't understand this.

a 12 hour waiting game is not active game play, that's an incompetent developer holding your hand and forcing you to idle your progress. I'd rather have well made bite sized content rather than this 12 hour shamelessly padded out arbitrary garbage.

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb MetalicSharpShooter:

Unlike you, I can't spend 24/7 on warframe, because I have this thing called a life. And what the F!@# would you call right about a f!@#ing time gate you can't skip? You're seriously trying to justify a f!@#ing time gate with the only reason being "it won't make a difference" it makes a HUGE f!@#ing difference, I won't have to constantly waste time checking when I can do the next 12 seconds of god damned game play, only to be tossed back into this f!@#ing waiting game. and when you factor in that you'll likely have to go to bed by the time the part is done, then if you're someone that actually has a life and a job (I.E. me) that 12 hours turns into possibly 24 god damned hours + I have to wait doing 1 god damned part.  12 hours of wait is not real content, it's f!@#ing lazy, arbitrary. I would rather have small bite sized quality content than a f!@#ing over padded mess that has no reason to be a mess. This is bad game design. PERIOD. END OF F!@#ING SENTENCE.

This is how entitlement looks like. You are rebuilding a ship,which is not something done in 5 minutes, so from an in universe perspective 12 hours for each phase is rather short. But from a gameplay point of view your complaint also does not make sense. Because Empyrean is not out yet. The only thing to do is building the Railjack, but there is nothing it can do right now except looking pretty in a dry dock. So if you build one part per day, you still have finished your Railjack long before the next phase is being released.


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Just now, Prexades said:

This is how entitlement looks like. You are rebuilding a ship,which is not something done in 5 minutes, so from an in universe perspective 12 hours for each phase is rather short. But from a gameplay point of view your complaint also does not make sense. Because Empyrean is not out yet. The only thing to do is building the Railjack, but there is nothing it can do right now except looking pretty in a dry dock. So if you build one part per day, you still have finished your Railjack long before the next phase is being released.


a war frame also takes 3 days to build yet shove some platinum up ordis's ass and he'll rush that S#&$ pronto. Unlike you, I can't spend 24/7 on warframe, because I have this thing called a life. And what the F!@# would be a good reason for f!@#ing 12 hour time gate you can't skip? You're seriously trying to justify a f!@#ing time gate with the only reason being "it makes no sense" it makes a ton of f!@#ing sense, I won't have to constantly waste time checking when I can do the next 12 seconds of god damned game play, only to be tossed back into this f!@#ing waiting game. and when you factor in that you'll likely have to go to bed by the time the part is done, then if you're someone that actually has a life and a job (I.E. me) that 12 hours turns into possibly 24 god damned hours + I have to wait doing 1 god damned part.  12 hours of wait is not real content, it's f!@#ing lazy, arbitrary. I would rather have small bite sized quality content than a f!@#ing over padded mess that has no reason to be a mess. This is bad game design. PERIOD. END OF F!@#ING SENTENCE.

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13 minutes ago, MetalicSharpShooter said:

Unlike you, I can't spend 24/7 on warframe, because I have this thing called a life. And what the F!@# would you call right about a f!@#ing time gate you can't skip? You're seriously trying to justify a f!@#ing time gate with the only reason being "it won't make a difference" it makes a HUGE f!@#ing difference, I won't have to constantly waste time checking when I can do the next 12 seconds of god damned game play, only to be tossed back into this f!@#ing waiting game. and when you factor in that you'll likely have to go to bed by the time the part is done, then if you're someone that actually has a life and a job (I.E. me) that 12 hours turns into possibly 24 god damned hours + I have to wait doing 1 god damned part.  12 hours of wait is not real content, it's f!@#ing lazy, arbitrary. I would rather have small bite sized quality content than a f!@#ing over padded mess that has no reason to be a mess. This is bad game design. PERIOD. END OF F!@#ING SENTENCE.

Lol you sound like a spolit baby now. This is actually better for a casual like you cos you don't have to rush and grind everything right away. Not being able to research the next thing the very second you can due to life commitments is going to make no difference whatsoever, this will be nightwave where we finish with a few weeks of waiting left over. Wr already know what resources we need for all this so stop throwing your toys out of the pram, farm the resources and then go back to doing whatever else you enjoy in the game. 

You lost all credit you had by going on  an entitled swear filled rant that just makes you look like a spoiled brat and I reiterate, I was bang on the money, you'd DEFINITELY be the type to complain there's no content if you could rush all the research.

P.S. I work 60 hours a week and somehow manage. Perhaps you're putting too much emphasis on a video game? Must be some life to be so impacted by a game.

Edited by -CdG-Zilchy
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