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So... Shedu and Erra Quest


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I'll try to make this quick and clear. Not only the quest itself is locked behind RNG since you only have a 30min timeframe to find where it is before it enters a 3 hours cooldown to move to another node (acording to players), but the shedu components only drops from one of the new sentients and it's a 4% drop. I have to ask if no one at DE saw the problem behind this, because it just feels like they're mocking us right now. I don't mind the grind behind railjack components (weapons and stuff) because it's nothing that I'm not used to do specially since MMORPG basically works like this - and the gameplay itself is not that hard/exaustive, but there's a limit that should not be crossed. This needs to be fixed ASAP! 

But yeah, I know that only complaining isn't gonna do anything, so here's some sugestions I have: 

  • Sentient Ship Spawn 
    • Either lock the spawn to a single node or gives something that marks where it is currently; 
    • Reduce the cooldown to something similar to day/night on PoE, for example: 40min timeframe to farm - 30min coolddown before it goes to another node. This way casual players can actually do the content. 
  • Shedu
    • Either make it drop from all the new sentients or increase the drop change for something between 10~15% (since the Symbilysts don't appear that often). 

I get that with New War we'll probably have more chances to find those sentients, but I see no point to adding the weapon in the game if you're going to make it almost impossible to get and we don't have any idea of when New War is actually coming. 

Edited by Zecthus
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2 minutes ago, Twisted_Wisdom said:

um.. Stalker weapons > War, Hate, Despair, Dread are all difficult to get because the chance to get them relies on really low % rate for (Shadow) Stalker to spawn.

I know people who still are missing one of or both: hate and Despair, who has been playing basically since his release

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58 minutes ago, SECURATYYY said:

"I can't have it now and I am upset."

If the ships didn't have a 3hr cooldown to respawn, the drop chances wouldn't be much of a problem (at least for me, don't know about other people that share similar thoughts as the ones I stated in this post). It's not about having it now, but the system not being friendly to players that can't (or just won't) play 24/7. For example, nightwave was changed in a way that makes both dedicated and casual players more or less happy, I don't see why that couldn't be done with other stuff too. Imagine yourself getting hyped about something that is available in the game and other playes are getting it, but you can't get it because it's locked behind RNG that it's locked behind another RNG. This is - as least - frustrating. Also there is a disconect between the cooldown and the timeframe for the farm. 3hr cooldown for 30min playable time, with missions that could take 20min+ depending on the crew you have. So unless you have dedicated friends that could help you do the mission super fast, you'll probably run twice (max) every 3 hours. 

Ps.: I know that they added the mark but so far I haven't seen it. As for the cooldown, they didn't said anything about it, so I'm assuming it's still the same. If they changed I apologize and hope someone can share here in this post. 


54 minutes ago, FRTE_Ret5o said:

I thunk that since the new war is not a quest, the sentient ship will start to apear more frecuently, now is just a teaser of what is to come.

Could very much be like that, but how long is it gonna take for it to happen? For example, the only reason I got to do the quest was because a clan mate shared with the clan the location of the ship few minutes before the cooldown started. During the mission, I found a single Symbilyst in the whole thing, which means I had one chance to get a drop that is 4% chance. Considering the hype that was made behind the arm-cannon and it finally coming on the game, I think you can see why its frustrating when we don't have any idea of when New War is coming with the new tileset. 


7 hours ago, Twisted_Wisdom said:

um.. Stalker weapons > War, Hate, Despair, Dread are all difficult to get because the chance to get them relies on really low % rate for (Shadow) Stalker to spawn.

Yeah and I think Stalker is a broken and wasted system. I got all the weapons pretty quickly, but I too know people that still haven't got some of them. I was hopping that with Stalker Mode that would change since it could lead to a more frequently appearance which could potentially give players more chances to get the weapons, but seems like that project is lost in limbo now. We'll have to see if New War will bring anything new for Stalker - I hope it does. 


6 hours ago, Skaleek said:

I've gotten 2 parts in 3 runs. It's hardly bad Rng. Honestly the quellor and pennant were worse.

I got Pennant in my second run. That doesn't actually mean anything, since RNG is a gamble. Someone getting something fast is not a rule, it's most likely the exception (just see the stalker discussion going on in this same post). 


52 minutes ago, CoefficientOfCool said:

so a thing happened and it couldnt be farmed in what seems like one, maybe two, play sessions? 


working as intended tbh.

To be 100% honest, I'm more frustrated about the quest itself being hide in RNG than the drops. The weapon components are just the cherry on top of the big pile of frustration I had and have with this update. 

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1 hour ago, Zecthus said:

I got Pennant in my second run. That doesn't actually mean anything, since RNG is a gamble. Someone getting something fast is not a rule, it's most likely the exception (just see the stalker discussion going on in this same post). 

I got the pennant on my first run. But then i ran the mission 60 more times to get a better feel for the general drop rate and then i finally got the quellor. Most of the time the base commander drops ammo. Thanks for educating me on RNG though, as someone who's been playing warframe a long time, I'm quite well versed in RNG. I know what's a difficult grind and what's an easy grind. The Shedu is not that bad.

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3 hours ago, Zecthus said:


I think it is best we give them some time. These are new enemy types I doubt will be left to ONLY the sentient ship, so when the Tau System comes around we will probably have an easier time farming them. So I like to think of it as: we are given the opportunity to farm them early for something that will later be a bit easier to obtain during a war.

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9 hours ago, Skaleek said:

I'm quite well versed in RNG

Are you tho? Because right now that sounds like "I got something easily, so that must be the general case", while in fact I see people getting the new weapons (Quellor and Pennant) way easier than they're getting Shedu components - either because you can access the boss anytime you want or because the weapon blueprint drop chance is more than 2x the drop chance for Shedu components. But okay, you're the guy who "has been playing warframe for a long time", so you must be right. :D 

For anyone that wants to know, it's a 10% chance to get a weapon blueprint for each one of the captains/commanders. You can find the drop table on: https://n8k6e2y6.ssl.hwcdn.net/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html

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7 hours ago, Flameduel said:

I think it is best we give them some time. These are new enemy types I doubt will be left to ONLY the sentient ship, so when the Tau System comes around we will probably have an easier time farming them. So I like to think of it as: we are given the opportunity to farm them early for something that will later be a bit easier to obtain during a war.

But the thing is, are we sure that there is a Tau System? As far as what was shown, the new sentient tileset is situated inside sentients ships. We know that with New War we might get more missions and probably will, but it is more likely to function like Kuva Fortress, a big ship flying around that have mission nodes we can complete (but maybe in railjack territory) or objectives inside railjack missions (like it is right now) than a new whole system. I don't doubt that with New War's release Shedu components farm will become easier, but we don't have a date for it yet. In fact, it was supposed to be shipped this year but it was delayed because it's still a work in progress. So, considering all this and the fact that I do respect everyone that has a different opinion that I have, I think you can see the frustration I have with how this is working right now.

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18 hours ago, Flameduel said:

I mean, I've played for 2 years and I've only achieved 1 Despair and 2 Hates

And that can happen. I've also been playing for a couple years and I didn't get that many blueprints - only dread ones. The thing is that a personal good experience can't be taken as the general experience. You'll probably find more people that had bad luck with rng when it comes to Stalker than people that had good luck.

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2 minutes ago, Zecthus said:

But the thing is, are we sure that there is a Tau System? As far as what was shown, the new sentient tileset is situated inside sentients ships. We know that with New War we might get more missions and probably will, but it is more likely to function like Kuva Fortress, a big ship flying around that have mission nodes we can complete (but maybe in railjack territory) or objectives inside railjack missions (like it is right now) than a new whole system. I don't doubt that with New War's release Shedu components farm will become easier, but we don't have a date for it yet. In fact, it was supposed to be shipped this year but it was delayed because it's still a work in progress. So, considering all this and the fact that I do respect everyone that has a different opinion that I have, I think you can see the frustration I have with how this is working right now.

I am 100% certain no matter what happens it will make it easier, the battleist and cauculyst have the same drops on the ship we currently have so the sentients that drop the parts are going to be the same. I won't say how much easier, but if it is at all the case where we can load up a mission just to fight sentients, and since it will be a war against sentients, it should be easier.  

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23 minutes ago, Zecthus said:

Are you tho? Because right now that sounds like "I got something easily, so that must be the general case", while in fact I see people getting the new weapons (Quellor and Pennant) way easier than they're getting Shedu components - either because you can access the boss anytime you want or because the weapon blueprint drop chance is more than 2x the drop chance for Shedu components. But okay, you're the guy who "has been playing warframe for a long time", so you must be right. 😄

I am. I just ran the sentient ship with ivara and nekros and I got 3 shedu components. I now stand at 4 runs with 6 parts. No, by all means, keep going. It's not hard to tell what's a hard grind and what's an easy grind after doing it a bit. There's about 5-6 symbolists per run, if each part is 4%, thats a 16% chance per symbolist. With loot increasers... well... its just not that difficult a grind. But keep telling me how hard it is. It took me 40 runs to get the quellor. It took me 4 runs to get 150% of what i needed to craft the shedu. Im gonna keep running it and selling the parts, because well, its easy. As my sample size gets larger and larger, it becomes easier and easier to say with certainty that the grind is not that difficult. One run could be lucky. 4 runs with 6 parts? Not likely. 10 runs with more than 10 parts? i can pretty much definitively say easy farm.

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