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which abilities that you want change on vauban?


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We came with 2 sort of worthless ability, the speed pad and the single buff but how you would change it on vauban's abilities?  (leave comment about vauban what will you change on his ability)


If you ask me what abilities what I would change on vauban on his single buff and speed pad is starting with the single buff thing 1st, I'll just make it sort of the same as wisp how she buff except for it is totally going be like chroma how he buff his allies but without having the negative radius that ppl always do to self buff themselves so that it be well effective in groups and self as well as I just add timer for it.  The 2nd about the speed pad, I'll just just add the queen chess pieces way style just when vauban throw his speed pad it just point every direction for fun ramp or rail walk way kick up in the air so that walking other way the arrows point basically we don't have to deal with you need made perfect arrow or feel like we just walk in some sort super mario's editing game mode, as again if the speed pad isn't good enough, I just change the speed pad to do something else for thoughts of idea speed pad could increase bullet speed projection like take for bow and arrow they shoot pretty well fast but not fast enough and just increase it by pad direction just speed it up or you want change the direction the arrow without using ivar which some ppl will find it fun to do ricochet bolt/arrow/bullets which could be more fun then mag's ability, heck why not make the enemy just shoot back at themselves just putting the pad on the ground and watch them shoot themselves that would be funny for it just barricade with no walls that can be walk though and yes it feel like volt's electric shield except for without the buff dmg it just redirect shots whatever direction you wanted it be pointed at which you can have fun zig zag line up.

All though these are ideas but never meant to rework again vauban but hopefully the dev has idea to change it again later on future more on his speed pad and buff thing again or later on get changes but then I would like hear your comment what ways what you would of change vauban's abilities of those 2 gimmick abilities.


P.S I am bit tipsy what I am doing.

Edited by ChaoticEdge
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Vector pad is too niche, almost useless outside of interception. 

Speed boost to allies for a few seconds after using it or speed reduction on enemies would be an acceptable change.


Personally the only thing I would really want is a faster or even instant  armor gain on bastille, 

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Aside from a buff to photon strike, literally a full rework of minelayer. Tether mine replaced with a kind of holographic wall cover, similar to electric shield but immobile. Flechette orb just needs to act as a turret, not shooting randomly (which they may have done in a previous patch, I don't entirely remember). Vector pad should be replaced with something like a slow field, while overcharger should be swapped for a tesla tower or a target designator that strips armor and increases damage dealt to the painted target(s)

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I'm okay with how the powers work, I use him for exterminate missions, fighting from cover. Overcharger is useful for when I need to take on hard targets, like Nox, Bombardiers, Bursas and Heavy Gunners. Since it's a direct damage boost. 

The vector pad sadly isn't that useful as I can't change what direction it faces. It'd be fun to be able to force enemies to run into a trap. A vector zone like the trampoline used to work would be fine. 



And his third ability needs more range! I'm slightly annoyed that I can lob everything, but not those damaging grenades! 

Edited by Sunai_Moonswing
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Remove all the toggle crap on his trap skill. Combine flechette with the buff, make it work like Wisps motes, an area you enter to get the buff for x seconds. Move thether to #1 and scrap the rollers aswell as the speed trap, switch places of 3 and 4, give orbital strike more range before it detonates, heck make it require to hit the ground before going kaboom.

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I'd like some change to the rollers, It always feel like they dont really go where I want them to. though that may be me still thinking they would be an ability you use just before any enemies get near, so they try to follow me first, instead of jumping on enemies I want stunned. 

Also I hate the bloody annoying sound they make. make it stop please! 

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7 hours ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing said:

Chill out there, ChaoticWallOfText


Give him literally ANYTHING besides Vector Pad. He can have Super Jump for all I f-

Oh wait, that's what Vector Pad was before DE decided turning it 90 degrees would classify as a new ability.

Tether is also useless. I would buff his 1st ability and the ones you can actually use on his 2nd. The turret ball can actually be good. They can take away Tether and Vector Pads and add Minefield. Spread mines in a radius, similar to Mirages augment Explosive Legerdemain. Not such a huge radius, but maybe more powerful as enemies keep triggering more explosives. Keep his 2nd at 3 things to toggle and not 4.

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Just Vector Pad. Well Vector Pad and for the love of all that is good in the world a small base armor boost.

I'm legit dumbfounded that I actually LIKE the new Tesla, and the other 3 parts of his Minelayer are pretty much fine as-is.

Only other thing I'd like is for his 3 to have a bit smarter of a firing window, I don't like how it can miss due to the short time limit, but before they changed it it could take too long to fire.

I'd say make it fire instantly if it hits an enemy, and with a small delay if when it hits the ground.

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Vaubans biggest issues have always been:

-His abilities are projectiles that launch in a parabola, therefore not only having aninations for casting but also a travel time before it reaches its destination and deploys its effect.

-He is largely CC centric, but his CC does not affect a large number of enemies in the game due to balancing.

-Probably his biggest issue on this list. His actual stats are bad but his abilities are worse at keeping him alive. Even with the armor strip of Bastille. He does not have the survivability of other frames that are within the same category of being CC frames with utility. (Gara, Rhino, Hydroid, Inaros, Ne Zha, Nyx, Nekros are examples of warframes that fill the same role but are more capable of surviving. ) 

Possible solutions to solve these issues.

- Make Photon Strike a constant laser that hits an area for a duration of time instead of one shot and then done. The reason: Because of the aforementioned amount of time and warframe energy commited to utilizing Photon Strike, and the immense power of our weaponry, it is a wasted skill for what amounts to less damage than just shooting an arca plasmor into the pile of enemies instead. If the photon strike was a constant bombardment of multiple hits, the cost/benefit ratio would balance out better. As it stands Flechette orb and Tesla Nervos Link is a better Photon Strike than Photon Strike. Secondly, give Photon Strike an additional effect beyond just damage, such as proccing Radiation and Blast on every hit or Giving enemies killed by Photon Strike a high chance of dropping Energy Orbs.


-Replace Vector Pad with a survivability utility skill. My personal proposal would be a deployable Stealth Field Generator that lessens in concealment based on proximity to it with a maximum cap that can be deployed at once. (If you are close to one, enemies lose detection/focus on you and target something else, as you start to get further from it, the concealment starts to wear off)


-Bump up his base armor to 350.




Edited by Mithrah
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