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We still need the option to get rid of lichs


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On 2020-02-11 at 2:15 PM, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

& for the last time, we proved you multiple times how this is muscle memory, being stubborn won't change our perspective & certainly won't change the fact that we are stuck with Liches we don't want

 The price you have to pay for not paying attention I guess? If you're at the point where your mind shuts off from constantly trying to find the right weapon, then it's probably time to take a break. Muscle memory is really not a good excuse when there are so many indicators that you are hunting a larva. I find it extremely unlikely that someone can mistake a larva for a thrall. I swear the playerbase can't take ownership for anything it does these days, there has to be training wheels at every turn for you guys. The game straight up marks the larva, the screen flashes when it spawns in, and there's even audio from a kuva guardian that one has spawned in. People were so hyped for this idea that 1 lich would pester us for a long period of time and now they're complaining about a lich that takes a few hours to take down with just a bit of effort. All the game is asking you to do when you farm larvas at this point is to simply pay attention. Is it really that hard? Fact of the matter is, if you kill a larva because you weren't paying attention, that is entirely a you problem. The only stubborn people here are the ones complaining regularly about the lack of babysitting. Toodles.

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11 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

Stopped reading here

Stopped reading here. The entire point of what I said was that you guys do nothing but complain.

EDIT: Also to quote the OP. "one time lich hunt put me into a trance that i accidentally started a lich hunt because the kuva larving looked like a thrall and my muscle memory acted ". So no, what I said is still entirely relevant to the discussion. 

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4 minutes ago, Draemoris said:

Stopped reading here. The entire point of what I said was that you guys do nothing but complain.

& if you actually read what we said you would understand

Maybe you could list or explain the points we made if you did read tho

EDIT: btw, don't copy what I did like a brainless idiot, I'm pretty sure you did read everything

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3 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

& if you actually read what we said you would understand

Maybe you could list or explain the points we made if you did read tho

EDIT: btw, don't copy what I did like a brainless idiot, I'm pretty sure you did read everything

"brainless idiot" Look here mr passive aggressive. Chill on the language. Secondly, I did read and "I too downed a dozen larvlings that didn't had the weapon I wanted, but after killing hundreds of thralls & killing my Lich, I automatically stabbed the next larvling I found, mistakes are too easy too make" Is a you problem. Your incompetence is not the developer's problem. 

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Just now, Draemoris said:

"brainless idiot" Look here mr passive aggressive. Chill on the language. Secondly, I did read and "I too downed a dozen larvlings that didn't had the weapon I wanted, but after killing hundreds of thralls & killing my Lich, I automatically stabbed the next larvling I found, mistakes are too easy too make" Is a you problem. You're incompetence is not the developer's problem. 

I asked you to tell me every point we said if you did read, still waiting on that


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14 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

I asked you to tell me every point we said if you did read, still waiting on that



Let's take your exemple again, a car on the road. Well, maybe a sign can be obstructed by a tree, or may be down because a truck ram into it

Maybe that curve is outside of my control, like the car suddenly stopping or the breaks not working

Same here, there are dozens of enemies firing at me. The lighting effects of explosions blinding the screen makes me unable to see the larvling, & with all the noise like four bombards shooting at me in unison, I can't hear if the larvling got downed or not

Then I try to pick up my Volt shield, or my weapon that was stolen by the Kubrow guy, & bam, I stab the larvling without being able to do anything

There is so many flaws with this system & so many ways to f*ck something up, too much room for mistakes, & it must be prevented, it must be fixed

Now if you can't understand any of this, you must have a serious problem"

Alright let's deconstruct this then since it's the only post that has any semblance of a "point".

"The lighting effects of explosions blinding the screen makes me unable to see the larvling, & with all the noise like four bombards shooting at me in unison, I can't hear if the larvling got downed or not"

First off, 4 bombards is enough to give you issues with your hearing? Secondly, I played this game maxed out on my 1080 TI and I do not have any issues with "blinding" lights that are so intense that I can't SEE THE LARVLING. I'm calling BS on that. 

Next over. 
"Then I try to pick up my Volt shield, or my weapon that was stolen by the Kubrow guy, & bam, I stab the larvling without being able to do anything"

This is literally the most specific scenario you can list. The chances of this happening are so slim that this isn't even worthy of being called an EXCUSE, let alone an actual reason.


There is so many flaws with this system & so many ways to f*ck something up, too much room for mistakes, & it must be prevented, it must be fixed

Now if you can't understand any of this, you must have a serious problem"".

No friend, this isn't a problem with the system, there isn't "so many ways to f*ck something up.", this is specifically a you problem. That stuff I stated earlier ya? It all can be prevented by simply using your eyes and hands. If you actually cannot control your urge to press the interaction key then you might be the one with the problem. Stop using excuses.

EDIT: In the MANY hours I've spent killing liches, I have not once "accidentally" stabbed the wrong larvaling. You come to these forums to complain about the "problems" with the system yet you're not presenting any logical reasons why, you're just creating a bunch of incoherent noise. Don't give feedback based off your own incompetence, thanks.

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8 minutes ago, Draemoris said:


First, that's not all of them, second, I said we, as in every one of us that want a change, not nor me

Lastly, the reason I told you to do this is because I'd like to see your arguments against every single one of ours. If you can't, then there's no reason not to change the Larvling system

Oh btw, there's also tones of other arguments on this topic, have fun:

EDIT: I won't count your arguments that already have an answer

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3 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

First, that's not all of them, second, I said we, as in every one of us that want a change, not nor me

Lastly, the reason I told you to do this is because I'd like to see your arguments against every single one of ours. If you can't, then there's no reason not to change the Larvling system

Oh btw, there's also tones of other arguments on this topic, have fun:


Hey, I'd be fine with a "Hold to kill Larvling" idea. Just not something that outright removes a lich from existence. Btw there is reason not to change it. You guys are the vocal MINORITY. The forums are *never* the majority of the community and even FEWER people who visit the forums post on them. 

EDIT: There may be more posts, but again, why should *I* have to argue against *all* of you for my reasoning to be any more legitimate. There can be a group of 50 people screaming incoherent nonsense, that doesn't make their complaints any more legitimate. 

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3 minutes ago, Draemoris said:

Hey, I'd be fine with a "Hold to kill Larvling" idea. Just not something that outright removes a lich from existence

Ok, I actually read your first post just to see if you had any arguments, strangely, it was all about the larvling, nothing about the Lich itself, quite the change of heart

3 minutes ago, Draemoris said:

Btw there is reason not to change it. You guys are the vocal MINORITY. The forums are *never* the majority of the community and even FEWER people who visit the forums post on them. 

That's not a reason tho

I know only few comes to the forums, but how do you know that we are a minority? & does that mean minorities have to be ignored?

-Still waiting for your arguments-

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Just now, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

Ok, I actually read your first post just to see if you had any arguments, strangely, it was all about the larvling, nothing about the Lich itself, quite the change of heart

That's not a reason tho

I know only few comes to the forums, but how do you know that we are a minority? & does that mean minorities have to be ignored?

-Still waiting for your arguments-

When those minorities are always complaining, yes, they should indeed be ignored. You guys are complaining about non-issues and presenting them as actual problems within the game, to which they are not. How about we focus on the many actual glitches/bugs/problems in Railjack instead? No, we'd rather complain about mistakes we make and pass them off as actual problems. There *is* people complaining about Liches, but there's people complaining about everything at all times. Heck, you guys go as far as to complain about liches stealing your damn riven mods. Imagine if liches only stole resources, they'd be even less of an annoyance than they are now.

"I know only few comes to the forums, but how do you know that we are a minority?" If you know only few people come to the forums, and even fewer post on the forums, and even LESS complain on the forums, then it doesn't take much to assume that you are in the minority. There are hundreds of thousands of players on Warframe across all systems, and I am almost certain not even *most* of them use the forums. The forums are in most cases the vocal minority.

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Just now, Draemoris said:

When those minorities are always complaining, yes, they should indeed be ignored

Again, you did not read our arguments

1 minute ago, Draemoris said:

You guys are complaining about non-issues and presenting them as actual problems within the game, to which they are not

Wasting hours of my life for a one millisecond mistake isn't a problem for you? Interesting

2 minutes ago, Draemoris said:

If you know only few people come to the forums, and even fewer post on the forums, and even LESS complain on the forums, then it doesn't take much to assume that you are in the minority

"Assume", thanks, you said it for me, you only assumed. I won't be taking you seriously if you don't have any arguments

I won't bother asking you to try debunking our arguments since it seems like you won't do it. Most likely because you can't

But I won't bother with you anymore either. You didn't bring anything to this conversation & you certainly won't with this attitude, goodbye.

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6 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

Again, you did not read our arguments

Wasting hours of my life for a one millisecond mistake isn't a problem for you? Interesting

"Assume", thanks, you said it for me, you only assumed. I won't be taking you seriously if you don't have any arguments

I won't bother asking you to try debunking our arguments since it seems like you won't do it. Most likely because you can't

But I won't bother with you anymore either. You didn't bring anything to this conversation & you certainly won't with this attitude, goodbye.

You haven't brought anything to this entire conversation outside of "I made a booboo and it isn't my fault". Now run along, continue screaming into an empty void about your problems that nobody cares about. There is nothing to debunk here, if you actually believe that the forums house even most of the playerbase then you really should re-evaluate yourself. Wasting hours of my life for a one millisecond mistake is NOT a problem for me because I don't MAKE stupid mistakes like you do.

 To quote "Goodwill" up above. "

Maybe larvling should prompt for email and password then send an SMS with confirmation code.

Then again, since I've logged into Warframe so many times my muscle memory might accidentally fill in the details..." 


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On 2020-02-11 at 12:31 PM, Synpai said:

I've noticed that the Larvalings teleport to you after you get a certain distance away from them without killing them. The odds are unlikely, but it's possible for a player to desire to hit the interact button when this teleport happens (whether because of ayatan treasures, consoles, mercy kills/finishers, etc.)

Or in my case, reloading after killing some enemies that are in front of me. Larvaling spawned in a corner behind me and I couldn't see them.

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On 2020-02-11 at 5:55 AM, Anthraxicus said:

I got this Lich before some of these changes. The larva spawned in a normal mission, died as I looked at it and now I am stuck with this Lich annoying the hell out of me. Well...not that much now, considering I've lost faith in DE and I am barely playing the game at all

I mean the game gives you multiple warnings when a kuva larva spawns. First a flash happens, then a cutscene happens where the fat kuva guardians let you know it spawns, then you mercy killed it. 

That's three warnings where the game said "HEY. YOU ABOUT TO SPAAAWN A LICH BUDDY." 

Like this is legit your problem, and your problem alone. Like you can even ignore the Lich as it will only effect one planet. Whenever you get around to finishing it? Pay attention to the multiple warnings. 

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On 2020-02-15 at 8:04 AM, Draemoris said:

Stopped reading here. The entire point of what I said was that you guys do nothing but complain.

EDIT: Also to quote the OP. "one time lich hunt put me into a trance that i accidentally started a lich hunt because the kuva larving looked like a thrall and my muscle memory acted ". So no, what I said is still entirely relevant to the discussion. 

well, this one tenno has a reason of having ADHD which makes me wonder if it really disorient people that bad like the case of Rell having lights and sounds being too overwhelming.

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On 2020-02-13 at 4:13 AM, da_blok_is_hot said:

This analogy is trash lol. Wow

The only trash i can see is the keyboards and neurons of those who activate liches by mistake in idiotic ways like these kind of threads suggest, at least the "i dropped my Volt shield and didn't know the larvling was behind me" "i was doing a finisher on another enemy" are good reasons, "i ran 30 times with Ember for a Hind didn't get it ran Gauss and got it and now i'm stuck with an Impact lich" "muscle memory hurr durr" are not. Like, you can't seriously use muscle memory as an actual argument.

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On 2020-02-11 at 9:33 AM, Miser_able said:

Except that if people could get rid of liches it would make ephemera farming EVEN easier, and drop the price down even further, since you could dismiss any lich without an ephemera. 

Oh no. The ingame price for a collection of pixels might drop. Horror of horrors, muh epeen.

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14 hours ago, 844448 said:

well, this one tenno has a reason of having ADHD which makes me wonder if it really disorient people that bad like the case of Rell having lights and sounds being too overwhelming.

I don't really have a reason, I was just born like this. In most cases it disappears over time, it just didn't for me

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8 hours ago, DLOArceus said:

"i was doing a finisher on another enemy"

This is exactly what happened to me yesterday at 2 am. I wanted Kuva Nukor but it was Chakkhurr, so I decided to skip it. Well, accidents happen, and that trooper was apparently too close, so it counted as lich finisher. It turned out to be 50% toxin with ephemera (!) and a gorgeous face mask. Now, I'm wondering should I get my Chakkhurr to 60%, capture her to use as a summon (she's really imposing with the mask, also maybe possible to use in RJ), or capture and try to sell. Prices for ephemeras have dropped but I still can get maybe 75-100p. Big decision time all thanks to some serendipitous X.


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