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Fix Reactant or take it out.


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Reactant in fissures is a broken, boring system that does nothing beneficial or engaging for gameplay and only serves to prevent AFKing, but honestly guaranteed causes more problems than it solves.  People still show up, afk and then just grab reactant once all the work is done.  It's not stopping jack.

I am so unbelievably tired of joining a mission late (because heaven forbid you let people choose to host without playing solo.) only to realize that I'm odd man out and there's no spawns, no corrupted, no reactant and I can either try to get everyone to wait until it fixes itself (which it very likely won't, unless everyone wants to wait literally 3 times longer than the actual mission should have taken.) or I can have my time literally completely wasted staring at multiple loading screens for zero reward or progress by choosing to leave instead of holding everyone up while I try to get my reactant.  Only for the exact same goddamn thing to happen again and again and again.  

If you go into a mission and complete the objective, there shouldn't be some bug RNG on if you get to open your relic or not.  The RNG reactant drop from enemies that have to specifically spawn to drop it is an extra requirement that you very obviously have not taken into account as far as mission parameters are concerned because it is so easy to get completely screwed by joining late or having someone in a pub nuking enemies before they corrupt, only for the game to hit that "stop spawning enemies" or "end round" point before the relic is popped..  The objective is completed, but for literally no reason you don't get to open your relic because of a system that literally only exists so that people won't afk fissures.

Spawns should be coded to continue spawning until everyone has 10 reactant, no matter what, or you need a new system that doesn't waste my time repeatedly and screw me over.

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26 minutes ago, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:

Spawns should be coded to continue spawning until everyone has 10 reactant, no matter what, or you need a new system that doesn't waste my time repeatedly and screw me over.

They are.

They do keep spawning. Keep an ear out for fissures when they open, they corrupt enemies walking near them and (I believe) also spawn corrupted.

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Captures turning into exterminates are still notorious for screwing over people joining in late and some missions are just too slow at spawning corrupted. Disruption is the most disappointing there, if you go fast with the conduits you're mostly more than 1 reactant short.

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Just now, SpringRocker said:

They are.

They do keep spawning. Keep an ear out for fissures when they open, they corrupt enemies walking near them and (I believe) also spawn corrupted.

If they are, then it doesn't work.  I understand how the fissures work, I've got over 1600 hours in.  I've had so many fissures just flat out not spawn any more enemies after the objective, much less corrupted enemies.  It's worst on captures and sabotage fissures.  Literally my first fissure of the day was me joining a capture as they finished the objective, picked up their last 4 reactant, and my first 4, and then poof, immediately no more spawns.  Waited for the tiny handful of enemies wandering the map to corrupt, no dice, killed them, zero spawn, left the game.

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Just now, SpringRocker said:

They are.

They do keep spawning. Keep an ear out for fissures when they open, they corrupt enemies walking near them and (I believe) also spawn corrupted.

Some missions like capture and exterminate STOPS enemy spawn when the objective is done. This happened to me several times.

I hope they just make it so that enemies will continue to spawn regardless if the objective is done or not, at least for fissure missions. People will not waste their time in the mission once they have 10 reactant, everyone will proceed to extraction anyway. 

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27 minutes ago, Yxivi said:

Some missions like capture and exterminate STOPS enemy spawn when the objective is done.

Not true.

I was pretty sure that wasn't the case so I just loaded up a capture relic. immediately capped the target without killing anything, went 400m towards the extract, and was still getting fissures and corrupted enemy.

You just need to listen for them and they do move around.

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vor 11 Minuten schrieb SpringRocker:

Not true.

I was pretty sure that wasn't the case so I just loaded up a capture relic. immediately capped the target without killing anything, went 400m towards the extract, and was still getting fissures and corrupted enemy.

You just need to listen for them and they do move around.

It doesnt always work, if the capture turns into an exterminate then you are very often just not able to open your relic.

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9 minutes ago, SpringRocker said:

Not true.

I was pretty sure that wasn't the case so I just loaded up a capture relic. immediately capped the target without killing anything, went 400m towards the extract, and was still getting fissures and corrupted enemy.

You just need to listen for them and they do move around.

I've been to several missions as a late joiner. Some people don't wait long enough but for the few squads I joined that was kind enough to wait until I get enough reactant, we wasted minutes waiting for spawn, some even helped to look around the map for enemies but there were none.

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3 hours ago, Yxivi said:

I've been to several missions as a late joiner. Some people don't wait long enough but for the few squads I joined that was kind enough to wait until I get enough reactant, we wasted minutes waiting for spawn, some even helped to look around the map for enemies but there were none.

They move around, sometimes there are none as well as no indications inside a cell. You just need to move to another one.

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DE from what I heard, made changes some time ago to make enemies stop spawning because people were abusing it to do some ludicrous infinite farms, people would join a low level exterminate mission, go to a spot where warframes could easily nuke everything (and Mag would pull the loot... thus causing her pull to be nerfed too), and just press "4" and go AFK.


So the players saying stuff won't spawn, are correct, it is intentional, intended to avoid infinite afk farms.

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On 2020-02-20 at 9:27 PM, SpringRocker said:

Not true.

I was pretty sure that wasn't the case so I just loaded up a capture relic. immediately capped the target without killing anything, went 400m towards the extract, and was still getting fissures and corrupted enemy.

You just need to listen for them and they do move around.

Except it is true and you're wrong.  I cover the entire map when it happens, looking for enemies on radar, watching out for fissures.  You repeating yourself and the super basic mechanics of listening for fissures like it's some pro-secret do not make you right.  

Enemies stop spawning, fissures stop spawning, it happens, you are wrong, your sample size of one test fissure means nothing against the numerous times I've been in a squad where no one has enough reactant after a sabotage and the whole squad is scouring the entire map looking for reactant and spawns and finding absolutely nothing.  Yes, it worked for you once when you went to go prove yourself right.  It works as intended for me quite often.  But it also loads me into fissures that end up being a waste of time due to these bugs and poorly executed mechanics often enough that it's a problem.  And there's zero reason it has to be like this.

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18 minutes ago, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:

Except it is true and you're wrong.  I cover the entire map when it happens, looking for enemies on radar, watching out for fissures.  You repeating yourself and the super basic mechanics of listening for fissures like it's some pro-secret do not make you right.  

Enemies stop spawning, fissures stop spawning, it happens, you are wrong, your sample size of one test fissure means nothing against the numerous times I've been in a squad where no one has enough reactant after a sabotage and the whole squad is scouring the entire map looking for reactant and spawns and finding absolutely nothing.  Yes, it worked for you once when you went to go prove yourself right.  It works as intended for me quite often.  But it also loads me into fissures that end up being a waste of time due to these bugs and poorly executed mechanics often enough that it's a problem.  And there's zero reason it has to be like this.

Look, you said they stop spawning when the object is completed. I started up a capture, capped the guy without killing anyone else 10 seconds in, made my way to the halfway point to extract, killed corrupted that were still spawning in after the objective was completed, got enough and extracted.

I basically do this anytime there's not an endless for the relic I want. Corrupted don't stop spawning just because the objective is completed.

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Today I joined into a survival fissure with one and a half goddamn minutes left before the 5 minute mark, and had to scramble to get my reactant, only managing it with like two seconds left.

Earlier, I joined into a capture similarly late, and people just booked it to the exit. I had one reactant left to get. ONE. And they just sat there like stunned mullets until the timer ran out.

My "Seriously?" in chat was met with a 'git gud'. Because some chuds are so impatient that they refuse to wait like 20 seconds, even denying themselves a 4th open relic.

Reactant sucks. It seriously sucks. It sucks tremendously. It sucks like a goddamn black hole.


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18 hours ago, SpringRocker said:

Look, you said they stop spawning when the object is completed. I started up a capture, capped the guy without killing anyone else 10 seconds in, made my way to the halfway point to extract, killed corrupted that were still spawning in after the objective was completed, got enough and extracted.

I basically do this anytime there's not an endless for the relic I want. Corrupted don't stop spawning just because the objective is completed.

Well, I don't know how to explain to you anymore but I've been to several fissure missions where I didn't have enough reactant and there were no enemies spawning no matter how long we wait.
Were you solo? Were you in a group? Did you join in late, as in you started and everyone is already at 8/10 reactant? This is very prevalent in Earth exterminate. You can keep saying they don't stop spawning but you have other people in this thread saying otherwise. 

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On 2020-02-23 at 10:09 AM, Yxivi said:

Well, I don't know how to explain to you anymore but I've been to several fissure missions where I didn't have enough reactant and there were no enemies spawning no matter how long we wait.
Were you solo? Were you in a group? Did you join in late, as in you started and everyone is already at 8/10 reactant? This is very prevalent in Earth exterminate. You can keep saying they don't stop spawning but you have other people in this thread saying otherwise. 

No, he's being purposefully obtuse.  It has been made very clear that it does work as intended maybe even most of the time, but that it frequently bugs out and stops working which completely wastes player's time because relics become unopenable, or take literally two or 3 times as long as the entire mission should have taken to open because of poor spawns or no spawn.  But he wants to press the point that DE has made a perfect system with no faults and his sample size of 1 means he's right.

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Safer mission types are Sabotage and Rescue, they spawn more enemies with alarms.

Capture: There appears to be more enemies when not capturing so soon... except from a possible bug of no enemies until the capture target is captured and complete.

Defense, Earth exterminate: Some players kill all regular enemies way too fast so the regular enemies won't turn "corrupted" and allow more reactant drops. Earth Defense Lith Fissure have the worst problem with this. Do not spawn unlimited number of enemies and get stuck in wave 4, just because someone have gone inactive AFK (away from keyboard) with less then 9 reactants.

Excavation and Disruption: Some players rush too fast without others having 10 reactants.


Capture mission on Corpus ship, capturing during lock down might stop spawning enemies. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1011326-capture-t2-fissure-captured-while-in-lockout-then-no-enemies-not-enough-reactants/

Back then, Exterminate on Earth E-Prime had no enemy bug. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1017302-e-prime-fissure-is-broken/

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  • 3 weeks later...

It keeps happening. Low enemy count exterminates or missions that turn exterminates are notorious for having people that join late ending up without enough reactant.

How about keeping enemies spawning and dropping enough reactant until everyone can be full even if objective is completed, no huge delays between spawns in that case too perhaps?

Maybe each reactant drop should be available for every joining client player regardless if it dropped before the client started to connect? Retroactive drops, similar to how murmurs work but you still need to pick them up.

Edited by Trvldl
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See, I get this a lot but it's usually on interceptions. Everyone is hopping around like a jumping bean crossed with a nuclear weapon and capturing towers so fast that the timer runs out before I've gotten my 10 reactant...

...and that happens when I'm the host and I've been scouring the whole map for reactant drops. 

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Now it happened in capture. I joined late, host had poor connection and perhaps old pc, ping 350+. Enemies were still alive in some places but they never turned corrupted and no spawns appeared in tile next to extraction even though 2 other players were waiting there.

This requires a systemic fix, like mentioned above.

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On 2020-02-22 at 10:36 PM, SpringRocker said:

Look, you said they stop spawning when the object is completed. I started up a capture, capped the guy without killing anyone else 10 seconds in, made my way to the halfway point to extract, killed corrupted that were still spawning in after the objective was completed, got enough and extracted.

I basically do this anytime there's not an endless for the relic I want. Corrupted don't stop spawning just because the objective is completed.

And yet in the end it doesn't #*!%ing matter if they spawn post-objective, because endless exists, and for that reason only the two of you arguing over this S#&$ is literally pointless.

The point is that the mechanic is broken and S#&$ty and has to be reworked.


Corrupted Vor spawning after every 5 minute mark in survival, 5 rounds in defense, capturing the corrupted target, etc. for the reason of "showing us the secrets of the void/orokin to us fools if we prove worthy" and after we "kill" him (like we always do), bam, the relic is opened.

This would not only prevent the idiotic "lmao collect 10 magic balls bro until interception reaches 100%/ 5 rounds pass in defense/ 5 minutes pass in survival/ killed 114 enemies for that sweet loot bro!" and everything that its collection implies (late joining, not spawning, etc etc) but it would also be lore friendlier.

inb4 look at this dude talking about lore, C Vor can't spawn outside the Void bro xdd dumass

I would be FOR relic opening missions to be only available inside the Void (you know, that place where we barely go anymore for any other reason now than Argon Crystals and epeen measuring on Mot). The missions only taking place there would not only make a million time more sense (i never liked the idea of prime items to be acquired outside the void ever since the relic system was implemented), but would also revitalize that zone on the map.

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2 hours ago, Sovyul said:

And yet in the end it doesn't #*!%ing matter if they spawn post-objective, because endless exists, and for that reason only the two of you arguing over this S#&$ is literally pointless.

The point is that the mechanic is broken and S#&$ty and has to be reworked.

endless in fissure "ends" after a while and you lose your chance if you don't have enough flames by then. They're only endless because you have option of going round 2, but round 1 is over and you're back to fissure start

Edited by dreamycreampie
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