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After Scarlet Spear ends, delete the RNG of eidolon arcanes. Give us a quills store to trade our "eidolon points" for the actual arcanes we wish for. And stop timegating everything.


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First time using the forums, don't know if this is the right place to post it. 
This post got a lot of upvotes on reddit so i'm also gonna post it here!

Do not try to defend the RNG. I mean, are you really gonna defend something that doesn't even show your effort, but actually your luck?

Instead, try to give way for a new thought: Eidolon/arcane tokens. You get some for capturing one, which you can trade for the arcane you wish for. Those could be the useless sentient cores/shards.

Even better, you can trade the arcanes that you got for those cores/shards, getting even closer to the one you actually need. 

"OH BUT IT WILL BE SO EASY" it depends on how high the prices are gonna be.

This way you can not only help the ridiculous and irritating grind in the Eidolon-Hunt but also give us an alternative to ours useless arcanes. And by making shards/cores the actual currency, we will get a new focus farming way.

 As for the trade table, make those transmuters tradeable for shards/cores and add fully built eidolon lenses and higher shards to the table.

Maybe it feels weird to give players a way to just get their reward in a simple manner, but let's try to think about it in this way:
Until now, people are evading eidolon fights for it's mindless grind and the fight itself. Why is it mindless? Why do players use that word around so much? Because in the end of the day, we don't have a especific way or any indicator of how close we are. We may take 60 tri runs for a energize, maybe 1. It's just luck without actual effort. But now imagine this store where your effort actually gives results. Where you can actually see how much you need, how much you got and even more important above all else: how much effort you have put into it. The looter shooter aspect of it may be the RNG and the luck part, but does it really need to be like this?

If you need your players to do a huge amount of runs or just one to get it, by the end of the day we are just testing our luck.

But farming arcanes by ONLY eidolons is also a bad ideia, since it doesn't give us other permanent alternatives. We need a new drop table for eidolons/eidolon trader with things we actually wish for and a new mode to farm warframe arcanes. At this point in warframe history you could even trade the eidolons for condrixes dropping from the sky and make eidolons some sort of raid. Or maybe just take out the eidolon time gate and put it on a raid mission given by konzu.

Just change it. Don't let it rot in it's own RNG or it's own limits. Also, they aren't going to stay much alive for a looong time after this event, so how about a new rewards for this new store?

If you get anxious thinking "oh but what about if they players want it" just look at the amount of upvotes on the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/fzlw0b/probly_someone_already_asked_for_it_but_after/

The same link shall be useful for anyone who tries to defend "Oh but muh RNG" "Oh but we got trades!". Those both actions don't help PoE in any way.

+ 2 new notes:

It may be really challenging, but how about destroying RNG once and for all for great part of the game? Maybe adding a "bad luck protection" when you get too much of the same warframe part just to get the actual part you want, or something like that. RNG hasn't done actual quality for the game in any way. Oh but what about the looter shooter aspect of it? Well, some games have changes as years pass, making development towards or away from it's gender to create it's own new gender. Maybe Warframe future is to stop the rng and let effort instead of luck have any valour. Trade RNG for other mechanics that let us choose what do we want after so much effort was put into it. Having the vision of our objective turns the farm from mindless to something really clear.

Stop timegating everything. Sentient anomaly, the SS, Eidolons. Just stop it. It's a poorly made try to stop players from consuming content too fast. But the actual result is just more backlash. Don't lock things behind time stamps, otherwise why did you get rid of alerts in the first place?

Edited by Lioneriod
If players don't get any other motivations other than arcanes, eidolons are good as dead. And stop timegate trend. Maybe RNG should die, and maybe you should stop using timegate mechanics.
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8 minutes ago, Xaero said:

I'd be happy to get rid of all RNG since I almost never sell anything to other players and buy plat with real money.

+ If someone just doesn't want to put effort or hate eidolon as they are, they are going to give you plat for it. Effort will be even more valued after this change.

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100% agree. If Scarlet Spear did one thing well, it's the fact that there's a store and not RNG loot tables for the arcanes. In fact, I believe the store concept should be replacing a lot of the RNG grind in the game; it becomes meaningful when you can see progress from the grind and not just moaning about RNGesus cursing your drops. The existence of the store in Scarlet Spear made me actually play the content more, whereas I never touched Eidolons because I hated the stupid drop rates.

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16 minutes ago, HelmetTooTight said:

100% agree. If Scarlet Spear did one thing well, it's the fact that there's a store and not RNG loot tables for the arcanes. In fact, I believe the store concept should be replacing a lot of the RNG grind in the game; it becomes meaningful when you can see progress from the grind and not just moaning about RNGesus cursing your drops. The existence of the store in Scarlet Spear made me actually play the content more, whereas I never touched Eidolons because I hated the stupid drop rates.

Well i was afraid of suggesting something way too far and getting the devs away. So i tried with something smaller and more relatable. But yeah i 100% agree with the death of rng in this game. 

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1 hour ago, Lioneriod said:

Well i was afraid of suggesting something way too far and getting the devs away. So i tried with something smaller and more relatable. But yeah i 100% agree with the death of rng in this game. 

Complete death, not so much. But these things could all benefit greatly as a backup - 'bad luck protection' which becomes more relevant the more work you put in (the more limited your desires become through quantity of engagement).

The ideal, for me, is to roll random drops that can be opted out of for a proportional amount of credit at the respective shop. The exact proportion of pricing within rarity and between rarities is up for DE to decide, but it preserves the RNG nature of good drops, while giving you a backup if you just never get that one thing you want.

Sortie tables, for example. Imagine you're a player with 100 more Orokin Reactors than you have items in which to put them (i'm almost there myself). Reactors are a rare-tier drop, but they're 100% useless for you in this scenario. You could pick up credit instead of Reactors when they show up, which you could use to buy the Catalysts you still need; when a Catalyst rolls from the table you just get one, but every (2, 3, 4?) Reactors you roll could be siphoned off into an additional Catalyst buy.

You completed a Sortie! Reward (Orokin Reactor || 100 Sortie Cred)

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1 hour ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

Complete death, not so much. But these things could all benefit greatly as a backup - 'bad luck protection' which becomes more relevant the more work you put in (the more limited your desires become through quantity of engagement).

The ideal, for me, is to roll random drops that can be opted out of for a proportional amount of credit at the respective shop. The exact proportion of pricing within rarity and between rarities is up for DE to decide, but it preserves the RNG nature of good drops, while giving you a backup if you just never get that one thing you want.

Sortie tables, for example. Imagine you're a player with 100 more Orokin Reactors than you have items in which to put them (i'm almost there myself). Reactors are a rare-tier drop, but they're 100% useless for you in this scenario. You could pick up credit instead of Reactors when they show up, which you could use to buy the Catalysts you still need; when a Catalyst rolls from the table you just get one, but every (2, 3, 4?) Reactors you roll could be siphoned off into an additional Catalyst buy.

You completed a Sortie! Reward (Orokin Reactor || 100 Sortie Cred)

Ok i'm kinda into the bad luck one. Would be a hell of a code to work with the argon and their 24h limit.

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Well Arcane Market already crashed and will never go back to their original values. So I upvoted this so I don't have to mildly rage if I get a bad drop. At least the more people playing Eidolons the more exposed the huge problems with it. One of them is the very strict gear check.

Make the price as expensive as you want DE, at least it gives me a sense of progress. Don't want to kill the value of arcanes? You can even capped the amount of tokens gained per day if you are really that concerned to discourage players to speed farm them.


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48 minutes ago, WarriorSoundwave said:

I thought there would be more negativity on this, for whatever reason, but I guess not.

Anyways, I'd love to see some changes like this. 100% agree and up voting.

yeah same, but i guess it's because the post just started existing lol
even on reddit i got some people protecting RNG 

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28 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:

Well Arcane Market already crashed and will never go back to their original values. So I upvoted this so I don't have to mildly rage if I get a bad drop. At least the more people playing Eidolons the more exposed the huge problems with it. One of them is the very strict gear check.

Make the price as expensive as you want DE, at least it gives me a sense of progress. Don't want to kill the value of arcanes? You can even capped the amount of tokens gained per day if you are really that concerned to discourage players to speed farm them.


Exactly! The market is just destroyed so hard that a chance like this sounds promising without drawbacks. It's the perfect time to implement it. If they take too long for it, they are gonna lose this change

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17 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

What if they made Scarlet Spear a returning event?

If it was always available likely not enough people would play it, but people always swarm to returning events.

Well they can, but then they are missing a huge chance of making eidolons right, right after this event ends. 
If they are just going to ignore it to keep the swarm, with this system, the arcane rarity will be a long lost legend and the arcane farming by killing eidolons will also fade away. 
Not only that, but this suggested system also helps with other parts of the game, which goes on their promises of "integration" 

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19 hours ago, LuckyCharm said:

Since the store works so well... Prime parts store you can trade relic creds for? Yes? Yes


I mean, there are games that don't depend completely on RNG. I would suggest something more like "A even more difficult mission to render even greater chances". Like, rad lith missions? 
Or maybe instead of relic credits, we get a store to get the actual relics we wish, or even better, the bad luck protection to relic and prime part farm. 
But then prime parts would have a great drop on the market. If they do those changes, with this drop, they can upgrade the trade system in game by adding an actual-player market without destroying everything (since the market would be down). 
But well... huge backlash.

Edited by Lioneriod
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I personally LOVE the time gating of Eidolons for a number of reasons.  Off the top of my head:

  1. It makes night time on the plains feel special.
  2. It adds the inherent challenge of getting as many tricaps as possible in one night cycle.
  3. It results in a bunch of people decked out with their hunting garb gathering on Cetus.  This alone is a really cool spectacle in my opinion.
  4. It makes it easier to find squads, since everybody that's doing it will be looking for squads at exactly the same time (starting at around 20 minutes to night time).
  5. It provides natural breaks to improve your builds or do other things in the game, and sometimes with a good squad you agree to stay together for more shenanigans and team building.
  6. It puts a limit on how many rewards people will horde, meaning it is still at least SOMEWHAT worth your while to do without just doing nothing but that one thing all day every day (cough cough... Kuva/Rivens).

Too bad DE killed Eidolon hunting though.  They killed an entire community and don't even seem to realize they did it.  There were some awesome people in it, and It was the thing that kept me coming back through thick and thin.  Sad.

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Am 13.4.2020 um 16:41 schrieb Lioneriod:

Or maybe instead of relic credits, we get a store to get the actual relics we wish, or even better, the bad luck protection to relic and prime part farm. 

That could theoretical work. But it depends on how they will implement it. Will you be able to trade them for Void fissures? Or do you have to trade unused relics for the "credits"? (I hope that vaulted relics can't be traded. Otherwise I alone will be able to break the mark by selling every rare prime part for less than 5pt...)

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just to put this eidolon farming into persepctive, ive done 200+ Hydrolyst captures and never managed to fully rank up my BARRIER OR GRACE arcane BEFORE THE RANK 5 ARCANE REWORK (when arcanes still only had 3 ranks). so yeah eidolon RNG is absolutely dogS#&$. NEEDS to be changed! 

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