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What can DE say on the next Dev stream to appease You?


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"More K-drive mods!"
"More Shawzins!"
"More pet damage mods!"
"More peculiar mods!"
"Hey, look, fan art!"
"New archmelee weapon!"
"Next tennogen round!"
"New captura scenes!"
"New immortal skin!"
"An additional open world!"


On a serious note, this game's core loop has been thrown under the bus in favor of things that attract a subset of the player base. I expect nothing from this dev stream.


Edited by Sahansral
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57 minutes ago, (PS4)O0-Killran-0O said:

but what else can they say?

"If what we say now is no longer enough for you*, then is there really any reason for you to continue to be with us?"

*if we assume they'll say what (ps4)sweatshawp want them to say

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Honestly, I'd like to hear some news concerning the New War. This is the only important Warframe update I'm looking forward to for years and I think it's time for DE to conclude the main storyline, at least as far as this chapter is concerned. Putting the whole Tenno/Lotus thing to rest, even if that means that Lotus dies (or not, or whatever, I just hope they'll flesh it out). I'm sick and tired of having the purple Lotus hologram/imitation by Ordis for so, so many years now giving orders or getting "gift from the Lotus" while this whole situation isn't resolved.

I do not expect for the New War to be released anytime soon, just some news that DE is at least at some advanced stage of it.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

I was giving them the benefit of the doubt. I'm sure theres a lot of rabid fans with nothing else better to do.

Again a lot of people have valid criticism bro. Trying to dismiss such because you enjoy the game and see it in a different light dosent help the situation anymore then the people you accuse of complaining or hating the game. Effectively your doing the same thing

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5 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

So you want them to basically kill off most good will they have with a portion of their playerbase resulting in less money 

Frankly I don't think the portion of the playerbase they have to deal with cares what they say, or will be swayed by it, outrage junkies don't tend to express much follow through on their supposed feelings or even perhaps sincerity in even their own statements, they jump onto a fad and ride along on hollow sentiments before finding the next and that really makes appeasing to such a crowd impossible since you're never going to get a fully thought out and honest perspective from such a flighty and hyperbolic group.

As long as DE continue to make a good game they'll be around, and if they don't they'll go perhaps, but there isn't I imagine some obvious path to just sating the matter, and if cancel culture hasn't taught us well enough vocality means close to nothing on the internet in terms of negatively impacting businesses on its own, in fact it can grow it. (this all happening during a pandemic where people are fueled with lots of free time and anxiety we also can't cross out as a bloating factor, making behavior more exaggerated and over stated than they really are)

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4 hours ago, Cubewano said:

Frankly I don't think the portion of the playerbase they have to deal with cares what they say, or will be swayed by it, outrage junkies don't tend to express much follow through on their supposed feelings or even perhaps sincerity in even their own statements, they jump onto a fad and ride along on hollow sentiments before finding the next and that really makes appeasing to such a crowd impossible since you're never going to get a fully thought out and honest perspective from such a flighty and hyperbolic group.

As long as DE continue to make a good game they'll be around, and if they don't they'll go perhaps, but there isn't I imagine some obvious path to just sating the matter, and if cancel culture hasn't taught us well enough vocality means close to nothing on the internet in terms of negatively impacting businesses on its own, in fact it can grow it. (this all happening during a pandemic where people are fueled with lots of free time and anxiety we also can't cross out as a bloating factor, making behavior more exaggerated and over stated than they really are)

The forums have been well like this before this pandemic I must say. And while I do agree to an extent blatantly insulting or ignoring your playerbase or consumer in anything tends not to end well generally. Personally I don’t play right now but I keep up with the news because even through I am disappointed in the games current state I do wish it would get better and I love the game. I fell like that’s the same for a good amount of the playerbase. Along with the forum a reddit toxicity nothing will get fixed either side can’t compromise and would rather fuel on troll bait and arguments then actual discussion on forums and reddit which I’ve seen and even tested out to try to confirm the accuracy f such statements 

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3 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

What exactly is there to solve? Didn't know this post was a math problem.

Making rivens untradable Dosent fix the riven system at all and also cuts into a chunk of des money 

how would you balance such and find an alternative towards the platinum sales the riven market brings in

Edited by (PS4)sweatshawp
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Again a lot of people have valid criticism bro. Trying to dismiss such because you enjoy the game and see it in a different light dosent help the situation anymore then the people you accuse of complaining or hating the game. Effectively your doing the same thing

I guess I was being facetious. A few weeks ago I was a sitting duck in a Tridolon because I once again exited my archwing and couldn't use any controls.

I've seen it too many times. We're in the times when releasing cosmetics will always take precedence over fixing bugs.

I personally roll with the punches. Besides making sure to report bugs with reproducible proof to show a dev so they know how to address it, theres not much you can do.

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Just now, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

I guess I was being facetious. A few weeks ago I was a sitting duck in a Tridolon because I once again exited my archwing and couldn't use any controls.

I've seen it too many times. We're in the times when releasing cosmetics will always take precedence over fixing bugs.

I personally roll with the punches. Besides making sure to report bugs with reproducible proof to show a dev so they know how to address it, theres not much you can do.

It’s alright lad. And that’s been going on for how long a year + if I’m not mistaken 

how is that acceptable at all? I don’t think that’s okay and if that’s the case they’ve been just prioritizing mainly cosmetics then lmao.

and that’s good while I do disagree with some of your statements I’m glad you still enjoy the game genuinely. I just don’t appreciate seeing you and others and even sometimes I do have to check myself on how I react and treat others who have a differing view on wf. I just don’t see it in a good state rn and I feel like de could be doing such a better job giving everyone a better game. Not just what I think wf should be but wf in general. I wish people could come together on these forums and we could get a lot more done. Until then ima keep going back and forth from troll to helpful tho 

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1 minute ago, Hypernaut1 said:

That they're going to stick to their own vision and not let this new vocal rant/rave culture influence their game design. I.e. they're still going to work on empyrean and not make everything a cakewalk. 

It’s still a cakewalk. You get your ship to tier 3 everything is ez

and again ima keep saying this bro people have valid criticisms I just wish people could come together and try to see such 

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Making rivens untradable Dosent fix the riven system at all

Doesn't need to. Rivens ain't popular cause they're a good system, they're popular cause they can be used to scam people our of hundreds of dollars. If trades stop, the system loses importance, and the game will be able to be balanced better around the normal modding system rather than around "god" riven capabilities.

6 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

also cuts into a chunk of des money 

Give me a break, DE won't suddenly shut down if rivens stop being tradeable (and if they do, they deserve it for putting all their eggs in one basket)

7 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

how would you balance such and find an alternative towards the platinum sales the riven market brings in

I genuinely don't care about this ridiculous idea that DE relies on rivens. They did very well when rivens didn't exist, and they were still a huge company back then. So I don't care if they lose the plat from rivens, the good will they'll earn doing so will be worth way more.

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Just now, Gabbynaru said:

Doesn't need to. Rivens ain't popular cause they're a good system, they're popular cause they can be used to scam people our of hundreds of dollars. If trades stop, the system loses importance, and the game will be able to be balanced better around the normal modding system rather than around "god" riven capabilities.

Give me a break, DE won't suddenly shut down if rivens stop being tradeable (and if they do, they deserve it for putting all their eggs in one basket)

I genuinely don't care about this ridiculous idea that DE relies on rivens. They did very well when rivens didn't exist, and they were still a huge company back then. So I don't care if they lose the plat from rivens, the good will they'll earn doing so will be worth way more.

Not at all rivens are likes generally because it adds into the power fantasy aspect that if I do recall you enjoy very much.

its also not a scam de has been somewhat open about riven changes and the riven system in general. While I don’t agree that rivens should be thousands of plat (unless you’re going to give me a thousand plat for that riven) players created this economy of rivens. 

Stopping trades of rivens isn’t going to do much but enrage a portion of players and possibly make de lose a portion of players. After monitary investment into some of these items they will take a huge negative backlash from not just the players but possibly news outlets which cover games as well (bad publicity isn’t good publicity ESP with wf right now)

youre right they won’t. But tell me why they would cut off a source of their revenue? That would yield no benefit from them as “they are a company” I thought you support them making money “to keep the lights on and pay employees”

youre right they don’t rely on rivens but the fact of the matter is they generate money and a large enough part of the playerbase enjoys them so a drastic change like that is very likely to not and never happen as well as not go well

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

It’s still a cakewalk. You get your ship to tier 3 everything is ez

and again ima keep saying this bro people have valid criticisms I just wish people could come together and try to see such 

I too have tons of criticisms. That's easy to do. Everyone has a way they would prefer something done. Doesn't mean the game is terrible. 

I just don't want DE to further dumb this game down or derail their vision to appeal to vocal YouTuber parroting masses. THAT will be the end of this game

Edited by Hypernaut1
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2 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I too have tons of criticisms. That's easy to do. Everyone has a way they would prefer something done. Doesn't mean the game is terrible. 

I just don't want DE to further dumb this game down or derail their vision to appeal to vocal YouTuber parroting masses. THAT will be the end of this game. The crowd that thinks SS is a massive unforgivable horrible grind.... Ignore these people. 

Ok SS I can tolerate. But DE’s habit of overpromising stuff needs to stop. Can you imagine how people feel that they expected Railjack to have these features on release only for their expectations to be crushed to dust that on release it only has 1 mission type and it got released in a very buggy state to the point it’s almost unplayable? Yes I find Railjack to be fun too, but releasing the most hyped update in Warframe history in this state is just.. sad.

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5 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:

Ok SS I can tolerate. But DE’s habit of overpromising stuff needs to stop. Can you imagine how people feel that they expected Railjack to have these features on release only for their expectations to be crushed to dust that on release it only has 1 mission type and it got released in a very buggy state to the point it’s almost unplayable? Yes I find Railjack to be fun too, but releasing the most hyped update in Warframe history in this state is just.. sad.

Im mature enough to hear what the devs would like to do and differentiate that from what they are able to do. 

I don't want the devs to have to further censor themselves because people are immature or impatient. It was cool to hear things they discussed internally, even if it was a long shot. 

The original Dev streams always had wild ideas that never made it to the game. We were ok with it then. Syndicates were once supposed to be a much bigger and integrated system with lore attached. Didn't pan out, we didn't riot and call them liars. 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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The "problem" is the many adverstised new content was not as good as expected.

  • Liches are not "arch enemies" you are longing to kill, but just 2~3h grind, and liches are randomly easy to kill, bullsponges or just "trolls" (spamming teleport + swap...).
    The changes they made since the release of Liches made it better (i.e. acceptable), but it's still a content I'm kinda reluctant to do after having defeated a dozen Liches
    Perhaps appart from the grind, the most disappointing thing is the lack of balance of kuva weapons, farming 2h for a trash kraken that is also a forma sink to get MR is "heartbreaking".
  • railjack missions look all the same : kill x fighters, kill y crew ships, + "go there and press that button / kill the semi-boss", and maxing intrinsic to 10 is basically a chore.
    I farmed up to lvl 8, I have a correct railjack, but I checked the math and I only played "half" what is necessary to max intrinsincs, and I'm already bored by the missions.
    And you can't really go PU.
    And any other archwing than Amesha are almost unsuable
  • Scarlet spear are 2 missions, with both time constraint (less restrictive than Eidolon, but still), and size contraint, together with "forced" teams.
    I farmed something like 300000 points, maxed 2 legendary arcanes, some status immunes arcanes and got the 2 BP. Checking if there are Murex that can reach 100 withing the remaining time and managing to PU in a server without idling in the relay is starting to get boring. and playing Mesa (or watching Mesa killing stuff) is boring


The "changes" they made are not always improvements and not feels finished

  • giving dash to all archwing .... just made Amesha the "must have" in every missions (before you used Itzal in PoE / Vallis and Amesha in archwing missions), it's a QOL but the new Itzal 1st is bad.
  • they nerfed archwing guns for no reason (I mean regular archwing mission where already a chore, and now it's worse, just because the guns were usuable in railjack ? meh)
  • melee changes are mostly OK, but "lifted status" is bad, and many stances are still unfinished / unpractical, and they broke some weapons (rip zenistar)
  • status changes are... changes, not really improvement. OK now you can choose either corrosive + fire or viral + fire. but they "broke" explosive that no longer CC, they broke gas (for the good of shields, but now it has no purpose), magnetic is still useless (the same goes with impact and piercing), toxin is... unnecessary as shields aren't really an issue (except maybe with the sortie modifier), and radiation is still niche for crit weapons against some boss / semi boss and usually for CC it's better as a frame power (oberon carpet).
  • arcane changes are bearable because they made scarlett spear right after, but they really need to do something about Eidolons
  • changing self damaging weapons ... that resulted in a hidden nerf of most AoE was tbh worse that the original state (including that shield gating already prevents from 1HKO)

There are still stuff you don't know what they want to do with it

  • they broke archwing melee
  • K-drive have no purpose
  • archgun on ground have very very limited use appart from Profit taker (and Larkspur which is still useable up to lvl 150)
  • (and Conclave...)


What I expect from dev stream is mostly acknowledgment of the issues of the game and kinda macro schedule or priority order of what they are doing to correct them.

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21 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I too have tons of criticisms. That's easy to do. Everyone has a way they would prefer something done. Doesn't mean the game is terrible. 

I just don't want DE to further dumb this game down or derail their vision to appeal to vocal YouTuber parroting masses. THAT will be the end of this game

It won’t end the game.

saying the game is terrible is subjective and getting upset and berating someone over something subjective vs trying to figure out and or compromise and or try to understand why such is said also leads to counterproductive threads that usually end up in insults. 

But to your derail the vision. At this point it’s clear that wf dosent even have a clear vision of where it wants to go and what it wants to be. Also as a long standing player it’s also very much our vision as well. As de used to always talk about the shared vision between them and the community as of late it seems like it’s only been them. As for youtubers and content creators they aren’t parroting etc they love the game as much as we do. Let’s be real warframe dosent pull in many views on twitch and outside big names on YouTube it dosent pull as much views as it should or could. Having the argument that wf YouTubers just do it for clickbait when a majority of them have a primary source of income outside of yt makes no sense or just trying to argue they do this for clicks to get paid. Even if that was true you do realize that again a a lot of warframe ccs don’t collect revenue from videos or they don’t collect a lot which a logical person would assume if they didn’t care about the game and only wanted in for clicks they’d pick a more popular game 

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