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Sortie and sculpture's

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DE please get rid of atayan sculpture's form sortie missions for real waste my time 8 days in a row I've got these dumb things for grinding solo in sortie and I get something that in my honest opinion has no purpose in ghb ame for anything other than crap to take up space so please its TRULY HEARTBREAKING to ok only get sculpture's 8 days running.

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10 minutes ago, (XB1)B4CKw00dsTHOR said:

DE please get rid of atayan sculpture's form sortie missions for real waste my time 8 days in a row I've got these dumb things for grinding solo in sortie and I get something that in my honest opinion has no purpose in ghb ame for anything other than crap to take up space so please its TRULY HEARTBREAKING to ok only get sculpture's 8 days running.

It is kinda disheartening after a while, I'd personally love to see them treat sroties like they treat Relics. 

Let everyong get a roll out of the loot tables and then let everyone choose which drop they want. Still random but at least a better chance you won't get stuck with the same thing every day for weeks on end. 

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5 hours ago, Oreades said:

It is kinda disheartening after a while, I'd personally love to see them treat sroties like they treat Relics. 

Let everyong get a roll out of the loot tables and then let everyone choose which drop they want. Still random but at least a better chance you won't get stuck with the same thing every day for weeks on end. 

No thank you. I already do my Sorties solo just fine, and I don't need more things punishing me like Relics do if I were to have the audacity to complete them in anything less than a full squad.

Remember that 'more benefits against RNG' is just more that you're obliged to accommodate, when access is gated. Relics you have to farm back up - so you're obliged to refine and share what's not in abundant supply or your own personal 'fodder'. Sorties you do once daily, so you'd be obliged to fill up your squad with dumb bodies just to boost your odds of value.

It's not a benefit to partying, it's a punishment to soloing.


Instead, we would be better off with the forever-requested 'token system' for Sorties. But I'd see it working exclusively as a backup (bad luck protection) to random rolls. You get a random roll; if it's what you want then you get it straight up, yay! If it's unwanted, you opt out of it for a proportional amount of credit to put towards things you do want.
What the proportions are is free for DE to tweak, of course. 1 in 4 wanted items for unwanted rolls of the same rarity tier, perhaps, and whatever scaling between rarity tiers feels appropriate too.

I have almost a hundred Orokin Reactors I likely won't need for the next decade, but I still have things I have yet to stuff Catalysts into. Reactors are 'rare'.. but useless to me personally, where others would think they're lucky to see that pop out of their Sortie roll.

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4 hours ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

No thank you. I already do my Sorties solo just fine, and I don't need more things punishing me like Relics do if I were to have the audacity to complete them in anything less than a full squad.

Remember that 'more benefits against RNG' is just more that you're obliged to accommodate, when access is gated. Relics you have to farm back up - so you're obliged to refine and share what's not in abundant supply or your own personal 'fodder'. Sorties you do once daily, so you'd be obliged to fill up your squad with dumb bodies just to boost your odds of value.

It's not a benefit to partying, it's a punishment to soloing.

The issue with that is that Warframe is a F2P multiplayer game. While it can be played solo the thing that keeps the F2P gears greased is the interaction with other players even if it is in virtual passing. The whole crux of the F2P model hinges on projecting the sense that the game is lively and full of other players.

So while it leaves you free to solo your sortie because you still get your reward either way, it encourages you to interact with the multiplayer aspect of the game. In this instance no one would be asked to farm nor enhance anything, just show up once a day. Play the mission set and get the thing, that's it. 


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4 hours ago, Oreades said:

The issue with that is that Warframe is a F2P multiplayer game. While it can be played solo the thing that keeps the F2P gears greased is the interaction with other players even if it is in virtual passing. The whole crux of the F2P model hinges on projecting the sense that the game is lively and full of other players.

So while it leaves you free to solo your sortie because you still get your reward either way, it encourages you to interact with the multiplayer aspect of the game. In this instance no one would be asked to farm nor enhance anything, just show up once a day. Play the mission set and get the thing, that's it. 

This is unquantifiable, first of all. It's not like there aren't many solo players in both free-playing and paid playing categories.

It's the opposite of lively when the other players are literally there just to fill space. When you have no need of them, or they might even be actively detrimental; it'd be better served if they were operative AI you could just put in the first locker room and make hold position while you carry on yourself regardless.

As people are so fond of saying, the only way to play Warframe the way you want is to play it solo. I'm the first one to point out this is fallacious, because while open matchmaking exists, the worst-case scenario that is possible must be treated as if guaranteed, when it comes to players potentially stepping on each others' toes, but while the bad and intrusive interactions remain unaddressed, soloing is your out.
For example, I don't like the whole Relic acquisition path, but even cracking a Relic is also an unpleasant experience for me 9 times out of 10 because, forced into a squad, there's probably a Volt in there spamming control-intrusive Speed every 5 seconds and I can't stop that. I have a 'cure', which is useless when they spam the ability so frequently, but no prevention other than soloing.

Also, you'd want everyone to do Sortie Spy in public. Noooooo.


Peak power fantasy is being able to handle the tough stuff all on your lonesome instead of leaning on the shoulders of others. It doesn't need a punishment. Squad play is implicitly encouraged already - it makes just about everything easier, often faster.

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I'd personally rather see Endo or Kuva removed. Anasa's at least sell for 10P fairly reliably (sometimes more, sometimes less) so I can think 'that's half a potato!' Endo and Kuva just, sit in their hundreds of thousands reserve, unused because I don't have a use for them. (Actually I started using Endo but an Anasa is also borderline 4k endo sooo)

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2 hours ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

This is unquantifiable, first of all. It's not like there aren't many solo players in both free-playing and paid playing categories.

Short of a solo player that hemorrhages money into the game and I'm sure some exist, I'd muse that the average paying solo player adds at best about as much value to the game as a a player that plays in groups but pays nothing monetarily into the system. Because if you remove all those non paying group players, the bulk of any F2P games player base vanishes overnight. What comes next is losing all of your paying players because they pool of available players to interact with has all but dried up. Solo players are seldom if ever a part of that equation and I would be very surprised if they where numerous enough paying solo players to keep a server on if the whole of the multiplayer element of the F2P model just imploded tomorrow. 

2 hours ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

It's the opposite of lively when the other players are literally there just to fill space. 

Yes that is practically the whole of the F2P multiplayer model. Without those people there filling space, the vast majority of your paying customers don't stick around and without your paying customers your game ceases to be. 

2 hours ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

As people are so fond of saying, the only way to play Warframe the way you want is to play it solo. I'm the first one to point out this is fallacious, because while open matchmaking exists, the worst-case scenario that is possible must be treated as if guaranteed, when it comes to players potentially stepping on each others' toes, but while the bad and intrusive interactions remain unaddressed, soloing is your out.

From what I've seen the "just play it solo" is a response people get to failing to appreciate that when you click a mission without actively curating a group, you have no control of what you are going to get. In essence opting to run with a random group and then getting mad about the fact that their group was random. If anyone want's a specific play style from their group it's on them to curate that group. 

2 hours ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

Also, you'd want everyone to do Sortie Spy in public. Noooooo.

I love public Sortie Spy, it's probably one of the only game modes that actually takes some level of competent coordination. Personally I enjoy rolling the dice and seeing what I get because I know I would have no trouble soloing/carrying said spy missions if push came to shove. It is genuinely interesting to see how other people handle Sortie Spy missions. 

2 hours ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

Peak power fantasy is being able to handle the tough stuff all on your lonesome instead of leaning on the shoulders of others. It doesn't need a punishment. Squad play is implicitly encouraged already - it makes just about everything easier, often faster.

Peak power fantasy might be being able to solo everything under the sun but player retention dictates being able to get to that point which more often than not requires cooperation. And peak F2P model is giving people a platform to peacock around on. 

Tho if a token system (something I have been receptive to in the past but feel has a lower chance of being adopted) is the issue there isn't much reason it couldn't exist in tandem to a Relic styled payout selection as a +1 so a full group of players would have the choice between 4+1 and a solo player would still get their 1+1. It would still function as a reward to players who opted to play in a method that most benefited the game. 

There is then always an opt-out in the event that RNG is truly truly unkind and having gotten mostly Ayatan Sculptures over the last month.... RNG can be a harsh and unforgiving mistress. 


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2 hours ago, Oreades said:

Short of a solo player that hemorrhages money into the game and I'm sure some exist, I'd muse that the average paying solo player adds at best about as much value to the game as a a player that plays in groups but pays nothing monetarily into the system. Because if you remove all those non paying group players, the bulk of any F2P games player base vanishes overnight. What comes next is losing all of your paying players because they pool of available players to interact with has all but dried up. Solo players are seldom if ever a part of that equation and I would be very surprised if they where numerous enough paying solo players to keep a server on if the whole of the multiplayer element of the F2P model just imploded tomorrow. 

Yes that is practically the whole of the F2P multiplayer model. Without those people there filling space, the vast majority of your paying customers don't stick around and without your paying customers your game ceases to be. 

From what I've seen the "just play it solo" is a response people get to failing to appreciate that when you click a mission without actively curating a group, you have no control of what you are going to get. In essence opting to run with a random group and then getting mad about the fact that their group was random. If anyone want's a specific play style from their group it's on them to curate that group. 

I love public Sortie Spy, it's probably one of the only game modes that actually takes some level of competent coordination. Personally I enjoy rolling the dice and seeing what I get because I know I would have no trouble soloing/carrying said spy missions if push came to shove. It is genuinely interesting to see how other people handle Sortie Spy missions. 

Peak power fantasy might be being able to solo everything under the sun but player retention dictates being able to get to that point which more often than not requires cooperation. And peak F2P model is giving people a platform to peacock around on. 

Tho if a token system (something I have been receptive to in the past but feel has a lower chance of being adopted) is the issue there isn't much reason it couldn't exist in tandem to a Relic styled payout selection as a +1 so a full group of players would have the choice between 4+1 and a solo player would still get their 1+1. It would still function as a reward to players who opted to play in a method that most benefited the game. 

There is then always an opt-out in the event that RNG is truly truly unkind and having gotten mostly Ayatan Sculptures over the last month.... RNG can be a harsh and unforgiving mistress. 

Lots of pure speculations here. Possibly a false dichotomy or slippery-slope, as I'm not saying that multiplayer can't exist, just that it shouldn't be obliged.

You still fail to provide an adequate reason why solo players should be actively punished (to which actively rewarding squads based solely on head count is equivalent).

If the multiplayer factor is doing its job, it is its own incentive. Whether that's in subjective fun-factor or objective efficacy as I said previously, there is no need to arbitrarily punish people who are already taking that extra challenge and responsibility of going it alone.


Regarding the 'just play it solo' line - it's a fallacious argument. While there is uncurated matchmaking, you have to accept that anything can happen. But if the 'worst that can happen' means one player actively inhibits another, then there is most likely a problem at the design level. It wasn't appropriate that Limbo could force his squad to use melee only, for example. It's inappropriate that there is no way to consistently avoid unwanted allied effects that can intrude directly on your build (e.g. Speedva vs. other Power Donations or Growing Powers) and/or controls (e.g. Volt's disruptive Speed buff vs. my experience-honed muscle memory).

You should no more be 'forced' to play Solo as you should be 'forced' to play Matchmade, anywhere that both are equally available and permitted by the game. That's your decision to make.

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38 minutes ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

Lots of pure speculations here. Possibly a false dichotomy or slippery-slope, as I'm not saying that multiplayer can't exist, just that it shouldn't be obliged.

Couple more buzz words and you'd have a full heccin bingo~

38 minutes ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

You still fail to provide an adequate reason why solo players should be actively punished (to which actively rewarding squads based solely on head count is equivalent).

And you seem to fail to provide an adequate reason why grouped players shouldn't be rewarded and encouraged to play the game as intended. By not withholding mechanics solely to placate solo players who might by their own actions/decisions feel left out. 


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12 minutes ago, Oreades said:

Couple more buzz words and you'd have a full heccin bingo~

And you seem to fail to provide an adequate reason why grouped players shouldn't be rewarded and encouraged to play the game as intended. EB by not withholding mechanics solely to placate solo players who might by their own actions/decisions feel left out. 

What can I say? Playing fallacy bingo on the Warframe forums is about as taxing as running a capture on Mercury. :clem:

On that note, beside your retort amounting to yet another one off the list, I.. already did provide that reason; groups are implicitly incentivised by the efficacy of bringing multiple loadouts and having more than a single point of agency during a mission. There is no need to actively punish someone who does not run in a group as this passive disincentive already exists.


Let's case study on Relics, at the most fundamental level. Random relics, intacts.

Input A: Solo player, 1 relic, 1 per person in mission. Expected output: 76% common, 22% uncommon, 2% rare.

Input B: Squad player. 4 relics, 1 per person in mission. Expected output ('at least one' available): 99.6% common, 63% uncommon, 7.76% rare.

I'm not totally certain what that does for the averages in value, to be perfectly honest with you. That's a level of probability analysis I'm not confident in undertaking as evidence. But it's still quite clear that the squad gets some significantly better value for their input - while also probably completing the mission itself faster - and all they did over the solo player is set themselves to 'public'. That is not a meritorious act.

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2 hours ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

What can I say? Playing fallacy bingo on the Warframe forums is about as taxing as running a capture on Mercury. :clem:

On that note, beside your retort amounting to yet another one off the list, I.. already did provide that reason; groups are implicitly incentivised by the efficacy of bringing multiple loadouts and having more than a single point of agency during a mission. There is no need to actively punish someone who does not run in a group as this passive disincentive already exists.

Did you? Nope can't say that you have. Not liking grouping in a multiplayer game is not an adequate reason to hold up or hobble mechanics that better the game as a whole. 

2 hours ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

Let's case study on Relics, at the most fundamental level. Random relics, intacts.

Input A: Solo player, 1 relic, 1 per person in mission. Expected output: 76% common, 22% uncommon, 2% rare.

Input B: Squad player. 4 relics, 1 per person in mission. Expected output ('at least one' available): 99.6% common, 63% uncommon, 7.76% rare.

I'm not totally certain what that does for the averages in value, to be perfectly honest with you. That's a level of probability analysis I'm not confident in undertaking as evidence. But it's still quite clear that the squad gets some significantly better value for their input - while also probably completing the mission itself faster - and all they did over the solo player is set themselves to 'public'. That is not a meritorious act.

Yes the squad in the multiplayer game gets a bonus for playing the multiplayer game with other players in the multiplayer game. Considering the F2P nature of the multiplayer game hinges it's revenue on presenting itself as having an active player base, it's a more meritorious act than completing the mission solo as it is an actual boon to the games business model. 

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7 minutes ago, Oreades said:

Did you? Nope can't say that you have. Not liking grouping in a multiplayer game is not an adequate reason to hold up or hobble mechanics that better the game as a whole. 

Yes the squad in the multiplayer game gets a bonus for playing the multiplayer game with other players in the multiplayer game. Considering the F2P nature of the multiplayer game hinges it's revenue on presenting itself as having an active player base, it's a more meritorious act than completing the mission solo as it is an actual boon to the games business model. 

Getting towards a full house now. Fallacy Bingo indeed. Argument by repetition. Circular logic.

We can all play the spurious association game:

Players forced to squad are made to experience the ways other players can remove their ability to engage with the game; therefore driving them away, therefore detrimental to business.
Players who cannot squad reliably because of their circumstances are punished purely for head count despite the game appearing to support solo acts; driven away, detrimental to business.
Players who experience a fleeting network issue within the mission and have their squads split are punished purely because of the lessened head count; this disillusions them, detrimental to business.


Are those three examples broad generalisations? Yes. Do we have any concrete way of knowing how likely any given proportion of players will experience the issue, or how strongly they will react? No. But the same applies to your presented perspective.

Funny you should use relics as an example, when Void Keys were more positively communal than Relics. Nobody loses out by openly hosting any key, even the newly desirable ones at the time, so you got more pick-up-groups. You don't gain anything, but you don't lose anything by advertising to let anyone in, so - generally speaking - why not?
Compare that to Relics, where you're forced into the optimal reward structure because you have to bring your own relic - the same relic, probably refined - which means there's largely no open community. It's Radshare restrictively, or Randoms and you're (most likely) shackled back to solo chances if you're looking to get something specific.


I'd wager that all forced-squadding for reward benefit in Sorties would accomplish is to make people more critical. "How dare you join public Spy without stealth frame, wasting my precious time which I'm obliged to spend with you by making failure more likely?" Cut and paste to whatever fastest meta for a given mission is perceived to be.

Warframe isn't multiplayer like that. We play in parallel, and largely speaking, we can get by without needing anyone but ourselves. Punishing that just removes the safety net of sanity for when you get bad randoms.
Scarlet Spear has been showing this of late, for me. I can solo, but I need extra bodies to make the oplinks upload sooner. I can queue, get matched with another idiot Mesa hosting without any protection for the links, and whoops! I'm either stuck in a doomed mission, or pigeonholed into carrying like a solo anyway. I could host openly, get screwed by matchmaking, whoops! I'm slowed to solo, maybe even if people do join but they're just not Doing The Thing I Need because they're too busy mindlessly shooting. It is a lose-lose situation because the design punishes solo for no true reason.

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15 hours ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

Getting towards a full house now. Fallacy Bingo indeed. Argument by repetition. Circular logic.

Let me then begin with the mornings, cool story bro

15 hours ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

Funny you should use relics as an example, when Void Keys were more positively communal than Relics. Nobody loses out by openly hosting any key, even the newly desirable ones at the time, so you got more pick-up-groups. You don't gain anything, but you don't lose anything by advertising to let anyone in, so - generally speaking - why not?
Compare that to Relics, where you're forced into the optimal reward structure because you have to bring your own relic - the same relic, probably refined - which means there's largely no open community. It's Radshare restrictively, or Randoms and you're (most likely) shackled back to solo chances if you're looking to get something specific.

Yeah cause it's not like the only time I ever hear people lamenting the loss of the relic system is when they are bellyaching about the loss of endless missions in the void. Missions that are in point of fact still there and that they are free to indulge in. The only element that has changed is the sense of "beating the system" by being able to coast off of a single key for hours on end. As if we still had the Key system that DE wouldn't have plugged that hole many many patches ago and required an additional key per wave cycle. 

While we can't look at Void Keys because that system was thankfully jettisoned out an airlock, you can observe the changes they made to the Razorback and the associated Ciphers. Everyone is required to bring a Cipher and they went out of their way to ensure that everyone Ciphers where consumed when any one player activated the door. If memory serves Derelict keys still work on a "host only" mechanic but I think that would change if the Deselects approached any level of vague popularity amongst the playerbase. Tho to be honest I'd see them dropping the key system on the Derelicts to drum up polarity before any additional restriction. 

Frankly I hope they ditch the key system in the deselects cause it'd be nice to be able to roll some random groups out there, DE might even see a spike in people engaging with the content. As to how they handled the unlocking of the vaults ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ don't know, don't care. 

15 hours ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

I'd wager that all forced-squadding for reward benefit in Sorties would accomplish is to make people more critical. "How dare you join public Spy without stealth frame, wasting my precious time which I'm obliged to spend with you by making failure more likely?" Cut and paste to whatever fastest meta for a given mission is perceived to be.


In all seriousness  I'd doubt it, after pubbing virtually every spy sortie (speaking of *checks todays sorties* eyyyy a spy mission woooo) I don't think I've seen more instances of people caring what frames someone has brought out of the gate than could be counted on one hand. The biggest taboo in sortie spy being entering a vault someone is already in especially if you trigger the alarm and the most accepting conversations I've seen is when someone will flat off state that they're either "no good at spy" or they are specifically uncomfortable with the vault they ended up with. Quite possibly the most accepting side I've seen from the community in game. 

Now that isn't to say that there aren't elitist jerks in the game and that one will never encounter them in a spy or other missions and therefor it's totally OK to just write off multiplayer is a pretty insular viewpoint. Over the years I think I've only run into two players who warranted the time it took to actually report them, neither in spy missions I don't even think they where in sorties.  

15 hours ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

Warframe isn't multiplayer like that. We play in parallel, and largely speaking, we can get by without needing anyone but ourselves. Punishing that just removes the safety net of sanity for when you get bad randoms.

Ya really need to get off that cross it's going to wreck your back. 

For the literal last time, an incentive to play in groups is not punishment for playing solo. Solo play would still give the +1 option to pick Sortie points. 

Choosing not to take advantage of that is the players prerogative. Much like my choice to not play any sortie with a Defection mission in it, DE isn't punishing me by including Defection in the rotation(s) I simply choose not to play a game mode that I find to be patently unfun. 

15 hours ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

Scarlet Spear has been showing this of late, for me. I can solo, but I need extra bodies to make the oplinks upload sooner. I can queue, get matched with another idiot Mesa hosting without any protection for the links, and whoops! I'm either stuck in a doomed mission, or pigeonholed into carrying like a solo anyway. I could host openly, get screwed by matchmaking, whoops! I'm slowed to solo, maybe even if people do join but they're just not Doing The Thing I Need because they're too busy mindlessly shooting. 

Scarlet spear is jaink for a multitude of reasons so far I haven't seen grouping as one of them. Mostly needless time gating and the disjointed way that they try to cobble together 8 player interaction in the least interactive method I can imagine. Resulting in to two functioning groups and a dysfunctional game of telephone. 

15 hours ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

It is a lose-lose situation because the design punishes solo for no true reason.

You lose nothing by playing solo, you gain a slight RNG advantage by playing in a group and the real and true reason being that playing in groups is frankly good for the game as a whole because it reinforces the game as having an active playerbase. *points back at F2P* business model* 


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With 800+ hours in game I've been thrusting myself into the ups and the way downs of warframe love the game hate the game. Well today it broke me completely 11 days straight atayan sculpture's FOR REAL de you need to fix this how the heck does yalls RNG get me that bad idk maybe I should just move along with gameplay or to a different game say screw sorties from here on out but PLEASE look into this. 


                    Sincerely  A BROKEN TEENO 

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What do you want? A mod that's going to be nerfed every 90 days if it's any good.  Slightly more direct endo, a bit if kuva...  those are what you're getting most of the time those are the common Rewards the other stuff is pretty rare I even Catalyst reactors forma are relatively underwhelming.? Or the ultra rare legendary core  but by the time you get one of those who got enough sculptures an endo to equal the value of a dozen of those or more.


Moderate your expectations sorties are just something to do with a modest reward.

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Sculptures get you endo...so look at those sculpture rewards as endo rewards instead!

But on the point of RNG and drops...11 days in a row with a sculpture would be a great thing for me personally...but understand completely your disappointment. For me, I am working on filling my entire orbiter with sortie sculptures but I digress...

10 minutes ago, Eluminary said:

What do you want? A mod that's going to be nerfed every 90 days if it's any good.  Slightly more direct endo, a bit if kuva...  those are what you're getting most of the time those are the common Rewards the other stuff is pretty rare I even Catalyst reactors forma are relatively underwhelming.? Or the ultra rare legendary core  but by the time you get one of those who got enough sculptures an endo to equal the value of a dozen of those or more.

Moderate your expectations sorties are just something to do with a modest reward.

What do you want? Variety?

Yes, yes...run a mission and get the exact same reward 11 times in a row and be fine with it.

Player 1: "I just ran my 11th straight spy mission on Mars"

Player 2: "What did you get for rewards?"

Player 1: "Ammo case, ammo drum, and redirection"

Player 2: "No not the last run...for all 11 runs."

Player 1: "That is what I got every time."

Player 2: "Moderate your expectations...the rewards are supposed to be modest anyway"

It OP appears to be saying that a different reward other than a sculpture would be nice...not that the rewards from sorties are 'meh'...

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Ok. Spend enough time in any game with rng driven loot systems and you'll encounter such a pattern.

Also whatever you're farming them for there are other methods to get what you want anyways. Such as Rivens where you can be grinding Requiem Relics for Slivers.

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RNG waht is there not to understand, you end the sortie and your reward gets rolled, if i had to remove anyting it is reactors, seriously i sit on 18 of them, you need them rarer then catalysts atleast and forma (forma tho could bea 3x pack from sortie), sculptures you can atleast sell to people.

Rivens i couldn't care less for, a broken bandaid tat failed to buff older weapons as it was suppsoed to be and people only greeding for them ot push already meta weapons, then cry when the disposition strikes, i use them yes but happy with mediocore ones and safe one riven for each weapon i get, maxing them, while doubles get sold. They are jsut there for me.

So calm down buddy, farm stuff to sell and buy the riven you want if you are so desperate, so many options now, Palladino each week a Riven 100% for 10 shards, Sentinel Riven at Simaris, Archwing at Arbitration, etc.

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42 minutes ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

Really? I wish I played on PC...

Dude the economy on PC is heaven. The PS4 trade chat is a wasteland of vaulted primes at 40p and riven mods over 1k. I saw a dude asking for prime parts that net 100 ducats (rare parts) for 5p each lmao. Close that scrap.

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