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Glassmaker Time


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The time "trial" on the glassmaker is too short and has people miss voicelines whereass the crime "scene" investigation has us take our time and look carefully for details. To it simply it rushes players and in my case had me think it was some platform time trial (like a MR test) with the timer counting down from the very first second.

Either this should change to a 90 second timer or start a timer as soon as you land on the first platform/answer. The current implementation of the time limit doesn't give time for one to pay close attention to what the Glassmaker is saying and that just doesn't work.

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I just dont want it to take my Resonance if I happen to miss the platform.

10 Cephalic Resonance wasted for no reason. Could easily just boot me back with the timer still going.

Right now it feels like a "Gotcha" style mechanic to make players play more, which feels bad man 😞

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I was kind of fine with the gotcha style, until I figured it cost me the cephalite which takes hours to get, the problem is that it gets you because it doesn't even give you time to know what's happening before you make the first "mistake" or "choice" it straigth up tells you, you are on a timer, hurry, hurry on what? you don't even know it from the get go.

Again, if it gave some time for the player to figure out what's going on and what to expect before making the first choice it'd be a lot better.

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Listening to the voice talking all the way through will indeed make you run out of time.

Nothing it says is really important, ignore it and just look immediately to the 3 choices as they appear. You will know which is the correct one right away if you memorized the clues.
And to be safe, use double jumps when travelling across the platforms.  Bullet jumping and aim gliding, just don't do those.

The timer disappears when you reach the final platform.

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I have to agree, its counter productive to have the glassmaker speaking to you while also stressing you with the timer. I just phased out and focused on making the right choices and didn't even hear what the dude was blabbering about.


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12 hours ago, DariusMcSwag said:

I just dont want it to take my Resonance if I happen to miss the platform.

10 Cephalic Resonance wasted for no reason. Could easily just boot me back with the timer still going.

Right now it feels like a "Gotcha" style mechanic to make players play more, which feels bad man 😞

I 100% agree on this. Losing my Resonance because I'm a dumb moron who can't remember basic stuff is fine.

Losing my Resonance because of the movement-system whiplash of "Warfame Movement -> Extremely Restricted First Person Movement -> Restricted Warframe Movement -> Miss the Platform" is cheap and only made me salty at the game. And the fact that I have no control over regaining my wasted Resonance, makes it so much fricking worse.

Speaking of the "Extremely Restricted First Person Movement", why is it even slower than what Leverian has? Why can't we "run" like in the Leverian? It's so painfully slow. And when it swaps over to the "Restricted Warframe Movement", being unable to Aim Glide is so jarring, that's probably why I botched my run.

As for the Timer, I really don't get why it's even there. It serves to add fake tension and to distract from whatever the Glassmaker has to say. Even if what he says is unimportant, it develops his character, which in itself is a clue to who or what he may be.

Edited by Petroklos
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Honestly, just get rid of the timer. This is an investigation, not a jumping puzzle. Let people think, let them go through the clues presented. And yes, let people listen to the Glassmaker. Seriously, why is the timer even there?

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If they are adamant about keeping the timer, they should just have a separate one for each question that starts AFTER the guy stops talking so you can actually read/listen.

I have no idea what he said since I rushed and had only 10 seconds left on the timer by the end. No way you can both pay attention to him and get this done in time.

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The timer shouldn't be there because you get booted out after a wrong guess.

One or the other - from what I hear running out of time isn't an issue in terms of difficulty, it's just annoying to not be able to listen to him.

Therefore the challenge is in getting it correct.

As such, just kick people out when they get the wrong answer and ditch the timer as it doesn't add challenge (it's, what, five double jumps? not particularly difficult).

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Yeah....I have no idea what the hell this guy told me.  Its hard to listen to some lore when there is a timed puzzle going on.


It would be fine if every "choose platform" step had its own timer of like....7 seconds.    So you choose quickly, and then listen to the guy before stepping on the next platform for another timed puzzle.


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My issue is that i cant reach the last part, Happens twice to me. Everytime i try to jump from the last rock to the platform it looks just like i jump into an invisible wall and fall down....

Welcome to Bugframe?


the timer is rly to short. 10-15 sec's more for each choice give us the time to take an closer look and think about, also was it hard to read cause of the text colour. Especially for players from other country which aren't so could in understanding of the spoken engl. ....


Have fun Tenno's

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i have a problem with the whole trial, bc i have no idea what to do there. people say to jump from platform to platform but when i did, i just fell down. it takes forever to get 10 ressounance and the investigation states no-where what to actually do.

im in this room. i look around. - theres one platform. i use it. i fall. theres no other way to go. and now it needs me to collect 10 more?

this needs to change. we need more ressounance. more time. less failing. you telling me that you can only try once every so many hours? how about give us a try for every ressounance? you collect them. you get them.

you cant farm ressounance. so whats up with that?



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Suggestion: Either allow me to move normally in the "murder" scene so I can look at the clues in a reasonable time, or put them in my inventory so I can look at them at my leisure. This will help immensely as my memory is very poor now (getting old is really hard on the memory muscle).

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23 hours ago, ScytodiDaedalus said:

The time "trial" on the glassmaker is too short and has people miss voicelines whereass the crime "scene" investigation has us take our time and look carefully for details. To it simply it rushes players and in my case had me think it was some platform time trial (like a MR test) with the timer counting down from the very first second.

Either this should change to a 90 second timer or start a timer as soon as you land on the first platform/answer. The current implementation of the time limit doesn't give time for one to pay close attention to what the Glassmaker is saying and that just doesn't work.

Adding to these problems light colored text on light background is hard to read and the audio setting I use normally lets me hear the speech but on this it is hard to understand.

Triggered the second phase and had no clue what I was supposed to do but barely was able to see the timer and markers.  Missed a jump and ended up losing my 10 resonance.

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10 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

Honestly, just get rid of the timer. This is an investigation, not a jumping puzzle. Let people think, let them go through the clues presented. And yes, let people listen to the Glassmaker. Seriously, why is the timer even there?


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48 minutes ago, (PS4)marshb863 said:

Suggestion: Either allow me to move normally in the "murder" scene so I can look at the clues in a reasonable time, or put them in my inventory so I can look at them at my leisure. This will help immensely as my memory is very poor now (getting old is really hard on the memory muscle).

Protip: Use some dead tree carcasses and graphite scribbling implements.

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Wow whiney.


Look, it takes like two missions to get the cephalite. Just run Nekros on a few mindless exterminates, no problem.

Okay, I admit, I screwed up my first attempt too. I only saw one platform and not the other options and was just, confused/startled into jumping on it when the timer started.

I propose an indicator; a glow starts up on you and goes up like an orb, like a glassmaker did sure and branches out to the choices. While this is happening the dialogue goes on. The lights settle, flash, and then the choices are there.

With this we get a clear indication of where the choices will be, a warning there will be choices, and time to listen to the voice lines.

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18 hours ago, Petroklos said:

... being unable to Aim Glide is so jarring, that's probably why I botched my run.

Restricting the movement like this is a bad idea, IMO. I'm fine with normal parcour stuff (e.g. as we get in some Mastery Rank tests) but why in the world restrict my movement and NOT tell me about it?  I failed the "puzzle" part 3 x now because I tried to perform some movements that do not work there for whatever reason. So instead of elegantly jumping from one platform to the other like I would in a normal mission, my Warframe simply walks off the platform's edge thanks to movement physics being different for no reason. And voila, failed. Again.

Extremely annoying.

And why does it cost 10 x Resonance every time??  If anything it should only cost 1 x.

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I had to do it 7 times before I managed to get it finished.

First run - got to choice # 2 and the choice platform disappeared underneath me as the next big platform was materialising - got dumped out

Second run - no choice platformed ever spawned, the guy was saying something different than before, then it failed me out after about 10 seconds, even though the timer was still ticking down

Third run - I was trying to listen to the dialogue and ran out of time

Fourth run - same as run #1, the platform I was on dematerialised as I was jumping to it (I had not delayed) and I fell

Fifth run - completely my bad, I overshot the platform at choice three, but could not backflip to regain my footing, so out I went

Sixth run - instantly got yeeted to the edge of the map at max acceleration, I ended back up at the crime scene and even Nora was like "WHAT IN THE WORLD?!"

Seventh run - I basically didn't get to listen to anything, I just ignored everything and was jumping asap, completely missed what was being said, and managed to get to the end with mere seconds to spare.

This is such a cool premise and it's being completely ruined by how weird and unintuitive and punishing the fail state is for the choice scene. Please fix, it's so sad.

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I agree that the timer should either be extended, the dialogue should be part of a cut scene or, if dialogue is during the "trial", it should be without a timer at all.

As it has been said, gathering the cephalite, which is capped at a max of 20 in inventory, if I understand correctly, meaning that it will be two tries in a row at best, and then back to collecting cephalite. Either make the cap unlimited or refund if 1, maybe even 2 answer is wrong, 'cause that is more likely due to players getting adapted to this form of gameplay.

And in regards to the gameplay! Thank you for that, DE, I live stuff like mysteries. Kudos for making it different each time.

I am a fan of exploring other facets of gameplay in Warframe, speaking from personal experience and opinion, spy missions, certain mobile defense missions, yeah even Railjack, and all the main story and warframe questlines is the kind of diverse gameplay I love doing. Sure hack'n'slash missions are fun too, but yeah, variety is key :)


A Tenno with interest in variety

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2 hours ago, Tholkemosad said:

Sure hack'n'slash missions are fun too, but yeah, variety is key 🙂

Variety is exactly the problem that DE has. Warframe has an identity crisis and DE doesnt know how to settle down on anything.

Looking at this new Nightwave makes me sad, because it looks like its full of bugs - again - as every new update ususally is.
but what if it isnt just bugs - what if those are restrictions by DE to slow down the players?

You see, a problem DE has is that players rush through their content too quickly. They spent a year or two on a quest and players get through it in a day and then yelling for more.
So DE does all they can to slow down the players.

Looking at all of this ive read here so far, my emotion is telling me
But i want to try to put it into a more civilised phrasing.

Lets compare Nightwave episiodes.
Wolf started with occational Minions that then spawned in every mission. Later you had a Spawn of the Wolf himself and eventually a beacon to call him.

Emmissary had minions too. Later you got an Event mission and mission alerts.

Those two went on for a month or so. The intermissions were at least twice as long. The last intermission lasted for S E V E N months.

Looking at how strongly DE tries to slow down the players in the first Episode of the Glassmaker, lets me imagine, that they didnt put a whole lot of content into this. Sure theres a new-ish investigation mode but those maps already existed. It took DE a year to make Glassmaker and now they flipp up the beginning of it? How about that for a coincidence?

Glassmaker comes with a low Spawn Rate of Glass Minions right off the bat. a lot less minions than the Wolf or the Emmissary had.
Then you need to collect 10 at a time.
to start another slow-down room by DE.

They slow down the investigation by making you walk slowly.
They make you remember or screenshot the clues, bc you are meant to fail the test.
They make you either Listen to a bunch of dialogue
or run into your doom without getting anything of the lore.
You cant jump the way you're accustomed to.
You cant see where you're going.
You cant even land on platforms with certinty.


This is no bug. DE slows you down - because Glassmaker was rushed and it's not finished. Theres nothing to come after the investigation. DE has nothing to show you. You're not meant to clear this investigation. It's made to fail you.

Warframe is made to fail you.

I really want to love warframe, it used to be my favourite game. But DE makes it impossible to like this game.
At this state, Glassmaker is not worth putting up with. It's literally torture.

You Will Go Insane.


this would be all from my side. Thanks for reading.


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