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Nights of naberus


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Considering the rewards of the upcoming event, will this be another one of those "we are fasing out the event plague star for more up to date content" ? not complaining but i wonder if that's what it'll be

I know that snipetron and machete(?) weren't shown but they might be added also, so who knows

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12 minutes ago, AConfusedBird said:

my most pressing concern is where did kaelli get the regular-sized right hands to make all those bloody handprints? everyone in the necralisk has a giant right hand... maybe she requisitioned a passing tenno for help? 🤔

"Hey, uh, Helminth?"

"Yes, master, what is it?"

"Can... can you grow back hands?"

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6 hours ago, (XB1)C11H22O11 said:

It's not supposed to be Plague Star geez. Some of the Plague Star rewards were just moved here to fit with the theme

And it's honestly a good thing.  Having those things be PS only was not cool at all.  For new players that want to build one out, or want the MR, and for vets that want to try new builds, having to wait like a year sucked.  

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10 hours ago, (XB1)C11H22O11 said:

It's not supposed to be Plague Star geez. Some of the Plague Star rewards were just moved here to fit with the theme

uhm sir IT IS supposed to be plague star but devs said no more plague this year so they made a alternative to plague star and moved some of the plague star rewards here or least thats how i view this event 

( sry my england is bed ) 

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15 hours ago, Tsoe said:

isnt it mother token? not gmother token? plz dont tell me its great mother token...

Ya i was dumb and mis read it lol i do apologize for that but still feel the coin systems lame and needs to go the best thing for other 2 open worlds was you could fish,hunt,mine,do bounty now your hevily restricted as to how to gain standing 

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