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Questions i need answering


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1.  When will the bridge to the unums tower be repaired so we can see What's in the tower.

2.   When will the upper corridor opposite cephalon simaris on strata relay be open?

3.   What's that strange creature in one of the bubble vats on Uranus?

4.   Why is there no toilet on my orbiter?

5.   When you open your relic table on your orbiter who is the sad looking guy in the space to the right?

6.   If the grineer are so stupid why are their spy mission vaults much more complicated? 

.......................... And other more curious questions.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

1.  When will the bridge to the unums tower be repaired so we can see What's in the tower.

Only DE knows. If I had to guess, it's probably TNW related, but nobody knows when that's picking back up againt.

6 minutes ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

2.   When will the upper corridor opposite cephalon simaris on strata relay be open?

Since the new relays don't have it or an equivalent, probably never.

6 minutes ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

3.   What's that strange creature in one of the bubble vats on Uranus?

You're gonna need to be more specific, but possibly a Toobman of some sort.

7 minutes ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

4.   Why is there no toilet on my orbiter?

Space magic.

7 minutes ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

5.   When you open your relic table on your orbiter who is the sad looking guy in the space to the right?

wait what

7 minutes ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

6.   If the grineer are so stupid why are their spy mission vaults much more complicated? 

They aren't that stupid (still pretty dumb all things considered) but are just freakishly obsessed with war and dominion over others. So, since Intel is an important part of that, so is security of that intelligence. So they try pretty hard on spy vaults.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

6.   If the grineer are so stupid why are their spy mission vaults much more complicated? 


Only most Grineer are stupid. And even among the stupid ones, a lot of them aren't so much idiots are they are just very slow

Some of them are genuinely smart. Doctor Tengus is technically a qualified surgeon. Harkonar, in addition to being a good sniper, was a respected factory manager and engineering designer. Clem is fluent in Corpus language and was able to rebuild Popcorn

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8 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Harkonar, in addition to being a good sniper, was a respected factory manager and engineering designer.

Not only that mind you, but she's from a whole group of them. The so-called 'Harkonar Production Zone', and is apparently Grineer Nobility. Seems the only thing they value more than a good soldier are the people that enable them to be good soldiers.

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8 hours ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

When will the bridge to the unums tower be repaired so we can see What's in the tower.

probably never, the Ostrons worship the Unum as a Deity that protects them, and while we are trusted by the ostrons, I doubt anyone is allowed inside the tower itself unless the Unum herself were to command it.

8 hours ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

When will the upper corridor opposite cephalon simaris on strata relay be open?

also probably never. I think DE deliberately made their relays oversized just in case they decided to add more Syndicates down the line, but this was never the case. 

8 hours ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

What's that strange creature in one of the bubble vats on Uranus?

if it's the room I'm thinking of, that's a Draga, one of the underwater units. otherwise, probably one of Tyl Regor's experiments, waiting to b unleashed.

8 hours ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

Why is there no toilet on my orbiter?

because Void kids don't have bowel movements apparently.

8 hours ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

When you open your relic table on your orbiter who is the sad looking guy in the space to the right?

I'm not sure what you mean here, unless The Man in The Wall somehow clipped through your relic menu.

8 hours ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

If the grineer are so stupid why are their spy mission vaults much more complicated? 

I wouldn't really say they are though, but then I'm admittedly someone who can do spy missions with ease without needing Invis frames. they're just different really: Corpus rely on cameras and moving laser grids, while Grineer tend to build their vaults withy a dual purpose, like the one that's also a Roller factory and you have to go up the conveyors to reach the vault (unless you can bypass the laser door). generally I find they take much less time to do as I'm not waiting for moving lasers or having to go through vents as much. 

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9 hours ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

1.  When will the bridge to the unums tower be repaired so we can see What's in the tower.

2.   When will the upper corridor opposite cephalon simaris on strata relay be open?


9 hours ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

3.   What's that strange creature in one of the bubble vats on Uranus?


9 hours ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

4.   Why is there no toilet on my orbiter?

Space ninjas don't need toilets, they kill the poo.

9 hours ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

5.   When you open your relic table on your orbiter who is the sad looking guy in the space to the right?



9 hours ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

6.   If the grineer are so stupid why are their spy mission vaults much more complicated? 

They...are not.


1 hour ago, Deejudanne said:


He is refering to this btw 

Answer    the veterans who has nothing to do and that misses the old  GOOD void system with keys and S#&$ 

that's a sad Kurt Cobain UwU

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1 час назад, Deejudanne сказал:

Answer    the veterans who has nothing to do and that misses the old  GOOD void system with keys and S#&$ 

Please. Key system was utter garbage. The only thing it was remotely good for is for ducat farming.

Remember orokin cells in endless rotation tables? Remember inability to choose your reward? Remember how non-endless keys were same as relics but worse? Remember playing ONLY void tileset?

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Just now, Serafim_94 said:

Please. Key system was utter garbage. The only thing it was remotely good for is for ducat farming.

Remember orokin cells in endless rotation tables? Remember inability to choose your reward? Remember how non-endless keys were same as relics but worse? Remember playing ONLY void tileset?

remember the risk of losing everything but the chance of getting more loot?   High risk high reward isnt a thing in warframe anymore

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5 минут назад, Deejudanne сказал:

remember the risk of losing everything but the chance of getting more loot?   High risk high reward isnt a thing in warframe anymore

I think my record was 2 hours T4 survival - at which point weapons simply stopped working, and you needed one-shot Trinity to keep killing effectively.

No, I don't remember sitting inside Frost bubble, with infinite energy supply, and with enemies being permanently disarmed being "high risk". "Sleep inducing" comes to mind first and foremost. The only real threat was possible disconnect.

PS: BTW, with the way Viral currently works, you can once again again build Trin to kill anything not virl-immune with EV's "percent of health" damage it deals. Try it before it gets nerfed, lol.

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Just now, Serafim_94 said:

I think my record was 2 hours T4 survival - at which point weapons simply stopped working, and you needed one-shot Trinity to keep killing effectively.

No, I don't remember sitting inside Frost bubble, with infinite energy supply, and with enemies being permanently disarmed being "high risk". "Sleep inducing" comes to mind first and foremost. The only real threat was possible disconnect.

PS: BTW, with the way Viral currently works, you can once again again build Trin to kill anything not virl-immune with EV's "percent of health" damage it deals. Try it before it gets nerfed, lol.

Try it before it gets nerfed, lol.   not that people already have done that since trin came into the game 

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30 минут назад, Deejudanne сказал:

Try it before it gets nerfed, lol.   not that people already have done that since trin came into the game 

Well, its original implementation was specifically removed at some point by DE's "fun police" department. How it works now is only due to viral rework. Anyway, I suggest we stop derailing.

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21 hours ago, (PS4)manicmartz61 said:

6.   If the grineer are so stupid why are their spy mission vaults much more complicated? 

What part of grineer vaults is complicated?

Maybe one Kuva Fortress vault, but the rest is srupid simle. At least two can be done within, like, 5 seconds.

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