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Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack: Hotfix 29.10.4 


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Two things, one bug, one feedback.

Bug: the kubrodon lure seems to be gone.

Feedback: hacking drones... I've been enjoying the new railjack, especially the side objectives, but I'm already getting a little fed up with the hacking drones. The mission concept is fine, kill the drones until the hack is complete, but having to run back and forth between (what I feel are) considerable distances where I'm going to constantly crash into walls, stairs, some energy-type-tunnel, etc. (maybe I'm just bad at parcour?) is annoying especially considering that my railjack is vulnerable during this mission.

Would it be possible to do one of the following:

  • spawn all of the drones at once so that I can clear room by room and eventually arrive at the last console
  • OR spawn drones in a more linear fashion so that I don't have to go back to a previous room to kill a new drone
  • OR reduce the distance that they can spawn
  • OR make the railjack invulnerable during this mission?
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Suggestion: Solo-ing on grineer missions with command can be improved if the AI pilot and gunners actually attack the radiator after you hack it. It's weird how I keep having to go outside and archwing after hacking, then going back in to hack again even if the railjack has fully crewed AI.


All they do is fly around and get hit by ramsleds, actually to be honest there were no other crewships, fighters left as they're all dead before I go into the objective, but I think I've seen the railjack with a full AI crew just fly around and not even shoot at the ramsleds. It's annoying because at veil, even if you use a lich or a max level combat and endurance AI, they'll still get overwhelmed by boarding teams, because the gunners and pilot don't shoot the ramsleds.


TLDR: Please improve the railjack pilot, and gunner AI to be more objective based, and actually shoot at ramsleds when the player is not in the ship and doing boots on the ground objectives.

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i would just like to say, there is currently a bug for railjack that causes operator focus powers like unairu's "magnet blast" and "unairu wisp" to bug out and stop working, which makes operator even more unplayable then they already are.

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 1. since you nerf khora sometimes you can´t even hit enemies in front of you with wipclaw and causes random staggers

2. give us the option to remove auto exposure and vignette effects they suck 

3.give us the option to keep the crystal armor on the gara kaleida skin or even better make the armor stand alone, and add the wings to the syandana

4.give us the option to keep xaku body on, the skeleton and the running animation look too dumb

5.you haven´t fix any of this textures  https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1226120-ugly-dirty-and-weathered-textures/page/3/#comments ,changing stuff after purchase is a scam!!




 here are some photos of nyx before (small pic) and after, can´t be more clear that the textures were changed to look worst





6.wisp "walking" sound not working

7. gauss feet are bug

8.nikana zaw holster style is bug

9.now that you kill steel essence farm, can you rollback the survival AI enemies just stand doing nothing 

10. broken acolyte spawn on kuva survival steel path

11.the trash light and reflections make the game look like plastic

 this is from jupiter








12. metallic materials look like trash if you use darker color, whats the point of selling color palettes if changing color mess the materials







 and a lot of metallic textures have the same problem













lets compress the textures into oblivion what could possibly go wrong?

13. lavos 2 resets sprint toggle

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Bug in LU-Yan


While playing volatile and farming carmine penta, we had finished one objective and killed the security nodes.


I was at second objective, and was waiting for Cy to finish killing the freight-linker. I fell into a hole near the console, and it spawned me outside the freight-linker as the objective was finishing. Cy reported that the objective was finished but it did not register. We we're stuck in the mission because the freight-linker disconnected and we cannot enter the ship to do the objective anymore. Had to abandon despite the good loot we got.


Fix. This.

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Hi Megan,

First, tell the team thanks for the Vauban fix.

Second, my Railjack's name keeps getting changed to another when I access the terminal in my dojo (I assume it is the name of a clanmates'). It's is embarassing to fly my "Railjack-of-all-trades" out onto a mission only for it to change to "Space Mommy Milkers" each time. Could you kindly add that to the bug list?


Additionally: I haven't tested this a second time, but on launching a railjack mission from within your railjack in dojo, then opening arsenal and switching to Archwing loadout while the countdown finished, I was stuck at the arsenal screen, died, autospawned falling through the skybox then appeared in the mission 10,000m below where the railjack entered the mission.


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Has the Soft-Lock when starting a new Railjack mission while already in (and having completed) a Railjack mission been fixed yet? That's game-breaking and should be #1 priority if it's not fixed yet.

The only workaround so far is to return to the Drydock after every single mission, which breaks the flow.

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vor 7 Stunden schrieb Fujidenzo:

Im sorry but everything you said here makes you sound like a spoiled child. 

- formas build time is fine as it is.

- we already have a universal forma and its the aura forma. If they were to put a universal one, it would put a waste on players who spent a lot of time and effort in doing multiple formas on their equipment. 

- ah credits.. there's something called index runs? My point is you cant make one mission be all the point of interest. if you're doing steel path then you're there for rare rewards, not credits because of its abundance in the index.

- resource exchange. No. just stop. people will abuse this system if implemented and you know it. 

- You're going to break the essence of the game being free to play if you want to make syandanas give armor. 

- clan menu... it was removed for a good reason and IDK why you want it back.

- Buff the capacity slots..  You really want everything to be easy dont you? Aura capacity are already set just right. If they buff that, then it would make formas irrelevant to the game.

-  adding those kind of information will confuse New players and players who just want to have fun. If you want every detail, there's always the wiki.





Tbf an overall increase of steel path rewards would be appreciated. You have a mod drop chance booster and... another booster (can't remember) active during steel path, so apparently the missions themselves are supposed to give greater rewards than normal ones. But you're still better off playing the normal mission instead because the rewards are almost the same but it's a lot faster.

Also nothing wrong with more information, as long as it's presented in a way that doesn't overwhelm people (which the current state already does in some places, the stat window of thrown melees hurts), for example if you need to press a button/click somewhere to see the extra info or you can toggle it in the game options (like in Diablo 3, if you've played that).


Edit: The Dirac-Endo topic is an issue imo tho'. Even without new mods, maxing out everything you had before costs a lot more endo than you got from the conversion despite not having a grid anymore, and you need to dump several million credits as well while previously it was free. Not as bad (but still annoying) if you had 15 million lying around like me, but if you're broke, having to farm a ton of credits just to restore your previous situation on top of paying extra endo, it doesn't feel like a fair conversion.

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4 hours ago, FaR_GogH said:

Please fix blazing pillage not working on any frame but hyldrin

they've always said this will not work on other frames. there is a condition on the mod that only hildryn can achieve.

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Have never seen so many bugs in one patch. RJ is a complete disaster. Getting treleported back to RJ randomly, died 3 consecutive time while standing still within RJ, and spawned million miles away in space etc... not playable at all.

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15 hours ago, MONSTERaider said:

- Please reduce the time to build formas, 24 hours is too much, make it 1 hour or at least 12.
- Let the syandanas and attachments give a little armor, so they would be more than just cosmetics, for immersive purposes.


I disagree with these two points
-reducing forma time will reduce their forma sales from market and you know that's their number one selling item, yes it's not great for the players but also reducing it will be bad for them.
-making cosmetic giving stats that's just no, no. even if the stats was really minor having prime accessories and stuff that give more stats is just falls into the p2w category even though the game is mainly pve.

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8 hours ago, nadeemh said:

Feedback: hacking drones... I've been enjoying the new railjack, especially the side objectives, but I'm already getting a little fed up with the hacking drones. The mission concept is fine, kill the drones until the hack is complete, but having to run back and forth between (what I feel are) considerable distances where I'm going to constantly crash into walls, stairs, some energy-type-tunnel, etc. (maybe I'm just bad at parcour?) is annoying especially considering that my railjack is vulnerable during this mission.

Would it be possible to do one of the following:

  • spawn all of the drones at once so that I can clear room by room and eventually arrive at the last console
  • OR spawn drones in a more linear fashion so that I don't have to go back to a previous room to kill a new drone
  • OR reduce the distance that they can spawn
  • OR make the railjack invulnerable during this mission?

Very much this. I like the new missions, but most of them consist of a lot of frantic running, this particular one being the worst offender. I don't mind the drones spawning randomly all over, but if they do, maybe the ship needs to just be smaller? Even just half the size would help.

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The form up mod is now he used to grief teammates. Please remove this mod or alter functionality so people can't rip you out of the waiting area for mission. Maybe if it's heal plus an instant return in the next xx seconds? It's not nice being forced back to the ship


Edit: I should add to this, when used at the last second of waiting for squad timer, it breaks the mission. No more entering the main ship, railjack becomes immune, can not complete

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2 hours ago, Hatsune-Miku-Prime said:

After today's update, the endo of weapon wrecks is only 25, which was 225 before.

Endo for new weapons is set at 25. Endo for old is still 225. Unless you click one of the new ones first in the scrap wreckage page when selecting more than one and then sometimes you get ALL of them for 25. Yay!

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13 hours ago, Fujidenzo said:

Im sorry but everything you said here makes you sound like a spoiled child. 

- formas build time is fine as it is.

- we already have a universal forma and its the aura forma. If they were to put a universal one, it would put a waste on players who spent a lot of time and effort in doing multiple formas on their equipment. 

- ah credits.. there's something called index runs? My point is you cant make one mission be all the point of interest. if you're doing steel path then you're there for rare rewards, not credits because of its abundance in the index.

- resource exchange. No. just stop. people will abuse this system if implemented and you know it. 

- You're going to break the essence of the game being free to play if you want to make syandanas give armor. 

- clan menu... it was removed for a good reason and IDK why you want it back.

- Buff the capacity slots..  You really want everything to be easy dont you? Aura capacity are already set just right. If they buff that, then it would make formas irrelevant to the game.

-  adding those kind of information will confuse New players and players who just want to have fun. If you want every detail, there's always the wiki.





- Forma time isn't right, everybody complain about it.

- Aura forma is different than what I said, maybe read the whole thing first.

- Even though I had 20 mil I still don't like the new system, I have friends with low credits and they had all these avionics maxed but not after the update.

- How is that gonna be manipulated?

- The game is still gonna be free, nothing I said will change it.

- Either buff the other auras capacity or debuff Steel Charge? why is it special than the others?

- If you really care about new players you wouldn't be talking about credits being easy.

Finally if you don't like the suggestions you don't need to insult me and tell me that I'm a spoiled kid, I'm almost 40 and you need to have some respect.

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