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Dormizone needs more functionality


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Dormizone is cool.  Decorating can be fun to a point, but what use does it really have in the game?  As far as i can see, none.  


1.  Add all the orbiter stations to the Dorm.  Foundry, Arsenal, Incubation, Operator, Navigation, Mods, etc.  I would care sooooooo much more about my dorm if I could actually use it as a base of operations.  

2.  Give players the option to move their Dorm to relays if they want.  Maybe I don't want to live in Zariman.  Would be nice to get relay buffs while hanging out in my dorm or be able to step out to visit a faction vendor. 

3.  Make Zariman a relay.  Similar to #2.  If people want to live there, lets get relay buffs there too.  

4.  Give us the option to log in and be placed in our dorm by default, instead of the orbiter. 

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42 minutes ago, Vaml77 said:

what is cool exactly? Its just a big empty space.....

alas, if only there were some kind of function to fill that space with furniture or decor, perhaps even assets specifically made for the tileset and easily acquired from a nearby merchant.. I would call such a feature.. bedizening

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38 minutes ago, Ryuujou. said:

alas, if only there were some kind of function to fill that space with furniture or decor, perhaps even assets specifically made for the tileset and easily acquired from a nearby merchant.. I would call such a feature.. bedizening

Unfortunately, this is where seemingly many of us disagree.  Yes, there are certainly people who enjoy decorating, but it would seem that there's a fair number of us that even if we care about decorating at all, we see no point in decorating a space that serves absolutely no other function.

I put stuff in my orbiter because I'm there all the time.  But even I see absolutely no point in decorating the dormizone seeing as there's literally no function other than to go down and say "Yep.  Those are my decorations."  You can't even set it as your login destination.  You have to specifically go out of your way to see any of it.

So I would disagree that the ability to decorate it is something that makes it "cool."

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I imagine DE will probably add more decorative options, but as for real functionality, I doubt it. by rights, we should be able to choose whether to spawn in the Orbiter, Dojo or Dormizone upon login: all of these areas are suppsoed to be living spaces for Tenno, but the Orbiter is the only one that has all the functions. most all, the Orbiter is the only one with the Foundry: nearly everything else can be done via menus but crafting, and having a foundry in the dojo would be pretty neat.

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6 hours ago, Profanity13 said:

Dormizone is cool.  Decorating can be fun to a point, but what use does it really have in the game?  As far as i can see, none.  


1.  Add all the orbiter stations to the Dorm.  Foundry, Arsenal, Incubation, Operator, Navigation, Mods, etc.  I would care sooooooo much more about my dorm if I could actually use it as a base of operations.  

2.  Give players the option to move their Dorm to relays if they want.  Maybe I don't want to live in Zariman.  Would be nice to get relay buffs while hanging out in my dorm or be able to step out to visit a faction vendor. 

3.  Make Zariman a relay.  Similar to #2.  If people want to live there, lets get relay buffs there too.  

4.  Give us the option to log in and be placed in our dorm by default, instead of the orbiter. 

Unless Dormizones have the same complete functionality as our orbiters then 


4 hours ago, (PSN)Lollybomb said:

Unfortunately, this is where seemingly many of us disagree.  Yes, there are certainly people who enjoy decorating, but it would seem that there's a fair number of us that even if we care about decorating at all, we see no point in decorating a space that serves absolutely no other function.

I put stuff in my orbiter because I'm there all the time.  But even I see absolutely no point in decorating the dormizone seeing as there's literally no function other than to go down and say "Yep.  Those are my decorations."  You can't even set it as your login destination.  You have to specifically go out of your way to see any of it.

So I would disagree that the ability to decorate it is something that makes it "cool."

tl:dr it might as well not exist. No practicality what-so-ever. 

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Angles of the Zarimon's main focus is all about reclaiming the Zariman from our enemies and the nightmares that lurk within. 

We are actually reclaiming sectors of the ship during mobile defesne on the Zarimon "We need to take back this ship one room at a time. That means getting back control of the network." - Hombask

Upon completion of the Angel's of the Zariman quest you get this description: "The legacy of the Zariman is secure. Watched over by the Holdfasts, she is now both a dam and a bridge... and a fortress against what is yet to come."

These quotes lead me to believe that at some point in the future we will see the Zariman's functionality restored to at least a partial extent. So perhaps one day she will get these features we've been asking for.

Imo it seems like turning the Zariman into Warframe's version of the tower is the most logical route to go.

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I would also like a space heater for my room. Perhaps the plasma core of our frickin' Sun would brighten the place up

(Out of character, yes, why not add the Foundry and Mod Bench and other stuff to the Dormizone? If they want it to actually be a player zone)

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If we were allowed to use what decorations we already have placed in the orbiter in the dormizone at the same time, I might consider using it.

Other than that, they really do need to add something that makes it something that isn't "orbiter, but more room and less functionality".

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In addition i would really like to see a kind of usable furniture... Right now its just useless decoration, but what do you need a chair for if you can't even sit on it? Some stuff could have a custom "animation" like those garbage bins on the zariman or like petting your kubrow/kavat. Then all that furniture would have an actual purpose, think of a food processor that will light up and do something, or a tea service where you can actually fill a cup. And of course a chair that will let you sit in it...

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On 2022-06-07 at 4:20 PM, (PSN)Lollybomb said:

Unfortunately, this is where seemingly many of us disagree.  Yes, there are certainly people who enjoy decorating, but it would seem that there's a fair number of us that even if we care about decorating at all, we see no point in decorating a space that serves absolutely no other function.

I put stuff in my orbiter because I'm there all the time.  But even I see absolutely no point in decorating the dormizone seeing as there's literally no function other than to go down and say "Yep.  Those are my decorations."  You can't even set it as your login destination.  You have to specifically go out of your way to see any of it.

So I would disagree that the ability to decorate it is something that makes it "cool."

Don't tell me you guys think a still new release is going to be all there is, right? I don't see us leaving the Zariman gateway between Duviri and Sol anytime soon.

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I'm happy for those who enjoy the Dormizone for its decoration options. But I'm very likely never going to visit it unless there at least some functionality to it. Even if there were just Foundry or Syndicates access in there, I would pop in while aboard the Zariman.

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On 2022-06-07 at 8:42 PM, Grizzmoe said:

Angles of the Zarimon's main focus is all about reclaiming the Zariman from our enemies and the nightmares that lurk within. 

We are actually reclaiming sectors of the ship during mobile defesne on the Zarimon "We need to take back this ship one room at a time. That means getting back control of the network." - Hombask

Upon completion of the Angel's of the Zariman quest you get this description: "The legacy of the Zariman is secure. Watched over by the Holdfasts, she is now both a dam and a bridge... and a fortress against what is yet to come."

These quotes lead me to believe that at some point in the future we will see the Zariman's functionality restored to at least a partial extent. So perhaps one day she will get these features we've been asking for.

Imo it seems like turning the Zariman into Warframe's version of the tower is the most logical route to go.


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