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Nerfs are bad game design.


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3 hours ago, elpeleq42 said:

and at this point, I thought that was universally understood... but DE is a slow learner.


>You don't nerf things. Ever. Unless there's a bug, or exploit, you never nerf anything. It's bad game design. No one likes it. 

>To balance things, you BUFF what's weak.


Someone at DE please print this and put on every door on the company, please and thanks <3

Sadly, nerfs are NECESSARY game design.

You don't have to like it. 

It just has to BE.

Cheers fellow Tenno


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8 minutes ago, MechNexus said:

10 years.

Almost 10 years of Warframe and people are still on this "don't nerf bring everything up to match" nonsense.

I'll keep it short: No. It doesn't work that way.

It's been this way since... well, since pretty much internet and patches for online games, tbh.

Time is a flat circle.

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Agreed. Some people might say, its silly to make a claim on behalf of all people or use terms like universally agreed, so casually, but all people agree that those people are wrong. Also, some might get hung up on the language, of generalising everyone this way, but don't, obviously, everyone isn't meant to be taken literally (in the literal sense, as opposed to the figurative sense), it means, everyone, literally (in the figurative sense, not literal). See with such generalisations, it makes my point seem more legit, and reasonable and obvious, and by I, I mean, everyone, since we all agree. 

Since DE is a slow learner, and I... I mean... We are all qualified to know better, what everyone should do, is propose a special month to highlight the destructive cancer that is Nerfing. To help DE spread awareness of the devastating, unnecessary toll, that is the Nerf. So I, I mean... We, propose, No Nerf November! To take place in November, where Everyone agrees, No Nerfs can happen. None of us, none of you, no Nerfs, no Edging, no looking online for little ways you can discreetly Nerf, no Official Nerfs, no shadow Nerfs, no Nerfs with PUBS, or Nerfs with Pre-made Groups, ESPECIALLY... no Solo Nerfs. We are all in universal agreement, no Nerfs in November at all. Once DE sees what a success NNN is, I am sure they will conform to the Hive Mind, and we'll never have to fear Nerfs, intentional, or accidental ever again. 

#No Nerf November! #Imma about to (Not) Nerf! #Say No to Nerfing! #NNN.

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)Sn333ks said:

This is how DE makes money….

1. Spend platinum to max your favorite build. 
2. DE Nerfs that build

3. Go to step 1.

Optional: 4. Play another game…

More like 

1) tubers make build

2) everyone copies build

3) build lasts until its nerfed or something better comes along

If you don't want your favorite builds nerfed don't copy the ones that are meta.

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4 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

More like 

1) tubers make build

2) everyone copies build

3) build lasts until its nerfed or something better comes along

If you don't want your favorite builds nerfed don't copy the ones that are meta.


All those carriers pro players aoe users are just copycats. 

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14 minutes ago, (PSN)Sn333ks said:

This is how DE makes money….

1. Spend platinum to max your favorite build. 
2. DE Nerfs that build

3. Go to step 1.

Optional: 4. Play another game…

Nobody forces you to spend plat on builds and even if their nerfs killed a build (most have done nothing of the sort and the AOE 'nerfs' are no different) you still have all the other components used for it which can go into other builds. Any mods, frames, arcanes, etc used for a build can easily go into new builds.

And even if they did do that you'd think they'd make actual substantial nerfs and make them more frequently than a handful every few years.

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7 hours ago, elpeleq42 said:

>You don't nerf things. Ever. Unless there's a bug, or exploit, you never nerf anything. It's bad game design. No one likes it. 

>To balance things, you BUFF what's weak.

Did you ever stop to think that for that to happen, they would have to take more than a hundred weapons and increase their stats and mechanics in such a way to make them equals to THREE weapons? AoE weapons? That can damage through walls? Able to hit several enemies at the same time? And have their downsides negated by several skills and mods?

Are you really saying that instead of changing the ammo economy of said three weapons, they should turn every Karak, Braton, Dera, Paris and Gorgon into a Kuva Ogris/Zarr/Bramma?

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vor 10 Stunden schrieb elpeleq42:

and at this point, I thought that was universally understood... but DE is a slow learner.


>You don't nerf things. Ever. Unless there's a bug, or exploit, you never nerf anything. It's bad game design. No one likes it. 

>To balance things, you BUFF what's weak.


Someone at DE please print this and put on every door on the company, please and thanks <3

"Universally understood" by whom? I don't know why you would possibly think that when essentially every online game does nerfs. Have you never played other games?

The only game I know that doesn't do nerfs anymore is Diablo 3. It's not any more balanced and functionally no different from nerfs because skills still lose relative power compared to those that benefitted from the latest rounds of buffs and get left behind. The only major difference is that they keep having to tack on higher difficulty levels as damage numbers spiral into the trillions.

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