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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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3 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

You got something you wanna say to the group, DE? 

yes, they wanted to say:


"look at them, they come to this place, when they know they are not pure; the Tenno use the Keys, but they are mere trespassers; only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void; I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Janus Key the Void called to me, it brought me here, and here I was reborn. we cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an imposter who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm, my brothers, did I not tell of this day?, did I not prophesize this moment?. Now I will stop them, now I am changed; reborn through the energy of the Janus Key, forever bound to the Void. let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms and wait for the baptism of my Janus Key; it is time, I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus Key; they will learn it's simple truth. the Tenno are lost and they will resist, but I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity."


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Im disappointed. Its a spectacular warframe, the abilities are absolutely magnificent! but im so sick of the misleading information when it comes to themes. I guess i should be used to it by now

I just want to call for extra clarity with warframes releases as i feel this misguidance is too common. Its not even our faults at this point, theres a line where you can choose words in a description to confuse the fudge out of most people. I want to rename the description of this Warframe as its far more fitting. Voruna has nothing to do with wolves. Foxes or predators in general maybe

Edit: I lean on predator theme because its vague and Vorunas kit is randomish enough for a vague description

💠 Voruna, Has 4 predatory alien creatures on her body that she can use to help her gain passives like extra parkour speed. The creatures dont really do anything except strengthen the frame itself, so youre still a solo frame not a pack styled frame like wolves. Solo, almost like a Fox

💠 Her 1st ability is made to resemble MOST predators, who like to sneak before attacking! Almost like a Fox!

(wolves arent known for it as much though as they tend to just chase after prey and set up ambushes with other wolves. Its why they hunt in packs, their sneaking isnt that good to always surprise prey and neither is their strength alone, so they formed packs to be more successful in their hunts so that when they fail, 10 other wolves are there to attack again. And werewolves? Known for Sneaking?

angry cabin in the woods GIFlol)

💠 Her 2nd ability is a pounce! Lots of predators like to pounce, wolves not so much, its not really their strong suit as opposed to a cat, but its a predator warframe not a wolf frame so who cares? Maybe a Fox, Foxes love pouncing! I guess you can argue Werewolves like to lunge around sometimes, but this would be the only feature thats werewolf like that the frame has in its ability kit so i dont want to call it a werewolf.

💠 Her 3rd ability! Kinda lost the desire to create any animations or flashyness for this ability to help it create extra immersion, not even a howl or roar. So uh, yeah here, just activate it, and heres another way to spawn energy and health orbs! Doesnt add much to the wolf or predator vibe but meh, its really useful! If you try hard yourself, you can sorta imagine youre feeding your squad in a way no other warframe does it. Well Harrow, Gara, Hildryn, Lavos, Nekros, but ignore all that

💠 And now, for her 4th ability!! A repeat of her 2ND ABILITY!!!!  🤯🤯🤯 except with EXTRA POUNCING!!! FOXES FTW!


I didnt want to call it a wolf frame to help not raise any confusion, as it doesnt have most things that are iconic about wolves like pack hunting, howling, chasing down terrified prey, Wolf stuff. I dodged werewolf cause all it does is have a leap to sorta resemble the popular idea of a werewolf. Its more generalized to fit most Other predators. It feels more solo based, skinny and agile-like predator, like a Fox, not a wolf.

So yeah, fox/predator warframe. All of its abilities are far more fitting and expected! If anyone says fox themed warframe, pouncing totes comes to mind, they love that stuff!

Id prob settle on predator tho because it helps explain all the heads

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5 hours ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

ALt helm (jawless anubis)


 -void shell (green ranger rip)



Leviarian card design -matches OG art style very nicely 


ingame look (dosnt match the card lol )


 comparison of ingame  content 



Spirit wolves are swappable 


First, I hate that Meh alt helmet look's wip 

(rip concept art) hello nerfed body


Ok 👏 now that my salt's outta the way time for positivity! 

Vorunas abilities are dope ^0_0^   

 Four Passive Abilities (swapable in Missions).   

       ° Better Parkour
       ° Status Immunity
       ° More Heavy Attack Efficiency
       ° Second Life (no dying) (30s cooldown)

1 - Invis + speed boost 🤘

2 - status proc nuttyness 😈

3 - melee =health orb / head shot = energy orb   \‾0‾/ 

4 - it's... Valkyr's 4 augment?    it sounds really cool 🐊🦁 RAWR!


So, I really like the look of Voruna's kit, even though I agree with the dev stream chat that it's a bit weird she doesn't run on all 4's? 

And her sig ephemera looked better than I originally thought 👍 I just hope we can buy/attain it separately from the pack because I don't want that ugly wip alt helm.


I'm also excited about Voruna's Leviarian and learning about her wolfs (and attaining that beautiful prex card).


I see so many ways to build Voruna and synergy's with her subsume can't wait. 😊

P.s. I still wat a Voruna t-shirt (prex card art plz) I'll buy it day one. 

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Four heads gives me Cerberus impressions either way. Maybe they should have gone the Greek myth route. A multi-headed wolf/dog Warframe draped in an Orokin toga could be kind of cool

In the end I don't particularly care if the theme is followed or not as long as they play well, but unfortunately it sounds like I'm not going to care about playing them, by the sounds of these abilities

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This is one of those fascinating things with themes, stereotypes, and reality.

Sure, these abilities better describe foxes than wolves. But, in fiction and fantasy, "fox" begets things like trickery, thievery, and deceit. If we called Voruna a fox Warframe, we'd still be scratching our heads: she fits the real-world fox to a T, yet that misses the fictional themes tied to such a creature, and that doesn't sit right either.

("Predator" has the opposite problem, being too vague to have much of anything tied to it. After all, predators include hawks, foxes, and, indeed, wolves. And, TBQH, the first thing I think when I hear "predator Warframe" is three-dot laser sights, thermal vision, and Arnold yelling to get to da choppah.)

I do think they could've done the "wolf" theme better than they did, of course. But for what she's got, calling it a "wolf-themed Warframe" is probably the best you could do, lest you mismatch stereotypes or make accidental reference to old 90s alien flicks.

But then again, I do remember her being referred to as a "beast frame"...

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50 minutes ago, Tyreaus said:

"Predator" has the opposite problem, being too vague

Thats the point, it kills expectation and its good cause it doesnt serve wolves in anyway. Its actually a vague warframe, so give it a vague description. Beast frame works too

And about the fox thing, while yes you could expect that other stuff, atleast it still fits in a way thats more than a wolf

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6 hours ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

ALt helm (jawless anubis)


 -void shell (green ranger rip)



Leviarian card design -matches OG art style very nicely 


ingame look (dosnt match the card lol )


 comparison of ingame  content 



Spirit wolves are swappable 


Green Ranger RIP you meant and to put into true context that is not the default: Megan got that by pressing Random - really don't want to confuse people into thinking that is default as you left everything else in default colors

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48 minutes ago, Pakaku said:

Four heads gives me Cerberus impressions either way. Maybe they should have gone the Greek myth route. A multi-headed wolf/dog Warframe draped in an Orokin toga could be kind of cool

In the end I don't particularly care if the theme is followed or not as long as they play well, but unfortunately it sounds like I'm not going to care about playing them, by the sounds of these abilities

I agree about cerberus thing.


Hope not to throw you too off of the frame though. It certainly looks like it will create a new playstyle that will be quite engaging and fitting for the fast pace nature of warframe, i just take issue with the wolf

Fun and powerful wise, i think the frame looks promising so far, especially with helminth possibilities

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51 minutes ago, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

Thats the point, it kills expectation and its good cause it doesnt serve wolves in anyway. Its actually a vague warframe, so give it a vague description

Expectation is a fickle creature, because "expectation" also translates to "excitement". Make things too nebulous and there's nothing to expect, which also means there's not a lot to be excited about. Consider: had they said "we're coming up with a new Warframe!" and left it at that, how would you feel about that Warframe? Excited? Concerned? Bored? Personally, I'd be on the bored end of the scale: they've released over 50 Warframes already; 51 isn't a novelty. But "Wolf Warframe" is novel.

Plus, I find it remiss to blame the description. We've been advertised a "Wolf Warframe" for a while, long before abilities came into play. Had they flipped the script and said "it's not a Wolf Warframe any more", I think that back-stepping would cause even more of a stir. So the issue seems to be more with the abilities not matching what was promised, rather than a description being off.

Abilities, even an entire kit, being good doesn't mean it's fitting. Maybe that kit is better for Warframe 52, and Voruna should've got a kit that, y'know, fits her description.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

Voruna, Has 4 predatory alien creatures on her body that she can use to help her gain passives like extra parkour speed. The creatures dont really do anything except strengthen the frame itself, so youre still a solo frame not a pack styled frame like wolves. Solo, almost like a Fox

Rather, she does something like spiritualism with 4 kubrow/Wolf spirits which gives her certain buffs.

1 hour ago, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

Her 1st ability is made to resemble MOST predators, who like to sneak before attacking! Almost like a Fox!

1 hour ago, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

Her 2nd ability is a pounce! Lots of predators like to pounce, wolves not so much, its not really their strong suit as opposed to a cat, but its a predator warframe not a wolf frame so who cares?

Wolves hunt in packs. They hunt by stealth, harrassment, and active chase, ultimately attacking the rump, flanks, and shoulders of large prey. The thing is that Voruna is not a pack of wolves, she is a warframe that simulates a werewolf with shamanism or something like that and obviously she's not going to bite their ribs of a Grineer since she herself has a humanoid shape. In addition to the fact that there are quite a few werewolf movies where them tends to jump over a prey all the time.

And since this warframe uses the power of the spirits of a pack of kubrow/wolves or something like that she definitely has the strength of a pack of 4 kubrow/wolves.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

Im disappointed. Its a spectacular warframe, the abilities are absolutely magnificent! but im so sick of the misleading information when it comes to themes. I guess i should be used to it by now

I just want to call for extra clarity with warframes releases as i feel this misguidance is too common. Its not even our faults at this point, theres a line where you can choose words in a description to confuse the fudge out of most people. I want to rename the description of this Warframe as its far more fitting. Voruna has nothing to do with wolves. Foxes or predators in general maybe

Edit: I lean on predator theme because its vague and Vorunas kit is randomish enough for a vague description

💠 Voruna, Has 4 predatory alien creatures on her body that she can use to help her gain passives like extra parkour speed. The creatures dont really do anything except strengthen the frame itself, so youre still a solo frame not a pack styled frame like wolves. Solo, almost like a Fox

💠 Her 1st ability is made to resemble MOST predators, who like to sneak before attacking! Almost like a Fox!

(wolves arent known for it as much though as they tend to just chase after prey and set up ambushes with other wolves. Its why they hunt in packs, their sneaking isnt that good to always surprise prey and neither is their strength alone, so they formed packs to be more successful in their hunts so that when they fail, 10 other wolves are there to attack again. And werewolves? Known for Sneaking?

angry cabin in the woods GIFlol)

💠 Her 2nd ability is a pounce! Lots of predators like to pounce, wolves not so much, its not really their strong suit as opposed to a cat, but its a predator warframe not a wolf frame so who cares? Maybe a Fox, Foxes love pouncing! I guess you can argue Werewolves like to lunge around sometimes, but this would be the only feature thats werewolf like that the frame has in its ability kit so i dont want to call it a werewolf.

💠 Her 3rd ability! Kinda lost the desire to create any animations or flashyness for this ability to help it create extra immersion, not even a howl or roar. So uh, yeah here, just activate it, and heres another way to spawn energy and health orbs! Doesnt add much to the wolf or predator vibe but meh, its really useful! If you try hard yourself, you can sorta imagine youre feeding your squad in a way no other warframe does it. Well Harrow, Gara, Hildryn, Lavos, Nekros, but ignore all that

💠 And now, for her 4th ability!! A repeat of her 2ND ABILITY!!!!  🤯🤯🤯 except with EXTRA POUNCING!!! FOXES FTW!


I didnt want to call it a wolf frame to help not raise any confusion, as it doesnt have most things that are iconic about wolves like pack hunting, howling, chasing down terrified prey, Wolf stuff. I dodged werewolf cause all it does is have a leap to sorta resemble the popular idea of a werewolf. Its more generalized to fit most Other predators. It feels more solo based, skinny and agile-like predator, like a Fox, not a wolf.

So yeah, fox/predator warframe. All of its abilities are far more fitting and expected! If anyone says fox themed warframe, pouncing totes comes to mind, they love that stuff!

Id prob settle on predator tho because it helps explain all the heads

Yea, the one thought going through my head watching the Dev stream was, "She's awesome... but that is not a Wolframe."

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9 часов назад, TARINunit9 сказал:

Your skepticism seems really arbitrary to me. We have not one but two vampire frames, one of whom has a name that translates to "revenge zombie"; we have a frame literally named "Banshee"; we have the literal king and queen of the fairies, one of whom has magical shapeshifting. You know, like werewolves can also do?

You right... As for me, even Trinity`s healing chants have not obvously link with physical elemental powers like heat (Ember), cold (Frost), heat & cold (Gauss), water (Hydroid &Yarely), electricity (Volt), magnetism (Mag) etc. We just can see seriosly difference between warframes uses natural physical powers and warframes, based on mystical "seems like magic" powers. In case of "natural" frames we can understand, how they did their tricks, but in case of "soulframes" (XD) DE offers "dont try to understand it. Just belive and enjoy thet magnificent show" XD Maybe it is not bad, but i think it is crushes any trying to sure adressing Origin System in family of classic sci-fi universes like Mass Effect universe for example.

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5 hours ago, Tyreaus said:

Consider: had they said "we're coming up with a new Warframe!" and left it at that, how would you feel about that Warframe? Excited? Concerned? Bored? Personally, I'd be on the bored end of the scale: they've released over 50 Warframes already; 51 isn't a novelty. But "Wolf Warframe" is novel.

So what its better to create false hope than to be honest? It will eventually have the same effect as just saying youre releasing another warframe if you be random.

Cause thats the exact effect it is starting to have on me. Tell me theres a spider warframe coming, ima say whatever. Spider warframe gone be a bee frame or something else random. Insect frame, have close to nothing to do with spiders

But if youre honest and dont false promise, tell me you are releasing a simple vague insect warframe, ill be super hype over that

5 hours ago, Tyreaus said:

Plus, I find it remiss to blame the description. We've been advertised a "Wolf Warframe" for a while, long before abilities came into play. Had they flipped the script and said "it's not a Wolf Warframe any more", I think that back-stepping would cause even more of a stir. So the issue seems to be more with the abilities not matching what was promised, rather than a description being off.

All a warframe is its abilities, strip away the abilities and its nothing.

And DE should know better not to advertise what they cant offer, they already started doing the for the next big update, we have no clue how good it will be but its still hype around it. Dont have to mislead us to hype us up, we know you guys are good, the game has been alive for 8 years. Just say what you can, we'll eat it up.

I mean if you constantly have people understimate you then release great content thar exceeds their expectations, much more hype around your updates than the latter would end up causing.

4 hours ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

Rather, she does something like spiritualism with 4 kubrow/Wolf spirits which gives her certain buffs

Thats a excellent interpretation, id settle for that 👏 that passive isnt my main issue for that reason, it does play on a wolf spirit. Works in that regard.

4 hours ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

Wolves hunt in packs. They hunt by stealth,

Its no stealth, they get into position and chase, you will see them coming often times, you just wont be able to do much about it cause they come from everywhere with flanks and what not

Its just a reach, i get what youre trying to say they gotta not get seen while getting into position but so does every other predator in existence. Wolves arent even the best af it, so its so far of a reach, a Tiger being stealth is more what that ability is showing off. They wait till your close and kill you when you arent expecting it.

4 hours ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

And since this warframe uses the power of the spirits of a pack of kubrow/wolves or something like that she definitely has the strength of a pack of 4 kubrow/wolves

I feel like you might as well say a lion calls on the strength of 10 wolves, having the strength of 10 wolves. 

Still a lion

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So I can't be the only one who thinks they dropped the ball on her hard right? I'm sure the abilities will be fine but they DO NOT fit her theme. What creature do you imagine of when you hear "werewolf" what's the definition that comes to mind when you hear "lycan"? Something like the resident evil village werewolf miniboss or the main character in werewolf earthbound that's what I think of. I thought voruna would be simular or the same but we got some weird spin off Casper the puppy sitter just because she has the heads doesn't mean it fits the bill. Her 4 from what I seen is barely what a werewolf should be when I saw we were gonna have the spectral apparitions of wolves I was thinking like an on the fly companion change while voruna benefited her own way. But we get a floating head that floats around voruna as useless visual noise. What her abilities do should be more of a addition or augment mods not there main focus. Voruna's abilities and style more appear to be a follower of a werewolf not one herself I mean sure I'm still gonna use her I'd be a hypocrite if I said I won't but she is not the werewolf style frame we deserve. I think that was forgotten to be the main focus until they hit her 4 but that's me you might like how she turned out like I said I'm sure she will be good but as a certain marauder once said "a false idol a usurper"

Edit: also I forgot really DE? A sniper?

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