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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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I've seen a lot of hype for the new wolf inspired warframe next up on release, and I want to be so excited for the frame, but everytime I see more news about her, the more I feel like DE baited me to be hyped and then switched out what I wanted for something else.  I have a few points and I wanted to start some discussion on the matter, get some input and see if there's anything I'm missing.


1.) What makes a werewolf? 

Werewolfs have always been a symbol of an inner beast, a physical manifestation of pure masculine, beastial rage (That doesn't mean all werewolves are male, but masculine in nature).  So to me, when a game like warframe creates characters based on a well known theme, I have the expectation they honor the details of that theme.  One of the major aspects of a werewolf is transformation, the beast is usually hidden in an unsuspecting or elegant form to contrast their vicious beast form.  The frame we're getting removed that aspect, already that feels like a disregard for the theme.  Secondly, when talking about representing a theme, this frame should be male, each frame's gender is symbolic of their theme, equinox for example is purely female, yet her night form is more feminine and her day form is more masculine just like the lore behind yin and yang.  So what you're representing a werewolf by theme, a feminine appearance doesn't make any sense, it feels disrespectful they gave our werewolf the Mesa treatment and turned our wolf into an overly busty erotic model.  That's not what werewolves are about.  They clearly know this because the foil to a werewolf, a vampire, was done correctly seductive when Garuda released.


2.) Appearance:

When a fan created the Fenrir art (link at bottom) for a werewolf frame I was hyped out of my mind because it looked like the perfect blend of werewolf and warframe.  Even the name felt right with how many mythological names are in the game.  But then DE released their consept art...and I found myself looking at a boney creature with dragon skulls for armor.  How is that anything like a werewolf?  The art looks downright incredible, outstanding really, but not as a werewolf.  I would be unbelievably happy if she was released in a two part Christian lore theme, where she is a demon and the next frame is an angel.  It would both fill out more mythological themes and match the art.  But I digress, Hildryn looks more like a werewolf than what's currently being teased.  The designer or Fenrir, anzuarden_art hit the mark spot on, in normal form Fenrir has an elegant almost regal appearance, but as a beast, every attribute is accentuated and more vicious.  Instead of the amazing contrast in both gameplay and fashion frame, we only have one fixed appearance and it looks nothing like a werewolf to me.


3.) Gameplay impact:

When Titania released, she added and entirely new play style to normal mission nodes.  We could now take the interesting but under utilized arching gameplay and use it on any mission, amazing.  A werewolf frame should have done the same.  If transformation was implemented (like they have already done with Titania) they could create a new way to experience combat and a new form of movement.  While something as drastic as crawling on walls like a xenomorph would be hard to implement, something like volts speed mixed with a Goliath leap from evolve and something like a kubrow run would make for something unique and fresh.  DE said many times they didn't want to make another Valkyr, yet the werewolf wouldn't need to be, instead of a single button hack and slash, they could flesh out his melee, make unique ground pounds, grabbing enemies, combos, howls and jaw focused moves and make him totally unique from her.  Furthermore his designe could have been the inverse to Baruuk, like having a meter build up with the more violence and bloodshed you cause, maybe the transformation is uncontrollable and happens when the meter is full, though I would prefer it not to be it still would have been better than the generic unwolf like thing DE is showing us.


In short, I'm angry with the current concept because it feels like a bait and switch, they teased a werewolf and gave us nothing of the sort, killing all the potential of what he could have been for both a werewolf and the art Joe Mad made.  His picture is worthy of a unique hellhound or enchantress or demon, but instead their forcing in a wolf concept.  I seem to be the only one feeling lied to and just want to hear if anyone else agrees with this; and if you disagree feel free to let me know on what points and why.  Is there a bigger picture I'm missing?  Because I think a werewolf should have combined elements from Titania, Baruuk, Styanax/Atlas(summoning companions/pack), and fresh mechanics, but now none of this is coming.



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Ngl I have to agree with a lot of what you say. The fact that they've turned a werewolf into another over-sexualized female model that contradicts what practically every culture views a werewolf to be, and the confusing appearance of the frame that looks more draconic than wolf-like. Since we haven't yet seen gameplay of the frame I think we can keep that off the table for now since we don't know what her abilities will be, unless they already talked about it and I just missed it, but as far as the other two points you made I completely agree. 


Edit: I understand that its meant to be a "Wolf-Inspired" frame and not a werewolf frame per se, but werewolves are typically what you get when you've got a humanoid with wolf features. 

As for the alternative... shoots the furries

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18 hours ago, DogGamer88 said:

Im not too much worried about its abilities but more on its appearance. Now I have been looking forward to the idea of a werewolf frame and I'm glad the idea got the devs attention. Out of all the fan designs I was threw off the direction they went with. Its not all bad in general I like it, I was hoping on it being a male frame cause just about all the fan art had it as a male frame. I don't mind it being a female frame much but my issue is it having big boobs. In fact by the design so far its bigger then any female from so far. I want this warframe but I dont like it to be too sexual. If no changes are made to the design I'll accept that. I thought I should voice my thought on the matter, I wanted a werewolf frame to be my main.

no, its not.  leave the warframe as it is. having it be "popular" is a good thing.  everyone is excited about it. a werewolf frame, a female werewolf frame, and a tall one at that. let people have fun, and just enjoy the game.

There are many other frames with the same size, valkyr's new skin. regular syran.  korha, wisp.   and those are fine, and very popular. so what makes this one a need to change it? no need to become a textbook example. every warframe needs to have its style. 

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Thanks for the feedback!  Nice to know I'm not the only one bugged by it, but now, what do we do about it?  Because this frame deserves a unique theme (which it may already be getting) and shouldn’t be limited by wolf expectations, but then we still need our werewolf, should we just wait for the next fanframe?  Hope they add it next?  I would rather wait 3 frames and allow them to get their creative ambitions out so they don't sneak it in on what we want.

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Ok let's be real for a second guys.


First of all we need to incorporate 2 points in the thinking :

  1. The Warframe is a female, therefore, we need a female sounding name. Either something that is feminin in its own language, or something that feels feminin enough
  2. The concept of the warframe. Yes, yes, it's a wolf, but no. It's not A wolf, it's 5 wolves. 5 heads and 5 tails, we need something that can take that into account in our concept


Frames are built around a concept (a deity, physics, a theme...) and the name of the warframe has to complement that. Either the name of said deity, or of something or someone that can represent this concept. (that's why i thing Sevagoth should have kept the name Wraith, but it's another topic)


Therefore what we really want would be something that makes sense with the concept but that also gives even more sense to the Warframe. Something that could give it a possible logical evolution through its powers and its alt skins and helmets.


Here, the concept is "Werewolf Warframe"... that's not really a creatively open concept imo, so we should give it a name that could expand this concept to something more fun and interresting.


Therefore, I have come up with an idea, take it or leave it, but that, I think, would be awesome and take into account all of the points explained above.




So, why this name, where does it come from, what does it represent, and why do i think it's a good idea :


First, mythology : Managarm comes from the Nordic mythology and is the name given to the children of the wolf Fenrir and his wife Iarnvid. This pack, whose most proeminent members are Skoll and Hati have the goal to eat sun and moon at the Ragnarok before covering the sky in blood. (Metal as a concept i know)

Here we have many points already checked out : it's a name about wolves, with the bonus of it being attached to mythology, it's the name of a whole pack of wolves meaning it can totally be attached to a Warframe that has many wolves on herself, and it's not attached to 1 specific deity so that the Warframe can still evolve in any wolf-related concept


Second, representation : Managarm is attached to a pack of wolves whose goeal is litterally to destoy the sky in Northern Mythology, so it would be a destructive warframe, very agressive, just as its design. It's also a neutral name where a lot of other mythical wolves would be masculine (except for roman mythology but Lupa there is a motherly tender figure, not quite the design of the frame) as it represents a pack. Again, the idea of the pack of wolves is important because it, once again, compliments the design of the Warframe (that holds 5 wolves, i repeat myself a lot but it is to really make my points across). 


TLDR (or third, why) : To resume, Managarm is a neutral (kinda feminine) name of a Pack of Northern Mytholigical wolves whose goal is to turn the sky into blood, that's both metal and it goes along with the Warframe's design and concept.

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If we encourage DE to possibly give her more of a darksiders theme to her, perhaps the name Legion.  We are Legion for we are many.  She already looks demonic and having a hellhound demon theme would work really well for both the spirit in which she was designed in and her appearance.  Hell, with hoe horny she makes everyone make her a succubus for all I care.

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Opinion, perhaps I'm late but, I don't care much for anything about the frame besides if it's playable or not. If it looks cool, that's a bonus. I just hope it isn't like Gyre, Caliban, Yareli or Lavos on release ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

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Given that there are still a couple letters that Warframes don't start with yet (D, J, Q, U), I would go with something that starts with one on those.

My main picks would be:

Dinihari - meaning Dawn
Damia - to tame or subdue, or untamed

Or something that combined Jekyll and Hyde names some way that sounds more Feminine.  Jedyllia or maybe just Jukel.

I do think the D name is more successful in this case though.

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Unfortunately with the way the last few frame, including Styanax, have gone. I don’t think DE has any interest in making truly exceptional frames anymore. Just make mediocre frames with unrealized potential, and anything even slightly above that (Gyre and Styanax) nerf them into mediocrity.

So yeah don’t have hopes for Werewolf frame.

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2 hours ago, _4shes said:

Opinion, perhaps I'm late but, I don't care much for anything about the frame besides if it's playable or not. If it looks cool, that's a bonus. I just hope it isn't like Gyre, Caliban, Yareli or Lavos on release ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Lavos is pretty good; it's just that his gimmick is hard to master. I see a lot of high MR players (25+) using him and those people probably have energize. 


As for werewolf frame I'm hoping she is good like Styanax, Lavos, and Sevagoth.

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3 minutes ago, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

I don’t think DE has any interesting in making truly exceptional frames anymore.

Yep. Xaku is probably the last great frame (and it took months of buffs to get him there -- he was bad on release). DE almost redeemed themselves with Styanax and then they hit him with the nerf hammer. Gyre had one thing going for her and... nerf hammer. Yarelli  never had a chance. Sevagoth is mediocre at best, and mainly exists to get Gloom in Helminth for other frames.

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