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Could the REAL New War arrive in the future?


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7 hours ago, -Moctezuma- said:

And maybe have that war, be an ACTUAL war, and not a 5hr quest 

dear god I hope so.. not much fun having all these powers and weapons specifically designed to beat Sentients when they don't even have a permanent presence; even with these new archon missions they are just mixed in with Narmer mobs, which are the same Mobs we always fight.

that being said, Pazuul may be doing this for the "lords of Tau", but we don't even know if the sentients at Tau know or even care about wanting the Origin system back: for all we know Erra and Ballas were running a fringe group. otherwise , wouldn't the ENTIRE sentient race, including the biggest and baddest sentients , make an appearance? I feel like the OG sentients don't really want this beef any more, and have just accepted Tau as their home. 

if however, I'm wrong and ALL the sentients turn up spoiling for a fight, then great; I'm absolutley ready to take them ALL on, and so is Kahl! come get some, stickbois!!! 🔫

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

It would be nice to actually fight the advertised war.  It would have been nicer if that New War trailer actually had anything to do with what they released.  I cannot get over how much they hyped that trailer and it was so emotional for the devs and then it was literally nothing.  

so much of the advertising promoted the highly anticipated face off with Natah too only for none of it to actually happen lol

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I think next sentient war will be in Tau.

We are currently on the aftermath of TNW with narmer , and the quest ending tell clearly that our dear man in the wall is the next theme.

After the mab in the wall we will be able to go to tau using the void to fight them directly on their ground.

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On 2022-09-25 at 10:54 PM, Krion112 said:

I've seen this argument alleged several times, that somehow Scarlet Spear and Orphix Venom were supposed to be the 'meat' of the War, but I'm pretty sure those Events very much played it off like the Sentients were poking us with a stick to see what would happen, and were not the majority of their forces.
I mean, seriously, Scarlet Spear's battles only took place in the Veil and on Earth, and Orphix Venom only occurred on the other Factions' Ships. This does not depict anything resembling an all out war, as would be necessary to demonstrate as much for this game.
(Ie, a long, protracted attack on the whole System, not just individual sectors, which they've done in the past, notably during the Eyes of Blight Event and Mutalist Incursions)

And I distinctly recall some character even saying as much for Scarlet Spear, that it was just a scouting effort, but I'd have to look up if that were actually true.

Not only that, but those Events were categorized by DE as apart of the 'Prelude to New War', the operative word being 'Prelude', in that it is distinctly happening before the New War has even begun.


Overall, I don't think any excuse can be made here;
DE squandered the New War, by discarding all the build-up for the Sentients so that they could introduce the Narmer way too early on.
The quest of New War really should've just kicked off the War, to let it become a new ongoing thing in the Starchart, even once the Quest was completed.
(I mean, think about Star Wars Episode 2; the Clone Wars don't just begin and end within the single movie, it continues on into the next.)

I've mentioned somewhere else before, but the main changes I would've done:

  • The main focus of the New War needed to be the conflict with the Sentients. They've been teased for years as intending to return in force, therefore the only satisfying way to pay off on that is a full Quest around fighting them.
  • Erra shouldn't have been the real Erra, but rather a puppet recreated by Hunhow & Ballas, and the Quest would've ended on destroying this puppet in a bossfight that really kicks off the War.
  • As implied above, Hunhow would've been Ballas's conspirator, and he would serve as the main antagonist for the rest of the New War, up until the next major Quest, which would play out more like the New War we got (ie, thinking we're gonna confront Hunhow, but transitioning into Ballas's Narmer Takeover), and having a final bossfight with a 'Narmerfied' Hunhow, betrayed by Ballas.
  • Saved Ballas's Narmer Takeover for near the end of this Quest, and saved his end fight to be done in the next Quest after that.

Spreading it out like this would've also given DE more time to expand on the Sentients, with more Bosses and Units, and also given them more time to develop a bit more identity for the Narmer Faction, like designing more unique standard units for them, so they didn't just have to be another 'reskin faction', like the Corrupted.

But, all too late for that now. Oh well.

Hunhow couldnt be main antagonist unless you wanted quest without large war because we know since  "Natah" quest that he does NOT work with other sentients, in a way he was working against them, he was trying to protect Natah from other sentients, quote Hunhow: "You betrayed us. As I awake, so will they. They will say you're riven and want to reclaim you. I will not be able to stop them." 

Based on what he said he wants to keep Natah out of other sentients hands, seems whatever they would do to her would be bad for her seeing how he does NOT want it to happen.

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23 hours ago, Culaio said:

Hunhow couldnt be main antagonist unless you wanted quest without large war because we know since  "Natah" quest that he does NOT work with other sentients, in a way he was working against them, he was trying to protect Natah from other sentients, quote Hunhow: "You betrayed us. As I awake, so will they. They will say you're riven and want to reclaim you. I will not be able to stop them." 

Based on what he said he wants to keep Natah out of other sentients hands, seems whatever they would do to her would be bad for her seeing how he does NOT want it to happen.

I don't see the contradiction.

Hunhow isn't saying he'd betray or side against the other Sentients, he's actually literally saying the opposite: If they come to this conclusion about Lotus, there's nothing he can do, but he's very much going to continue on with his plans.

Like, he's pleading with Lotus to make amends and return to being Natah before it's too late, because once that secret's out, he can't protect her. He's not saying he will protect her against the other Sentients, he's saying she should 'protect' herself by returning to the fold, before the others awake, otherwise, again, in his own words, there won't be anything he can do for her.


Thinking on it a bit as well, this just creates more motivations and conflicts that could be explored during the New War as a Star Chart State. Like, if my suggested New War quest ended on getting Lotus back as well, it becomes a motivating factor for the Sentients to actively despise the Tenno, instead of the vague sense of what the conflict is even about we have now.
Like, as they awaken, each Sentient Boss becomes obsessed with fighting the Tenno in gambits to try to reclaim Lotus. And as the conflict goes on, it just makes Hunhow angrier at the position the Tenno have put the Lotus in (at least, in his own thinking of the matter).

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On 2022-09-25 at 12:09 PM, LillyRaccune said:

While I understand that "the war" already happened, there was virtually no interaction with warfare and sentient genocide that involved the tenno. The most "war" that players were exposed to was the environment that was shown during Veso-R and the preceding railjack segment of the mission. It was not war-ey enough for me! Unless I'm surrounded by sentients while fighting on the front lines of a battlefield, I won't be satisfied.


EDIT: I want to see trench warfare that looks like this from above

and look like this at ground level

Is DE even capable of doing this? I don’t think they can. As in their  engine is way to old. 

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I think there were two massive issues with TNW:

The storywriters likely didn't know how to write an adequate "war" story for the game.  While the intro of the questline portrayed the overwhelming odds against a greater adversary as with a potential standard for stories revolving around any war, what we got at the end felt less like a proper climax of a war story and more like the climax of a James Bond film: one person infiltrating an evil organization and ending with a generic-feeling fights and action scenes.  While there could be some counterargument to this along the lines of "they're the Tenno, they're a one-person army", war stories tend not to rely so heavily on that (usually those characters wind up permanently dead).  No war story is exclusively about one person; it may focus on one person as the main character, but war stories make sure to portray that any one main character is never alone even on the front lines.

The quest designers wanted something that wasn't Warframe.  While they might have wanted to go for a unique experience, the end result was a product that wasn't even Warframe--it may have looked like Warframe, it may have used the same lore as Warframe, but it simply was not Warframe.  What made matters even worse was that it was a second attempt at the "I lost my powers" story trope, and while it worked for TWW since it rewarded the player with the lessons of Operator Mode, the combination of the diminishing returns of using the same trope twice combined with offering no real reward at the end other than getting back what was lost at the start of the questline created a gameplay experience far more obnoxious than it really needed to be to the point where I as a player experiencing TNW was increasingly convinced that the devs who made the TNW questline simply did not want to make something for Warframe, but for some other game.

While there could've been other factors such as too limited resources needed for a previously desired result or some sort of impact caused by outside elements, those were the two biggest problems I saw with TNW.  Now if DE were to do a "real" New War story, there'd definitely need to be two things to make it a more palatable experience.

"You are not alone Tenno".  This is a co-op game with lore dictating that the single player is most certainly not the only Tenno that ever existed.  There are also Tenno forces allied to the cause of the Lotus as seen in the orbital relays.  We as players need to see that as Tenno, we are not alone amidst the fog of war not just with whatever forces are acquired from the Veilbreaker run, but also with fellow Tenno.

We need content familiar -for- Warframes.  The player is not playing as Doctor Who using diplomatic espionage to start up a revolution.  The player is playing as an empowered soul commandeering machines of war.  While we saw that to some extend at the climax of TNW, it's really something that needs to be in full display throughout the entirety of any war story.  Sure, there could be something requiring the abilities of the Operator or Drifter, but that should only be one small chapter at most as opposed to comprising the bulk of the story like it did with TNW.

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Just to touch on the topic of folks wanting to see The New War via trenches and etc.

That will ne er happen because the player character is of extreme importance.

Someone who is a major player is not to going to be running around in trenches, mine fields, and etc like an everyday faceless monk. 

When do you see Generals, Presidents, Congressionals, and etc charging across the battlefield like an everyday soldier? 

You don't. 

Veso for example cleared the way so that The Player Tenno could infiltrate the mothership. 

Not willing to risk The Player being taken or defeat, Teshin went in first to purposefully trigger traps and etc. 

So while everyone else was fighting endless siege battles, the player went for the very top of the command. 

That said. Maybe DE can add some optional quests or something where folks can experience the war as an everyday soldier.

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On 2022-09-30 at 12:23 AM, (PSN)Zero_029 said:

Just to touch on the topic of folks wanting to see The New War via trenches and etc.

That will ne er happen because the player character is of extreme importance.

Someone who is a major player is not to going to be running around in trenches, mine fields, and etc like an everyday faceless monk. 

When do you see Generals, Presidents, Congressionals, and etc charging across the battlefield like an everyday soldier? 

You don't. 

Veso for example cleared the way so that The Player Tenno could infiltrate the mothership. 

Not willing to risk The Player being taken or defeat, Teshin went in first to purposefully trigger traps and etc. 

So while everyone else was fighting endless siege battles, the player went for the very top of the command. 

That said. Maybe DE can add some optional quests or something where folks can experience the war as an everyday soldier.

we can dream

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