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Energy is too easy to get nowadays / The Energy economy problem


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I think it's time for DE to adress the energy economy

IMO getting energy in warframe in 2022 is extremely easy and cheap, more than it should be

-  people can just spam overpowered "ultimate" abilities such as mesa's peacemaker, and the major drawback to these type of ultimate abilities is the energy consumtion, a drawback that becomes meaningless for most players due to how easy it is to get energy

Most of the problem comes down to these little pizzas, even with cooldowns in a few gamemodes, are still a problem due to how it helps trivialize the game more than it is already

(just take a look at the resources you need to make these, very cheap...)


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12 minutes ago, -Moctezuma- said:

people can just spam overpowered "ultimate" abilities such as mesa's peacemaker

Translation: DPS Frames with high damaging abilities are still trivialising the game, while Frames with less damaging abilities that cannot keep up with the kills struggle like usual.

Seriously if energy was actually easy to acquire without killing you'd have a point but the moment you use a Frame that cannot kill fast enough to spawn more Energy Orbs, these Energy Pizzas go from 'Lol overpowered' to nearly required, especially with some Frames who's energy economy is sometimes so dog S#&$ that they have to band aid fix it with mods.

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I actually agree. The entire restores system is a big hole in current game balance.

We keep nerfing all these AoE weapons, AFK frames, but completely ignoring ability to just spam 200x100 Energy/Ammo/Shield/HP dispensers in a matter of a minute? They even know that this is a problem too - sorties and archon hunts limit restores to a 5 minutes cooldown as to prevent people just not giving a s**t about their resource management whatsoever. Honestly the 5 min cooldown should be the default feature, by all reasonable accounts.

There is also an argument to be made that standing around one of these dispensers for 30 seconds for them to finish their dispensary duty is kinda going against Warframe's self-proclaimed "fast paced gameplay" as they kinda require to just stop and camp around one until it finishes giving you your 5x100 energy boosts.
Or you know... You can just slam NUMPAD-5 five times very quickly instead and then just rush forward while your 5 energy dispensers feed energy to air.

Restores is the single worst thing for resources economy right now. The focus school is fine, that one arcane (energise?) is fine because of cooldown, orbs are okay and you can even put a mod into your Parazon that gives you a guaranteed orb on a mercy kill heavily encouraging taking out heavy units and eximus with it.
But restores must be dealt with ASAP while it is not too late. Cooldown is the simplest solution for them, but i'd rather have them be reworked ON TOP of having a cooldown.

Something like:
Your warframe pulls out this battery-looking thing, presses some buttons and opens it up, it emits a very obvious energy wave and it gives everyone in affinity range a passive Energy/Ammo/HP/Shield regeneration that is spread very nicely across time. Like 30-60 seconds, depending on the restore. Energy and HP being slower ones, Ammo and Shields could be a little bit faster and shorter.

EDIT: Oh, and for the love of god reduce their amount of charges from 200 (!!!) to like 10-20. For obvious reasons.

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2 minutes ago, Artekkor said:

because i forgot: Oh, and for the love of god reduce their amount of charges from 200 (!!!) to like 10-20. For obvious reasons.

Agreed lol

2 minutes ago, Artekkor said:

but i'd rather have them be reworked ON TOP of having a cooldown.

also the resources needed to build them are very common and cheap 

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On Gyre I have Archon Stretch, Cathode Grace that makes energy, Arcane Energize and even one Tauforged for a little bit of energy gain. I don't need the pizzas.

3 of those things were new additions to the game, too.. The developers seem to know what they want, more energy?
Either that or the developers have no clue and we are falling down into an even deeper hole! ^^

There are so many ways to get energy though. Pizzas are literally for start of run fill ups, emergencies and new players. They don't make the spam by themselves, it is an entire supporting cast. They have added several more energy gain skills lately though. The only actually outstanding thing about pizzas is that outside of steel path you can literally spam them for a full refill.

This is sort of the same thing as with Peacemaker, you're going after one aspect but it's an entirely saturated ecosystem with powerful options!

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1 minute ago, Artekkor said:

I actually agree. The entire restores system is a big hole in current game balance.

We keep nerfing all these AoE weapons, AFK frames, but completing ignoring ability to just spam 200x100 energy/ammo/shield/HP dispensers in a matter of a minute? They even know that this is a problem too - sorties and archon hunts limit restores to a 5 minutes cooldown as to prevent people just not giving S#&$ about their resource management whatsoever. Honestly the 5 min cooldown should be the default feature, by all reasonable accounts

Exist in steelpath already with coold down of 1minute

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making another post trying to get stuffed nerfed?

you already complained before about Mesa and had no one agree with you.


On 2022-09-21 at 7:58 PM, -Moctezuma- said:

I don't understand how DE operates when it comes to nerfing stuff

Did AOE deserve a nerf? Yes.

But if AoE was such a big problem because it didn't allow players who used non aoe weapons to enjoy the missions they were in (as in, the entire room was dead before they could even kill one)

Then why does Mesa's peacemaker ability still exist? it is a literal aimbot, and all it costs is a little bit of energy, which btw, getting energy in warframe is extremely easy nowadays due to how many energy sources we have now (energy pizzas, operator energy bubble, etc)

"Oh but the line of sigth for the weapon to shoot decreases which each enemy shot at" 

People can easily recast the ability lol, just press 4 again and there you go

"Oh but that ability has its drawbacks, such as consuming energy while using it"

Do you know how easy it is to get energy in 2022? it doesn't matter if it is a high energy cost, you see these little blue things? these things are hella cheap and restore 100 energy per pulse (DE needs to fix the energy economy!!!!)


So yeah, I think peacemaker should be removed and replaced with something that isn't a literal aimbot? lol



having the ability to actually be able to use abilities is a GOOD thing.

stop complaining about stuff that is literally a non issue.

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Just now, (NSW)Vampire_Mika said:

making another post trying to get stuffed nerfed?




1 minute ago, (NSW)Vampire_Mika said:

you already complained before about Mesa and had no one agree with you.


Don't care if the majority doesn't agree with me, there are stil a few people who will agree that getting energy nowadays is easier than it should be, especially when energy consumption is listed as a "drawback" to a lot of these OP abilities, a drawback that becomes meaningless like i've said before

2 minutes ago, (NSW)Vampire_Mika said:

having the ability to actually be able to use abilities is a GOOD thing.


You would still be able to use abilities, just not spam the ultimate ability every 2 seconds lol


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Just now, LSG501 said:

this again... we had a thread with almost the same title a while back.


Diference is, I was talking about mesa specifically, but then I realized that the problem goes deeper than just 1 warframe ability, and that this should be adressed before they do anything to any Warframe ability

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14 minutes ago, Artekkor said:

but completely ignoring ability to just spam 200x100 Energy/Ammo/Shield/HP dispensers in a matter of a minute?

I laughed at the people who were crying about ammo changes, because they don't realize how easy it is to build those ammo pads, i think they are even cheaper than the energy ones

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1 minute ago, -Moctezuma- said:



Don't care if the majority doesn't agree with me, there are stil a few people who will agree that getting energy nowadays is easier than it should be, especially when energy consumption is listed as a "drawback" to a lot of these OP abilities, a drawback that becomes meaningless like i've said before

You would still be able to use abilities, just not spam the ultimate ability every 2 seconds lol


so your trying to force a thing a small amount of players wants just because you dont like it on the majority of players who do like the current energy economy.

1 minute ago, -Moctezuma- said:

Diference is, I was talking about mesa specifically, but then I realized that the problem goes deeper than just 1 warframe ability, and that this should be adressed before they do anything to any Warframe ability

your literally talking about her now too. 

47 minutes ago, -Moctezuma- said:

people can just spam overpowered "ultimate" abilities such as mesa's peacemaker,  


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6 minutes ago, (NSW)Vampire_Mika said:

your literally talking about her now too. 

54 minutes ago, -Moctezuma- said:

I used her as an example of an overpowered ability that one of it's main drawbacks is energy, which is meaningless in 2022

applies to the aiblities of many other frames too, I just used her as an example


6 minutes ago, (NSW)Vampire_Mika said:

so your trying to force a thing a small amount of players wants just because you dont like it on the majority of players who do like the current energy economy.

9 minutes ago, -Moctezuma- said:

12 people disagreeing in a post isn't proof that the majority of warframe player base is against it, of course, if a lot of Mesa mains saw a post calling for it's nerf, they would rush to that post and show their disapproval, a public poll would be a sligthy more precise way to see what the majority of people want, not some obscure thread made in a specific section of the forums lol

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5 minutes ago, Surbusken said:

How about coming up with new ideas for improved gameplay instead of deleting content people spend time and money on.


Nobody is asking for it to be removed, but balanced and made less cheaper to build

your not gonna tell me people spend irl  money on those cheap energy pizzas? lmao


5 minutes ago, Surbusken said:

I am glad you feel empowered over the 12,000 negative reviews on steam but maybe you should cool it for a bit eh.


What are you even talking about lmao

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4 minutes ago, -Moctezuma- said:

12 people disagreeing in a post isn't proof that the majority of warframe player base is against it, of course, if a lot of Mesa mains saw a post calling for it's nerf, they would rush to that post and show their disapproval, a public poll would be a sligthy more precise way to see what the majority of people want, not some obscure thread made in a specific section of the forums lol

12 people? look at likes. you got 1 like, wile most post who disagreed with you got 15+


6 minutes ago, -Moctezuma- said:

I used her as an example of an overpowered ability that one of it's main drawbacks is energy, which is meaningless in 2022

applies to the aiblities of many other frames too, I just used her as an example

try again, she was literally the only warframe you used as a example.

thats literal proof that your just trying to do another angle to nerf her.

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I mean, you can absolutely make the argument that easy energy benefits immediate high impact frames more than others...


But like, let's not forget that EV has been in the game since the start. Quite frankly, the constant movement toward more accessible energy gain is and has always been, because DE doesn't want every constructed squad to NEED a dedicated energy frame(currently, for team wide energy gain, your options are Trin, Harrow, and Styanax, I'm probably forgetting someone).


And, as someone who very much enjoys running Trin Solo and found EV really tedious to play... I have to say, BRING ON THE DEMOCRATIZATION OF ENERGY!!!

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5 minutes ago, (NSW)Vampire_Mika said:

12 people? look at likes. you got 1 like, wile most post who disagreed with you got 15+


Same thing applies with likes, imagine if devs did or did not do things according to how many likes a post has, likes on a obscure thread in a specific post does not mean the majority of the warframe playerbase agrees or disagrees with something, if DE makes a public poll then i'd be more precise lol

5 minutes ago, (NSW)Vampire_Mika said:

try again, she was literally the only warframe you used as a example.

thats literal proof that your just trying to do another angle to nerf her

You are acting as if I have some personal vendetta against some fictional videogame character lmao, I am not a childish no life troll,  I am using her as an example

Could say the same thing about Saryn and others

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