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Who has replaced [DE]Aidan as the community contact? Anyone? Or are the forums more or less abandoned?



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On 2022-10-11 at 5:30 AM, -Moctezuma- said:

DE doesn't care much about these forums i believe. I always see DE devs commenting over at the subreddit tho 

so one way to get them back where they CLEMing belong would be to cause the sub to be nuked already on it i mean forcing DEfective to actually fix the game and undo the damage their half assed at best updates have caused since New war has been my only interaction with WF for over a month now

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What are we supposed to do when ZenDesk tickets take well over 2 weeks to be addressed?

And please address @ENIAK_Prime's question -


On 2022-11-04 at 10:58 AM, ENIAK_Prime said:

Does Digital Extremes consider their OFFICIAL FORUMS to be an important and reliable source of player feedback or do they prefer to collect that elsewhere? Do they see/care what we post here or is this just a daycare where the only interaction they are interested in having is to post hotfix changelogs?

If they DO prefer to collect player feedback from elsewhere an official statement of where that might be, posted on the main page, would be nice.



I'm disappointed to see there's no real answer to this question. It's been confirmed there is no replacement, there is no recourse aside from waiting 1.5 months or more for an empty, unhelpful ZenDesk response.

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On 2022-10-31 at 3:31 PM, [DE]Ronnie said:

Hello! The forums are definitely not abandoned. They went through a revision, please see our updated forum post 


Okay cool we have "Community Moderators" present, but I still have a question: Does Digital Extremes consider their OFFICIAL FORUMS to be an important and reliable source of player feedback or do they prefer to collect that elsewhere? Do they see/care what we post here or is this just a daycare where the only interaction they are interested in having is to post hotfix changelogs?

If they DO prefer to collect player feedback from elsewhere an official statement of where that might be, posted on the main page, would be nice.

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It's not great that ComMods can delete anything they want without a trace, or even a way to flag their actions for review, short of reaching out to ZenDesk. We need more transparency in terms of moderator actions here on the forums. And I'm not a fan of the idea that the only recourse for such forum issues is to reach out to DE's outsourced ZenDesk support team. I did reach out to them about a recent issue several days ago and am waiting for a response. Maybe they'll meet expectations, I can hope.

It would be really nice if DE staff were more active here than they are on third-party platforms like reddit. Feedback there seems to be taken far more seriously than feedback here. These are the official forums. That's not how it should work!

Very few of the staff on the list for English DE forum staff ever read messages - the only one I've gotten a read/reply from is Dudley and I've reached out to over half of them multiple times over the course of several months. Momaw has been very responsive and active, but I don't see that name on the list...some staff are going above and beyond, but a majority have wiped their hands of anything aside from using the forums as a mouthpiece and making announcements.

On 2022-10-25 at 6:10 PM, mycroft_ said:

I believe that means they don't plan to do a better job in the future, or be more in touch with the community, but rather that they will remove the information about avenues of communication that have been closed and not replaced with anything so people are less confused.


I hope I'm wrong about that. But it doesn't seem likely.

Seems to be the case :(

There are fewer moderators now, fewer avenues of communication, less accountability and somehow even less transparency given that, if ZenDesk says 'we aren't helping you', asking anyone else about the issue is a punishable offense now...

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On 2022-10-27 at 10:58 PM, ENIAK_Prime said:

Oh, wow... seeing this thread get absolutely mishandled by whatever invisible moderation team exists at the time and not a single mod responding for well over 18 days... that absolutely drains my motivation to even exist here.

Players come to the Warframe forums because it is where they believe the Warframe modteam lives. It is on their main site. It is SUPPOSED to be the best and most likely place to interact with them but apparently they are paying more attention to flipping SUBREDDITS?

Why have a forum, then? At all? I think I am out.

It’s better than having moderators that worked like the old Twitter with more censorship. Like the new Twitter, at least we are able to comment without worrying about getting banned or deleted on the forum. 

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10 hours ago, ENIAK_Prime said:

Oh, wow... seeing this thread get absolutely mishandled by whatever invisible moderation team exists at the time and not a single mod responding for well over 18 days... that absolutely drains my motivation to even exist here.

Players come to the Warframe forums because it is where they believe the Warframe modteam lives. It is on their main site. It is SUPPOSED to be the best and most likely place to interact with them but apparently they are paying more attention to flipping SUBREDDITS?

Why have a forum, then? At all? I think I am out.

Cheers to that...


19 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

if you've been around WF long enough (and the game itself) you'll kown for a fact that you are not wrong about this.

I'm a Founder, I've been here as long as the game's existed :(

Sad to see things go this way.

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Oh, wow... seeing this thread get absolutely mishandled by whatever invisible moderation team exists at the time and not a single mod responding for well over 18 days... that absolutely drains my motivation to even exist here.

Players come to the Warframe forums because it is where they believe the Warframe modteam lives. It is on their main site. It is SUPPOSED to be the best and most likely place to interact with them but apparently they are paying more attention to flipping SUBREDDITS?

Why have a forum, then? At all? I think I am out.

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On 2022-10-26 at 1:10 AM, mycroft_ said:

I believe that means they don't plan to do a better job in the future, or be more in touch with the community, but rather that they will remove the information about avenues of communication that have been closed and not replaced with anything so people are less confused.


I hope I'm wrong about that

if you've been around WF long enough (and the game itself) you'll kown for a fact that you are not wrong about this. I could give you a rather big list of everything they do wrong, but we'll be here for quite some time.

I'll give you a more short and quick version you'll understand (hopefully)

Think of "Twitter" mixed with the new issues with Twich, that combined into one. THAT is WF and the community

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It's been over two weeks.

I did get a response from [DE]Dudley in a PM after two months of no response. I had to send multiple followup messages weeks apart. But at least he responded! One of the only staff members ever to do so.

He didnt say there is a replacement - but instead said the plan is to to update the FAQ to "provide better direction for players." I believe that means they don't plan to do a better job in the future, or be more in touch with the community, but rather that they will remove the information about avenues of communication that have been closed and not replaced with anything so people are less confused.


I hope I'm wrong about that. But it doesn't seem likely. If there were improvements being made, that would have been said explicitly...so it sounds like they're just removing the old information and leaving us hanging.

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On 2022-10-10 at 10:27 AM, mycroft_ said:

The community moderators FAQ says to contact [DE]Aidan. He doesn't work here anymore. There doesn't seem to be a replacement. 99% of [DE] accounts don't respond to messages in their inbox. They don't even read them. They're all set to auto-reply and ignored.

Even [DE]Community doesn't open messages.

Who are we supposed to contact?

At the stage of the game, this doesn’t even matter anymore. Just go back to farming with worse and worse efficiency so more players will give it up and buy Platinum instead. 

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Gotta admit, the absolute absurdity of moving the question "Who has replaced [DE]Aidan as the community contact?" into players helping players gave me a good laugh. Well done, moderator.

Though I suppose it answers the question in a way - if there was a replacement, the moderator in question would presumably have answered. That he didn't can only mean there is nobody, right?

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On 2022-10-10 at 2:30 PM, -Moctezuma- said:

DE doesn't care much about these forums i believe. I always see DE devs commenting over at the subreddit tho 

this is the most troublesome issue I have with the forums. they ask for bug reports, details etc and as far as I can tell, unless it is an exploitable issue, it just goes into a blackhole.

on the other hand things posted on reddit actually get mentioned in patch notes like "as reported here: reddit/blahblahbalh" when the same issue had been extensively, and EARLIER reported on the  forums.


On 2022-10-10 at 2:37 PM, mycroft_ said:

To me, that says that they care more about publicity than the game itself, but I guess that's something we've seen time and time again in a hundred different ways.


Maybe I'll start posting all the bug reports on twitter.

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5 hours ago, XHADgaming said:

having a better line of communication is something I think should happen on the forums.

Cheers to that.



5 hours ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

So what's your actual issue?

I've been waiting for an answer to this since June - their documentation's out of date and paths of communication that are supposed to be open are not

There's no way, at all, to escalate a review of moderator actions unless that moderator publicly comments about what the action they've taken. There's supposed to be - DE says there is - but there's not.


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53 minutes ago, mycroft_ said:

That's really not good :(

To me, that says that they care more about publicity than the game itself, but I guess that's something we've seen time and time again in a hundred different ways.

They should be more engaged with the forums, they aren't even hitting what I'd consider the bare minimum at this point.

You're not the only person sending messages, and if you were a moderator, you also wouldn't have the time to deal with every random person who thinks their issue is the most important in the world. 

Your tone already shows you were waiting to criticize them harshly if you didn't get your way as well. 

"Moderation not answering? Welp.....guess no one cares and the game is dying."

That's quite a leap, don't you think? 

So what's your actual issue? Is it as important as you think?

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56 minutes ago, mycroft_ said:

And I'm asking because of exactly this kind of moderation action. This thread was just moved from General to Players Helping Players. But other players can't help me. This is something DE or a current community moderator has to answer.

Yeah I've just accepted that them moving threads around must be what the moderators are doing to pass time. I've even had a question removed on a thread about asking questions which I assume was just general clean-up routine and not removing a violating comment.  That and seeing any thread with 3+ pages means that any new threads remotely related will just get merged with it without any type of warning or even checking to see if there are different discussions going on.

There are also legitimate reasons why forum members can't help such as password issues for example so the moderators have to remove those threads ASAP.

42 minutes ago, mycroft_ said:

The Community FAQ says "If you disagree with a Moderator’s decision, please contact the Moderator directly in a PM."

We can't do that if we don't know who the moderator is.

Thanks for the advice to contact Digressive, it's good to know there's at least one active and responsive person on the team. I'll give that a shot. But it's sad to hear that they still didn't respond. It seems things in general are declining in a lot of ways...it's a shame, Warframe was something special.

21 minutes ago, mycroft_ said:

That's really not good :(

To me, that says that they care more about publicity than the game itself, but I guess that's something we've seen time and time again in a hundred different ways.

They should be more engaged with the forums, they aren't even hitting what I'd consider the bare minimum at this point.

I just assume it is Disgressive most of the time since I hardly see anyone else having a presence since I doubt the DE members would want to moderate the forums when they have community moderators. I do think that it is best for the moderators to remain anonymous to prevent abuse but having a better line of communication is something I think should happen on the forums.

19 minutes ago, -Moctezuma- said:

DE doesn't care much about these forums i believe. I always see DE devs commenting over at the subreddit tho 

Just on random stuff and not stuff people are hoping to comment on. They commented on a khal conversations post yet avoided the obvious thread about asking why Kahl-Walking is super slow which remained within 3 posts of that conversations thread on the subreddit.




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That's really not good :(

To me, that says that they care more about publicity than the game itself, but I guess that's something we've seen time and time again in a hundred different ways.

They should be more engaged with the forums, they aren't even hitting what I'd consider the bare minimum at this point.

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1 hour ago, mycroft_ said:

The community moderators FAQ says to contact [DE]Aidan. He doesn't work here anymore. There doesn't seem to be a replacement. 99% of [DE] accounts don't respond to messages in their inbox. They don't even read them. They're all set to auto-reply and ignored.

Even [DE]Community doesn't open messages.

Who are we supposed to contact?

DE doesn't care much about these forums i believe. I always see DE devs commenting over at the subreddit tho 

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8 minutes ago, XHADgaming said:

Other issues should be done through their intended channels

The Community FAQ says "If you disagree with a Moderator’s decision, please contact the Moderator directly in a PM."

We can't do that if we don't know who the moderator is.

Thanks for the advice to contact Digressive, it's good to know there's at least one active and responsive person on the team. I'll give that a shot. But it's sad to hear that they still didn't respond. It seems things in general are declining in a lot of ways...it's a shame, Warframe was something special.

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Well most of them aren't going to respond since they are getting spammed with messages on a daily basis.

Your best bet is to private message an active forum moderator like @Digressive for problems concerning forum moderation, I've had to do this recently regarding a serious TOS violation that wasn't properly taken care of and they still didn't respond back.

Other issues should be done through their intended channels like using the bug reports section of the forums, using the report feature or  just not talking about it all all.


Most of the moderator actions are taken care of behind the scenes and their reasonings aren't usually explained.

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