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Stop throwing hate at DE because they're doing something new.


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2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Yes, that IS A GAME MODE. Then if you present the whole feature as a new game mode then I can simply test my skill with awful bad random hardware. But this is not the case. I want to roam the plains with my warframe everywhere. Why I can't do this? Lore? Cannon?

But why does it have to be what YOU want? What about everyone else? More importantly, what about the game designers' direction? Why should they not be able to build their story just because someone wants one type of thing all of the time? Is that not considered the typical nostalgic restriction that usually hurts production? 

In that context, what was the expectation since the original trailer? Years ago, we saw a grown Tenno riding a horse...and everyone was EXCITED. No mention of warframes there and, honestly, no indications of warframes there. Now, what did we get? We got the Tenno on a horse AND a bonus of having warframes. We are also allowed to freely play every other part of this game that still does EXACTLY what we have always known and loved.

This is why the argument is so strange to me: NOTHING was lost and we actually GAINED even more new features. And yet, somehow, this is considered bad because it's different?

Was it bad design? HELL NO! 

Was it a bad experience? HELL NO!

Was it poorly executed, acted, unplayable? Of course not. 

So what is this argument all about if it isn't simply burned out players wanting to stay connected in hope of the refresh they think they want? Again, I'm genuinely curious because, so far, none of the answers anyone has given us is even remotely strong...just loud and limited.

15 minutes ago, Deadmazter said:

"The haters". This is the problem. We have attention seeking players like you on DE's left nut disallowing any criticism. Like it's clear what we want: We want to use OUR gear. We don't mind the new island, or new systems or whatever, but just lets us play WARFRAME not DRIFTER. Every game has these idiot fan boys like you and you're actually to blame for DE getting away with this BS time and time again.

This is the first time you were not allowed to use your gear outside of a specific quest. Where are you getting this "BS time and time again" from?

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44 minutes ago, Deadmazter said:

"The haters". This is the problem. We have attention seeking players like you on DE's left nut disallowing any criticism. Like it's clear what we want: We want to use OUR gear. We don't mind the new island, or new systems or whatever, but just lets us play WARFRAME not DRIFTER. Every game has these idiot fan boys like you and you're actually to blame for DE getting away with this BS time and time again.

Lol. No, all of us are to blame because we KEEP playing. Difference is, I play because I like most of what DE does. I'm here voluntarily. 

And yes, I like the new update. It's a little clunky in a few areas that will probably be worked out over time. But overall, it's another solid addition to Warframe for me. 

I'm glad if I'm to "blame" for DE to keep doing what they're doing. I like it.

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Hyperion Rexx said:


Sorry, what?

Yes, you do understand. 

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Hyperion Rexx said:

Did I mention you or even hint at you?   Why are you so defensive?

I am not defensive. I am asking questions because this doesn't come from you alone. It's a heat wave that is permeating the whole forum. 

The community is divided because one side complaints about the other side who complaints about one of the most disastrous launches in DE's history. 

Duviri feels like throw away content, to be honest. 

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Hyperion Rexx said:

To be honest, why are you this worked up at all? 

I would like to be all worked up more often but  I can't. 

For a game that is going south? I think I'm not worked up enough. 

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Hyperion Rexx said:

 I get you don't like the update, that's fine, you're opinion is as valid as mine.

I do like few things on the update. What makes you think that I don't. 

I can't endorse dictatorial like tendencies of imposing RNG on the material we spent ten years. 

Tyranny, autocracy, oligarchy, dictatorships are truly destructive  things that have this world up to a brink of a world war. Do I want a reminder in a game that was successful for the choices DE provided to the player and all of the sudden they were revoked? 




2 hours ago, (XBOX)Hyperion Rexx said:

   I also get you can't seem to stand anyone having a different opinion on the subject, which is also fine I guess, you do you etc.

You are free to have any opinion you want. 

But please don't ask me to agree with policies of impositions and a random RNG on gear that we played for it during the last ten years. 


How do you swallow that pill? HOW? 

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Hyperion Rexx said:

And your perception of common sense seems to start and end with only people who agree with your pov can be bestowed that great title.   Huh?

NO that's not perception. IT IS CERTAINTY. 

Hint: I played Duviri. I know what these people ARE TALKING ABOUT. 

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Hyperion Rexx said:

And I have no idea what you're talking about in your last paragraph.   Like at all.   Infidel?   Heretic?   What?

The hive mind that eats whatever bread crumbs the developer throws at them like A COMPLETELY DISASTROUS DUVIRI LAUNCH? 


Look how extensive WAS THE LIST of the first batch of fixed bugs in the respective hotfix thread. TAKE A LOOK. 

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1 hour ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

But why does it have to be what YOU want? What about everyone else? More importantly, what about the game designers' direction? Why should they not be able to build their story just because someone wants one type of thing all of the time? Is that not considered the typical nostalgic restriction that usually hurts production? 

You know more than anyone else here that such excuse is pure BULLOCKS

Are you reading what I type? NO you don't. Seems you don't care anyway. 

Don't worry, I'll make you care. How about if you put your brain to work and think just for once. I am DEFENDING YOUR REPERTOIRE. I am protecting your tools that took you long enough to have them. Yes, DE can do whatever they want, yes that is true. It's their IP. But if the community is not happy DE "WILL NOT GET A DIME FOR THEIR GRANDMA"

Do you know what that means? No more warframe, the game YOU LIKE? I am simply caring for the THINGS YOU LIKE. 


How about that? 

How about THAT?

1 hour ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

In that context, what was the expectation since the original trailer? Years ago, we saw a grown Tenno riding a horse...and everyone was EXCITED. No mention of warframes there and, honestly, no indications of warframes there. Now, what did we get? We got the Tenno on a horse AND a bonus of having warframes. We are also allowed to freely play every other part of this game that still does EXACTLY what we have always known and loved.


I don't want more gimmicks? I want a GAME that has a robust Railjack, a good K-drive, a good Tenno game play, a good drifter game play an improvement over PoE, 4tuna, Deimos AND EVEN DUVIRI!!!

But you know what, Duviri, that part you like, DE will abandon it in two months......for the newest toy...


Do you want that for ten more years in Warframe and Soulframe? Do you want that? Do YOU?

1 hour ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

This is why the argument is so strange to me: NOTHING was lost and we actually GAINED even more new features. And yet, somehow, this is considered bad because it's different?

Fine. If you let DE put an RNG on your frames on that particular content called Duviri, what makes you think they will stop there? 


1 hour ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

Was it bad design? HELL NO! 

Was it a bad experience? HELL NO!

Was it poorly executed, acted, unplayable? Of course not. 

YOU, YOURSELF, knows that what you are typing here IS NOT true. 

I don't have to prove you otherwise. You are a veteran. I'll treat you like one. You know better. 

1 hour ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

So what is this argument all about if it isn't simply burned out players wanting to stay connected in hope of the refresh they think they want? Again, I'm genuinely curious because, so far, none of the answers anyone has given us is even remotely strong...just loud and limited.


The claim is very simple. NO to the randomizer. It feels dictatorial, it feels out of touch with what people like. It feels imposed. 

Of course I want to play DUVIRI only with my drifter as a story mode. Yes I can accept that. But once the farming starts the RNG randomizer plugged in my butt A STUGG and KUNAI as weapons of choice. Weapons that are not viable even for SP.  

Come on, DE is literally trolling me right there. 



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5 hours ago, rhoenix said:

To me, this says quite a bit.  For any other faults Rio may have, he did accurately point out underlying issues with the game.  Amidst trolling and jokes, yes, but he did make some rather accurate commentary about some of the integral systems of the game which could stand some improvement.

Here's the thing - scrutiny and criticism are necessary.  With that scrutiny and criticism, yes, you'll get petty things reported - but you'll also be better aware of possible icebergs ahead.  Scrutiny and criticism do not mean that someone hates the thing being talked about, nor does it mean that they want it to fail.  Indeed - most of the time it's done from a place of love, wanting the thing they like to be better.

We cannot simply say "Oh, everything's great!" for each update, and hope DE reads our minds for the little issues we don't voice, if only we support them hard enough.  Telepathy via the internet is not yet a thing.  By the same token, it is our responsibility to name what doesn't feel like it's working, and suggestions for adjustment to get it in a better state.

Just like writers need editors to ensure a work flows well, DE does need feedback and critique to improve.  This doesn't mean things like "DE won't let me equip Scattered Justice on my Kuva Hek so clearly they hate their own game," but it does mean things like "Quest objectives in Duviri stop being tracked if we clear a field objective along the way."  This is also why so many players suggested (even demanded) that DE have test servers to test updates prior to them going live.

As I see it, this is very much ideally a collaborative process between DE as devs, and us as players of their game.

VERY true, but this isn't what is actually happening. I'm 100% a fan of constrictive feedback. However, there is a pattern developed that consists of the same players that only pitch in a negative tone. This is critical to call out. If you were to search every post with a negative turning point, the same names appear, no different than when Rio had to break character and call out the usual suspects on his channel. 

I am fully aware of the typical troll issues, the children posting on an adult rated game and the end game/rushframe crowd that only want the game one way. The issue is that the usual suspects think the game is the problem when, in reality, they are overly burnt out and should've stopped playing and posting a long time ago.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

VERY true, but this isn't what is actually happening.

I'm able to read as well.  I see people being frustrated at not having their points heard, and getting aggressive about it.   This does not mean they are incorrect - it does, however, mean people are talking past each other.

2 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

'm 100% a fan of constrictive feedback. However, there is a pattern developed that consists of the same players that only pitch in a negative tone. This is critical to call out. If you were to search every post with a negative turning point, the same names appear, no different than when Rio had to break character and call out the usual suspects on his channel.

Yes, some people are just negative for the sake of being so.  This does not mean all people who are being loud are being negative for its own sake.

2 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

The issue is that the usual suspects think the game is the problem when, in reality, they are overly burnt out and should've stopped playing and posting a long time ago.

Why people get burnt out is one of the key factors in play here.  It differs according to player, yes - and, it is each players' responsibility to manage it, yes - but the common reasons Warframe burns people out should be identified and quantified, in all permutations.

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People aren't complaining because this update is trying something new, they're complaining because it's just plain terrible lmao

- Pathetic enemy variety/new enemies

- Quest was convoluted and didn't explain anything, I was falling asleep doing the warframe parts (did they really put the new tutorial in this quest...?)

- "Soulslike" combat is slow and clunky, weapons have no impact on the enemies, bad AI makes them just stand there instead of attacking you

- The black and white/colored area visuals make 99% of the area look terrible and the remaining 1% hurt my eyes

- No new warframes, only 5 new weapons...

- You absolutely cannot deny that none of this feels like it fits in Warframe, after all they didn't even try to explain why it's happening and what you (your original tenno) have to do with it. Everytime they add in something that "doesn't feel like Warframe" it ends up being ok because it fits in with the lore, they explain why it's there, it connects with the original characters. This time it doesn't, it's just this completely isolated mess that happens somewhere in another universe that I see no reason to care about (and no, I did not skip any dialogue)

- No new gamemodes (Duviri missions just reuse the regular mission formats lol)

Honestly the only thing I liked about this update was that the horse feels nice to control, and Circuit is a really cool concept to add some variety to our gameplay 

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12 hours ago, rhoenix said:

To me, this says quite a bit.  For any other faults Rio may have, he did accurately point out underlying issues with the game.  Amidst trolling and jokes, yes, but he did make some rather accurate commentary about some of the integral systems of the game which could stand some improvement.

Here's the thing - scrutiny and criticism are necessary.  With that scrutiny and criticism, yes, you'll get petty things reported - but you'll also be better aware of possible icebergs ahead.  Scrutiny and criticism do not mean that someone hates the thing being talked about, nor does it mean that they want it to fail.  Indeed - most of the time it's done from a place of love, wanting the thing they like to be better.

We cannot simply say "Oh, everything's great!" for each update, and hope DE reads our minds for the little issues we don't voice, if only we support them hard enough.  Telepathy via the internet is not yet a thing.  By the same token, it is our responsibility to name what doesn't feel like it's working, and suggestions for adjustment to get it in a better state.

Just like writers need editors to ensure a work flows well, DE does need feedback and critique to improve.  This doesn't mean things like "DE won't let me equip Scattered Justice on my Kuva Hek so clearly they hate their own game," but it does mean things like "Quest objectives in Duviri stop being tracked if we clear a field objective along the way."  This is also why so many players suggested (even demanded) that DE have test servers to test updates prior to them going live.

As I see it, this is very much ideally a collaborative process between DE as devs, and us as players of their game.

Criticism is good.

“Ruining mouse melee for Duviri is bad, being forced to shoot to prevent some strong attack is clunky and works bad, targeting is pretty bad aswell” - valid criticism 

“Hurr durr elder ning parody, soulframe alpha, DE stinks” is not a critique, it’s hate or trolling or I don’t know, some just white noise.

Update isn’t great, it has plenty of issues, but a lot of “criticism” isn’t even criticism, it’s just vilespitting.


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8 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

 The issue is that the usual suspects think the game is the problem when, in reality, they are overly burnt out and should've stopped playing and posting a long time ago.

They won't stop playing though. They'll consume all of the content, and hate on it. DE sees player engagement and they'll fix what they feel needs fixing. I used to think they should just leave, but they contribute to the numbers as much as I do. They just like to play the forum game differently.

I think it's hilarious how some posters post rate triple in volume after an update. It's like a trolling frenzy. Sure, there's some valid and constructive criticisms here and there, but there are many that are only here to bathe in vitriol. We all recognize them too. 

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15 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

They won't stop playing though. They'll consume all of the content, and hate on it. DE sees player engagement and they'll fix what they feel needs fixing. I used to think they should just leave, but they contribute to the numbers as much as I do. They just like to play the forum game differently.

I think it's hilarious how some posters post rate triple in volume after an update. It's like a trolling frenzy. Sure, there's some valid and constructive criticisms here and there, but there are many that are only here to bathe in vitriol. We all recognize them too. 

Critiquing an update is not hate. It is called critical thinking

The perception you have is wrong.  

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3 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Critiquing an update is not hate. It is called critical thinking

The perception you have is wrong.  

No, he's correct. We are aware of the differences between critiques and just negatively speaking. I happily applaud critical thinking and logical critiques, but I think you are defending people who are just speaking and then hiding behind the "I'm free to say what I want" barrier. While they are correct in being able to freely talk, they should also be called out for talking yet no saying anything.

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10 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Critiquing an update is not hate. It is called critical thinking

The perception you have is wrong.  

No, it's hate when all you can do is talk about is how incompetent the devs are and post videos of other videogames. 

And of course you felt the need to respond...

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6 hours ago, rhoenix said:

I'm able to read as well.  I see people being frustrated at not having their points heard, and getting aggressive about it.   This does not mean they are incorrect - it does, however, mean people are talking past each other.

Yes, some people are just negative for the sake of being so.  This does not mean all people who are being loud are being negative for its own sake.

Why people get burnt out is one of the key factors in play here.  It differs according to player, yes - and, it is each players' responsibility to manage it, yes - but the common reasons Warframe burns people out should be identified and quantified, in all permutations.

To expand a bit further @rhoenix, this group is not the "voices aren't being heard" group. Some of them are the long standing nostalgia group that has taken very old and outdated talking points from their most beloved points of playtime and refuse to understand nostalgia isn't a solution and fail to listen to the reasons why the game had to move away from those activities. This is the group that quickly call others white knights but fail to fail to understand they themselves are disconnected with the direction of the game. It is very easy to call out this pattern because, usually, NOTHING or nearly nothing about any update works for them...but they seem to collect everything the update has to offer.

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12 hours ago, Felsagger said:

You know more than anyone else here that such excuse is pure BULLOCKS

Are you reading what I type? NO you don't. Seems you don't care anyway. 

Don't worry, I'll make you care. How about if you put your brain to work and think just for once. I am DEFENDING YOUR REPERTOIRE. I am protecting your tools that took you long enough to have them. Yes, DE can do whatever they want, yes that is true. It's their IP. But if the community is not happy DE "WILL NOT GET A DIME FOR THEIR GRANDMA"

Do you know what that means? No more warframe, the game YOU LIKE? I am simply caring for the THINGS YOU LIKE. 


How about that? 

How about THAT

Well...your type of argument has been going on for nearly a decade and, for some reason, DE continues to run a steady and profitable game. We are still here after many, many years, so that must mean they are doing what WE like. Otherwise, you're just hanging out with an ex that has long since moved on but you didn't. Personally, I wouldn't stay with something that has constantly failed me or doesn't want me and I MOST CERTAINLY wouldn't waste my time on its forums, trolling or not. Life must have better things for me to do.

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9 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

The issue is that the usual suspects think the game is the problem when, in reality, they are overly burnt out and should've stopped playing and posting a long time ago.

I think this is extremely true and important. I've played MMOs for decades, I know what burn out feels like, and how our anger and frustration gets directed towards the game/devs, etc. The VAST majority of players will burn out after playing the same game for thousands (or even hundreds) of hours. I feel like the "voice" in these forums is completly skewed by burnt out veterans hating on every single thing, tons of negativity and toxicity, unrealistic expectations that WF can be the "forever" main hobby and entertainment in their entire lives for over a decade, and very little actual constructive criticism. I think at the end of the day, if you're spending more time feeling frustrated and upset at a game, than actually having fun and enjoying it, maybe it's time to think if it really makes sense to keep that game in your life. The "angry gamer" culture that was sold to us by youtubers and streamers getting rich on outrageous caricature personalities really isn't helping anyone in the long run.

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31 minutes ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

Well...your type of argument has been going on for nearly a decade and, for some reason, DE continues to run a steady and profitable game. We are still here after many, many years, so that must mean they are doing what WE like. Otherwise, you're just hanging out with an ex that has long since moved on but you didn't. Personally, I wouldn't stay with something that has constantly failed me or doesn't want me and I MOST CERTAINLY wouldn't waste my time on its forums, trolling or not. Life must have better things for me to do.

It's impossible to reason with people that equate Critical Thinking with Criticism in my experience.

A few posters here think 'to be critical of the game' is the equivalent of academic level Critical Thinking.

The mere fact that they don't like things and can be critical of them makes them think they are big brained.

It's sad and funny to me.

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I personally am enjoying the game ,

Both the circuit and the experience are fun for me.

The only issue i have is that the enemy variety is rather miniscule. Even between moods it seems very similar.

Speaking of which , waiting 2 hours for mood changes .... Is ok i guess. 

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18 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

It's impossible to reason with people that equate Critical Thinking with Criticism in my experience.

A few posters here think 'to be critical of the game' is the equivalent of academic level Critical Thinking.

The mere fact that they don't like things and can be critical of them makes them think they are big brained.

It's sad and funny to me.

What's funny to me are the ones that go

"DE always releases updates in an unfinished buggy state. I won't touch the update until several weeks and hotfoxes later. I won't beta test for DE. I'm not looking forward to this at all" 

Day after of update: "this is the worst update DE has ever released. I've done everything there is to do and I've hated every minute of it! " 

Sometimes I feel like I should start an alt-account to post from. Maybe being negative is fun. The true endgame. 

:: This update is horrible. Who asked for horses? DE is clueless! ::

hmmm.... If you guys see a new account on forum that knows everything about the game, but still hates it  - It's NOT ME.....

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On 2023-04-27 at 11:23 PM, PKBeam said:

It seems like every time we have a new update these forums are destined to be filled with threads along the lines of "I hate this because it's different".

Is that wrong? Seems like every update completely ignores Warframe's core gameplay so the devs can put entirely new random games into Warframe. This time we got their attempt at Elden Ring and it did not deliver. Before you mention Lua's Prey or Last Wish, that's one survival and defense mission. Nothing new there.

On 2023-04-27 at 11:23 PM, PKBeam said:

The Drifter combat isn't bad.

Did you accidentally boot up Elden Ring and mistake it for Duviri? Drifter combat is slow, clunky and annoying. Just like Kahl proved, forcing me to play something way slower and less mobile than my warframes sucks. Shocker.

On 2023-04-27 at 11:23 PM, PKBeam said:

Finally, a lot of people are fond of saying "Duviri isn't Warframe". Frankly, this is a lazy non-argument. This game is 10 years old! There are plenty of newer live service types out there that have issues with stale gameplay/content, and the only way to avoid that is to innovate. Warframe isn't just one or two things that can be neatly put into a box like other games; it's been constantly changing and evolving ever since it released, and Duviri is just another in a long series of steps.

Duviri is not Warframe, this is true. I wouldn't mind as much if they gave the base game even half the effort they put into their next big idea that they'll inevitably abandon once they move on to the next. Don't kid yourself by calling Duviri "innovative," It's derivitive. It doesn't even pretend to hide how heavily it's influenced by Elden Ring. But DE aren't From, so all they managed is an imitation.

Oh sure, it looks very impressive and the cinematics are great. The voicework is incredible too. The actual gameplay? The whole time I play it I just think "Man, I'd be having fun if I were actually playing Elden Ring." or "This wouldn't be so bad if I could use my Warframe instead of the Drifter."

Let me put it this way: Would I play Duviri again once I have all the weapons, intrinsics and materials for the incarnons? I give the same answer I'd give for Kahl missions: Hell no. Not with a ten foot pole, I'd just stick to Circuit, the one good piece of gameplay in this update.

I actually really like the circuit, gives all the gear I refused to throw away purpose. Plus it's actually Warframe. Sure, it's still the same old missions over and over again, but at least it's something.

However, I will say that them not allowing you to modify your builds in Teshin's Cave is mind-boggling. Why? Half the time I join a game the host instantly leaves because they saw what they had available and went back to change their respective builds because you can't do it in the cave. Genuinely terrible decision they need to change asap.

On 2023-04-27 at 11:23 PM, PKBeam said:

That said, DE has always had problems with small-scale implementation. As usual, there are some severe bugs and minor balance/QoL woes. For example, I'd weight SP Circuit weapon appearance rates by disposition (or something similar), some of the content is just a touch too grindy, and the Drifter's auto-target system works about as well as every other auto-target system. But on the macro scale, Duviri is a refreshing update that proves DE can still innovate.

You couldn't downplay the problems harder if you tried. Stop being a yes-man for DE, seriously. This update was NOT ready for launch. It barely functions and still routinely breaks multiple hotfixes later. For it to launch in such a buggy, unplayable state is unacceptable and they deserve all the criticism they get for pushing out the update in such a sorry state. Even now half the time objectives don't spawn in the undercroft, softlocking you. Host migrations still can, and will, break your objectives and force you to abort. Objectives would just not function and force you to abort. It would even crash on multiple occasions. The cinematic quest would bug out in cutscenes if you equipped the new animation sets (How did they miss that???) Anyone that pretends this launch was anything but disastrous is living in a fantasy world.

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2 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

No, it's hate when all you can do is talk about is how incompetent the devs are and post videos of other videogames. 

1. I never talked about the incompetence of any person at  Digital Extremes. I can't judge that. I am NOT a developer to establish such CRITERIA. 

2. I don't have experience in the business as a developer to write callouts in mocap animation, 3D modeling, 3D animation, illumination or voice acting. My discipline is architecture and 3D modeling NOT game design. 

3. I am the customer and I have standards. I can point out the trends in the business and compare them freely. 


As a player I can CRITIQUE the game performance, I can critique and compare with other games in the business. I can point out faults. THAT is not hate. That is CRITICAL THINKING. 


I'll ask again. WHAT THE F IS WRONG WITH YOU? 


2 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

And of course you felt the need to respond...

Because you felt the need to write that. Welcome to the forum. 

What is good for the goose is good for the gander. 

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5 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

1. I never talked about the incompetence of any person at  Digital Extremes. I can't judge that. I am NOT a developer to establish such CRITERIA. 

2. I don't have experience in the business as a developer to write callouts in mocap animation, 3D modeling, 3D animation, illumination or voice acting. My discipline is architecture and 3D modeling NOT game design. 

3. I am the customer and I have standards. I can point out the trends in the business and compare them freely. 


As a player I can CRITIQUE the game performance, I can critique and compare with other games in the business. I can point out faults. THAT is not hate. That is CRITICAL THINKING. 


I'll ask again. WHAT THE F IS WRONG WITH YOU? 


Because you felt the need to write that. Welcome to the forum. 

What is good for the goose is good for the gander. 


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2 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

No, he's correct.


No he's not correct. He will never EVER be correct. 

2 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

We are aware of the differences between critiques and just negatively speaking.


Sorry but that kind of thinking IS FANATIC DEFENSIVE BULL Residue. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. 

I do play Duviri because there are good things in it. I am the 50/50 individual with impartial views about what I play, do and practice. I see faults on Horizon Zero Dawn, Elden Ring, Ragnarok, Titanfall 2 too. I critique those products. 

Enjoying something doesn't meant that I can't have a critical mind about the things I enjoy and practice. 


2 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

I happily applaud critical thinking and logical critiques, but I think you are defending people who are just speaking and then hiding behind the "I'm free to say what I want" barrier.

Because I CAN. I obey the forum rules, conduct and etiquette between peers. I don't fault your respect. I don't tell you to shut up. I don't insult you, I don't make fun of your posts. I don't make you look like a fool. This is why I can. I critique THE GAME and you have to DEAL WITH IT. 

Do you have any problem with that? I do like 50 percent of the things in the game and I critique 50 that needs improvements in the game. 


2 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

While they are correct in being able to freely talk, they should also be called out for talking yet no saying anything.


You have the COMPLETE right to express your opinion. I don't stop you. I don't discourage you to play this game or post on these forums. 

So your point is? 



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1 minute ago, Felsagger said:

No he's not correct. He will never EVER be correct. 

Sorry but that kind of thinking IS FANATIC DEFENSIVE BULL Residue. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. 

I do play Duviri because there are good things in it. I am the 50/50 individual with impartial views about what I play, do and practice. I see faults on Horizon Zero Dawn, Elden Ring, Ragnarok, Titanfall 2 too. I critique those products. 

Enjoying something doesn't meant that I can't have a critical mind about the things I enjoy and practice. 


Because I CAN. I obey the forum rules, conduct and etiquette between peers. I don't fault your respect. I don't tell you to shut up. I don't insult you, I don't make fun of your posts. I don't make you look like a fool. This is why I can. I critique THE GAME and you have to DEAL WITH IT. 

Do you have any problem with that? I do like 50 percent of the things in the game and I critique 50 that needs improvements in the game. 



You have the COMPLETE right to express your opinion. I don't stop you. I don't discourage you to play this game or post on these forums. 

So your point is? 



Only fools do not heed critical feedback from clients, so they do not improve their business. 

Critical feedback can be hurtful, but it's a valuable asset.

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2 hours ago, Zimzala said:

It's impossible to reason with people that equate Critical Thinking with Criticism in my experience.


Critical thinking example: Duviri needs to be populated with enemies. It looks barren. 

Criticism: Duviri has no future, the content island should be taken out. 


I have the right to use my brain, common sense and education.  

I don't have the right to insult other members, mock them or troll them. Look at your comment history in your account. (Your comment history shows the behavior you, yourself, critique.)

2 hours ago, Zimzala said:

A few posters here think 'to be critical of the game' is the equivalent of academic level Critical Thinking.

Academic level of critical thinking runs like this:

DE should plan ahead and place some personnel for game testing of the code. This will evade a significant number of basic issues with the game mechanics. While DE has a divided labor force with Soulframe, DE can dedicate few people testing the game and sending copies to well known game testers. They could collect data, rectify and implement. DE has a history of other updates where such problems where present. Maybe the code needs more robustness, maybe the problem is working from home due to the Covid time or maybe DE needs more time to perform better releasing their updates. 

That is an academic critique. 

2 hours ago, Zimzala said:

The mere fact that they don't like things and can be critical of them makes them think they are big brained.

Do I need a big brain to know that there are more than 600 bugs in Duviri when I can visit the hotfix thread section?  

What does that tells you? 

2 hours ago, Zimzala said:

It's sad and funny to me.

If you enjoy bread crumbs, no one stops you. Other people have standards. Sorry. 

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