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The Seven Crimes of Kullervo: Hotfix 33.5.2


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35 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Fixed the Strun and Ferlarx Incarnons (base and variants) not refilling their magazine when transforming from their Incarnon Form to base. 

This strun part is still bugged if this is the intended behavior. Felarx will fill the whole magazine when switching back but strun will fill just 1 whole round when switching back

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I hope you'll fix certain weapon classes(whips and nikanas) often missing enemies when you use 1st kullervo's ability. Or fix their heavy attack hitboxes in general.

Plenty of other bugs are still waiting to be fixed, like Mag's lockup with 4 (recently posted a video here) or similar with mesa

Or multishot not affecting some weapons. Or moonwalk desync bug(that makes you unable to do stuff until you die)

Btw was the bug with empty exalted weapon loadout in duviri fixed? Didn't see it in the patchnotes.
Edit: Bug with unmodded exalted weapons in duviri is still not fixed(got it today, 23.06 on titania). It's been in the game since day 1 of Duviri.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Danielle said:

The Seven Crimes of Kullervo: Hotfix 33.5.2


Changes to Kullervo’s mechanics:

  • Decreased the frequency of ability casts and increased telegraph times slightly for several abilities so that they are easier to avoid. 
  • Increased the duration of the window of opportunity after ability casts in Phase 3.
  • Reduced the frequency of unparryable heavy attacks.
  • Increased the usage of melee attacks, but reduced the attack speed slightly to encourage more melee engagement.
  • Decreased melee attack damage slightly, and normalized some melee attack damage values. 
  • Slightly decreased Kullervo's health.


It is still a "You don't bring a knife to a gunshooting" kind of game here. No matter how strong or weak he gets tweaked, he will lose regardless.

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Game still running horrible dx11-dx12 power saving, using +80% gpu cpu , login screen and orbiter, cant even play pc crash after a while or gonna explode with how bad game is, and you guys wont pay for a new pc, im well above min requeriments w10, i5-9400 - gtx 1660 super 16gb ram

wish this update was never implemented, so many bugs (as always)and time gated content , bunch of crashes ,fps loss and for me my pc cant handle a 10years old game that was smooth before

  • OS:Windows 7 64-Bit (32-bit not supported)
  • Processor:Intel Core i7 860, Intel Core i5 750, or AMD FX-4100 (SSE 4.2 support required)
  • Video:DirectX 11+ capable Graphics Card
  • Memory:4 GB RAM
  • Storage:50 GB available HD space
  • Internet:Broadband Internet Connection Required
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Sorry to be bringer of the bad news, but Proton based installation via Steam does not work :(

Launcher starts only on Proton Experimental, any other version immediately crashes.

This is what I'm greeted by:


I have RTX3080 so it's clearly not the case, and just yesterday it was working all fine

This is what happens when I try to get the logs:

Clicking Retry will get me to the previous screenshot, clicking Get Logs will make me stay in this window

While trying to get the logs















P.S. the .exe file is present in game directory. Reinstalling didn't help.

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Excalibur Umbra's passive has been going through some serious bugs right now, including Transference position, loss of ally and toggle buffs aside from Exalted Blade, and issues with the Naramon skill tree. I've included some in the Bug Report section.

Please, please, please look into this if possible. It's becoming horrendous to run him in anything.

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4 hours ago, -Krism- said:

그에게 문제가 있는 사람이 있었습니까? ( 아콘과 싸울 수 없는 사람은 제외 )



It may have been a little bit difficult for tennos new to entering the 14-day event stage starting with 5 decree.

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5 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Kullervo Fight Changes: 
The difficulty of the Kullervo fight has been adjusted to be more manageable for the Drifter Melee combatants. This was done in two ways: by adjusting some of his mechanics, and tweaking the amount of damage he receives from certain sources. 

Changes to Kullervo’s mechanics:

  • Decreased the frequency of ability casts and increased telegraph times slightly for several abilities so that they are easier to avoid. 
  • Increased the duration of the window of opportunity after ability casts in Phase 3.
  • Reduced the frequency of unparryable heavy attacks.
  • Increased the usage of melee attacks, but reduced the attack speed slightly to encourage more melee engagement.
  • Decreased melee attack damage slightly, and normalized some melee attack damage values. 
  • Slightly decreased Kullervo's health. 

Changes to Kullervo’s damage receival: 

In changing his mechanics, we have also made these alterations to how he receives damage, to encourage player melee engagement overall.

  • Significantly increased damage taken from parry finishers. 
  • Reduced the damage taken from Rifles and Shotguns (Transference Surge).

Seriously? In normal mode you can cheese him with melee decrees. In steel path just get more increase transference decrees, fill up transference and blast him with your warframe.

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I'm having an issue with Overguard and Frost's Icy Avalanche augment. I just went into an ESO to test it and the minute I cast my 4, the Zephyr that was in the squad slowed me down with her tornadoes.  Every time, without fail, the tornadoes would slow down anyone with Overguard, with our normal speed restored the second we lost the extra armor.  Apparently, this is an issue with Vauban's vortex, too.  I haven't been able to test it with Rhino or Atlas, but I'd assume they have the same problem. 

Any chance we can get a fix for this, please?  I was so happy that Frost finally got an update after being neglected for so long and then I find out I can't use it with a Zephyr or a Vauban on the team.  

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8 hours ago, Cerikus said:

 challanging and punishing, but extremelly satisfying

Idk about you but I tried to finish it with drifter only 3 times. First two times I was extremely unlucky with melee decrees, so I was running around, parrying almost every parryable attack, dodging everything, I could dodge, and looking for windows to attack Kullervo safley. Both times it took me around 10-15 minutes. And on the third time I got most of the best melee decrees, spammed melee, and Kullervo died in less than a minute, not able to cast or attack a single time. So the only challenge thing in this fight is amount of lucky decree picks you get currently, because parrying (the only skill-related thing you can do during this fight), was more punishing, than rewarding, because if you miss - you get -400 hp, if you parry - you deal damage equal to 2-3 regular hits. So now I just spam melee, until I get my transference ready, press 5, and remove Kullervo within 1 minute completley, even with the worst gear possible. But still, I will give it a one more chance, and will challenge Kullervo without melee decrees, and try to parry it single time - if it will take less than quarter of his hp - I will go back to spamming melee and summoning frame again

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В 21.06.2023 в 18:13, [DE]Megan сказал:

We want to ensure that you matchmake with players who have completed at least 1 full Spiral.

You essentially receive the 5 Pathos Clamps back from the mission due to fighting the Orowyrm at the end.

Asking once again - are you planning to at least make it cost 0 (zero) in Solo and Invite only modes and run a script to refund affected players?

You do not "receive 5 Clamps back". You receive the default 10 Clamps as if playing usual Duviri Experience/Lone Story AND get charged 5 Clamps.

In order to "receive 5 Clamps back" you should increase the reward in this event by 5 clamps (compared to Duviri Experience or Lone Story).

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Linux/Proton compatibility seems to not be fully resolved I think. On my Steam Deck the game still loads forever, without ever managing to bring up the launcher. However, I have managed to fix this it seems by switching to Proton Experimental for Warframe (Properties > Compatibility). The game worked without requiring any changes before the Kullervo update however, so I thought it's still worth mentioning.

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5 hours ago, TheOlright said:

Idk about you but I tried to finish it with drifter only 3 times. First two times I was extremely unlucky with melee decrees, so I was running around, parrying almost every parryable attack, dodging everything, I could dodge, and looking for windows to attack Kullervo safley. Both times it took me around 10-15 minutes. And on the third time I got most of the best melee decrees, spammed melee, and Kullervo died in less than a minute, not able to cast or attack a single time. So the only challenge thing in this fight is amount of lucky decree picks you get currently, because parrying (the only skill-related thing you can do during this fight), was more punishing, than rewarding, because if you miss - you get -400 hp, if you parry - you deal damage equal to 2-3 regular hits. So now I just spam melee, until I get my transference ready, press 5, and remove Kullervo within 1 minute completley, even with the worst gear possible. But still, I will give it a one more chance, and will challenge Kullervo without melee decrees, and try to parry it single time - if it will take less than quarter of his hp - I will go back to spamming melee and summoning frame again

skill issue

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