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Nightwave exclusive mods are being ignored and have become legacy exclusive content. They need to be made obtainable.


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As simple as the title says. There are a lot of mods now that are exclusive to nightwave reward paths, when they should also be obtainable in the shop or at the very least added to Baro's rotation. Keeping them exclusive to reward paths both makes the supply extremely limited, as at the very best every player currently in the game can only get one, and then everyone who starts playing after that or takes a break will never have that option. I say never because DE seems uninterested in ever bringing back these mods. Wild Frenzy, Napalm Grenades, and Bursting Mass were last available 3+ years ago. Meticulous Aim was last available 2+ years ago.  Efficient Beams was skipped over (or more likely just forgotten by the devs) when it was supposed to return, and thus hasn't been available for 4 straight years. I could go on, but not a single one of these mods has made returns anywhere close to an acceptable frequency. Many of these mods are extremely important to a weapon's usefulness, and DE has made their stance on exclusive mods clear that they are not supposed to exist given the return of Primed Chamber in the past. They've just forgotten to have any level of consistency when it comes to these. If you want these mods, all you can do is fork up ludicrous plat prices on Warframe.market. That total is 1,474 platinum at this moment, going only off currently online listings. About 75 USD for a handful of mods. But at least you can get them that way? Well, not if you want Eximus Advantage and Metamorphic Magazine, because you can't trade those there. So you're just not getting those until DE brings them back in 3–10 years or waiting in Maroo's Bazaar the rest of your life for someone to be selling some of the most obscure items in the game... which they won't, because they'll never be able to replace it.

This has no place in this game. Why does Nora even have a shop offering previous rewards if the ones with actual gameplay value aren't included? She brings back cosmetics from previous events every single time, but the rewards that actually matter are ignored, and their price gets inflated to an unreasonable level.

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2 hours ago, Zeemgeem said:

If you want these mods, all you can do is fork up ludicrous plat prices on Warframe.market. That total is 1,474 platinum at this moment, going only off currently online listings

I believe this is the only explanation. DE want whales to spend a lot of Platinum for this. Although Primed Chamber will return during tennocon there's always some scalper try to fork up the prices. I remember Rebb warned of this behaviour on last year Tennocon Devstream, but profit is profit. I don't know who made the finance decision in DE but I don't think some of them like it (you can tell from Meg, Pablo and Rebb's face when they announce the market only Incarnon Adapter last devstream)..

As for Eximus Advantage and Metamorphic Magazine, I expected that this will be on NW offering rotation soon.

Edited by BroDutt
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2 hours ago, BroDutt said:

I believe this is the only explanation. DE want whales to spend a lot of Platinum for this. Although Primed Chamber will return during tennocon there's always some scalper try to fork up the prices. I remember Rebb warned of this behaviour on last year Tennocon Devstream, but profit is profit. I don't know who made the finance decision in DE but I don't think some of them like it (you can tell from Meg, Pablo and Rebb's face when they announce the market only Incarnon Adapter last devstream)..

As for Eximus Advantage and Metamorphic Magazine, I expected that this will be on NW offering rotation soon.

Wait they are market only? I thought it was just an option

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I very much agree. I imagine one day they might be made available again, but ehh, the large time gaps in between some aren't the best, and I am still only assuming they might return. The Saturn Six armour returning for this current Nightwave did make me hopeful though. That was one of the few cosmetic rewards that had not been reran for a few years, and whenever new Nightwaves start or end, there are a few players that keep bringing it up a lot, and as long as we continue to do that, and make sure we talk about it a lot, here and Reddit and other places, friendly reminders and requests etc should make it on DE's radar and as something they might bring back here and there. 

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On 2023-07-10 at 9:05 PM, (PSN)EntityPendragon said:

Wait they are market only? I thought it was just an option

I'm pretty sure it's just an option.

That said, my impression is that the market will be an option 100% of the time, whereas the incarnons will be a new seventh week on the end of the rotation. Moreover, week 6 of the currently-six-week rotation is next week... meaning on the 24th it rolls over to week 1. Echoes of Duviri -- and the new Incarnons -- land on the 27th, after we will have already rolled over to week 1.

And they've said they're reluctant to just stuff the new ones into the rotation randomly between existing weeks, or shuffle the order -- which I admittedly understand, given the folks who melted down about having to wait an extra week for a second shot at week 1 weapons when week 6 got accidentally doubled a while back. But, that means that if they stick the new ones on the end of the rotation, at week 7, they won't show up in the Circuit until like... September 4th?

In which case, they would be effectively market-only from July 27th to September 4th... which isn't ideal, no.

...anyway, on the thread topic itself: I agree, mods that could not be farmed (so you only could get one) and which have not been available for literal years probably could stand to be put back in the rotation. Or at the very least in the Nightwave credits shop.

Edited by Packetdancer
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Old School alerts are how I got alot of nightmare mods.  Including Hammershot.   Newbs being forced to do nightmares to get Hammershot is sad.

When they revamped alerts into Nightwave that was the first thing i noticed,  where the hell were the nightmare mods lol.  

But I guess its a good lesson for the rest of the game.  Some people just dont get cool mods.  Sabot Rounds and Turret Velocity to name a few are like 1% drops.  

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21 hours ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

Newbs being forced to do nightmares to get Hammershot is sad.

Vampire, Timed, Death Detonation, and Low Gravity are all fairly innocuous.

Energy Drain is fine on frames with passive survivability.

It's No Shield mode that's brutal if you don't have Inaros/Nidus.

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On 2023-07-14 at 4:02 AM, Grommile said:

t's No Shield mode that's brutal if you don't have Inaros/Nidus.

with all the power creep over the years and the fact nightmare missions aren't Steel Path level means even no shield mod they are trivial with any frame and almost any weapons if built correclty.  Yes, for a new player who doesn't know what they are doing they might be challenging, but otherwise the enemies just die with a sideways glance anyway.

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