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The straw that broke the camel's back.


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I have a few hours in Warframe, did most of the content and farmed most of the farmable things 






I've seen a bunch of bugs and game breaking things in my years with this game, but lately things have gotten worse and it feels like there is even less interest in shipping without bugs. Even after the update to the video settings adding a S#&$ ton of lag to everything that sent the fps back to the stone-ages, I though, its fine, my builds are strong enough that even with a little lag the game is chill and I can still leisurely do the content, I don't need that smooth experience I previously had anyway, its fine. Even after the state Duviri was released in I kept lying to myself and said, its fine, they will eventually fix it, we have to just try again next week, (next week was a disappointment, and so was the next one and so on).

But now, I think this is it, this is the final straw, a hotfix, dropped at the end of the week, locking away once/month rewards behind some fake bureaucracy, locking away content that was previously accessible for weeks because of some formalities? "you may need to replay and complete The Circuit (complete at least one stage) and Lone Story (complete all stages, including defeating the Orowyrm) on their normal difficulty" seriously, with a rotating 1.5 month reward, because of an untested bad hotfix push, at the end of the week?

On 2023-07-07 at 5:26 PM, [DE]Megan said:

The Seven Crimes of Kullervo: Hotfix 33.5.6

Small hotfix to address the following priority issues.



  • Fixed being unable to trade Arcanes due to them appearing as Mods in the trading UI. 

  • Fixed The Duviri Experience node not registering as complete after finishing The Duviri Paradox Quest, which was preventing the other Duviri nodes (Circuit and Lone Story) from being marked correctly. This led to the Steel Path not unlocking or completing for most players (since the intended flow of needing the normal nodes completed first was not being fulfilled). 

    • Since the other nodes were not registering as complete due to the above issue, mission completion before hotfix 33.5.6 has never been tracked correctly.  In order to unlock Duviri on The Steel Path now, you may need to replay and complete The Circuit (complete at least one stage) and Lone Story (complete all stages, including defeating the Orowyrm) on their normal difficulty.  A UI pop-up will occur to generally indicate if any of the normal nodes needs to be completed before The Steel Path can be unlocked for Duviri. An additional change that specifies exactly which node will be coming in the next update.



So yeah, I've had a lot of good times these past years, but either you got worse or my bullS#&$ tolerance has gotten lower since back then, but the results are the same, this was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

Thank you, and goodbye forever Warframe o7.

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bullcrap tolerance is lower.

if you were actually farming that stuff you would've played it all already. whats one 100% walk in the park lone-story run for some clamps and one bad duviri build reroll through a solo low end circuit to get steel path back?

mine stayed unlocked anyways.

come back when your PC has been upgraded I guess or try to change some settings around if the enhanced graphics are getting you down.

People always say, you don't give up Warframe, you just take an extended break. so... yeah, take a break. try again another time.

Edited by Darkmega18
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Lost 2 duviri experience SP solo arcane runs due to crash for no reason. This on top of having to deal with random junk weapons and rng on frames. It's tedious enough to play the mode without losing 30 minutes of progress for nothing. Before this there was that drifter bug in circuit and a lot of other instabilities. Have to grind so much for clamps and arcanes and I can't even do that without the possibility of my progress crashing every time hanging over my head. It's so tedious.

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6 minutes ago, Darkmega18 said:

bullcrap tolerance is lower.

if you were actually farming that stuff you would've played it all already. whats one 100% walk in the park story run for some clamps and one bad duviri build reroll through a solo low end circuit to get steel path back?

mine stayed unlocked anyways.

come back when your PC has been upgraded I guess or try to change some settings around if the enhanced graphics are getting you down.

People always say, you don't give up Warframe, you just take an extended break. so... yeah, take a break. try again another time.

The settings thing is a good example of this, it was a few months ago, i think with when they added the enhanced thing, it was a simple update that simply lowered the smoothness the game previously had, same hardware, same settings only difference was that the game was "updated", but like i said, I got over that too and continued.

Yes, i know it would be a walk in the park, but I just don't feel ok with doing these kinds of things anymore, forced to do extra lower level content, the things i used to do being suddenly locked behind trivial content you already did because untested hotfixes, etc. thats why I think the phrase "the *straw* that broke the camel's back" fits here, its not much, its actually trivial compared to the things you do all the time eg. 


Doing a full 0 to tier 10 SP circuit in one run:



link to actual video


But I don't think im coming back this time, Ive taken extended breaks of months before but this one feels different. I don't intend to come back.

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10 hours ago, Kmykzy said:

The settings thing is a good example of this, it was a few months ago, i think with when they added the enhanced thing, it was a simple update that simply lowered the smoothness the game previously had, same hardware, same settings only difference was that the game was "updated", but like i said, I got over that too and continued.

Yes, i know it would be a walk in the park, but I just don't feel ok with doing these kinds of things anymore, forced to do extra lower level content, the things i used to do being suddenly locked behind trivial content you already did because untested hotfixes, etc. thats why I think the phrase "the *straw* that broke the camel's back" fits here, its not much, its actually trivial compared to the things you do all the time eg. 

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Doing a full 0 to tier 10 SP circuit in one run:



link to actual video


But I don't think im coming back this time, Ive taken extended breaks of months before but this one feels different. I don't intend to come back.

Kinda sad that the first thing I thought when i saw that tier 0 to 10 in one run image was "so risky to do, image if the undercroft bugged out and wasted all that progress 2 hours in".
Also if leaving, give me your stoof pl0x lol

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On 2023-07-21 at 11:15 PM, Kmykzy said:

I have a few hours in Warframe, did most of the content and farmed most of the farmable things 

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I've seen a bunch of bugs and game breaking things in my years with this game, but lately things have gotten worse and it feels like there is even less interest in shipping without bugs. Even after the update to the video settings adding a S#&$ ton of lag to everything that sent the fps back to the stone-ages, I though, its fine, my builds are strong enough that even with a little lag the game is chill and I can still leisurely do the content, I don't need that smooth experience I previously had anyway, its fine. Even after the state Duviri was released in I kept lying to myself and said, its fine, they will eventually fix it, we have to just try again next week, (next week was a disappointment, and so was the next one and so on).

But now, I think this is it, this is the final straw, a hotfix, dropped at the end of the week, locking away once/month rewards behind some fake bureaucracy, locking away content that was previously accessible for weeks because of some formalities? "you may need to replay and complete The Circuit (complete at least one stage) and Lone Story (complete all stages, including defeating the Orowyrm) on their normal difficulty" seriously, with a rotating 1.5 month reward, because of an untested bad hotfix push, at the end of the week?



So yeah, I've had a lot of good times these past years, but either you got worse or my bullS#&$ tolerance has gotten lower since back then, but the results are the same, this was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

Thank you, and goodbye forever Warframe o7.


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On 2023-07-22 at 7:15 AM, Kmykzy said:

I have a few hours in Warframe, did most of the content and farmed most of the farmable things 

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I've seen a bunch of bugs and game breaking things in my years with this game, but lately things have gotten worse and it feels like there is even less interest in shipping without bugs. Even after the update to the video settings adding a S#&$ ton of lag to everything that sent the fps back to the stone-ages, I though, its fine, my builds are strong enough that even with a little lag the game is chill and I can still leisurely do the content, I don't need that smooth experience I previously had anyway, its fine. Even after the state Duviri was released in I kept lying to myself and said, its fine, they will eventually fix it, we have to just try again next week, (next week was a disappointment, and so was the next one and so on).

But now, I think this is it, this is the final straw, a hotfix, dropped at the end of the week, locking away once/month rewards behind some fake bureaucracy, locking away content that was previously accessible for weeks because of some formalities? "you may need to replay and complete The Circuit (complete at least one stage) and Lone Story (complete all stages, including defeating the Orowyrm) on their normal difficulty" seriously, with a rotating 1.5 month reward, because of an untested bad hotfix push, at the end of the week?



So yeah, I've had a lot of good times these past years, but either you got worse or my bullS#&$ tolerance has gotten lower since back then, but the results are the same, this was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

Thank you, and goodbye forever Warframe o7.

Actually it's neither of those options. Your perspective is skewered.


Duviri was fixed, not changed. Just in case anyone forgot, Duviri now acts as one of two starting points for the game. I can't imagine the idea of "you must complete a normal mode to unlock a hard mode" is new to anyone, so for them to make sure that's implemented properly at a new Tennos potential starting point, that's referred to as a fix.


Your statement about "fake bureaucracy" makes little sense too, as it refers to nothing you mention previously in the post. Unless we're meant to randomly guess what you meant, to which I say no.


Might be good to spend some time playing other MMOs over the next few weeks. It'll help with the perspective once you realise just how badly the other MMOs treat the players comparatively.


Let us know when you get back anyway.

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21 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

that's referred to as a fix.

Situation Varies per player

what happened was, there were two glitches in place:

1: for some players, completion of the Normal Duviri Nodes was Not Registering in their accounts

2: Circuit SP as unlocked for all players even those that didn't complete normal.


Situation A: For players that had been hit by glitch 1, the effects were cancelled out by glitch 2, thus things were fine for them.

Situation B: Other players, had not completed normal, and were allowed into SP accidentally.


DE then fixed both glitches.

if you were situation B, then correct, things are now working as intended for you, there's no right to complain about having to do the normal progression.

if you were situation A, unfortunately rather than DE running a script so that your Previous Legitimate nodes will now register, they got lazy and just said to go replay it. That's kinda lame, pushing the burden onto players to work around.


anyway, so for Situation A player's perspective, Nothing was wrong functionally; yet after bugfixes, now there is. to them the 'fix' actually made things worse.

So I can understand that people who fall into that category can be angry about how it was managed.

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When you can circuit in one run, you're leaving a lot behind just because you have to redo some nodes.  DE will always be ironing out new content and fixing things (or not fixing things), but there will always be things to fix.  Having to redo a few nodes is not as bad as getting stuck on the tile with life support going down, and failing the mission a few rounds before completing it in one run because you didn't type "unstuck" soon enough.. 

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7 hours ago, Lord_Drod said:

When you can circuit in one run, you're leaving a lot behind just because you have to redo some nodes.  DE will always be ironing out new content and fixing things (or not fixing things), but there will always be things to fix.  Having to redo a few nodes is not as bad as getting stuck on the tile with life support going down, and failing the mission a few rounds before completing it in one run because you didn't type "unstuck" soon enough.. 

Yea, I had some of those too in my runs and many more similar weird bugs. Those are simply frustrating, having to lose a lot of progress because of them, they feel like unfair losses, and even if small in the long run (like everyone likes to mention for some reason) they tend to add up if they happen often enough. But issues that cause systems that seemed to work before to not work anymore, like the only two issues I mentioned where the update actively makes something that worked fine to work less fine (the enhanced video addition that brought lag) and the update where SP got locked when it was playable before with the fix being to replay all the normal modes again, seeing previously working stuff stop working is what finally got to me. 

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I just checked. and I'm at 1551 hours. The experience has been very entertaining for me, but that's mainly because I've been playing with a handicap since day one. I've been using my starter frame (later upgraded to prime) and have made sure not to play a single mission or register a single kill with any other frame.*


* - My Mag has 10.6%, Mag-Prime is 86.9%, Excal Umbra is 0.0%, and every other frame is grayed-out on my profile; Somehow that only adds up to 97.5% and I'm unsure where the other 2.5% is coming from. My Warframe-based MR points is 18,000, so I know I haven't done anything with the other frames. While I have built other frames, the only time I spent with them was walking them from the Arsenal to the Helminth. Maybe the Operator counts in this stat? I'd love to know hear if anyone has a theory on where the 2.5% is coming from.

This has given me a "hero's journey" playthrough that has required a lot of problem solving, skill building, and experimentation, but I've completed all missions.*


* - I do still have some content I'm working on. I'm 9 dots away from a full Vazarin, which is my last un-maxed school. I'm also 3 scenes away from obtaining all offerings from both New Loka and Perrin Sequence before I can change to another pair of Syndicates. Other than that I'm just farming weapons at my leisure hoping to get all the way up to MR30 one day. With Update 33, there are now enough weapons for me to get there, and I'll be the first person in history (probably) to reach MR30 with only Mag, Mag Prime, and the quest-forced Excal Umbra contributing MR points). The first "True Mag Master." --Actually there may be some exclusive weapons I can't get, so it may take a few more updates.

EDIT: I forgot I'm also trying to farm all the frames to put them in Helminth. I believe that because Mag can have those powers within the rules of the game that it still counts as True Mag Mastery. I think I have like 6 or 7 more to get for that.

(None of my backstory is actually all that important to my question, so I hid it in spoilers. I only included it to say why I still enjoy playing)

Because my journey has only been going on for around 1.5 years, I've missed some big releases. So my question is out of genuine curiosity:
How does Update 33 (Duviri) stack up to Update 27 (Railjacks)?

I started mid-December 2021 (right after the release of New War). Can you narrow down what content or events you feel started to chisel down your patience for Warframe? Thanks!

Edited by (NSW)Probably_Asleep
forgot something
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Dude you're not alone. Though I've loved this game since the very start of a friend recommending it, this whole duviri thing has turned me off from even wanting to play. I find myself logging in to run archon missions, fiddling around abit and then logging out. 


I find it hard supporting something that's so quickly gone bad.

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On 2023-07-24 at 2:53 AM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Actually it's neither of those options. Your perspective is skewered.

I think you might mean skewed* here l, let me know if I'm wrong though. But in case I'm not, I'm curious what you mean by that, skewed in what way that is different from what I said *bullS#&$ tolerance lowered over the years*? 


On 2023-07-24 at 2:53 AM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Duviri was fixed, not changed.

I tried rereading my comment thinking I made a mistake or something like that but I couldn't find where I said that, so I don't know what you were referring to with that explanation about the starting point and new tenno. 


On 2023-07-24 at 2:53 AM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Your statement about "fake bureaucracy" makes little sense too, as it refers to nothing you mention previously in the post. Unless we're meant to randomly guess what you meant, to which I say no.

By bureaucracy I meant both the literal sense and metaphorical one, for the literal sense I was exasperated with the decision to handle that issue like that, I doubt that anyone who made that decision was in the pool of people who had to redo the nodes outside of testing (bureau-office desk, cracy- making decisions), and for the metaphorical sense of making people that have no say in the matter do redundant and meaningless tasks (having to file a lot of mostly meaningless paperwork, or having to calculate your own taxes even though the agency handling this knows what you should be paying for eg.), instead of running a script to mark the nodes as completed to activate SP for everyone that actually completed the nodes either in SP or normal, the nodes were kept locked like doing them on normal specifically had some sort of intrinsic extra value (making people file extra archaic paperwork in a digital age like that arhaic paperwork had some sort of intrinsic extra value). At least this is a more detailed explanation of what I meant by that being a bureaucratic decision. 


On 2023-07-24 at 2:53 AM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Might be good to spend some time playing other MMOs over the next few weeks. It'll help with the perspective once you realise just how badly the other MMOs treat the players comparatively.

WF was my main MMO like game the past years, so yeah, you may be right about this, I might have become complacent and arogant. I don't think I will start another MMO though, I think I'll take everyone's advice and take an even more extended break.

On 2023-07-24 at 2:53 AM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Let us know when you get back anyway.

Cheers fellow tenno. 🫡

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1 hour ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

I've been using my starter frame (later upgraded to prime) and have made sure not to play a single mission or register a single kill with any other frame.*

Basically ng+ combined with story mode for the entire game. Pretty nice role-playing. 


1 hour ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

started mid-December 2021 (right after the release of New War). Can you narrow down what content or events you feel started to chisel down your patience for Warframe? Thanks!

I didn't start that long ago either, just after fortuna was introduced, witch made me crazy about the game and the world, bought starter pack, plat, tenogen, etc. It really is a god damn great ride when you go through it first time. But last real world money thing I bought was the deimos suporter pack, and I think I really started to become more frustrated with the bugs and updates ok Zariman when you would lose progress and couldn't extract if you went past a certain number of exolisers (happened week one, checked on it week 2 again still not fixed and so on) and the fact that updates would break more things (invulnerable and invisible thrax that were nonexistent or much less frequent at launch eg.), implementing transferance changes that added a big delay to the fluid motion it had before for evee just to fix the rare instances of occasional client transferance desync, and things of that sort. Frustration of seeing updates that would break working things, bugs that break core mechanics of the game (unable to extract in the Zariman exoliser mission, unable to extract after host migration in circuit, losing progress), personally, I think these drained my patience the most, and the small SP mission nodes lock, that was marked as closed and "fixed" was the final straw for me. It's the small things that get you in the end I guess.

Thanks for the interest and hope you enjoy the rest of your playthrough at least as much as I enjoyed mine. Cheers. 

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56 minutes ago, (PSN)Mr_hurtyou said:

Dude you're not alone. Though I've loved this game since the very start of a friend recommending it, this whole duviri thing has turned me off from even wanting to play. I find myself logging in to run archon missions, fiddling around abit and then logging out. 


I find it hard supporting something that's so quickly gone bad.

There was no weekly or 1.5 month endgame rewards rotations when I took my breaks in the last few years, I feel its much harder to take those long breaks without missing a lot of time locked progression these days since archons and incarnon. I think if you still have a sliver of interest in the game left, a 1.5 month break might be good for you and you could get back into the weekly rotation exactly where you ended it, if you ignore the missing timed rewards. But yeah, I feel your pain fellow teno.

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1 hour ago, Kmykzy said:

Basically ng+ combined with story mode for the entire game. Pretty nice role-playing.

You get it! Kmykzy gets it.

1 hour ago, Kmykzy said:

I didn't start that long ago either, just after fortuna was introduced

Oh wow you've been able to experience a lot!

  • Fortuna
  • Disruption (it was either this or Dog Days, Update 25 didn't have a lot... I guess Gauss actually... he's pretty popular)
  • Kuva Liches
  • Railjack
  • (Update 28 didn't seem all that eventful, the Granum Void was added; I love Protea's Dispensary, but that wouldn't become available to other frames until...)
  • The Helminth
  • Epitaph (Sisters of Parvos also came in Update ~30, but the Epitaph was the first secondary weapon I actually liked)
  • (Then at Update 31, I came in...) The New War

You weren't kidding when you say it was a great ride! I took all of these things for granted; I worked toward each of them at some point, but I knew of their existence right away. I bet it must have been a thrill seeing them announced and introduced!

The first release I got to see introduced was Zariman. I wasn't crazy about it initially, but then Veilbreaker made me appreciate it much more. Zariman was a pure Warframe update. More of what makes Warframe Warframe got added in that one. Veilbreaker on the other hand made me nervous that the game was moving in a less Warframe-y direction, and Duviri has increased those worries.

I'll agree that things have felt different recently. I wonder if you're feeling less inclined to forgive bugs because deep down you feel like the developers of today don't understand what made you fall in love with the game in the first place. I hope you'll at least keep an eye on the update announcements though. Maybe they'll announce a new planet on the Star Chart with its own Junction, quests, and new mission types. Or perhaps they'll finally let us fight Fass and Vome on Deimos! They could even open up a different System, like letting us finally bring the fight to the Tau system. I hope they do something worthy of your return.

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On 2023-07-22 at 8:15 AM, Kmykzy said:

I have a few hours in Warframe, did most of the content and farmed most of the farmable things 

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I've seen a bunch of bugs and game breaking things in my years with this game, but lately things have gotten worse and it feels like there is even less interest in shipping without bugs. Even after the update to the video settings adding a S#&$ ton of lag to everything that sent the fps back to the stone-ages, I though, its fine, my builds are strong enough that even with a little lag the game is chill and I can still leisurely do the content, I don't need that smooth experience I previously had anyway, its fine. Even after the state Duviri was released in I kept lying to myself and said, its fine, they will eventually fix it, we have to just try again next week, (next week was a disappointment, and so was the next one and so on).

But now, I think this is it, this is the final straw, a hotfix, dropped at the end of the week, locking away once/month rewards behind some fake bureaucracy, locking away content that was previously accessible for weeks because of some formalities? "you may need to replay and complete The Circuit (complete at least one stage) and Lone Story (complete all stages, including defeating the Orowyrm) on their normal difficulty" seriously, with a rotating 1.5 month reward, because of an untested bad hotfix push, at the end of the week?



So yeah, I've had a lot of good times these past years, but either you got worse or my bullS#&$ tolerance has gotten lower since back then, but the results are the same, this was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

Thank you, and goodbye forever Warframe o7.

It is very unfortunate to see how the game's quality has degraded of late. I've been around for some buggy updates over the years and I've adopted the methodology of not really playing a few days after a big update due to DE showing they don't care too much for shipping without rather serious bugs, but Duviri just brought "buggy release" to a whole new level. exceeding the bugginess of Zariman and RJ rather handily.

The Duviri release exceeded expectations with regards to lack of quality. I simply still cannot believe the poor state the game was in, not only when released, but a week, two weeks, three weeks, even four weeks to follow. To see the amount of blatant game breaking bugs that were released, was shocking: We weren't talking about some seldom-encountered bugs, but extremely obvious, commonly occurring game breaking bugs that DE must've known of had they done any sort of QA-testing. Whilst not as severe, even them releasing Incarnon Genesis weapons with talents that just did not work at all showed the level of passion, care and respect they had for their game and their player base.

I'm still sticking around as I enjoy the game and the optimist in me is hoping things turn around at DE. The realist in me, however, doesn't see passion from DE at all - not in their decisions, not in their actions and not in their Devstreams, so I don't have much hope.

Come next update, I'll again sit on the sidelines and see by how big a margin the bug reports dominate the forums.

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2 hours ago, Silligoose said:

It is very unfortunate to see how the game's quality has degraded of late. I've been around for some buggy updates over the years and I've adopted the methodology of not really playing a few days after a big update due to DE showing they don't care too much for shipping without rather serious bugs, but Duviri just brought "buggy release" to a whole new level. exceeding the bugginess of Zariman and RJ rather handily.

The Duviri release exceeded expectations with regards to lack of quality. I simply still cannot believe the poor state the game was in, not only when released, but a week, two weeks, three weeks, even four weeks to follow. To see the amount of blatant game breaking bugs that were released, was shocking: We weren't talking about some seldom-encountered bugs, but extremely obvious, commonly occurring game breaking bugs that DE must've known of had they done any sort of QA-testing. Whilst not as severe, even them releasing Incarnon Genesis weapons with talents that just did not work at all showed the level of passion, care and respect they had for their game and their player base.

I'm still sticking around as I enjoy the game and the optimist in me is hoping things turn around at DE. The realist in me, however, doesn't see passion from DE at all - not in their decisions, not in their actions and not in their Devstreams, so I don't have much hope.

Come next update, I'll again sit on the sidelines and see by how big a margin the bug reports dominate the forums.

I believe a big issue is Soulframe diverting their resources, both physical and emotional.

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20 hours ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

I believe a big issue is Soulframe diverting their resources, both physical and emotional.

Doubtful since they are worked on by two seperate teams. It's likely more rooted in player tastes regarding the content released. For me personally since the "new" team took over WF it has gotten better, and I cant say I've enjoyed any part of WF as much as I enjoy Duviri. I'm not sure what it is that makes me like it so much, but we are 3 months post release and I still enjoy every trip there.

Too bad they didnt go with the seperate gameplay approach for missions earlier. Like with Orphix, where instead of being just a WF mission with mechs with WF stats, it could have been two seperately scaled activities within a single mission. So the frame fights their way from A to B and at B we transition into a mech segment properly scaled much like how the drifter is scaled to the Dax etc.

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Oh no you need to spend all of 15 minutes to access SP again. Oh woe is you.

But no, seriously, THIS is what broke you? If you're actually as familiar with the game and bugs as you claim I don't see how this nothing issue is problematic.

Bye and don't come back. 

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On 2023-07-25 at 7:50 PM, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

I believe a big issue is Soulframe diverting their resources, both physical and emotional.

Maybe. It could be that. There could be other factors decreasing resources. It could be that DE simply believes cutting corners and dropping quality to this extent is more profitable in terms of ROI. Who knows? Whatever the case may be, the resources available do not appear to be managed very well anyway, DE seems to be a little directionless in terms of what to do with the game and quality has dropped.

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12 hours ago, trst said:

But no, seriously, THIS is what broke you? If you're actually as familiar with the game and bugs as you claim I don't see how this nothing issue is problematic.


On 2023-07-25 at 2:08 PM, Kmykzy said:

personally, I think these drained my patience the most, and the small SP mission nodes lock, that was marked as closed and "fixed" was the final straw for me. It's the small things that get you in the end I guess.



12 hours ago, trst said:

If you're actually as familiar with the game and bugs as you claim


On 2023-07-22 at 9:15 AM, Kmykzy said:



12 hours ago, trst said:

don't come back

Probably won't, that was what the post was about in the first place, but I understand your frustration and needing to vent somewhere. Thanks for the kind words, take care. 🫡

Edited by Kmykzy
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