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ATTN Limbo Haters



I do see comments here and there about people who don't like being in a squad with Limbo fairly often ... So here's what happened to me:

I was doing defense with my limbo using min range and using a subtle color in the void. I had three different people join and almost instantly leave. I wonder if it was because i had limbo with a sphere going...?

Here's a screenshot, what am i doing with Limbo that annoys other players? I suppose it could have been chance but that's never happened before and ive only just recently started using limbo more.


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Limbo is definitely annoying, but I think your case is more of a connection problem. How do i know? because it has happened to me before. 

How does that happen?
The connection drops for a few seconds and it expels the teammates (if you are the host) or it expels you (if another is the host)

Have a good rest of day.
Excited Aww GIF

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Nothing wrong with what you're doing, as that's the non-invasive way of doing defenses as Limbo. 

The problem is when you get those high range + high duration Limbo's that pretty much make it a pain in the behind for those using weapons to take down enemies, which can only be bypassed if the other players use nuke abilities (Mesa's 4, Gyre's entire kit, Thermal Sunder Harrow, Mirage's 4, Xaku's 4, and so on).

And for that matter my Limbo does have 2 builds: One for low range/high duration, seemingly like yours, and another one with max range but duration doesn't matter because I only cast it and take it away since it's only meant to break boxes in a wide range. That'd be pretty much the only good situation for all that range on a Limbo.

That being said, I did have instances (one or two that I recall) where I did get a host migration when I had a Limbo on the team, just after joining. I did think the poor Limbo must have tought I left because of them even without caring about how much range they had. And I never left a squad even with a high range/high duration Limbo. I do tend to like and use frame abilities most of the time, so while still annoying it's not a problem. And if by chance I'm using a frame that needs gunplay (Say, Loki), well, in that case I just hope the Limbo doesn't mind me chilling while he does the work, since he's the one making my life harder than it needs to be.

That'd be about it.

Edited by (PSN)Hikuro-93
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There's this stigma (some of them proven to be right) that most Limbo players were trolls. This is still exist because some new player didn't realise what they build actually irritate other player. For example early on I use Cataclysm with range on Infested defense mission without Stasis because I didn't know they can bypass them (newbie mistake). Or using Banish on arbitration defense operative instead of Catacylsm.

And after I know this, I usually chat said player how they should use Limbo instead of force host migration. And yes, some of them just ignore me. So, until this behaviour changes, some will still use host migration/leave mission as a standard behaviour.

Edited by BroDutt
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I would also leave upon seeing a Limbo player drop Cataclysm on the defense objective, making it significantly harder to properly defend (since you can no longer just shoot the enemies that are attacking it once they cross that threshold). It's baffling that you seem to somehow not know the issue on display here.

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9 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I do see comments here and there about people who don't like being in a squad with Limbo fairly often

We do not mind Limbos. We mind trolls or noobs who not understand the frame mechanics and refuse to listen.

But I guess there are also player who arent Limbo and do not undnerstand the Limbo mechanic and refuse to listen. Like the dude above:

1 hour ago, Hexerin said:

I would also leave upon seeing a Limbo player drop Cataclysm on the defense objective, making it significantly harder to properly defend (since you can no longer just shoot the enemies that are attacking it once they cross that threshold).

They do not cross the treshold at all. They get frozen in it with Limbo 2 and they can be easily killed from inside the sphere or with abilities/operator from outside.

9 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I was doing defense with my limbo using min range and using a subtle color in the void. I had three different people join and almost instantly leave. I wonder if it was because i had limbo with a sphere going...?

Doubt. They were probably expecting free ride with a nuke frame or a relic you did not have if it was a fisure.

Edited by Zakkhar
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At OP just ignore the haters, a minority of Limbo players mess it up for the rest of you.

Other frames can be just as annoying at times.


2 hours ago, Hexerin said:

I would also leave upon seeing a Limbo player drop Cataclysm on the defense objective, making it significantly harder to properly defend (since you can no longer just shoot the enemies that are attacking it once they cross that threshold). It's baffling that you seem to somehow not know the issue on display here.

If the player keeps the 2 skills up that stop enemies, you only have to contend with eximus units.

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16 hours ago, Hexerin said:

making it significantly harder to properly defend

I find it quite easy. Enemy inside? Go inside. Enemy outside (98% of the time)? Just play normally. Most enemies shoot.from a distance so I'm 180 on this 

The point if the small range sphere is to make a small disruptive cast. 

14 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

They were probably expecting free ride with a nuke frame or a relic you did not have if it was a fissure

True possibly.

22 hours ago, BroDutt said:

until this behaviour changes, some will still use host migration/leave mission


13 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

Other frames can be just as annoying at times

Frost is worse IMO. LOL

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7 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

The point if the small range sphere is to make a small disruptive cast. 

Exactly. Big sphere dudes (especially with black/white energy color) are the real idiots/trolls here. Imagine having enemies stuck behind walls and corners unable to be killed for a long time. Wide area CC is great for timed missions, but not much for defence.

12 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I find it quite easy. Enemy inside? Go inside.

No need, can use operator or ability to kill anything with opposite rift status.

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On 2023-08-14 at 7:39 PM, Zakkhar said:

No need, can use operator or ability to kill anything with opposite rift status.

14 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Good tip thanks.

actually, operators are only able to damage enemies in the material, they can't affect anything in the rift at all besides from using abilities

still useful for things like nullifier bubbles or killing from inside a cataclysm though

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Limbo is annoying to work with

this would be OK if he offered some compelling defense that makes it worthwhile


except this is no longer the case now that Eximus are a thing; the only real credible threat also straight up bypasses Limbo

so... that makes him kinda useless

Edited by (PSN)haphazardlynamed
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On 2023-08-15 at 2:28 AM, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I find it quite easy. Enemy inside? Go inside. Enemy outside (98% of the time)? Just play normally.

That part there is what annoys them. The bubble forces players to adjust their playstyle to accomodate to the bubble.
Many players just like standing next/on top of the defence objective and just shoot at the approaching enemies. Cataclysm removes that playstyle from them.

The Ambulas boss fight is another notorious example why Limbo is hated. Rookie limbo players put up cataclysm around Ambulas, preventing players from interacting with it to hack the console. Operators can hack it in the rift but newer players don't know this.

The stigma has run so deep for so long that people will simply leave upon seeing a Limbo before finding out if you're a capable player who knows how to properly use this frame.

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For me, it really depends on how I'm feeling.  Sometimes playing with a Limbo is fine, especially if I'm feeling lazy and it's something like a mobile defense, because then you can basically just AFK and wait.  But if I'm feeling more active and I find that the enemies I'm trying to kill are taking more work to go after because of Limbo's powers, I may drop squad just so I can go have a more chill time in a different mission without that.  Nothing personal to Limbo players; I encourage you to continue playing Limbo!

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12 hours ago, MystMan said:

Many players just like standing next/on top of the defence objective and just shoot at the approaching enemies. Cataclysm removes that playstyle from them.

Unless they are Mesa, than no. Mesa Limbo is very good combo.


12 hours ago, MystMan said:

The Ambulas boss fight is another notorious example why Limbo is hated. Rookie limbo players put up cataclysm around Ambulas, preventing players from interacting with it to hack the console. Operators can hack it in the rift but newer players don't know this.

Why rookie? I am not rookie and I still put cata around ambulas after its down. I just hack myself and tell them. Limbo is great on this becauuse you can stand in the rift during barrage and dance. Same thing on rocket strike during Kela fight. Rookie Limbos put Cataclysm on Mobile Defence targets (no way to activate it even with Operator).

12 hours ago, MystMan said:

The stigma has run so deep for so long that people will simply leave upon seeing a Limbo before finding out if you're a capable player who knows how to properly use this frame.

People fear what they do not understand.

Edited by Zakkhar
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