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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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"DE team heads off into a long weekend to get some much needed rest. We will officially be back on Tuesday, September 5th, but will continue to monitor for issues that would need addressing upon our return"
So no response at least until September 5th

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8 minutes ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Well I look at it as buying discounted platinum with the skins.

It's only fomo if you really want it. And if you really want it you'll get it. But you have the choice of not getting it. 


Thats not how it works. It doesn't matter if I want it or not, the FOMO tactic is still there. Or do you perhaps believe the world is destroyed and recreated every time you blink? If you can't see it, then it's not there, right?

Edited by Darkbring
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I'm truly baffled, and disgusted by the people white knighting for DE over this.

The good will earned through fair pricing and player choice always nets more money in the end than you would earn by overcharging, people in general are much more inclined to support a developer that actually shows they respect the players and their wallets than ones who pull exploitative FOMO crap like this. The heirloom bundle as it stands is a scam and makes it feel like DE thinks of us as little more than paypigs.

Edited by Reynard_Fox
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I just want the Mag skin... it is not bloody hard making a cheaper option.... even in form of "support". 

Make a big expensive bundle -> dissect into smaller bundles -> not interested in anything else? Buy individual pieces, you're still paying. I find it baffling the cheapest option has no skins. And of course the currency\regal aya plays a big part in inflating the price, just awful.

Or make the skins purchasable with plat and make them more expensive compared to other Deluxe skins. 

It feels weird this is a way to celebrate 10th anniversary

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7 minutes ago, Lionsheart89 said:

I haven't lost faith in them. My aim, and the aim of others, is to let them know that certain practices aren't okay and shouldn't become the norm. It is better to react now rather than later when it is far too late.

Lol that's the core of the problem there, I hate to break it to anyone but this isn't some "movement".

Honestly at this stage all you's have managed to do is make yourselves more annoying than the recent "extinction rebellion" clowns. Despite their poorly planned demonstrations, at least Climate Change is real. You're all acting like this because fear beat you all oh so very easily.

Someone got it into folks head that "it always starts with one" and you just went along with it out of fear it could be right. Yet, theres literally no evidence that there was ever going to be another Heirloom Pack, not one mention of it during TennoCon and not one mention of it afterwards. So you're basically fighting against an imaginary future and spitting on a game that has treated you all great over 10yrs. That certainly sounds rational.


We should have been discussing and deep diving into the TennoCon trailers at this point. Passing theories back and forth. But instead we'll have to stare at threads like this for 2 or 3 days until they finally die off like they should. A company should always be held responsible for its faults. But this isn't one of them.

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Just now, (XBOX)Tanta Cinta said:

Think it's about time we wrap this thread up, tbh. 

People think the skins look cool.

Most people disapprove of them being limited time.

Many people wish they'd offered smaller packs that targeted the skin they wanted more specifically without paying for the extras.

Seems like a decent summary to me.

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hace 1 hora, NachitoX23 dijo:

Im never into discussions, but: you should know that in the end everything is up to the company,  They could just make a blind eye, they listened complains and replied(and fast), so we should be grateful to them too.

This is nothing. They are doing the bare minimum and not really addressing practically any of the issues the playerbase has with the heirloom collection. They are not a kind company replying fast to their players needs, this is just them panicking and trying to calm the controversy.

Admitedly, there's sadly not much else they can do to the packs after people have already purchased them, but whoever was in charge of that decission knew how predatory the strategy was, and they implemented it anyway in the hopes of getting a quick cash grab from a couple collectors and whales. 

No, we should not be grateful to DE for this. Forgetful? Maybe, under the condition this kind of corporate greed remains as an anecdote rather than the norm for the next 10 years of warframe. 

hace 1 minuto, (PSN)MYKK678 dijo:

But this isn't one of them.

just lol

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31 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Plays Warframe completely and utterly free over the last 10yrs -> somehow tries to make this statement apply where it cannot.

Huh? Are we really playing the same game? If you want slots for weapons, pets, warframes, you need platinum. Everything is time-gated, everything needs bazillion of formas which most people just buy with plats because of how annoying and slow they are to get. Warframe was never truly free, and will never be, because somehow they need to make their ends meet. Truly free games are for example Dota2, Lol, or an oldschool Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. 

Every single plat you earn through trading someone had to buy, and what you're bartering here is your time.

A classic example of a stockholm syndrome. 

I play the game, I like it, I support the devs by buying platinum. But this collection that the topic is about is an amalgamation of corporate greed and disassociation with your playerbase. Your type of mental gymnastics is why we can't have nice, fairly priced things anymore (with a few exceptions like Witcher saga, BG3, Fromsoft games)

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My issue wasn't that the packs' contents didn't justify the price. My problem was and still is that I just want the skins and I'm not willing to shell out the price of a week's groceries just for an in-game cosmetic. Not to mention the egregious FOMO tactic, which for me is an instant turn-off as I do not ever want to support that practice. This response of yours is a band-aid and nothing more, and I'm clearly not the only one who feels this way.

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its good to know that DE is still out of touch with the community after all this time 

also… literally all they had to do is make a new separate pack where its just the skins/accessories and it would have made them more money and everyone happy.

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3 minutes ago, Rychlas said:

Huh? Are we really playing the same game? If you want slots for weapons, pets, warframes, you need platinum. Everything is time-gated, everything needs bazillion of formas which most people just buy with plats because of how annoying and slow they are to get. Warframe was never truly free, and will never be, because somehow they need to make their ends meet. Truly free games are for example Dota2, Lol, or an oldschool Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. 

Every single plat you earn through trading someone had to buy, and what you're bartering here is your time.

A classic example of a stockholm syndrome. 

I play the game, I like it, I support the devs by buying platinum. But this collection that the topic is about is an amalgamation of corporate greed and disassociation with your playerbase. Your type of mental gymnastics is why we can't have nice, fairly priced things anymore (with a few exceptions like Witcher saga, BG3, Fromsoft games)

Stockholm Syndrome lol. Aw man, thanks for adding that in and perfectly showing you truly have no idea what you're talking about. I'm currently in my house btw, not tied up in DEs basement. I swear a good 70% of the replies today have just been things people took from TV Shows yet don't fully understand themselves.

Have you watched House yet? Is DE giving me Lupis next? Stockholm Syndrome lol.

Oh but just quickly, never bought Forma considering it's the number one thing that drops in Void Fissures, buying slots is a choice not a necessity, mostly for people who are vulnerable to become hoarders, and yes Warframe was always truly free, you obviously have spent little-to-no time in other MMOs.

Stockholm Syndrome lol.

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We asked for cheaper bundles u didnt react to the outcry u just softened the blow get rid of the plat and aya and give us the skin why is that such a hard thing to do i understand its a free to play game but fomo and whale bait is wild didnt know we were going to be moving into a mobile game-esk market just cause wf mobile coming out. easy fix give us the lone skins for cheaper and get rid of the dumb aya no one wants literally one of the top complaints you just inflated the prices with one of the most useless items in the game i understand the platinum  but the increase in platinum still shows us that u dont care what the community actually was talking about.

It wasnt meant to just be a platinume deal with exclusive cosmetics it was FOR THE COSMETICS. The statement doesnt fix the problem it just inflates the pockets of those who already bought it. Plat can be bought all year out the skins can not if we wanted aya or plat we would buy it but we dont but now that we actually want to buy the heirloom skins theres the useless incentive of those 2 items.

23 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

ultimately they are now a good Platinum deal with exclusive Cosmetics.

This is another amazing point but DE just wont listen...

1 minute ago, HeavyMetalShaman said:

I'm sorry but what about people who already have the prime frames and only want the skins themselves without all the extra BS? Some people don't care about regal aya or purchasing frames with them. I think a more acceptable model would be to offer a full-size bundle with everything in it for the maximum price so people could get the frames if they didn't have them, a mid-tier bundle with the skins and cosmetics only for half-2/3rds the cost to benefit those who did, and then a minimum bundle that just had the skins by themselves. Everyone knows that the skins are the star of the show, so using all this extra fluff to justify forcing people to pay a massively inflated price is straight up scummy. The platinum is a worthless gesture in my mind because the problem with this heirloom bundle is that you are giving quantity and expecting it to match quality, and it most definitely doesn't. I think the heirloom skins are quite beautiful, and I was willing to open my wallet for them, but the current suite of bundles on offer is, quite frankly, disrespectful to your fans and customers so I will not be partaking. Disappointing.

Edited by Chris_Py
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1 hour ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

And who instead has noticed 80% of the comments in here over the last 10 pages aren't about the topic anymore but about who can insult who better?

Just a reminder of a few facts from before:

A) Heirloom Pack gives you 2100 plat plus everything else for €80.99. 2100 plat alone is €99.99. The argument of it being overpriced is gone since the change. Finito.

Ya, the insults are blatant and definitely enough of a detraction for DE to go "See? Problem solved!"

The argument for it being EXPENSIVE isn't gone. And the many other problems players have with the packs remain as well.

Throwing plat at it as a solution pretty much merely rewarded the original purchasers -- which is fine, I suppose -- but they weren't really the ones who wanted adjustments. So the happy were made happier and... PublikDomain has no artbook.

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I'm sorry but what about people who already have the prime frames and only want the skins themselves without all the extra BS? Some people don't care about regal aya or purchasing frames with them. I think a more acceptable model would be to offer a full-size bundle with everything in it for the maximum price so people could get the frames if they didn't have them, a mid-tier bundle with the skins and cosmetics only for half-2/3rds the cost to benefit those who did, and then a minimum bundle that just had the skins by themselves. Everyone knows that the skins are the star of the show, so using all this extra fluff to justify forcing people to pay a massively inflated price is straight up scummy. The platinum is a worthless gesture in my mind because the problem with this heirloom bundle is that you are giving quantity and expecting it to match quality, and it most definitely doesn't. I think the heirloom skins are quite beautiful, and I was willing to open my wallet for them, but the current suite of bundles on offer is, quite frankly, disrespectful to your fans and customers so I will not be partaking. Disappointing.

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22 hours ago, THeMooN85 said:

Are you serious here? I'm now more valuate then founders... I'm still here, spending my money... after 10 years!

So is everyone else that has bought prime access(ories) or platinum, for longer than you. We supported DE when they didn’t exploit weak willed players like you that only spend when they get a mark on their profile that tells people how easy to exploit they are. 

Founders saved the game, if it weren’t for them, you would not be playing this game today and you would not be ‘supporting’ it today. You are absolutely not doing the game a service, without these packs the game would definitely still be alive for another 10 years unless DE does something real stupid. (Dumber than this completely avoidable fiasco, all they had to do was offer no-garbage packs with JUST the skins or not have $40 aya, that was literally all they had to do to not have this happen.)

If anything, depending on where this terrible pack leads down the line, you may be one of the reasons the game dies*, so that mark is basically schrodingers dunce cap. (*due to DE going the way of Blizzard, EA, Riot games, Mojang, Bungie, Freejam—)

these packs suck, cant imagine being someone who really wants these skins but already has every prime accessory (meaning, 6 Raya they literally cannot spend on anything, ergo $40 they HAVE to spend for the skins if they want them, absolutely disgusting stuff.)

the Raya genuinely ruined what would have been an amazing tennocon and what could have been not even that bad of a pack, I don’t know how anyone could be stupid enough to let this happen, and I dont think it was tencent, just an extremely, extremely STUPID and not at all critically thought out decision. 


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5 minutes ago, Rychlas said:

Yet you act as if you are, like a mindless drone, an acolyte of a cult, like a hostage sucking up to and helping the terrorists, you defend a horrible decision that was made by DE fueled by pure corporate greed. There is no other justification for this other than blind corporate greed and being detached from the reality that we live in. The pack is disrespectful towards those that have faithfully supported them over the years, it's predatory, it's a grift, designed to squeeze as much money as possible and giving as little value as possible in return. Clumping together worthless crap with one or two things the player might actually want, just to make them pay as much as possible. If someone wants just a skin for Frost, not Mag or the other way around, he has to pay a lot of money for everything that he or she will deem useless. Yet here you are, still defending it. That's why I said you're one of the reasons why we can't have nice things anymore. You're either completely delusional, you revere DE like a cultist, blinded to their faults and errors, or you don't know the value of money. Shame on you either way. 

Wow lol. I'm not even sure I need to respond to this example of "I have an agenda and a chip on my shoulder" post. I do want to thank you for saving me time and doing my job for me.

Wow, and I thought the Stolkholm Syndrome misunderstanding was as bad as you could get....

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