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warframe design philosophy


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DE can we please get more sexy male frames?

most of the female frames maintain the "body silhouette" aka "damn they thicc" but many of the male frames have their silhouette broken up by something (or frames like rhino having their weird crotch shenanigans)

i dunno if what im saying is making any sense, like the female frames still have their "body" like, looks like a person in a skinsuit with some added shoulder or leg parts, where as the male frames are all segmented or they have the flattest of posteriors


i know this is only a "me" problem but i had to say it lol

we got frames like excalibur and deluxe nezha but i want more ha ha


DE, level with me, let me design ONE frame pls, just one to throw at us for some male fanservice


i have like 3 designs im working on, once i get to drawing them out


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7 minutes ago, ReddyDisco said:

I say yes! make males beautiful too. revenant deluxe is a good example

i still love frost deluxe and his evening gown xD

but this also brings up the point i made about how if anything, theyd just make the deluxe skins sexy so we have to pay for it

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2 hours ago, dragonmermaid said:

DE can we please get more sexy male frames?

If sexy is your thing, we have a good looking Ash and I forget the skin name, but it’s the ninja looking one without the penis face. The default one though has handles on his hips seen from the back, so there’s that, lol.

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4 hours ago, dragonmermaid said:

DE can we please get more sexy male frames?

most of the female frames maintain the "body silhouette" aka "damn they thicc" but many of the male frames have their silhouette broken up by something (or frames like rhino having their weird crotch shenanigans)

i dunno if what im saying is making any sense, like the female frames still have their "body" like, looks like a person in a skinsuit with some added shoulder or leg parts, where as the male frames are all segmented or they have the flattest of posteriors


i know this is only a "me" problem but i had to say it lol

we got frames like excalibur and deluxe nezha but i want more ha ha


DE, level with me, let me design ONE frame pls, just one to throw at us for some male fanservice


i have like 3 designs im working on, once i get to drawing them out


Revenant Mephisto? 




Ok yeah maybe we should have a couple more.

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6 hours ago, dragonmermaid said:

DE can we please get more sexy male frames?

most of the female frames maintain the "body silhouette" aka "damn they thicc" but many of the male frames have their silhouette broken up by something (or frames like rhino having their weird crotch shenanigans)

I'm not going to say yes/no to this explicitly because I believe every warframe should be built by a freely open concept that the artists develop, now if this happens to fit your needs then great, but I personally don't like pushing for this kind of stuff unless it's something the artist already has in mind (like pushing for the 'broken' warframe) or it ties into the theme of the frame (hildryn being buff). 

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9 minutes ago, NecroPed said:

I'm not going to say yes/no to this explicitly because I believe every warframe should be built by a freely open concept that the artists develop, now if this happens to fit your needs then great, but I personally don't like pushing for this kind of stuff unless it's something the artist already has in mind (like pushing for the 'broken' warframe) or it ties into the theme of the frame (hildryn being buff). 

they seem to somehow make it tie into the theme of the frame by making most of the female frames "hot women" but cant do the same for the male frames

i wonder what part of wisp's theme was crucial in giver her a huge ass, because they can easily apply that to a male frame



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9 minutes ago, dragonmermaid said:

they seem to somehow make it tie into the theme of the frame by making most of the female frames "hot women" but cant do the same for the male frames

i wonder what part of wisp's theme was crucial in giver her a huge ass, because they can easily apply that to a male frame



Isnt that following a similar philosophy to say codpieces though? This is emphasizing the male form, as opposed to emphasizing the female form with thngs like emphasized hips and breasts is it not?

And in regards to wisp, I have no problem with the design, and I don't think this is something that necessarily has to be explicitly avoided so I have no problem with it being present in any warframe, but as far as me personally pushing for that I wouldn't push for that in her design if I had a say in it first, at the same time no issue if it makes its way in. But, lets say you design your male sexy frame, I will fully support that in your theme or even just simply because you want it there, because thats your vision and theme you're trying to represent, not mine. 

Edited by NecroPed
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4 minutes ago, NecroPed said:

Isnt that following a similar philosophy to say codpieces though? This is emphasizing the male form, as opposed to emphasizing the female form with thngs like emphasized hips and breasts is it not?

most of the frames have weird spikes for codpieces and is not the same as having female frames with tits of wide hips, its almost comedic which is usually the philosophy when it comes to men in gaming: female sexuality hot, male sexuality is a joke

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5 minutes ago, dragonmermaid said:

most of the frames have weird spikes for codpieces and is not the same as having female frames with tits of wide hips, its almost comedic which is usually the philosophy when it comes to men in gaming: female sexuality hot, male sexuality is a joke

Its kinda different but still the same essence of gender specific emphasis, the emphasis just happens to lie in different areas so it can come off that way even when doing it in a seemingly more fair way. I do agree there is some pretty ridiculous inconsistency between male and females in games, but I personally feel like Warframe does it pretty well because I don't believe they're forcing it into designs but just happen to make it in. 


Like I said in my edit (touched on more before you responded my bad) I have no actual problem with it, I'm just not keen on personally pushing explicitly for it unless its purposeful to the theme or something the artist just happens to want in the design (which still results in critique of whether its appropriate, but my point of reference for that isn't whether or not its doing this but rather if I like the end result). 

Edited by NecroPed
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6 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

Do you like watching oiled up muscular men? I dont. It would be pretty much the same thing.

You do know there's another name for this besides sexualization right? "Male power fantasy". A lot of guys like playing buff hot dudes cus it makes them feel badass. Just look at Dante from DMC. Or how many guys in monster hunter, or any number of other games with customizations, run around shirtless.
This doesn't exactly apply the same way to sexualizing females.


6 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

Im pretty sure a lot of female players also feel uncomfortable playing hypersexualized frames with their booties, boobies, and vag tattoos.

Yes, this. (Also gay guys are exceptionally uncomfortable playing frames like this as well). So DE should ether stop sexualizing frames all together, or be more balanced about it.

And I know they're not going to do the former.

Edited by PollexMessier
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4 minutes ago, NecroPed said:

Its kinda different but still the same essence of gender specific emphasis, the emphasis just happens to lie in different areas so it can come off that way even when doing it in a seemingly more fair way. I do agree there is some pretty ridiculous inconsistency between male and females in games, but I personally feel like Warframe does it pretty well because I don't believe they're forcing it into designs but just happen to make it in. 


Like I said in my edit (touched on more before you responded my bad) I have no actual problem with it, I'm just not keen on personally pushing explicitly for it unless its purposeful to the theme or something the artist just happens to want in the design (which still results in critique of whether its appropriate, but my point of reference for that isn't whether or not its doing this but rather if I like the end result). 

oh no i totally get that, its just i know how game developers are and a lot do push for this kind of stuff. i mean i get why they do it, it sells. one day i might do a comparison of every warframe to try and better articulate my point cause i feel like most people just see me as an old man yelling at clouds


i have a few designs in mind for some frames id love to see made, one in particular would be a male frame with quite the posterior and would fit into the frames overall theme (if i stop bein lazy and actually draw it out)



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29 minutes ago, dragonmermaid said:

oh no i totally get that, its just i know how game developers are and a lot do push for this kind of stuff. i mean i get why they do it, it sells. one day i might do a comparison of every warframe to try and better articulate my point cause i feel like most people just see me as an old man yelling at clouds


i have a few designs in mind for some frames id love to see made, one in particular would be a male frame with quite the posterior and would fit into the frames overall theme (if i stop bein lazy and actually draw it out)



Nah thats totally fair, I do see your point. I just think Warframe is one of few examples where they have a lot of variety that takes away from pushing for any one particular group(even if some are more prevelant, like emphasis of the female form). 

Please tell me it has a butt slam ability akin to marios ground pound.

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1 hour ago, NecroPed said:

Nah thats totally fair, I do see your point. I just think Warframe is one of few examples where they have a lot of variety that takes away from pushing for any one particular group(even if some are more prevelant, like emphasis of the female form). 

Please tell me it has a butt slam ability akin to marios ground pound.

thematically i probably could have him do something like that xD i was also thinkin peach butt bomb from smash bros

i think all of my design ideas are based around animals cause ive been wanting more animal shaped helmets and designing frames around it would be great


warframe does have some really nice designs and themes with their frames. im really glad for hydroid cause i love water themes and theyre usually only ever female characters in media, cant wait to see his rework

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9 hours ago, dragonmermaid said:

"i dont want to feel gay playing them"



Don't yuck other people's yum goes both ways.

He is allowed to like AND dislike what he does as it relates to HIS sexuality and HIS body.

To suggest that it's wrong for him NOT to like something is as bad as thinking it's wrong to LIKE something. 

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33 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

That’s funny because I’d like more less-standard female Warframes as alternative representation. More choice in general is a good thing though, and I won’t deny I don’t have a thing for Excalibur and his delts

oh absolutely, i love..oh which one is it...xaku? the frame thats like a man and a woman combined? very fun frame

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7 minutes ago, dragonmermaid said:

oh absolutely, i love..oh which one is it...xaku? the frame thats like a man and a woman combined? very fun frame

Cool idea too just from a thematic point. And then I love the look of Hildryn who stands out as an alternative look (she’s on the extreme end and I reckon there’s a lot of types to explore between Wisp and Hildryn, some of which may not be immediately recognisable as female or may even go beyond extreme).

Have you seen the Karst skin for Atlas? I’m not typically one who buys cosmetics, but that one’s got a rock-hard booty and good-looking silhouette, and I wouldn’t mind being a follow camera while he runs around

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13 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

I like how you consider nezha top quality when he doesnt even look like a male.

OP specified Nezha's deluxe, which...I don't know what your standards for masculinity are, but that model is quite masculine by mine.  Not just masculine, but BEEF.  CAKE.

I'm guessing you're thinking of the original Nezha.  Personally I've never particularly understood why people think its feminine looking, other than the original helmet and tassels evoking a hairstyle that's traditionally more fem. (In my culture  anyway.)  Besides that his face and body look male to me.  Not Empyrean beefcake male though.   A dancer or triathlete rather than a juiced up bodybuilder. 

But it seems like a common thing for gamers to want very particular extreme body types in male or female avatars.  Which is fine.  But it can bother me if they  call out any that don't fit what they want to see as looking like another gender or asexual.  Particularly if I think there are overtones of homophobia or gender policing to it.


Edited by Tiltskillet
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13 hours ago, dragonmermaid said:

DE can we please get more sexy male frames?

most of the female frames maintain the "body silhouette" aka "damn they thicc" but many of the male frames have their silhouette broken up by something (or frames like rhino having their weird crotch shenanigans)

i dunno if what im saying is making any sense, like the female frames still have their "body" like, looks like a person in a skinsuit with some added shoulder or leg parts, where as the male frames are all segmented or they have the flattest of posteriors


i know this is only a "me" problem but i had to say it lol

we got frames like excalibur and deluxe nezha but i want more ha ha


DE, level with me, let me design ONE frame pls, just one to throw at us for some male fanservice


i have like 3 designs im working on, once i get to drawing them out




You mean, this guy?

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You are making sense  OP. The odd, potentially frustrating thing, is that there are quite of lot of examples of conventional male attractiveness and sensuality on display, the same way that there is a lot of examples of conventionally attractive female sensuality/aesthetic on display just... for males? A lot of that is in the alt skin options and not the default. For example, you already know Nezha Empyrean skin, there is the Nidus Phryke skin, Loki Knave skin, Revenant Mephisto skin, a few Ash skins, (Atlas Karyst, some can appreciate for two reasons...) and so on. There is also naturally a lot of subjectivity involved, as far as creative intent behind such skins, and for viewers tastes, preferences, perspectives of those observing. Just yeah, generally speaking, Warframes are these weird hybrid techno organic, metal skin robot things... but many follow certain principles of being appealing, and that can overlap into conventional (and unconventional beauty and attraction standards). As an artist, I sometimes, think of many many possible Warframe ideas, and some of them will play with such ideas too, (though naturally sometimes its not that considered at all) but the idea of say "beefcake" or "cheesecake" designs. 

As in "I want to design a Warframe around Pankration. I want it to be a make Warframe. Thus maybe I want to draw some inspiration from certain muscular Greek statues? Maybe their back, shoulders, butt and legs should have a solid sculpted muscular quality, even if there are also lots of weird techno organic features, metal plates, vents, pipes everywhere too. Could lean into the aesthetic and attraction of prominent sculpted male muscles, and say... for anyone that can look at certain specific Greek statues with nice abs, shoulders, back muscles, all exposed and nude and not think sexual thoughts... well sure, obviously not everyone will find that attractive or sexual, but there are those that will, but the Warframe isn't just designed for that reason either. The same way many can find Wisp, Ember, attractive, but there is more going on. 

Above also addresses some of the comments. Gay isn't a magical visual condition you catch when you observe something that other people find attractive. If the temptation or concern in playing an attractive male or female character worries someone because they might "catch the gay", well, I've got some potentially interesting news for you... 

Personally I tend to like variety and diversity when it comes to wide casts of characters in such situations. Sensuality in characters meant to signal male or female is fine, lack of it, is also fine. If it caters to conventional ideas around attractiveness, thats also fine, if it also tries to accommodate to unconventional standards and ideas... thats also pretty cool too. Sometimes its not just about wide hips or shoulders, or tight muscles, on men or woman, sometimes its about aesthetic, like are they goth, do they seem coy or like a himbo. Are they cute and dainty? Or hotheaded and wild? I am yet to play Final Fantasy XVI, but one of the things I know about it, is a few Clive and Tifa comparisons as far as the effects they have on Cloud and Jill. Clive is in the position of being sexualised, not Jill (as far as the meme) and thats healthy and great. 

I also do think that Warframe is slowly moving in this direction anyway. I think there was just a period in the past, where a lot of male Warframes got the "what if we make this one look really freaky and with bizarre human proportions, since Warframe aren't humans" and a lot of female Warframes got the "lets just make a conventionally proportioned female body type as far as fiction, and then add a theme or layer on top. Like blood or gunslinger". 

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7 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

You do know there's another name for this besides sexualization right? "Male power fantasy". A lot of guys like playing buff hot dudes cus it makes them feel badass. Just look at Dante from DMC. Or how many guys in monster hunter, or any number of other games with customizations, run around shirtless.

Yeah there are multiple ways you can look at it. I never really played any of these games but I know what you mean. Sometimes a badass alpha male is just a badass alpha male and not a sex symbol, like arnold schwarzenegger in terminator or commando. Although it all just comes down to the way people see him there anyway, what works for power fantasy also works for sexualization. I bet there are some people who would wanna pork him and some people that are afraid someone will walk in when watching his movies or his previous oily career :D

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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