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Healer Necramech


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If possible It would be nice to get a Necramech that does damage like voidrig but instead of voidrigs shoulder cannons it would have a lunch barrel on it’s back that will fire 8 spider drones that hover above each of your Allie’s until you run out of energy and the drones should heal allies for 320-400 health each second and reduce damage by 10%. The Necramech should have a insect look to it.

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 Maybe if DE decides to add more Necraonly modes? Not that I would like to see that though. I prefer to play with my warframes, and I would prefer more frame missions any day over any other type of gameplay being expanded. Especially when the mode feels really bad, like Kahl's.

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il y a 28 minutes, Pakaku a dit :

What's that, sandvich? "Kill them all"? Good idea!



Sad they didn't expand on Necramech uses. Same with Archwing to be fair.

Sharkwing is a little goofy and doesn't work too great, but that's mainly due to how it's implemented : you never get any objectives that require the sharkwing. So it's always just tedious tunnel trouble to test the temper of tilted players.

Necramech currently has it almost as bad as Sharkwing with Orphix, but the issue mostly comes from the objective. (And how the gamemode never made much sense in the first place)

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13 hours ago, (PSN)Love-By-Chance said:

instead of voidrigs shoulder cannons it would have a lunch barrel

this typo puts an image in my head of a cannon that fires baguette sandwiches at supersonic velocities.. that actually sounds quite effective, albeit a terrible waste of food. 

thign is though, healing isn't really as necessary with mechs, even when you're fighting alongside allies, for numerous reasons:

- if you're the only Necramech around, you should be dealing enough damage to nuke everything before it can attack your allies and draw enough agro to keep them away as well.

- if there's multiple mechs, your squad is protected by them and enemies are getting nuked even harder anyway

- the only situation where there's likely to be multiple mechs in intense combat, with no warframe to fall back on, is in Orphix mode, which barely anyone plays.

while it's a neat idea, I just don't relaly see what it can bring to the table, IMo it'd get forgotten even quicker than Bonewidow, because at least that mech has a fun throwing ability, and nobody ever wants to be the support, they want to DPS, especially when large mechs are involved.

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52 minutes ago, Hexerin said:
5 hours ago, Venefik said:

 Maybe if DE decides to add more Necraonly modes?


Like the next content update?


Unless I missed it, the only "Necramech" content they showed at TennoCon was enemies that were little baby Necramechs.  And notably, those were being killed by a Warframe.  So I would recommend against expecting a Necramech-only mode.

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

Unless I missed it, the only "Necramech" content they showed at TennoCon was enemies that were little baby Necramechs.  And notably, those were being killed by a Warframe.  So I would recommend against expecting a Necramech-only mode.

I was more pointing out that we're delving into the Entrati facility proper, which is filled to the brim with ancient Entrati technology... of which the Necramechs are. If there were ever a time for DE to introduce a new Necramech, this is quite possibly the single most ideal time we'll ever see.

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16 hours ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

Sad they didn't expand on Necramech uses. Same with Archwing to be fair.

Mechs are limited access (open world and RJ only). Some players also never use them. Some use them every chance they get but the chances are limited (see previous statement). How much do I use my mech? Nearly zero. A bit during PT. 

So why would DE spend time adding mech content when it is a small percentage of use in the game? I see a mech only sometimes in a PoE bounty, just when defending a location.

DE would do better working on content that affects everyone all the time like a new enemy faction or new set of worlds. They did this with Narmer enemies. Archon hunts are still popular many months after introduction.

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On 2023-09-12 at 5:32 PM, (PSN)Love-By-Chance said:

If possible It would be nice to get a Necramech that does damage like voidrig but instead of voidrigs shoulder cannons it would have a lunch barrel on it’s back that will fire 8 spider drones that hover above each of your Allie’s until you run out of energy and the drones should heal allies for 320-400 health each second and reduce damage by 10%. The Necramech should have a insect look to it.

Bee Necramech

Similar shape too

I'll work on a concept

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Il y a 9 heures, (XBOX)Player244024418 a dit :

DE would do better working on content that affects everyone all the time like a new enemy faction or new set of worlds. They did this with Narmer enemies. Archon hunts are still popular many months after introduction.

Yeah well here's the thing.

Archon Hunts give Archon Shards. That's an actual good loot, and a definitive part of making a Warframe build be complete and strong. Extra 75% ability strength is nothing to be laughed at. So yeah, no surprise people who want to minmax everything do Archon Hunts on weekly reset. Every single week. That's also why even if people are beyond sick of the same 3 missions of Kahl, they still do it for a guaranteed extra shard per week. Even if it's not tauforged, people are still gonna want that extra layer of free power. Even if temporary.

Archwing has nothing.

Necramechs have nothing else than Orphix, which is a worse way to farm for Arcanes than Eidolons; they have this niche in open worlds for free quick damage on key targets like other enemy necramechs, vallis orbs or eidolons, but that realistically only applies to Voidrig, considering the sorry state of Bonewidow.


Besides, "affecting everyone" ? Narmer enemies? Really? So you just assume everyone did New War then? Well that's funny. Because that's locked behind Railjack and ... yep, Necramechs. Guess Necramechs affect everyone then, huh, since it was a prerequisite and all...

In all seriousness, I don't mind to just diss you, but if you're not going to add any content to Necramechs, why would anyone be using them? That was the whole point. Giving a reason for players to actually care, and not in a way similar to Kahl weekly chores. All it would take would be to have stuff that they'd make sense to be used in, with their movements and sizes taken into account for level design, objectives that make sense, lore that makes sense and lastly, rewards that don't make you feel like you're wasting your time. Difficult, I know, but a man can dream. I personally dream for Kuva Quad Grakatas.

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As much as I like mechs i have to admit it is sounding as dead as it looks as time goes on , even worse than archwings.

I haven't touched a mech in months and I don't plan to until some other pigeonholed requirement is made by DE.

The only way more mechs are going to be released is if there's an actual reason to use them by players. And sadly DEs track record of dumping and forgetting content makes it unlikely.

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5 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

As much as I like mechs i have to admit it is sounding as dead as it looks as time goes on , even worse than archwings.

I haven't touched a mech in months and I don't plan to until some other pigeonholed requirement is made by DE.

The only way more mechs are going to be released is if there's an actual reason to use them by players. And sadly DEs track record of dumping and forgetting content makes it unlikely.

This is exactly the reason i want Orphix Venom to return as an invasion type Event that returns every 3 Months or when a bar is full

Considering Narmer and the whole "New War" thing that was supposed to happen and the leftover Murexs

Edited by (XBOX)Mastermitchel89
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On 2023-09-13 at 4:38 PM, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

Narmer enemies? Really? So you just assume everyone did New War then? Well that's funny

Huh? You're very rude. If you haven't completed new war or got your mech etc that means you still will and eventually get the new improvement(s) behind those gated accomplishments, like archon hunts, zariman weapons etc. Try and think beyond the moment. 

In the first response you praise archon hunts (which require those prerequisites) then you dis someone for suggesting more widely used content. LOL

To get mechs to be used "widely" (clunky robotic beasts) you are defeating the mainline attraction to play warframe. I'll let you figger it out. 

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On 2023-09-13 at 1:49 AM, Venefik said:

 Maybe if DE decides to add more Necraonly modes? Not that I would like to see that though. I prefer to play with my warframes, and I would prefer more frame missions any day over any other type of gameplay being expanded. Especially when the mode feels really bad, like Kahl's.

They used to have plans to make Necramechs available in all modes, meaning an extra one would have a better chance of enriching general gameplay.

They might have abandoned those plans due to collision issues with existing tilesets, but I'd love to be able to use them despite the remaining collision issues since we can pop out of them in troublesome spots anyway.

EDIT: (Plus I'm on an Armored Core high and would love some of that stompy-stompy-skatey-skatey action in Warframe :D)

Edited by ImWithDerp
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isn't it bonewidow is a self-healer?  All that robot needs grab someone and just suck the energy health for more likely I prefer they give archwing melee weapons some leech hp or otherwise the dev should have to put leech hp and energy in the gun mod because those are the only 1 are active but then again delay and denied the melee on the necramech for someone don't give a care because they rely on mega hp, mega power, and mega ultra overkill.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2023-09-12 at 5:32 PM, (PSN)Love-By-Chance said:

If possible It would be nice to get a Necramech that does damage like voidrig but instead of voidrigs shoulder cannons it would have a lunch barrel on it’s back that will fire 8 spider drones that hover above each of your Allie’s until you run out of energy and the drones should heal allies for 320-400 health each second and reduce damage by 10%. The Necramech should have a insect look to it.

2nd one. I got caught up thinking about ospreys getting caught and being used to fight the enemy

Then it went somewhere


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