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warframe wiki is almost unusable


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3 minutes ago, Hobie-wan said:

That's dangerous though. If the wiki is hacked with malware or NSFW pictures, then that's a huge problem if the game has sent people to a site not under their control that is now sending people garbage. Then they've also got to make an emergency hotfix to stop sending people there which would be a problem in the middle of the afternoon during the week, even worse if it's 3 in the morning on a weekend. On PC they could at least get it done once someone is woken up and gets to work, but how long would it take on consoles?

Yeah, it's got all kinds of issues.   I tried to skate around this with the "direct successor" bit,  even though I don't have the brains or experience to be more than vaguely aware of some the problems that could come up with direct links to a literal wiki.  It would have to be more of a clone of key articles with limited linking and only periodically updated with new info from the actual wiki.

In any case, it's really unlikely, but I still think a lot more plausible than DE generating its own in game super-Codex that approaches the utility, overall accuracy, and scope of the wiki.

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On 2023-11-01 at 3:38 PM, Hobie-wan said:

The wiki isn't created by DE, so I'm not sure why you posted this in feedback to DE on their forums. I agree it's a bloated mess on a real PC and I don't know why people even try to visit on mobile or small tablets though.

I understand that the site isnt run by DE, but if enough people brought attention to the sites shortcomings i think a case could be made for DE to make something that accomplishes the same goal. 

Or reaching out to them and being like hey, you're S#&$ting up our brand ease off the ads.


Or at bare minimum this thread will spread awareness that ad blockers are a thing and oh my god though i feel OP's pain. 

As for the last part sometimes i just want to check something obscure like idk some random ability for a frame i never use or a mod im not familiar with and im playing on console and dont want to boot up my pc

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13 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

The most I hope for some day is a linking system in game with the wiki, or a direct successor to it.  Eve Online had something like that. 

Really? Never played Eve, but judging from its success I’d say that idea would work

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11 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

An in-game Wiki sounds kinda dumb tbh. But we could sure use some god damn tutorials for literally anything.

Anything to explain anything 

The amount of new players that come to the game not knowing anything because the game simply doesn’t say anything. Not to mention some high MR that also don’t know some things because they never explain said things is sad. 

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9 hours ago, Malikili said:

Anything to explain anything 

The amount of new players that come to the game not knowing anything because the game simply doesn’t say anything. Not to mention some high MR that also don’t know some things because they never explain said things is sad. 

Even the few tutorials DE puts in aren't designed well. The parkour tutorial they added into awakening isn't doing it's job. I think most players are just ignoring the bullet jump prompt and double jumping or wall jumping around the sections it wants you to bullet jump for, cus it does nothing to prevent that and it's more intuitive.

I still have to fairly frequently teach new players Bullet jump exists mid-mission because they're struggling to get through cirtain rooms.

Edited by PollexMessier
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I'm glad it's not just me. The Warframe Wiki is so bloated with ads and external buttons that even adblockers can't help me anymore - any page bigger than "small" will freeze completely after a few seconds and will not load if refreshed, requiring the tab be closed or I mash the back button until it lets me back to a previous page. The Warframe Wiki isn't the only Fandom site either - the Darkest Dungeon wiki did this to me last night and I suspect more Fandom wikis will do it in the coming days.

Between Fandom not only shamelessly pumping their sites with all the ads and data-harvesting surveys they can, but also not letting per-wiki teams shut down their old wiki if they want to move, and threatening to just run their wiki themselves and steal all their site traffic if they try moving anyways, I've been wanting for a long time now for Digital Extremes to denounce the current Warframe Wiki as unofficial and the team that upkeeps it to move to a new site, ideally with their help. I doubt it'll happen sadly - I'm sure Digital Extremes benefits from working with Fandom, and they're no strangers to "good enough is good enough" - but I've always wanted to rally people together and try to get them to do it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2023-11-06 at 2:26 PM, Hobie-wan said:

The wiki people will reply with "And you're paying us how much a month to run this? Oh right, go away."

Warframe is DE's intellectual property, not theirs. I'm not a lawyer but id imagine if DE really wanted to swing their weight around they could have a say.

But i dont really expect them to do that. 

Im more of a fan of letting the free market solve this particular problem.

They wanna crap up the site with such disruptive advertising that its a pain in the arse to read?

Okay people can just use ad blockers and or just not use the site.

Like youtube is currently finding out.

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On 2023-11-01 at 1:36 PM, (PSN)moonlitxshadow said:

The warframe wiki is almost unusable due to the insane amount of ads on the page. God forbid you try to access it on mobile cuz that's even worse. Fandom is an awful hosting site. I'm probably just screaming into the storm but I think the community would be better served with a different host.

Use Brave as your browser. Blocking ads is built into it, so even Youtube can't scream "GIB MONEY NAO!!" at you every 5 seconds.

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Am 6.11.2023 um 13:47 schrieb Malikili:

Really? Never played Eve, but judging from its success I’d say that idea would work

very complex. you need many years of experience. 5 years is not enough at the moment. You have to be in the best guild and you have to speak 2-3 languages in voice. Game is played with 2+ monitors and 3-4 accounts mostly... action is available around the clock. and the graphics are nice... but in the end it's about Excel table action.
I played it while I was studying. and with top people. Even at night I had calls in real life because someone logged in their ship with a value of $20,000 in real life cash.

There were tears and a lot of tragedy......and a lot! and the people in my guild (corp) were some fanatics who didn't seem to play anything else...
The game is definitely not for everyone. Because if someone sells their real life car to buy some digital garbage... and then they are killed by us and lose everything... then things get hot and it's good that I was living in the other country at the time.

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Loading up the home page with default setup (Even with my grace of luck to not see the usual top banner that covers half the content and usual autoplaying video in the corner):


With sign-in to Fandom and with uBlock Origin (both of which shouldn't be required) and with custom CSS p{text-align: justify;} to my taste:


Sometimes gotta reload the page for the open-world timers to work.

Overall the experience can be ameliorated somewhat but the default experience is inexcusable which makes me glad the Soulframe wiki will be on wiki.gg

Edited by BlueQuiller
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On 2023-11-05 at 6:44 PM, Malikili said:

I'm sad how this is so accurate

Should we really expect the devs to write every single bit of detail about their game or let them develop the game and let us discover things for ourselves?

Im fine with the in-game tutorials and the devstreams show-casing new content.

One thing is that the Codex [which has tutorials] isn't really as well mentioned within the game itself.

On 2023-11-25 at 1:55 AM, Venus-Venera said:

very complex. you need many years of experience. 5 years is not enough at the moment. You have to be in the best guild and you have to speak 2-3 languages in voice. Game is played with 2+ monitors and 3-4 accounts mostly... action is available around the clock. and the graphics are nice... but in the end it's about Excel table action.
I played it while I was studying. and with top people. Even at night I had calls in real life because someone logged in their ship with a value of $20,000 in real life cash.

There were tears and a lot of tragedy......and a lot! and the people in my guild (corp) were some fanatics who didn't seem to play anything else...
The game is definitely not for everyone. Because if someone sells their real life car to buy some digital garbage... and then they are killed by us and lose everything... then things get hot and it's good that I was living in the other country at the time.

As an Eve Bittervet some of this is inaccurate, no you don't need many years experience, not everyone will aspire to a titan. I have played on one account with one monitor for many years. You don't have to be in a corporation, you can certainly play it solo,  but its certainly a more socially minded game.

I have never heard of anyone selling their car to pay for an eve ship, it might have happened once or twice but its certainly not commonplace.

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vor 12 Minuten schrieb Ascythian:

As an Eve Bittervet some of this is inaccurate, no you don't need many years experience, not everyone will aspire to a titan. I have played on one account with one monitor for many years. You don't have to be in a corporation, you can certainly play it solo,  but its certainly a more socially minded game.

I have never heard of anyone selling their car to pay for an eve ship, it might have happened once or twice but its certainly not commonplace.

Anyone can create a free account and play for years. But that doesn't mean that you will see the game from many sides.
And what you write is absolute nonsense to me, because there is extremely little content for solo players and your options with one monitor and one window are extremely limited. Plus, it's extremely boring once you've had your little adventure.

and just because you didn't hear or see something doesn't mean it didn't happen. what kind of logic is that?
where are you supposed to hear something like that???? on Youtube???? in the official forum?????
The best tricks and stories are available in secret voice channels for very trustworthy members.

But you don't play in an alliance with a bunch of titans and super carriers? therefore have fun. there is plenty of room for growth.

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13 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

Anyone can create a free account and play for years. But that doesn't mean that you will see the game from many sides.
And what you write is absolute nonsense to me, because there is extremely little content for solo players and your options with one monitor and one window are extremely limited. Plus, it's extremely boring once you've had your little adventure.

and just because you didn't hear or see something doesn't mean it didn't happen. what kind of logic is that?
where are you supposed to hear something like that???? on Youtube???? in the official forum?????
The best tricks and stories are available in secret voice channels for very trustworthy members.

But you don't play in an alliance with a bunch of titans and super carriers? therefore have fun. there is plenty of room for growth.

Eve is a niche game, niches are also in-game, eve is basically a do what you want game, there is no pressure to see everything except for yourself, if that is your goal. I have been content in my niche without the need to see everything. You don't need to.

Just because you don't understand solo playing doesn't mean people cannot have fun with it, sure I have flown with others and have had fun and I have flown solo and have had fun. Limits are what you place on yourself.

I never alluded to that it didn't happen, I just said I never heard of it. Other things yes but not this, I don't read every bit of news about EVE.

Im happy being in Gal Mil smashing the state, titans and super carriers are too slow anyway. I have achieved things in EVE that no-one else has done, not many others can say the same.

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I read a few sites have moved away from fandom to alternatives - and the one that seems to be most popular is wiki.gg that explicitly says they can lift old content and import it without any involvement from you.

The question is whether DE or the guys who curate the existing wiki would like to be involved. If they were, then I think the process would go very smoothly. If not, then it might be a much more rocky road to acceptance. The guys who curate the existing wiki do a great job and I woulnd't like to migrate behind their back.


We are always looking for more gaming wikis on wiki.gg, including established wiki communities from other sites without a developer connection. Our wiki curators are able to import content and get your wiki online quickly at no cost to you and with no additional lift from you or your development team – though you can be as involved as you would like. We are taking applications now for our white-glove onboarding experience.


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So it's not just like that for me? cool. cool.

Ofc I have an ad blocker on Desktop. Who doesn't. But sometimes I wanna look up things on mobile..

Last time I used the warframe wiki on mobile, I got an add of some telecom provider that would let me return to the page at all. Screw that. I am not using the wiki on mobile anymore. 

Question is whether this ad terror was triggered by the admins who run the WF Wiki or by the guys who run Fandom. 

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9 minutes ago, WERElektro said:

Okay - thanks for the info. 🙂

This just does make a difference for me. Knowing it's not the fault of the folks who run this exact warframe wiki makes me feel a bit better.

Yea, I contribute occasionally and have interacted with the staff of the wiki. They seem like pretty chill folks overall.

Fandom, on the other hand, is garbage. Always have been, just have gotten excessively so recently. The Minecraft wiki recently migrated away from Fandom (they're over at Wiki.gg now), which is probably one of the biggest examples of how Fandom is shooting themselves in the foot.

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On 2023-11-06 at 3:34 AM, Zakkhar said:

Wait, there are adds? I disabled ublock fora while and indeed there are some, but man... if that is unusable for you check out Polish "reddit".


Yeah uBlock Origin stops all the ads.

On 2023-11-25 at 7:46 AM, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

Okay people can just use ad blockers and or just not use the site.

Like youtube is currently finding out.

uBlock Origin stops all the ads on YouTube and it blocks the adblock detection script YouTube uses.

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